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Dạng 1: Argumentative/Opinion/Agree or Disagree

- Intro: + Paraphrase
+ While I accept that...., I would argue that
- Body 1:
+ It is true that ... has several clear benefits.
+ The first one is that ... This allows ...
+ Futhermore, ... As a result,...
- Body 2:
+ However, I also believe that...
+ Firstly,... For example,...
+ Secondly,.... Therefore,...
- KL: In conclusion, while I agree that..., I disagree with the idea that

Dạng 2: Discussion (Disscuss both views)

- Intro: + Paraphrase
+ While some individuals believe ...., others would argue that
- Body 1:
+ On the one hand,...
The first....
Additionally,.... For example,...
- Body 2:
+ On the other hand, people against/ the opponents of ... suggest that..
+ Firstly,... For instance,...
+ Secondly,....
- KL: In conclusion, while..., I believe...

Dạng 3:
* Cause – Effect:
- Intro: + No one can deny the fact that... (topic). However, .... (problem)
+ This essay will examine the causes as well as the problems related to this
- Body 1:
+ There are a number of reasons for this trend.
+ To begin with,...
+ Another contributing factor to mention is that.... For example,..
- Body 2:
+ Unsurprisingly, there are some significant problems should be concerned.
+ The first and most important is that...
+ Another problemno less important is...
- KL: In conclusion, reasons that cause... as a major vary, and this issue may bring
several negative impacts on the society.

* Problem & Solution

- Intro: + Praphase
+ The following essay focuses on the main causes of ... and proposes a number of
solutions to improve the situation.
- Body 1: + There are 3 main reasons why...
+ Firstly,... This may lead to
+ Another important factor contributing to this issue is that... This often causes...
+ The last underlying factor is... For instance,...
- Body 2: + What is needed to combat this problem is definite action.
+ The most obvious solution,... By doing this,...
+ A further step could be... so that they could
+ Finally, in order to tackle the issue of...., so
- KL: In conclusion, while there are evident reasons that bring about this
phenomenon, I believe that great efforts from... are necessary to reverse the trend.

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