Elderly Substance Abuse in California

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Elderly substance abuse in California

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The misuse and abuse of alcohol and substance abuse has become a great concern among the

elderly within California. The impact of this worry trend has been manifested in the increased

cases of mental illness such as depression and other psychological disorders registered among

old people. California is among the leading states within United States with the highest number

of adults that are having shown symptoms of drug and substance abuse. Therefore, this study

aims to bridge the gap on data by using quantitative methods to describe the scope of substance

and drug abuse among individuals of 50 years and above in California. The detailed finding and

scope of the analysis is outlined within the report.


Problem statement

Substance abuse, especially alcohol, hard drugs, and prescription drugs among elderly

persons, is one of the fast-growing epidemiology concerns in the United States, particularly in

California. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Statistics has shown

that over 20% of the total adult population residing from California (Berenschot, 2017). It is so

absurd that the affected people age above 60 years. However, the challenge has been the limited

research data, insufficient knowledge, and hurried office visits. Hence most of the state's health

care workers often overlook substance abuse among older people. There have been increased

depression cases, dementia, and diabetes among older adults, all these mimicking symptoms

substance and drug abuse (O’Connor et al 2018). Though alcohol remains the most common

substance of abuse among the elderly, medicinal prescriptions and other substances are also

significantly abused. The gap arises when more attention and campaigns are only directed

towards alcoholic rehabilitation, neglecting the disorders caused by these other substances

among the elderly in California.

Substance abuse among the elderly in California

Old age comes with different behavioral changes that possibly lead most adults into the

use and abuse of alcohol and other substances. Some adults venture into drug abuse to relieve

stress while others engage in substance abuse due to idleness. The rate at which the adults are

getting into drug abuse in the United States is worrying, especially within California. From past

research studies, there have not been many considerations on drug abuse among the elderly,

though they are struggling with addictions. In the li9ght of drug and substance abuse among the

elderly within California, a survey analysis was conducted to get the raw statistics and the extent

of drug abuse in California. The study considered different data collection methodologies, such

as consulting the medical data and record files on alcoholism and drug abuse in the region.

Interviewing the older adults within the study region's boundaries and using online questioner to

help identify the magnitude of substance abuse in California. The considered population's

demographics included five main areas: sex, race, and employment before retirement, living

status, and educational background.

The study involved behavioral changes in people of 50 years and above, both male and

female, and must have been a California resident for at least six months before the survey date.

Only people who meet the above qualifications were interviewed. For online questioners, the

questions were designed to allow the general public residing from California to express their

views and thoughts on the level and impact of drug and substance abuse among older adults

(Paolillo et al 2018). The community's active age bracket was involved in the study since the

ultimate goal of this study was to find the most appropriate and effective remedy to the fast-

growing trend of drugs and substance abuse among the elderly. From interviews, reviews of

medical records, and online questioners, it was established that 74.5% of the interviewed older

adults in California admitted to having had drug and substance abuse in their lives.

In comparison, 25.5% had a clean record of drug and substance abuse. Out of those

admitted to being addicts, 78% were males, while 22% were females. Alcohol remained the most

abused substance, followed by medicinal prescriptions followed by methamphetamine and

marijuana being the least abused drugs among elders.


Remedies to the drug abuse among elderly

First, it is worth noting and acknowledging that development is a long-life process; as a

person grows older, they tend to adopt some traits that can be likened to those of teens; thus,

addiction on drugs become more prevalent among elders. Therefore, there is a need to give equal

attention to drug abuse among the elderly just as it is considered among youths in the region. The

number of adults indulging in drugs has increased since little attention is given to them, and there

are no rehabilitation centers for the elders in the region (Afuseh, Pike, & Oruche, 2020). Older

adults in society need much support financially and emotionally since the study revealed that

most of them get into drugs to ease emotional and financial stresses. This study recommends

having close contact with the elderly in the family as the best way to help lower the number of

adult addictions; through this, family and friends will get to know what is disturbing their mind

and sharing in finding a solution rather than resorting to drugs. The family will also know of the

medicinal prescriptions administered to them and help them take as peer doctors’ instruction to

avoid therapeutic drug abuse. The state authority should consider establishing a home care

program for the elderly around California. This will allow older adults to gather together and

have the best life free from drugs and substance abuse.


There always two types of addiction among elders; those who were addicts before

attaining the age of 50 years, referred to as early-onset addicts, and those who engage in drugs

after achieving 50 years of age. Both groups depend on our cares and close ties to help them

recover from additions. The rate of addiction among the elderly in California is scaring and

needs the utmost attention to help reduce the numbers. The survey analysis shows that the

effects of addiction among adults are adverse as they include loss of memory, depression, and

physical impairment, among other generic medical conditions such as cancer and tuberculosis.

Therefore, it is our responsibility to take care of our old generation just as they took care of use

while we were youths.



Afuseh, E., Pike, C. A., & Oruche, U. M. (2020). Individualized approach to primary prevention

of substance use disorder: age-related risks. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and

Policy, 15(1), 1-8.

Berenschot, D. (2017). A Descriptive Study of the Elderly in California Substance Abuse

Treatment Programs.

O’Connor, E. A., Perdue, L. A., Senger, C. A., Rushkin, M., Patnode, C. D., Bean, S. I., & Jonas,

D. E. (2018). Screening and behavioral counseling interventions to reduce unhealthy

alcohol use in adolescents and adults: updated evidence report and systematic review for

the US Preventive Services Task Force. Jama, 320(18), 1910-1928.

Paolillo, E. W., Obermeit, L. C., Tang, B., Depp, C. A., Vaida, F., Moore, D. J., & Moore, R. C.

(2018). Smartphone-based ecological momentary assessment (EMA) of alcohol and

cannabis use in older adults with and without HIV infection. Addictive behaviors, 83,


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