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1. The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and
maintenance of software; is called .
(a) Software Engineering (b) Generic Process Model

(c) Software Process (d) None of These

2. Following diagram has fork and join

(a) Activity Diagram (b) Class Diagram

(c) Sequence Diagram (d) Use Case Diagram

3. is a kind of message that represents the invocation of
message of the same lifeline.
(a) Self Message (b) Destroy Message

(c) Recursive Message (d) Call Message

4. The quick design focuses on the representation of those aspects of the
software that will be visible to the customer
(a) Prototyping Model (b) Iterative Model

(c) Agile Model (d) Incremental Model

5. The customer indicates that changes in requirements must be made, the
modeling activity moves from the .
(a) inactive state (b) under development state

(c) awaiting changes state (d) Under review

6. A diagram is the most commonly used interaction diagram.

(a) Deployment (b) State Transtition

(c) Collaboration (d) Sequence

7. The purpose of the phase is to analyze the requirements and
necessary architecture of the system.
(a) Elaboration (b) Construction

(c) Inception (d) Transition

8. The was the first software process model to be introduced.

(a) RAD Model (b) Proto-Typing Model

(c) Iterative Model (d) Waterfall Model

9. Describes the "what" of the system to be produced and not "how." In this
phase, a large document called document
(a) SDD (b) SDS

(c) SRS (d) None of These

10. A is a collection of activities, actions, and tasks that are performed
when some work product is to be created.

(a) Software Engineering (b) Generic Process Model

(c) Software Process (d) None of These

11. A approach to software engineering is based around separate
development stages with the outputs to be produced at each of these stages
planned in advance.
(a) plan-driven (b) Extreme programming

(c) Agile development (d) None of These

12. Describes the "what" of the system to be produced and not "how." In this
phase, a large document called document
(a) SDD (b) SDS

(c) SRS (d) None of These

13. in this area process business or technical data in a way that
facilitates business operations or management/technical decision making.
(a) Embedded (b) Application

(c) System Software (d) Product -Line

14. SRS is when every stated requirement has only one
(a) Complete (b) Traceable

(c) Unambiguous (d) Consistent

15. These usually contain mockups, wireframes, and even production-quality UI
(a) MRD (b) FRD

(c) UIRD (d) PRD

16. Identifies Scope of the project using use-case model allowing managers to
estimate costs and time required.
(a) Elaboration (b) Construction

(c) Inception (d) Transition

17. It always happens that a customer defines a set of general objectives for
software but does not identify detailed input, processing, or output
(a) Prototyping (b) Evoluntionary

(c) Spiral (d) Concurrent

18. The customer indicates that changes in requirements must be made, the
modeling activity moves from the .
(a) inactive state (b) under development state

(c)awaiting changes state (d) Under review

19. The waterfall model has last phase as

(a) Requirement and Analysis (b) Implementation and Testing

(c) Operation and Maintenance (d) Software Design

20. is a graphical notation used to construct and visualize object oriented systems

(a) Activity Diagram (b) Class Diagram

(c) Sequence Diagram (d) Use Case Diagram

21. Describes the "what" of the system to be produced and not "how." In this
phase, a large document called document
a. SDD (b) SDS

c. SRS (d) None of These

22. The quick design focuses on the representation of those aspects of the
software that will be visible to the customer
a. Prototyping Model (b) Iterative Model

c. Agile Model (d) Incremental Model

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