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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Poblacion, Guiguinto, Bulacan


THESIS STATEMENT: Write a clear thesis statement about the following issues
with at least two - three supporting evidences.

1. Inflation rate in the Philippines

2. POGO operation
3. ROTC in the K-12 Program
4. Online gambling
5. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


Score Description

30-25 The student has a proper thesis statement, with at least two arguments
that have clear and compelling analysis and evidence.

24-20 The student has a proper thesis statement, with at least two arguments
that have analysis and evidence.

19-15 The student has an incomplete thesis statement, with at least two
arguments that have analysis and evidence.

14 and The student has a thesis statement without a clear position, and
below missing analysis or evidence in the arguments

Thesis statement
1. Even if the price of oil and other commodities has decreased on the worldwide market, the
inflation figure in the Southeast Asia has increased. Because of this, Philippines is also affected
with the inflation that caused some prices to increased. Since the cost of commodities is high but
worker pay is still low, many Filipinos would go hungry and suffer as a result.
2. Since taking off, POGO has had a notable influence on the economy. They pose a danger to us
Filipinos as well as to local businesses because as more foreign businesses arrive, local businesses
will be neglected since no one would support them. There won't be enough places for Filipinos to
dwell as a large number of them are moving to our nation and placing a great deal of demand on
certain areas or neighborhoods.
3. The youth sector, particularly ROTC Cadets, represent the nation's future and one of the main
forces advancing the country's peace and growth. Despite the objections, this operation was
carried out to encourage peace and cease armed conflict among Filipinos.
4. The adoption of the internet and gaming industry's integration, now known as online gambling,
is a result of technological growth. The appeal of online gambling has spread to several regions of
the globe. Philippines is the most welcoming Asian nation it has seen since, in addition to having
a strong gambling culture, internet gambling is also very easy to access, which has led to its
widespread expansion.
5. The idea that gender identity and sexual orientation are related is a prevalent one. For instance,
if someone is transgender, many people presume that they must also be gay. But that is not the
case. Understanding the differences between gender and sexuality is crucial.

Arma, Elijah Faye G.

Stem 11 – J. Marasigan

OUTLINING: Start making your outline in a clean sheet of paper. Make sure you will
write only one sentence per section. Among all the topics above, which do you think is
the most important? And why? Feel free to go back to the example above. Title: (Make
your own title and make sure it is connected to the given question)
TITLE: Will it be the Increasing Number of Poverty in the Philippines because of the
Inflation Rate?

I. Introduction
a) Introduce a topic: Price increases, or inflation, may be thought of as the gradual loss of
buying power. The average price rise of a selection of products and services over time can
serve as a proxy for the pace at which buying power declines.
b) State a thesis: The Philippines implemented one of the world's longest lockdowns to stop
the virus' spread, the country's economy was struck particularly hard by the outbreak. On
March 16, 2020, Rodrigo Duterte proclaimed a state of calamity that lasted for six months
countrywide before being extended until September 12, 2022. In 2020, the economy shrank
by 9.5%, but by 2021, it had shrunk to a decline of 5.6%.

II. Body. Paragraph-1

a) Write a topic sentence (the argument for your thesis): The main effect of
inflation is the increase in price of products and services that you could previously
purchase at a cheaper price. Making ends meet is sometimes made more difficult
since the increase in income is frequently unable to keep up with inflation
b) Support this argument: data, facts, examples: According to Trading Economics -
The annual inflation rate in the Philippines climbed to 6.9% in September 2022
from 6.3% in August, topping market forecasts of 6.7%. It was the highest print
since February 2009, above the central bank's target of between 5.9 to 6.7% for
the month, with food prices rising the most in near four years.
c) Explain how they relate to your thesis: The ability of the economy to produce
things may be negatively impacted if inflation spirals completely out of control. A
country's currency may no longer be used, which would make barter inefficient.
Hyperinflation might cause this.

III. Body. Paragraph-2

a) Write a topic sentence (another argument for your thesis: Even if the price of oil and
other commodities has declined on the global market, Southeast Asia's inflation rate
has gone up. As a result, the Philippines is also impacted by the inflation that raised
various costs. Many Filipinos will go hungry and suffer as a result, while the cost of
goods is high yet worker income is still low.
b) Support this argument: data, facts, example: Filipinos are having a hard time
thinking how will they survive their family throughout.
c) Explain how they relate to your thesis : Thus, this will result to a large number
poverty if this will continue.

IV. Body. Paragraph-3

a) Write a topic sentence (another argument for your thesis, or a
counterargument): In order to keep up with escalating costs, the Philippines has raised the
minimum daily wage in the nation's capital Manila and its surrounding regions by 33 pesos
($0.63). The Philippine Labor Department stated in a statement that the rise raises the wage
to 570 pesos per day for employees in the non-agricultural sector and to 533 pesos for
agricultural workers.
b) Support this argument, or explain why the counterargument doesn’t work:
data, facts, examples: Even though the wage has raised 533-570, this is still not
enough for other people who has a big family to feed.
c) Explain how they relate to your thesis: The government should give it more attention, it
can also be a threat to humanity, the importance of money or human life.

V. Conclusion
a) Summarize all main points: Therefore, the present Inflation Rate of prices has a negative
effect in our country and also to our fellow Filipinos.
b) Restate your thesis: This can result to a large number of poverty, there is a possibility
that the rate will increase more. If this continue it will be the sinking of our nation.
c) Add a call to action: what you want readers to do after reading your essay: Buy carefully
and don't squander money or any materials that you bought from any market.

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