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Past perfect ( past of the past)

She had gone to NYC

I- Form
S+ had+ past participle
S+ had+not (hadn’t)+ pp
Wh+ had+ s+ pp…..?
II- The usages
1. We use past perfect to show that one action happened before
another one in the past.
She had studied English before she moved England.

Time line -------)-------------------(-------past-------------------------------now-

Had studied moved
My brother went to school at 7h45. I woke up at 9h00
My brother had gone to school at 7h45 before I woke up.
By the time I woke up, my brother had gone to school at 7h45
2. PP tense is sed to express regret or wishes in the past
Last year I didn’t have good grades because I didn’t work hard
I regret I hadn’t had good grades
I wish I had worked hard.
3. The past perfect is used with conditional type 3
Last year I didn’t have good grades because I didn’t work hard
If I had worked hard, I’d have had good gardes.
4. Time expressions that are used with past perfect
Before/after/ until, when, as soon as ,since, already, ever, never,
always, often, by the time, once, twice , just,
The party couldn’t start until I had arrived.
They had a party after they had finished the exams.
I was introduced to Aisha last week; I had never met her before.
Light Yagami celibrated missa aman’s birthday after they had
gotten engaged.
He went to bed as soon as he had finished his work.
The train had already left when we got to the station.

Before+ simple past+ past perfect

Past perfect+Before+ simple past
After+ past perfect+ simple past
Simple past +After+ past perfect
As soon as, never,already+ past perfect
Until, since, just+ past perfect
When+ simple past
By the time+ simple past

Complete the sentences using the simple form of the past or past perfect tense.
1. By the time we ________got__________ to the stadium, the performance
___________already started___________, so we missed the first two songs. (GET, ALREADY

2. When we ____had arrived______________ in Spain the airport management told us that

they ______lost____________ our luggage. (ARRIVE, LOSE)

3. After I __________________ a large meal, I __________________ to feel sick. (HAVE, START)

4. The shoes were very clean because I __________________ hours cleaning them. (SPEND)

5. It __________________ his first trip to India. He __________________ there several times

before. (NOT BE, BE)

6. My neighbour told me that she __________________ a new car a month before. (BUY)

7. Yesterday I __________________ downtown to see Peter. I __________________ him for

months. (GO, NOT MEET)

8. I __________________ Matrix for the first time yesterday. I __________________ it before.


9. She __________________ him for very long when she __________________ to get married.
10. When he __________________, the party was over. Everyone __________________.

11. I was happy after I __________________ my first lesson as an instructor. (FINISH)

12. I visited the hospital where the ambulance __________________ my mother. (TAKE)

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