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Escribe los verbos de las siguientes oraciones en presente

My sisters are going home now.

We are doing our homework.

She is playing games on the computer.

People are waiting for the concert to start.

My grandfather is sleeping now

You are driving the car too fast

She is working hard to get the job.

She is having a bath at the moment.

That old woman is visiting the doctor tomorrow.

Look at the window. It is snowing!

Pronombres personales sujeto y adjetivos posesivos.
Escribe el pronombre personal sujeto o el adjetivo posesivo correcto, según

We live in Manchester. Our address is 18 New Street.

'Where does your mother work?' She works in London.'
Susanne and her brother, Michael, are Germans. They are from Berlin. Their father is a very
important person.
My sister lives with her second husband in Dublin.
My husband and I are doctors. We both work in a hospital in the center of the town.
'There's Mr Freeman' 'What's his first name?'
Have you seen my car? I can't remember where I parked it.
I need that bag. Sarah, could you bring it to me?
I looked at the waitress making her way over to the table.
Call us at home. Our phone number is 002547.

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