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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

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IEC 61850 based substation automation system: A survey T

a b,⁎ c b
Mohd. Asim Aftab , S.M. Suhail Hussain , Ikbal Ali , Taha Selim Ustun
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala 147001, Punjab, India
Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Koriyama 963-0298, Japan
Department of Electrical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (A Central University), Jamia Nagar, New Delhi 110025, India


Keywords: Power systems are undergoing an evolution similar to what telecommunications sector went through several
Substation Automation System (SAS) decades ago. Analog and hard-wired systems are replaced with automated digital ones. Infrastructure designs are
Substation Communication Network (SCN) not static anymore and are geared towards accepting new deployments as easily as possible. Limited data ex-
IEC 61850 changes of the past are giving way to detailed data collection, reporting and analysis. When equipped with smart
Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs)
algorithms and techniques such as machine learning, these significantly enhance the capabilities of smart grids.
Sampled Values (SVs)
Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event
Substations are core component of smart grid, where communication system is integrated. However, achieving a
(GOOSE) standard substation communication system that can operate with the principles of plug-and-play (PnP) is not a
trivial task. Considering the cyber-physical nature of power system equipment, integration requires more dili-
gence for safe operation. Furthermore, there are many different types of substation equipment which are
manufactured by, again, countless many vendors. Achieving a common language and interoperability between
them is a difficult task. IEC 61850 standard has been taking strides towards that goal. Its object-oriented
structure makes its versatile while well-defined modeling blocks ensures compatibility. Recent work has focused
on IEC 61850 based modeling of substation equipment, developing message exchange formats for substation
functionalities as well as investigating the performance of different communication technologies when they are
used to implement IEC 61850 based models. This paper reviews these efforts, their benefits to substation op-
eration and possible future work, including cybersecurity considerations.

1. Introduction independent standard and is interoperable, uses non-proprietary soft-

ware and supports easy future upgrades [1]. The advantages of open
Substation plays a vital role in electricity transfer. It converts the systems include longer system life, easy upgradeability and supplier
voltage level from high to low level and vice versa using power trans- independency. In order to sustain the open system, several standardi-
formers and performs switching and protection operations. zation agencies came forward for developing a standard communica-
With the emergence of global energy market, there is a growing tion protocol which maps all features of open system and is industry
competitive environment among different energy suppliers. Due to in- adaptable. By a standard communication protocol, utilities may install
troduction of new players, more formally known as power players, and devices from different manufacturers which can readily co-operate in
increasing market pressure, the motive of energy supplier is more to- the utility’s environment. After deliberate research and numerous
wards customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is pivoted on meetings, the standardization agency IEC TC 57 came forward and
transfer of right information to right entity. Thus, there are enormous proposed IEC 61850 standard for substation automation.
information exchanges in the energy market. The challenge faced by The concept of IEC 61850 standard was applied to the substation,
utilities is managing the information and delivering the right informa- where enormous amount of data is exchanged among various
tion to the users who can analyze and use the information for specific Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs). These IEDs form the backbone of
applications. Thus, there is a pressing need to develop a standardized substation automation system. The substation communication was now
architecture to harness the information exchanges. governed with IEC 61850 which has functional use which was lacking
This standardized architecture must be supplier independent and in previous master slave standards such as Distributed Network
can interoperate with other applications. This paved the way for open Protocol (DNP), IEC 60870 etc. The IEC 61850 leverage several benefits
system, which is a computer system that embodies supplier from previous standards in terms of data speed, eXtensible Markup

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.M.S. Hussain).
Received 7 February 2020; Accepted 11 March 2020
0142-0615/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Language (XML) schema for configurations, peer to peer links and communicating power system information in a predefined fashion.
availability of communication conformance tests [2]. With the use of The IEC 61850 standard advocates use of object-oriented approach
IEC 61850 for substation automation system, the performance testing for modeling of engineering tasks in a SAS. The advantage of having an
and functional testing of the IEDs is also changed. Authors in [3] per- abstract interface provides flexibility to the design engineer in adopting
formed functional testing of IEC 61850 based systems. The principles of any underlying technology and protocol for a particular process in a
different IEC 61850 communication-based functions are discussed substation. Abstract interface means that the standard is intended to
along with various factors which affect the system performance. A provide guidelines for describing services rather than information on
comparison between functional testing of conventional and IEC 61850 how these services are to be built. Also, the IEC 61850 standard defines
devices along with the testing methods have been presented in their a set of generic services for client/server interactions and transmission
work. requirements for all sets of measurements in a substation in terms of
Due to emergence of IEC 61850 as the leading protocol for substa- latency, reliability and security. IEC 61850 defines all known functions
tion automation systems (SAS), several studies were reported on the in a substation and splits them into sub-functions known as Logical
applicability and enhancement of usage of the standard for substation Nodes (LNs). Logical nodes are virtual representation of physical de-
functionalities. In [2], the evolutions required during designing, con- vices and exchanges information as per the standard. The term in-
figuring and testing an IEC 61850 based SAS has been presented. The formation modeling is way of exchanging standardized information and
transition from the physical architecture of a substation to a logical is realized by defining logical nodes. A group of logical nodes combine
architecture based on IEC 61850 has also been addressed in [2]. The to form a Logical Device (LD). The implementation details and appli-
roadmap of IEC 61850, as a de facto standard for SAS, including the cation view of the IEC 61850 standard is discussed by authors in [13].
system configuration and interoperable design has also been presented.
The SAS based on IEC 61850 was divided into three levels by author in
2.1. Object oriented modeling of IEC 61850
[4]. The first level was the core function of a substation i.e. the op-
eration of power system, the second being reliability and third being
The IEC 61850 standard adopts object-oriented methodology and
visibility. It also showed how the IEC 61850 protocol is to be employed
technique for modeling the data and data sets in a SAS. Authors in [18]
for system design.
provided a holistic overview of the IEC 61850 standard and the process
The first real time implementation of an IEC 61850 based SAS was
of standardizing the substation data using object-oriented approach.
at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) substation [5]. The re-
IEC 61850 standard supports all functions of the substation and its
searchers at TVA believed that the IEC 61850 based communication can
engineering by employing a object-oriented data models which are used
streamline the substation application environment for advanced cap-
to describe the processes to be implemented and controlled in a sub-
abilities and can also result in resource savings in terms of construction,
station. An outline and application view of IEC 61850, describing the
operation, maintenance and data management. Further in this direc-
information model, logical nodes and data objects that are used to re-
tion, to develop industry ready engineers and practitioners, a substation
present a physical device in IEC 61850 standard is discussed in detail in
automation laboratory was developed at Jamia Millia Islamia Uni-
versity, New Delhi [6].
Further in this direction, the impact of edition 2 of the IEC 61850
IEC 61850 has gained popularity and has become a defacto standard
standard on the object modeling of IEDs has been covered by author in
for substation automation world over. Utilities world over upgraded or
[19]. As per Edition 2 of IEC 61850 standard, complex devices can be
automated the substation according to IEC 61850 [7–12]. This paper
modeled as servers containing multiple logical nodes to realize various
presents a holistic review of different advancements in SAS through IEC
substation functions such as protection, measurement etc. The func-
61850 standard.
tional hierarchy in the nested model is an important parameter to im-
prove the overall efficiency of the device. The changes in the multi-
functional distribution IEDs due to adoption of Edition 2 of IEC 61850
2. IEC 61850 background
has been discussed in their work.
The first edition of IEC 61850 standard series had 10 main parts.
The Table 1 gives the brief description of different parts of IEC 61850 2.2. Information modeling
standard. The first four parts contain information about the standards
concepts and ideology. Information modeling is a well-established and effective method for
The main strength of IEC 61850 standard is the common data model managing information exchanges. Its main purpose is to provide stan-
it uses for devices as well as its unique message protocols for dardized syntax, semantics and hierarchical structures for the data that

Table 1
Description of IEC 61850 standard Parts for SAS.
Parts Description

IEC 61850-1 Introduction and overview

IEC 61850-2 Glossary
IEC 61850-3 General requirements
IEC 61850-4 Specifies the system and project management for power utility automation systems with communication between IEDs.
IEC 61850-5 [14] Specifies information on communication requirements of substation automation functions.
IEC 61850-6 specifies a description language for the configuration of IEDs in SAS called System Configuration description Language (SCL)
IEC 61850-7-1 give an overview of Abstract Communication Service Interface (ACSI), different Logical Nodes (LNs), Data Objects (DOs), Common Data Classes (CDCs) and
IEC 61850-7-2 how to achieve interoperability using these building blocks.
IEC 61850-7-3
IEC 61850-7-4 [15]
IEC 61850-8-1 [16] parts specify the protocol structure and mapping of different ACSI services to MMS, XML messages transported over XMPP and ISO/IEC 8802–3 (Ethernet).
IEC 61850-8-2
IEC 61850-9-2 [17]
IEC 61850-9-3 Specifies a precision time protocol (PTP) profile of IEEE 1588–2008 in compliance with IEC 61850.
IEC 61850-10 Specifies standard techniques for testing of conformance of client, server and sampled value devices and engineering tools.

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

is exchanged among different devices and systems. To achieve inter- 61850-90-5 for PMU [21], IEC 61850-90-8 for electric vehicles [22],
operability, all Data Objects (DOs) in the data model need a strong IEC 61850-90-7 for power converters [23], IEC 61850-90-1 for inter-
definition with regard to syntax and semantics. In IEC 61850, the group substation communication [24], IEC 61850 was extended to entire
of DOs that serve specific functions are defined as LNs. Composition of power utility automation systems. Further, based on these standards the
relevant LNs for providing information needed for a particular device is information models for different components such as smart meters [25],
defined as LD. An IED may contain a number of LDs and even one LD DERs [26–28], EV and charging stations [29–31], PMU [32,33], fault
device may be part of different IEDs. current limiters [34] etc., were developed and reported in literature.
A LN consists of a set of DOs, and these DOs can be of any one of The information models contain the data objects and attributes that
following type: Transient (T), Mandatory (M), Optional (O) and are required by a particular component. In order to exchange this in-
Conditional (C). The status of DO with (T) or (M) or (O) or (C) desig- formation for realizing different functions and services, this information
nation specifies whether the DO in the LN is momentary or mandatory model has to be mapped to different protocols. The next section details
or optional or conditional respectively. Interoperability becomes much about different functions, messages and protocols defined in IEC 61850
easier to achieve, when more DOs are defined as mandatory. IEC 61850 for exchanging this information that is modeled in a standardized
standard defines a large number of LNs corresponding to different fashion.
components of power utility systems. Furthermore, IEC 61850 standard
defines the DOs with full semantics which further make the interoper-
ability with the LNs even more convenient. 3. IEC 61850 substation automation systems functions and
To avoid exclusive extensions that are developed by separate enti- requirements
ties in an incompatible way, IEC 61850 specifies normative naming
rules for LN classes and data object names. The LNs have 4 letter names The functions of a SAS are the tasks which are performed inside a
where the first letter corresponds to the group that LN belongs to. substation. These are functions to control, monitor and protect the
Different groups of LNs are defined in IEC 61850-7-4 standard. For equipment of the substation and its feeders [14]. In addition, there exist
example, the LN MMXU belongs to the measurement group. The data functions, which are needed to maintain the SAS, i.e. for system con-
model of the MMXU LN is shown in Fig. 1. The MMXU data model is figuration, communication management or software management.
composed of the instance of the data object phase voltage (PhV) in- These functions of a SAS are logically divided into three levels such as
stantiated from the Common Data Class (CDC) WYE, which is composed process, bay and station levels as shown in Fig. 2. The process level
of phase A voltage (phsA) instantiated from CDC CMV, which is also functions are all functions interfacing to the process. The sensors or
composed of complex value cVal (of type Vector), which is, further, actuators are interfaced to the SAS functions through the process level.
composed of voltage mag (of type AnalogueValue), which is, finally, The bay level functions are functions which uses data of one bay and act
composed of floating-point value f (of type FLOAT32). mainly on primary equipment of one bay. The protection and control
Initially IEC 61850 standard was developed for substation auto- functions of bay which require data or information from other bays are
mation and it contained the information models (i.e. logical nodes de- known as inter bay protection and control functions. The bay level
fined) for different components of substations. Later, with publication communicates with the process level as shown in Fig. 2.
of new parts of IEC 61850 such as IEC 61850-7-420 for DERs [20], IEC The station level functions are divided into two categories, process
related station level function and interface related process level

Fig. 1. Data model of MMXU LN [15].

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Fig. 2. Functional levels of a SAS [14].

functions. The process related station level functions are functions seven types which are further subdivided in to two independent groups
which uses the data of more than one bay or of the complete substation of performance classes.
and acting on the primary equipment of more than one bay or of the
complete substation. The interface related station level functions re- 3.1.1. Type 1 - Fast messages
present interfacing of the substation to local station operator (such as This category of messages contains a single point status data or
Human Machine Interface (HMI)) or to a remote control center or to command such as “trip”, “close”, “start”, “stop” or “block”. The mes-
remote engineering for monitoring and maintenance purposes. sages carrying the “trip” command is further named as Type 1A, while
The devices of a SAS are implemented physically on the process, bay other fast messages are named as Type 1B. The Type 1A message have
and station levels. The process and bay level functions are usually stringent timing requirements and are most important than other fast
performed inside a same device. This does not change the logical in- type of messages.
terpretation but only changes the physical operation. The process level Whenever a fault occurs it is detected by protection devices which
devices include I/O devices, sensors and actuators connected by a respond to it by generating burst of Type 1A Generic Object-Oriented
process bus. The station level devices include IEDs which are used for Substation Event (GOOSE) messages. During fault conditions, the per-
monitoring, control and protection functions. The station level devices iodic heartbeat nature of GOOSE message is changed to burst mode. In
are station level computers, operator’s workplace, remote commu- burst mode, the transmission interval of GOOSE messages increases
nication interface. To fulfill the requirements of a SAS, the functions are sequentially. As an event occurs (such as a fault) the retransmission
decomposed in form of LNs which may reside logically in a physical time of GOOSE message is changed from To to T1, T2, T3, ……Tn such
device. The discussion on LNs has been presented in next subsection. that T1 < T2 < T3 < …. < Tn. The sequential increase in re-
For proper running of functions in a SAS, it is essential and crucial to transmission time ends until Tn reaches to To. After some period of time,
meet the performance requirements of the supporting communication the retransmission time changes back to normal periodic nature as
interface. This includes the total latency, i.e. the total transfer time shown in Fig. 4. The gradual increase in retransmission time in bursts is
between two functions in a SAS. The total transfer time is defined as the adopted in order to increase reliability of the network, since the Type
sum of communication processing delay at sending and receiving end 1A GOOSE message conveys critical commands.
and the propagation delay as shown in Fig. 3.
The transfer time is applicable for the complete transmission chain 3.1.2. Type 2- Medium speed messages
as indicated in Fig. 3. In physical device 1, a function f1 sends data to This category of messages contains transmission of normal state
another function f2, located in physical device 2. The transfer time is information which contains the important message but the time for
sum of processing times at communication processors and the network transmission in noncritical. These messages include a time tag field
transfer time, including queueing and processing time at routers and from the sender, and the receiver is expected to react normally after an
other devices in the network. The testing and verification of transfer inherent time delay computed from the time tag. The medium speed
times for the communication network is performed before deployment message category contains client–server type of messages which are
to ensure reliable operation. either periodic Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) messages
The data between different functions of a physical device is trans- or event triggered MMS messages.
ferred in form of messages.
3.1.3. Type 3- Low speed messages and Type 7- Command messages
3.1. Message types and structures This category includes messages which are used for slow auto-
control functions, event record transmission, reading/changing set
According to IEC 61850, the different messages are classified into point values etc. Generally, slow speed functions such as transmitting

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Fig. 3. Transfer time in a SAS.

non-electrical parameters like pressure, temperature are Type 3 mes- required transmission times.
sages. Also, the Type 7 messages used to send control commands to Messages of type 1 and type 1A are GOOSE, which are mapped
provide access control are same as Type 3 messages with an additional directly to ethernet layer to reduce the protocol stack size as these
feature of password protection. messages are time critical. The transmission of raw data or type 4
messages (SVs) are also mapped directly onto ethernet layer with
3.1.4. Type 4-Raw data messages broadcast/multicast addressing. The GOOSE and SV messages are
This category of messages includes cyclic/periodic sampling mes- normally sent to many IEDs at the same time. Hence, these messages
sages from the instrument transformers. They contain continuous syn- generally are either broadcast or multicast. To broadcast the GOOSE or
chronized data streams generated in a SAS. The Sample Value (SV) SV messages, the destination Media Access Control (MAC) address is
message generated from the Merging Unit (MU) IED which is trans- specified as “FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF”. For multicast of these messages the
mitted to Protection and Control (P&C) IED is a typical example of range of MAC address is given in Table 3.
cyclic raw data message. Messages of Type 2, 3, and 5 corresponds to Abstract
Communication Service Interface (ACSI) services which require client
server communication. These type of ACSI services are mapped to MMS
3.1.5. Type 5- File transfer messages protocols with Transport Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/
This category of message contains bulk of data consisting of re- IP) stack are used. The time synchronization or type 6 messages use
corded files, information files, setting files which are transmitted as and IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP) over UDP/IP transport layer.
when required by a receiver in a randomly selected time. The data is Fig. 5 shows the communication stack mapping of different messages.
split into smaller blocks to allow other network activities to occur in The ethernet frame format/communication stack of GOOSE and SV
between and to ease continuous traffic in the network. A typical File is as shown in Fig. 6. The frame format/communication stack of Man-
Transfer Protocol (FTP) message in a SAS belongs to Type 5 message ufacturing Message Specification (MMS) is as shown in Fig. 7. The MMS
class. protocol is defined to be used on top of TCP/IP stack. Different types of
MMS PDUs and its corresponding tags are shown in Table 4.
3.1.6. Type 6- Time synchronization messages
This category of message contains the synchronization messages for
the internal clocks of IEDs in an SAS. These messages are periodic in 3.2. System configuration language (SCL) for substation automation system
nature and their periodicity is determined based on the accuracy for the
application. However, time synchronization message accuracy must be In Substation Communication Network (SCN), for seamless com-
an order above the accuracy required by the functional requirements of munication, IEDs need to possess some information on specifications of
the application. Table 2 summarizes the different message types and the the substation such as the single line diagram, switchyard

Fig. 4. GOOSE message retransmission in IEC 61850.

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Table 2
Different Message Types and their Transmission TImes.
Message type Description Transmission times (ms)

Performance class 1 (P1) Performance class 2/3 (P2/3)

Type 1A “Trip” ‘Trip’ which is the most important fast message with demanding requirements < 10 <3
Type 1B “others” Other time critical fast messages such as Trip, Close, Start, Stop, etc. < 100 < 20
Type 2 Messages containing normal ‘state’ information, where transmission time is less critical < 100
Type 3 The messages comprising auto-control functions, transmission of event records, general < 500
presentation of system data which are time-tagged
Type 4 raw data messages < 10 < 3
Type 5 file transfer messages, where large files of data of recording, information or settings are > =1000
Type 6 The messages used to synchronize the internal clocks of IEDs in system –
Type 7 The messages of high degree of security used for transfer of control orders command messages –
with access control.

Table 3 file is the configuration file generated by a system (substation) level

Multicast Address Range for GOOSE and SV Messages. configurator after processing all the ICD files from each IED and SSD
Message type Address Range
files. CID file is subset of SCD file configured for a specific IED. It
contains the configuration functionality related to the specific IED. SED
GOOSE 01:0C:CD:01:00:00 to 01:0C:CD:01:01:FF files are used for configuring information exchange between IEDs be-
SV 01:0C:CD:04:00:00 to 01:0C:CD:04:01:FF longing to different projects (such as different substations). The SED file
contains the capability description information of an IED required for
configuring information exchange with other IED from a different
configuration, communication system description and capabilities of
other IEDs [35]. This information is normally communicated through a
Each IED is equipped with its ICD file which is supplied by the
configuration process involving configuration files. IEC 61850–6 spe-
manufacturer [36]. Initially, at the beginning of engineering process all
cifies the System Configuration description Language (SCL) and dif-
the IEDs send their respective ICD files to IED configurator. The IED
ferent types of SCL files required for configuration in SAS.
configurator sends all the ICD files to the system configurator which
IEC 61850-6 defines six types of SCL configuration files namely, IED
combines all the ICD files and SSD file of the substation and generates a
Capability Description (ICD), Instantiated IED Description (IID), System
SCD file. The SCD file is sent back to the IED configurators. Based on the
Specification Description (SSD), System Configuration Description
SCD file, IED configurator generates a CID file specific to each IED. The
(SCD), Configured IED Description (CID) and System Exchange
typical SCL configuration process in substation is illustrated in Fig. 8.
Description (SED) file. The ICD file contains a template of functional-
ities and engineering capabilities of an IED in form of LNs and corre-
sponding data types. IID file contains instantiated data objects obtained 4. Performance evaluation of IEC 61850 substation automation
from the data template due to any modifications in earlier instance of system communication networks
the file. The SSD file contains the description of substation structure
such as single line diagram, functions and corresponding LNs. The SCD Performance evaluation of SCN is carried out by assessing the per-
formance metrics such as latency, throughput, jitter, packet loss etc.

Fig. 5. ISO/OSI 7-layer communication stack of IEC 61850.

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Fig. 6. Payload fields of GOOSE and SV.

This performance evaluation is carried out using simulation tools, Table 4

analytical analysis and experimental analysis. Different techniques and Different types of MMS PDU with Tags.
tools have been used in literature for evaluating performance of SCN. Type of MMS PDU Tag (hex) Type of MMS PDU Tag (hex)
Authors in [37] describes a generic network simulator which can be
used for testing performance of IEC 61850 based SCN. The proposed Confirmed-Request PDU A0 Cancel-Error PDU A7
tool can be used for configuration and dynamic testing of IEC 61850 Confirmed-Response PDU A1 Initiate-Request PDU A8
Confirmed-Error PDU A2 Initiate-Response PDU A9
based networks. This section reviews various performance evaluation
Unconfirmed-PDU A3 Initiate-Error PDU AA
techniques for SCN. Reject PDU A4 Conclude-Request PDU AB
Cancel-Request PDU A5 Conclude-Response PDU AC
Cancel-Response PDU A6 Conclude-Error PDU AD
4.1. Process bus - experimental

With the adoption of IEC 61850 standard for SAS, the typical
hardwired copper cables in the substation and control centers were

Fig. 7. MMS Message frame format.

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Fig. 8. SCL file configuration for typical SCN [38].

replaced with the process bus technology. This transition results into work was to create a roadmap for future deployment of different
elimination of potentially hazardous copper cables with cost savings merging units for protection and control applications. Also, interoper-
and creation of spacious substations. The process bus technology is ability testing for different vendor merging units was carried out and it
based upon transfer of current and voltage signals in the substation was found that instantaneous interoperability for certain applications
using IEC 61850-9-2 SVs [17]. This is realized using a device known as does not work in certain vendor combinations.
merging unit which samples the signals from CT/PT and transmits it in In another work [41], directional comparison-based protection
the form of SVs. In the process bus technology, the trip signals are using process bus technique has been carried out. Superimposed Di-
transmitted through high speed peer to peer communication of IEC rectional Comparison-Based Protection (DCBP) scheme in time domain
61850-8-1 GOOSE messages over the Ethernet [16]. This transition mode has been used. Due to communication delays in IEC 61850 which
gave an impetus to research and design in process bus technology for adds up in relay operating time, time domain-based scheme has been
monitoring, protection and control applications. used due to fast operation. PSCAD simulation as well as hardware
To adopt the process bus technology in substation, the performance testing of the scheme has been carried out in their work. From the
of the ethernet switches in the process bus network with respect to the performance evaluation results, it is found that the DCBP scheme is
sampled value transmission is analyzed in [39]. The measurements of insensitive to CT saturation and does not lose dependability and se-
sampled values from a replicated merging unit in their test setup con- curity due to packet loss and latency in data transmission. On similar
firmed that multiple sampled values transmissions can occur at same lines, authors in [42] carried out performance evaluation for SV loss
rate in same time. From their work, it was concluded that the process and delays in process bus communication network for digital protection
bus network is reliable and can be used in future deployments in IEC using a MU developed in laboratory as shown in Fig. 10. The impact of
61850 based substations. SV loss on bus bar protection was analyzed and it was found that
In [40], a multivendor process bus technology design for protection protection IED may malfunction due to SV loss/delay in certain fault
application for use in mesh transmission networks is presented. Also, conditions. Also, from their work, it was concluded that corrective
performance evaluation for multivendor devices (merging units) was measures for SV loss/delay could certainly improve performance of
carried out in the laboratory as shown in Fig. 9. The motive of their process bus communication network for digital protection schemes.

Fig. 9. Interoperability testing of MUs [40].

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

The authors in [45] proposed a performance evaluation setup using

RTDS GTNET cards with SV protocol support and Ethernet switches.
Their setup was developed to measure network latency. The novelty in
the proposed test setup was that the network latency could be measured
by a single set of capture of data packet rather than capturing of source
and destination data packets capture. In other work a prototype of a MU
IED was developed for situational awareness and asset management
[46]. In order to detect the impending faults, this smart MU can detect
partial discharge which happens in transient stage before occurrence of
faults. The proposed prototype was developed in the laboratory and
experimental validation results were presented in [46].

4.2. Time sync 1588

A unique time reference across all SAS is very important to manage

complex tasks and actions (e.g. alarms) in a substation. A time syn-
chronization algorithm is used to synchronize clocks all over the sub-
Fig. 10. Functional block diagram of MU developed in laboratory in [42]. station network. These time synchronization algorithms allow to
achieve a time synchronization accuracy varying from order of micro-
seconds to milliseconds.
For an in depth understanding of protection performance with
Before the introduction of IEC 61850, Simple Network Time
process bus technology, a Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) was used
Protocol (SNTP) was employed for synchronizing components for SAS.
to test the performance of process bus-based transformer differential
For high timing accuracy, IRIG-B is used for SAS, but it requires dedi-
protection in [43] as shown in Fig. 11. It was found that the network
cated network for providing time synchronization. However, the IEC
latency is an important performance metric for process bus networks.
61850 standard compliant devices recommend the use of IEEE 1588 as
Their research will provide future insights into process bus adoption for
the time synchronization protocol [47]. Although IEEE 1588 does not
meeting stringent performance requirements of various process bus-
provide timing accuracy as compared to IRIG-B, but it reduces the
based protection techniques.
complexity of timing infrastructure [48]. The IEEE 1588 also known as
The performance requirement of various protocols used in the
Precision Time Protocol (PTP) is a protocol used for time distribution
process bus are classified based on application in [44]. A quantitative
over local area networks particularly based on Ethernet. Moreover,
investigation of the interaction between various protocols employed in
many IEC 61850 compliant devices are based on SNTP for time syn-
process bus communication network is described by the authors. It was
chronization. Thus, it is necessary to develop time synchronization
concluded through their research that in high network load conditions,
gateways for SNTP to PTP transition for easy adoption of devices for
the fast trip signals being transmitted through GOOSE protocol do not
IEEE 1588 timing protocol.
interact with the continuous samples transmitted through SV protocol.
Authors in [49] proposed three implementations for the SNTP to
This forms a basis of replacing hard wired cabling with the Ethernet
PTP timing gateways for the mixed use of old and new timing protocol
based process bus network into a reality.
based devices in an IEC 61850 based SAS. The proposed gateways have

Fig. 11. Testbed for Transformer Differential Protection [43].

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

been experimentally evaluated by means of real prototypes using FPGA network simulator tool. Also, in their work, algorithm for estimation of
based motherboards. From the experimental results it was concluded sampled value loss based on adaptative filtering using phasor least
that timing gateways prototype was able to perform well on the net- square error approach has been proposed. The sampled value loss es-
work performance metrics such as jitter. In other work [50], hardware timation algorithm has been formulated in MATLAB and tested on a test
evaluation of PTP devices was carried out by analyzing the jitter in system in PSCAD. It is observed that the maximum estimation error for
various grandmaster/slave combinations. Grandmaster, slave, the algorithm ranges about 8.5%. However, the major limitation in the
boundary clocks are the commercially available PTP devices. The per- SV loss estimation approach is that it could only be used for one SV loss
formance test is carried out by comparing jitter of various slave devices in an SV sample.
with the master. The results show that all tested grandmaster and slave Another challenge in the process bus communication network is the
clocks were interoperable, however, a tenfold difference in jitter be- synchronization loss due to which the MUs are unable to generate SV
tween the grandmaster and slave exists between the best and the worst with same sample count in the same second when sampled at the same
combinations. The series of tests carried out in their work can be used instant. The authors in [55] proposed a solution based on propagation
by system designers to evaluate timing components and can be used for delay compensation for SV synchronization in a switched network of a
systematic testing. smart substation. The proposed method does not rely on external re-
In another work, performance of time synchronization network with ference clock, so the reliability of the SV synchronization method is
1588 and for SAS has been reported [51]. With the adoption of 1588 for improved.
timing synchronization by various utilities, there is a need of reliability
assessment for confidence of utility before its final roll out. This was
performed by the authors in their work by assessing the performance of 4.4. Architectures with simulation analysis
a timing-based system based on mixture of receivers and PTP devices. It
was found that high quality systems with appropriate installations and 4.4.1. Typical architecture
engineering is required to meet the stringent accuracy requirement. Various types of IEDs in a SAS and their modeling with a network
The security and availability of PTP based time synchronization is simulator (OPNET) has been presented in [56]. There are three main
tested by authors in [52]. To assess its security, detection and preven- types of IEDs in a SAS viz. MU IED, P&C IED and Breaker IED. The MU
tion attacks related to PTP, delay were simulated and tested on PTP IED is responsible for processing data from the field CT and PT and
time synchronization. A PTP master slave model has been constructed transmitting them digitally on the process bus. The P&C IED combines
and attacks were simulated and experimentally tested using a prob- the protection and control functionalities in a bay of a substation. The
abilistic model checker, PRISM. It is used for quantitative and quali- breaker IED controls the operation of circuit breaker along with its
tative verification for security assessment of protocols. It was concluded condition monitoring. The modeled IEDs has been employed for con-
that the PTP time synchronization method is secure and robust towards struction of a SCN for its performance evaluation. The performance of
PTP delay attacks. raw data messages with and without priority tagging for Local Area
The revision in IEEE 1588, in 2008 created PTPv2 which provides Network (LAN) with different link speeds has been presented. Ex-
greater accuracy for network based timing synchronization with timing haustive performance evaluation results for various types of SAS ar-
error less than ± 100 ns is utilized for process bus synchronization in chitectures presented in their work allows automation engineers to
[53]. The experimental setup for time synchronization testing is shown adopt the best topology as per the requirement.
in Fig. 12. Steady state and dynamic performance tests were performed For accurate performance evaluation of SAS, complete functional
on commercially available PTPv2 clocks for time synchronization for requirements of protection and control in a substation must be con-
MUs. It was concluded that the PTPv2 timing synchronization is within sidered. In this regard, authors in [57] considered a large substation
the tolerable error for sampled value communication. with 14 bays and 159 IEDs. The network performance by analytical and
simulation means in terms of end to end delay, traffic delay and
4.3. Simulation studies probabilistic delay analysis has been carried out in their work. It is
concluded from the results that for finding maximum network delay,
The performance evaluation of process bus network in terms of analytical method is much faster than the simulation method. Also, the
process bus sampling rate, Bit Error Rate (BER) and background traffic maximum traffic on the link is due to the SV traffic which is periodic in
on process bus has been performed by authors in [54]. The performance nature.
evaluation was done using OPNET (now Riverbed Modeler) as the

Fig. 12. Testbed for PTPv2 experimental validation [53].

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Fig. 13. Proposed Cobweb architecture for SAS [59].

Fig. 14. Laboratory setup for SCN developed in [65].

4.4.2. Deterministic architecture interoperable performance and network redundancy of MU in an IEC

A switched ethernet based reliable, fast and deterministic SCN has 61850 based SCN, an experimental scheme has been presented in [61].
been proposed in [58]. The performance of proposed SCN has been The proposed scheme is tested on a real time digital simulator. Their
validated through simulations to study its data transmission speed, results provide confidence to utilities for adapting IEC 61850 based
determinism and reliability. The proposed architecture has no gateways interoperable devices. A novel redundant, deterministic and resilient
for inter IED communication which saves time in data transmission, SCN architecture utilizing PRP has been proposed in [62]. Their ar-
enhanced reliability due to redundant path and no single point of chitecture has been compared with existing architectures to prove its
failure. However, to provide redundancy, number of switches are in- effectiveness.
creased which leads to increase in overall cost. Reliability and de- The HSR protocol has two major drawbacks when applied to SCN.
terminacy in an SCN have been achieved by proposing cobweb archi- Firstly, due to duplication of packet it increases network traffic which
tecture in [59]. Cobweb architecture shown in Fig. 13, by its very greatly effects the performance of SCN. Secondly, latency is introduced
nature has spoke links and ring links which provides reliability and due to each hop in single topology in an HSR network. To overcome
determinism. The proposed single and dual cobweb architecture for these detrimental effects of HSR when applied to SCN, authors in [63]
SCN has been evaluated using OPNET modeler. From the obtained re- proposed Reducing Multicast Traffic (RMT) algorithm and validated its
sults it is found that cobweb architecture has high reliability and de- effectiveness through simulations by reducing 60–87% of traffic as
terminism to be adapted for a suitable architecture for smart substation compared to standard HSR protocol. In other work [64], authors pro-
in future. Also, the proposed cobweb architecture is economical as posed Quick Removing (QR) approach for improving latency and re-
compared to traditional architectures. ducing network traffic in HSR protocol based SCN. The proposed ap-
IEC 62439-3 standard defines two protocols, Parallel Redundancy proach is demonstrated theoretically and validated through OPNET and
Protocol (PRP) and High availability seamless redundancy (HSR) pro- NS2 simulations. With the application of proposed enhancement, HSR
tocol, for increasing network reliability and to assure no packet loss. network can provide increased performance and reduction in network
Several studies have advocated use of PRP and HSR protocol for SAS. latency.
Authors in [60] have presented in-depth analysis of PRP and HSR for
power utility automation. To fulfill the requirements of IEC 61850
based SCN for adapting PRP and HSR, a frame discarding mechanism 4.4.3. Analytical modeling of traffic
based on memory segmentation is proposed. In order to assess the For realistic performance evaluation results, analytical modeling-
based performance evaluation has been presented in several studies. In

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

[65], analytical modeling of source and destination traffic has been tested using RTDS. The voltage and current phasors from GTNET-SV
done using network calculus approach. A laboratory setup for an SCN enabled card of RTDS is sent to the FPGA based relay which then issues
has been designed using station PCs, ethernet switches and network a command to the GTNET GOOSE enabled card for circuit breaking. The
analyzer as shown in Fig. 14. The performance of the SCN has been proposed relay was found to make early trip decisions even with fault
analyzed for various scenarios such as heavy traffic, minimum load and located at remote ends and with large CCVT transient errors.
typical event scenarios. The traffic load and network delay proposed by In [73], Fault Location, Isolation and System Restoration (FLISR) for
the analytical method is found to be very close as computed by the Distributed Automation System (DAS) using IEC 61850 information
network analyzer during the laboratory investigation. Thus, the pro- modeling, as shown in Fig. 15, has been proposed. A DAS consist of
posed methodology has been validated and is found to be very reliable more entities than a SAS and the concept of interoperability and in-
for designing SCN traffic flows. In another work [66], for carrying out formation exchange to address the more complex architecture of DAS is
quantitative analysis, traffic flow in an SCN is classified as cyclic, sto- required to be addressed by IEC 61850 standard. Since, IEC 61850 does
chastic and burst data. The performance of an SCN based on the traffic not include information models for FLISR, new logical nodes such as
data modeling has been carried out in OPNET modeler. The concept of Feeder fault location function (FLOC), Fault isolation function (FISO)
Virtual LAN (VLAN) and the impact of faults on the VLAN network is and Non-fault area power restoration function (FRES) are proposed.
also presented. The presented data flow models in their work will act as The proposed logical nodes have been validated by model checking and
the building blocks for system engineers to evaluate the performance of implementation in an IED using intelligent distribution simulation
SCN before its actual deployment. system. The results conform to the validation of proposed logical nodes
Improving this performance evaluation further, authors in [67], development. Further, extending the IEC 61850 beyond substation,
proposed bounded model for the modeling of communication delay. many adaptive protection schemes for distribution system and micro-
Instead of stochastic or average modeling, bounded model is found to grid protection are reported in literature [74–77].
provide more realistic results. System Integrity Protection Scheme In [78], authors have developed an IEC 61850 communication
(SIPS) has been evaluated to determine its latency and the prediction of based line differential protection scheme and its performance is vali-
latency for SIPS is performed through the bounded model. The pro- dated in a Software-In-The-Loop (SITL) setup by a network simulator
posed approach is found to provide relay bounds for SIPS scheme and tool. The communication based differential protection scheme is rea-
works in providing planning, designing and assessment of SIPS net- lized by transferring the SV signal to the distant substation for im-
works. plementing the protection algorithm. For this the LAN based SV mes-
Effect of noise on Wireless LAN (WLAN) based IEC 61850 substation sage protocol stack is added with TCP/IP functionality in the network
is carried out in [68]. Authors have developed a laboratory prototype simulator tool and sent to the distant substation. The results have been
for testing effect of noise on IEC 61850 messages traversing in a sub- presented for different networks such as ATM, SONET and Fiber Optic.
station through IEDs. The prototype has been validated by im- It is concluded from the research that IEC 61850 communication-based
plementing in a real substation in London and Canada. Their work helps protection meets the stringent timing requirements of power system
to prove the effectiveness of WLAN in IEC 61850 based smart substa- protection schemes.
tions. In a similar work, authors have proposed IEC 61850 based ac-
Reliability evaluation of IEC 61850 based SCN components has been celerated distance protection scheme for inter-substation communica-
carried out in [69]. The reliability analysis has been carried out for a tion [79]. The experimental validation and performance evaluation of
modern protection system in IEC 61850 based substation. Reliability GOOSE based accelerated distance protection scheme has been done by
analysis of cyber-physical components has been done by introducing transporting the LAN based GOOSE message through tunneling. Also,
the concept of cyber-physical interface matrix. the authors have developed a SITL setup to study the performance of
Table 5 summarizes the different works reported in literature re- their scheme under different Wide Area Network (WAN) scenarios as
garding performance evaluation in SAS. shown in Fig. 16. It is concluded from their work, that there is a sig-
nificant time saving by using the accelerated GOOSE based distance
5. Application fields protection scheme from the conventional schemes.

5.1. Software defined networks 5.3. HMI

A Software Defined Network (SDN) separates the control and the The IEC 61850 standard provides flexibility and interoperability in
data plane into two different entities running in a same network. The automating any type of industry such as mining, semiconductor, oil and
separation of data plane and control plane helps in management of the gas etc. To harness the benefits of IEC 61850, providing greater trans-
network and flexibility in the implementation of solutions that lead to parency in the substation, faster commissioning of a system, structured
operational and capital cost reduction. A review of SDN for its appli- tag names are maintained in the automaton controller. Authors in [80]
cation to power utility automation has been presented by authors in provided solutions for development of nameplates/faceplates for an IEC
[71]. In another work [72], concept of SDN has been applied for 61850 based substation. Their work provides reduction in start-up time,
prioritization of time critical GOOSE messages in an Active Distribution easy configurable SCADA reporting and interfacing of electrical dis-
System Substation. The proposed prioritization algorithm has been tribution system with traditional process control applications. Also, in
validated by running an SDN in a virtual environment. The results in- their work, the process owners can work on a single and standard in-
dicate that among different messages in a substation, the GOOSE terface which adheres to IEC 61850 and provides vendor interoper-
message is prioritized by using SDN concept and reaches destination ability.
with less latency as compared to without prioritization scheme.
5.4. Cybersecurity considerations in substation automation system
5.2. IEC 61850 based adaptive protection
Due to standardized message structure and interoperability, IEC
A high speed distance relaying scheme by taking into consideration 61850 based SAS are prone to cyber-attacks. There have been several
both magnitude and angle of voltage and current phasors is developed attempts to present cybersecurity attacks in SAS. Authors in [81] dis-
in [70]. The authors in their work have implemented their proposed cussed three types of attacks on GOOSE messages known as GOOSE
high-speed distance relaying scheme on a FPGA board. To validate the poisoning. These attacks are high-status number attack, high rate
performance of their proposed relaying scheme, the proposed relay was flooding attack and semantic attack. In high-status number attack the

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Table 5
Performance Evaluation of SAS.
Reference Year Focus of work Simulation Analytical Experimental SAS Architecture Implementation

[56] 2007 Generic IED modeling technique √ × × Waterfall model OPNET

[58] 2010 Reliable, Fast and Deterministic SCN √ × × Proposed redundant OPNET
[42] 2011 Process bus network evaluation for digital × × √ 230kv power system PSCAD
protection system MATLAB
[41] 2011 IEC 61850 based directional comparison scheme √ × √ 6 feeder power system PSCAD
[54] 2011 Process bus network evaluation √ × × 345/230kv transmission OPNET, PSCAD, MATLAB
[45] 2012 Process bus network evaluation × × √ — RTDS
[39] 2013 Process bus network evaluation × × √ 275kv transmission substation RTDS
[44] 2013 Protocols used in process bus network × × √ Network of 5 ethernet switches DAG card
Ethernet tap
[43] 2014 Process bus network evaluation for transformer × × √ — RTDS
differential protection
[40] 2014 Process bus-based protection scheme testing × × √ Meshed substation Omicron,
Multivendor IEDs
[37] 2014 IEC 61850 for SAS √ × × —— IEC 61850 Network
[59] 2014 Reliable and Deterministic Cobweb architecture √ √ × Cobweb architecture of D2-1 OPNET
evaluation substation
[65] 2015 Analytical Modeling of traffic flows in an SCN × √ × 220kv substation Network Analyzer
[63] 2016 Reducing Multicast traffic (RMT) in HSR network √ √ × HSR network OMNeT++ v4.2.2
[67] 2016 Bounded model for SIPS (System Integrity √ √ × IEC 61850 T2-2 OPNET
Protection System IEEE 14 bus system
[60] 2016 PRP and HSR network √ × √ — Finite State Machine
[64] 2016 Latency and traffic reduction using PRP √ √ × — OPNET
[61] 2016 Interoperability assessment of multivendor process × × √ 400kv substation RTDS
[55] 2017 Performance evaluation and compensation of × √ √ — Spirent Test Centre
Sampled Value Ethernet Switch
[66] 2017 Mathematical Modeling of traffic in a substation √ × × Ring and Star networks OPNET
[57] 2018 Characterization of network delays in IEC 61850 √ √ × Double busbar substation Riverbed Modeler
based SCN
[46] 2018 Merging Unit for Fault detection in Transformer × × √ — Real Time Automation
[70] 2018 Digital distance relaying using FPGA and IEC × √ √ IEEE 12 bus system RTDS
61850 FPGA

Fig. 15. Breaker level Fault location isolation and restoration system design proposed in [73].

attacker multicasts a single spoofed GOOSE message with high status flooding attack also known as status number flooding attack, the at-
number. When the spoofed GOOSE message reaches the GOOSE sub- tacker multicasts a range of spoofed GOOSE messages with increasing
scribers, it discards the other legitimate GOOSE messages with status status numbers. This causes the GOOSE subscriber to expect a very
number equal to or less than that of spoofed messages. In high rate high-status number for the next GOOSE message. In sematic attack, the

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

Fig. 16. Accelerated GOOSE based distance protection scheme proposed in [79].

attacker firstly observes the network traffic and determines the rate of consider confidentiality as major security requirement for GOOSE and
status change. Then, the attacker multicasts spoofed GOOSE messages SV message in SAS. The IEC 62351-6 [93] standard proposes use of RSA
with a different rate. When these GOOSE messages reach GOOSE sub- based digital signatures for securing GOOSE and SV messages in SAS.
scribers, the subscriber is unable to process the legitimate GOOSE However, studies reported in [94,95] have concluded that RSA based
messages. Similar type of replay and tampering attacks on GOOSE digital signatures result in higher processing times and thus, cannot
messages have also been discussed in [82,83]. The GOOSE message applied for time critical GOOSE and SV messages. Alternatively, HMAC
inherently do not have confidentiality and authenticity due to which based security schemes were proposed for securing GOOSE and SV
these spoofing attacks are possible. messages [96,97]. For MMS messages, the IEC 62351-4 recommends
Authors in [84] presented a scheme to audit the security of IEC transport layer security (TLS), as per RFC 5246, having cipher suite
61850 based substation. It was concluded from their research that in- TLS_DH_DSS_WITH_AES_256_SHA [98]. In [99] authors present a
trusion detection for IEC 61850 networks must be employed as a viable comprehensive review of IEC 62351 security mechanism for securing
security countermeasure. Node authentication of all the entities in the IEC 61850 messages.
network solves the problem of network intrusions. Authors in [85]
discussed cyber intrusion attacks on GOOSE and SV messages. With 6. Conclusion and future work
intrusion, the GOOSE messages can be modified which leads to false
tripping of circuit breakers in substations. Intruded SV messages can With the emergence of IEC 61850 as the leading standard for sub-
lead to sending of fabricated values to control centers which conse- station automation, in recent years many efforts were focused on IEC
quently result in false conclusions and operational decisions. Authors in 61850 based substation automation. This paper presents a holistic re-
[86] presents integrated Anomaly Detection System (ADS) to prevent view of IEC 61850 based SASs.
intruders gaining access to SAS. Similarly, in [87] an intrusion detec- With the increasing impetus towards renewable energy integration
tion system is developed by using data collected from simulated attacks in power sector, the common services and interfaces for DER, EV in-
on IEDs and packet sniffing attacks using forged address resolution tegration must be made available. In this regard, new extensions of IEC
protocol (ARP) packets. However, still these detection systems do not 61850 are published and updated covering entire power utility auto-
fulfill the authenticity and message integrity security requirements and mation. Although, standardized DER functions have been dealt in IEC
hence are prone to intrusion attacks. Authors in [88] presented Man In 61850-7-420, 90-7 and 90-5 standards, still services and interfaces for
The Middle (MITM) attack on IEC 61850 MMS messages by ARP DER, EVs leading to a secure adaptation of the functional structure
spoofing. Based upon the MITM attack, the attacker may further launch which can provide a more efficient energy system must be investigated
series of new attacks such as eavesdropping, masquerade, false data and developed.
injection, replay and DoS. Malicious fault injection attack and hardware Future work can be focused on developing the IEC 61850 in-
Trojan attack were implemented on embedded systems in [89]. This formation models and functions for new equipment such as smart in-
study was done to know the impact of these attacks on substation se- verters, Distributed Energy Resource - Management Systems (DERMS),
curity and, eventually, power grid integrity and availability. Their re- Virtual Synchronous Generators (VSGs), etc. Also, cybersecurity is a
search concluded that efficient countermeasures to prevent these at- must as the research shows. Its implementation is required for security
tacks must be designed and developed to safeguard the SAS. while it should be ensured that timing requirements are satisfied for
Review of cyberattacks and their challenges in IEC 61850 based proper operation.
SASs are discussed in [90–92]. To address these cybersecurity chal-
lenges IEC 62,351 standard series is developed which provides guide-
lines for securing IEC 61850 messages. Declaration of Competing Interest
For GOOSE and SV messages, IEC 62351 identifies that integrity and
authentication are major security requirements. However, it does not The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to

M.A. Aftab, et al. Electrical Power and Energy Systems 120 (2020) 106008

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