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Quarter : Second
Week : 1
Day : 1

Content: Human Reproduction

I. Learning Objective:
Identify the major parts of the male reproductive system
II. Subject Matter
A. Concept:
 The major parts of the Male Reproductive system are penis, scrotum, vas deferens,
epididymis, prostate gland, urethra and the testes.
 Testes are sex glands located inside the scrotum and the main organ of the male
reproductive system
 Scrotum is a sac like structure
 Epididymis is a duct that found at the top of the testes
 Vas deferens is an excretory duct of the testes
 Prostate Gland is a walnut-sized gland.
B. Materials: video clip, charts
C. References: Science for Daily Use 5 pp.2
Curriculum Guide S5LT-IIa1
D. Process Skills: Identifying, describing, observing
E. Value Integration: Awareness and respect for one’s body parts
III. Learning Tasks:
A. Engagement (Puzzle Game)
The teacher will prepare picture puzzle of the male reproductive
organs. Group representative will solve the puzzle as fast as they can. The
pupil who will finish first will be declared as winner.
B. Exploration
1. Activity 1
(Viewing video clip)
What are the major parts of male reproductive organ?
2. Activity 2 (Drawing/ Sketching)
Draw the male reproductive system and label the parts.
C. Explanation
1. What is the main organ of the male reproductive system?
2. How will you describe testes?
3. What are the other major parts of the male reproductive system?
Describe each part of the male reproductive system.
4. What is the importance of reproductive system in males?

D. Elaboration
Should we make fun or be ashamed of studying about the male
reproductive system? Why not?
E. Evaluation
Label the parts of the male reproductive system. Choose your answer from the
box below.

Penis Testes
Scrotum Prostate gland
Epididymis Vas deferens

IV. Assignment
Draw the male reproductive system in your notebook and label the parts.

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