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Quarter : Second
Week : 2
Day : 2

Content: Human Reproduction

I. Learning Objectives:
Describe the physical changes in female that occur during puberty.
Differentiate the changes that occurs during puberty.
II. Subject Matter:
A. Concept:
Puberty is a stage of life of rapid change. Puberty starts when there is a surge or
sudden increase in the production of sex hormones. The hormones change your body.
Physical changes such as changes in body structure , voice and menstruation occur
when a person enters puberty. Puberty is the stage of life when a person is capable of
 Changes in girls during puberty (average age for girls: 9 to 14 years old)
1. height increase
2. hips widen
3. breast becomes bigger
4. pubic and underarm hair appear
5. menstruation occurs
6. sweat glands develops
7. more noticeable waist line

B. Materials: pictures, video clip

C. References: Science for Daily Use pp. 12
Into the Future pp. 8-10
Curriculum Guide S5LT-IIb2
335&np=28 9&id=1774#top

D. Process Skills: describing, observing, identifying

E. Value Integration: Accept the changes because they are part of growing

III. Learning Activities:

A. Engagement:
If you compare your body now with your body 3 years ago, what are the changes
did you notice? What are the changes occur to girls when they reach the age of
Let’s find out.

B. Exploration:
Activity 1: Identifying Changes
Note: You can use picture or real girl in this activity.
Look at the picture of a young and mature girl. Make a list of the physical
changes you have observed between them.

Physical Characteristics of young Physical Characteristics of mature

Sharlene and Kathryn Sharlene and Kathryn

Activity 2: Watching Video Clip

Let the pupils watch a video on puberty in girls.
Ask: What are the physical changes in females during puberty?


C. Explanation:
1. How did you find the activity?
2. What are the changes between young Sharleen and Kathryn and
mature Sharlene and Kathryn? Have you seen these changes
happening to you or to your sister ?
3. What is puberty?
4. What changes take place during puberty? Is it a normal part of
growing up? Why?

D. Elaboration:
Should you be ashamed of changes that happen to you during
What should you do? Why?
E. Evaluation:
Write the physical changes that happen to a girl during puberty.






IV. Assignment:
Make a list on physical changes of boys and girls that occur during puberty.

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