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Yayon Pamula Mukti, S.TP., M.Eng

Bionutrisi & Inovasi Pangan

Fakultas Teknobiologi
Universitas Surabaya
2 Functional Food
• Definisi Pangan Fungsional
• Functional food vs Nutraceutical
• Pengolahan Pangan Fungsional
‘let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food ’
(460–377 B.C)
Peran Makanan

Rasa Fungsi
• Nutraceuticals → Nutrition & Pharmaceutical.

• Products that produced from foods but sold in powder, pills, and
other medicinal forms demonstrated to have physiological benefits or
protection against chronic disease.
• Pharmaceutical-grade and standardized nutrients.
Gupta, Somya et al. “Nutraceuticals as Functional Foods.” Journal of Nutritional Therapeutics 4 (2015): 64-72.
1. Nutrients → The nutrients include amino acids, fatty acids,
minerals and vitamins with recognized nutritional functions.
2. Herbals → Herbal medicines are those with active ingredients
made from plant parts, such as leaves, roots or flowers.
Ex: Peppermint (Menthapiperita) contains menthol as an active
component that help cure cold and flu (Ehrlich 2009),
Proanthocyanadin found in some herbals are useful in the treatment or
prevention of cancer, ulcers and urinary tract infections (Chauhan et al.
3. Phytochemicals → Plant
nutrients with particular
biological activities that
promote human health (Zhao
4. Probiotics → live
microorganisms, which when
consumed in tolerable
amounts, confer a health effect
on the host (Michail et al.
Non-Traditional Nutraceuticals
1. Fortified Nutraceuticals → The food with agricultural
breeding or with added nutrients.
• Milk fortified with cholecalciferol used in vitamin D deficiency.
• Flour with added folic acid, prebiotic and probiotic.
• Milk with Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 used in diarrhea.
2. Recombinant Nutraceuticals → Energy-providing foods such
as bread, alcohol, fermented starch, yogurt, cheese, vinegar,
and others that are produced with the help of
Mechanism of Action
Groups nutraceuticals together based on their proven or purported
physiological properties.
Functional Foods
• Natural or processed foods that contain known or unknown
biologically-active compounds which provide a clinically proven
documented health benefit for the prevention, management, or
treatment of chronic diseases (Martirosyan and Singh, 2015).
• Whole foods along with fortified, enriched or enhanced foods with
potential beneficial effect on health when eaten as part of a varied
diet on a regular basis at effective levels based on significant
standards of evidence (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics).
Sejarah Pangan Fungsional

• Pertama kali diperkenalkan di Jepang, 1984

• FOSHU (Food for Specified Health Use)

• 3 Fungsi dasar FOSHU:

• Sensory (Warna, penampilan menarik, rasa yang enak) →
Makanan sehat harus juga enak.
• Nutritional (Bergizi)
• Physiological (Memberikan pengaruh fisiologis yang
menguntungkan tubuh)
Characteristics of Functional Foods
1. Prevention, Reduction and Recovery from specific disease.
2. Enhancement of biological defense mechanisms.
3. Control of physical and mental disorder.
4. Slowing aging process.
Functional Food Drug/
Makanan yang mengandung komponen med
aktif yang memberikan efek kesehatan

Health Effect
Functional food
diluar manfaat nutrisi dasar (Hasler, 2000).

Conventional food Nutritious

Mengandung komponen bioaktif alami food
(contoh: Buah, sayur, ikan dll)
Food in

Modified food general

Makanan yang diperkaya komponen bioaktif
(contoh: Roti berfolat, garam beryodium)
Food like Medicine like
Synthetized food
Komponen fungsional yang disintesis
secara laboratorium (contoh: Inulin- Healthy Food Pharmaceutical
type fructans) Food

Dishes Functional Foods Supplements Medicine

Sumber: Basu, S (2013). Doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.08.035

Bioactive Compounds
• Bioactive compounds are a type of chemical found in small amounts
in plants and certain foods.
• Bioactive compounds have actions in the body that may promote
good health. Have been studied in the prevention of cancer, heart
disease & other disease.
• Ex: Tannin, indoles, lycopene, resveratrol, etc.
Senyawa Fungsional
Meningkatkan respon sistem
imun tubuh
Mencegah pertumbuhan
tumor & autoimun

aktifitas fagositosis

Immunostimulants Aktifasi sistem Melepas sitokin:

imun bawaan interleukin & kimokin
Sumber: Nair. A, Chattopadhyay. D, Saha. B., (2019) Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-814619-4.00018-5
Functional Foods
Sumber: Aluko, R, E (2012) Doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-3480-1

Kedelai Berries Yogurt

Komponen bioaktif utama →
Komponen bioaktif → Flavonoid, Komponen bioaktif utama → Bakteri
anthocyanin, asam hydroxycinnamic. asam laktat (BAL)

Flavonoid Anthocyanin O-Coumaric acid

• Mengurangi resiko penyakit L. bulgaricus S. thermophilus
kardiovaskular (cholesterol, oksidasi
• Tinggi antioksidan, Benefit:
• Melindungi dari inflamasi berlebih, • Mengurangi resiko lactose
• Mencegah kanker payudara,
• Mengurangi penyerapan intolerance,
• Meningkatkan sekresi SOD,
triglycerides, cholesterol and leptin, • Mengurangi resiko kanker colon,
• Menurunkan LDL,
• Mengandung Vit C & potassium, inflamasi pencernaan dan diare.
• Meningkatkan kesehatan tulang,
• Serat terlarut, • Menurunkan tekanan darah dengan
mengurangi aktifitas ACE pada
25 g/ day of soy protein Aglycone
Vitamin A, C, E
Functional Foods Fiber
Potassium 157% RDA in one papaya
Vitamin B Broccoli
Folate Sumber: Hwang, J. H, & Lim, S. B (2014) Doi: 10.3746/pnf.2014.19.2.089

Vitamin A

Sumber: Huang, Z (2018) Doi: 10.3390/jcm7090258

5 mg Calcium
12 mg potassium EPIGALLOCATECHIN
> 100 Sulphur compounds GALLATE (EGCG)
BEST RAW or fermented (AGE)
Lower blood pressure, cholesterol & kill parasites.
Garlic Sumber: Rodrigues, C & Percival, S (2019) Doi: 10.3390/nu11020295 Green Tea
Bioavailability Shortens Source of 75 – 120 mg/ day
Oxalic acid RTI Vitamin C

Calcium Light cooking

Magnesium Mengurangi level Key in
Potassium kesakitan dan fighting
Spinach Vitamin A menurunkan kolesterol. infection Citrus Fruits
Folate Gingerol
Anti bakteria
Source of VITAMIN A
Vitamin C Mengurangi inflamasi Vitamin E, B1, B2
(2x citrus) dan mual VITAMIN C
Ginger Sumber: Karuppiah, P & Rajaram, S (2012)
Type of fiber
Boost gut
Peppers Retinol (Vit A) bacteria Apples
Food Bioactive Compounds

Curcumin Catechin Artemisinin

Banyak pada keluarga kunyit, jahe
Terdapat pada teh, cokelat, buah berry. The only natural source is Artemisia


Biological properties:
Biological properties: Artemisinin
• Kaya akan antioksidan.
• Anti inflammatory: Mencegah
• Anti-inflammatory: Mencegah Biological Properties:
produksi nitric oxide berlebihan,
produksi nitric oxide berlebihan. • Anti-malaria: Menempel dan
cyclooxygenase-2, NK-kB, INF-γ, or
• Berpotensi mencegah infeksi SARS- bersifat racun pada Plasmodium
TNF-α activated macrophage.
CoV-2 penyebab COVID-19. falciparum penyebab malaria.
• Sedang dilakukan uji coba in vitro
• Memiliki aktifitas terhadap SARS-
dan in vivo terhadap pengaruh
curcumin pada COVID-19.
Chen, L., et al (2020) Doi: 10.3390/nu120411931 • Berpotensi menempel pada protein
Jena A, B., et al (2020) Doi: 10.21203/ S SARS-CoV-2.
Mathew, D & Hsu, L (2017) Doi: 10.1016/j.jff.2017.12.017 Jena A, B., et al (2020) Doi: 10.21203/ Sehailia, M & Chemat, S (2020)
Manfaat Jahe
Processing of Functional Foods
Processing of Functional Food
• The preparation of food fortified with functional components require
some evaluations:
• Selecting appropriate source,
• Detecting the bioactive compounds,
• Applying separation, recovery & purification (if needed) techniques,
• Add to the food and select suitable processing,
• Performing toxicological assessment,
• Taking stability, activity, and bio accessibility measurements.
Processing of Functional Food
• Consume on whole, fresh & minimal processing.
• Minimal food processing:
• Blanching
• Drying Eliminate pathogenic m.o, and
• Freezing increase bioavailability
• Fermentation.
Example of Fermented Products:
• Apa perbedaan dari nutraceutical, pangan fungsional
dan dietary supplement?
More Information

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