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Bill Gates: The

next outbreak?
We're not ready
TEDx Talk Meeting 2


Summary Of the Video

What Is It About?

What lesson can you learn from it?

List Of
Contents Messages for Classmates

What Interesting tips of public

speaking that you can get from the
TedTalk show?
Summary Of the Video
A Bill Gates told the disaster that he feared as a child, namely
nuclear war. but today the most likely risk of global chaos is a
virus, no longer a war, a nuclear explosion but a microbe that
could kill 10 million people in the next few decades. for
example, Ebola. He uttered many difficult challenges. The
problem is not from a system error, but from the absence of
the system. Many things are not right, and that imprecision is
a global failure. Seeing the development of Ebola that year
(2015) there were around 10,000 people died, and almost all
of them were in West African countries.
Summary Of the
Bill Gates says there are three reasons why Ebola has
not spread far. First there are many heroic health
workers. Second to the nature of the virus, Ebola
cannot be spread through the air. and the third is
that Ebola doesn't reach many urban areas which is
sheer luck. He says in the future we can't be that
lucky. Like the flu in Spain (1918) a virus that can be
spread through the air. 30 million people died from
the epidemic. So this is a serious problem and we
have to pay attention to it. We have the technology
to get information and provide information. And
what we need is readiness. A valuable lesson, is how
we prepare.
Summary Of the
Bill Gates also told the things we need
to prepare to deal with the epidemic.
First, we need a strong health system.
next, we need a medical corps corps.
third, combining military forces for
logistical needs. lots of simulations.
Finally, we need a lot of research and
Tells that the current
global chaos is an

What Is It How do we deal with a

epidemic so that there
About? are not many victims

What things can we

prepare to face the next
The valuable lesson, is how
we prepare just like we do
for war, like troops getting
— Bill Gates
What lesson can
you learn from it?
The lesson we can take is, We must
always be prepared to face epidemic
disasters. Not only for epidemic
disasters but in any form of disaster
Messages For Classmates

1. Always maintain health

2. Always be prepared in the face of
1.Start paying attention to the way people speak in
2. Exercise
3.More flight hours
4.Make eye contact
5.Interaction with audience

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