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Name: _______________________

10 Biology Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks: 20 for video lectures, past papers and other helping material
Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 10 Marks
i) For all ecosystems the basic source of energy is:
A) Plants B) Water C) Sun D) Fire
ii) The total amount of living matter in an ecosystem at any time is called:
A) Biomass B) Energy C) Food chain D) Food web
iii) Symbiosis in which both partners get benefit is example of:
A) Parasitism B) Mutualism C) Predation D) Competition
iv) Sir Alexander Fleming was awarded the Nobel Prize in:
A) 1940 B) 1945 C) 1950 D) 1960
v) Inter-relationship between Organisms and environment is called:
A) Mycology B) Physiology C) Ecology D) Morphology
vi) R-2 means:
A) Reduce B) Recycle C) Renewable D) Reuse
vii) Which of the following drug is obtained from plants:
A) Aspirn B) Morphine C) Insulin D) Cephalosporin
viii)The drugs used to reduce the pain are known as:
A) Antibiotics B) Antiseptics C) Sedatives D) Analgesics
ix) Which of the following addictive drugs is obtained from opium:
A) Morphine B) Marijuana C) Mescaline D) Psilocin
x) The number of drug addicts in Pakistan is currently estimated to be about.
A) 10,00,000 B) 8,00,000 C) 6,00,000 D) 5,00,000

Q2) Write short answers of the following: 24 Marks

i) Differentiate between Ecosystem and Biosphere.
ii) What is a food web?
iii) What are pollutants? Give two examples.
iv) what is global warming?
v) Write a short note on Ecological Pyramids.
vi) Differentiate between movement and locomotion.
vii) Differentiate between bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics.
viii)Define Drug. Name one synthetic Drug.
ix) Differentiate between pharmaceutical and addictive drugs.
x) Differentiate between bacteridal and bacteriostatic antibiotics.
xi) Write two functions of B-Lymphocytes.
xii) What are synthetic drugs?

Give explanatory answer of the following: 8 Marks

3) What is parasitism? Explain its two types with example.
4) Describe the mode of action of vaccines.

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