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Clinical Reasoning Questions - Collaboration:

You are a nurse at a pedia ward and you are assigned to take care of
your 12-year old client named Yonna. Yonna was diagnosed with Urinary
Tract Infection and was instructed to avoid foods with artificial sweeteners,
juices, and junk foods. Meanwhile, while you were doing your rounds in the
AM shift, you noticed a big paper bag in Yonna’s bedside. It was full of empty
packs of junk foods and juices. When Yonna’s older sister noticed you looking
at the bag, she immediately got it and threw it away. What is your response in
a situation like this? What is the responsibility of the healthcare provider in
such situations?
Knowing that this is a safety concern, how would you tell the staff nurse?
Follow the CUS method

I am concerned with Yonna, a 12-

year-old client. She was currently
diagnosed with Urinary Tract Infection
and was advised to avoid foods with
artificial sweeteners, juices, and junk

C foods. While I was doing my rounds a

while ago, I saw empty packages of
junk foods and juices from a big
paper bag, so it appears that Yonna
and her watcher clearly didn’t
comprehend the reasons for these
I am uncomfortable by Yonna’s
refusal to cooperate and worried by
her elder sister’s tolerance of Yonna’s
inappropriate behavior. Based on her
sister’s reaction when she saw me,
she appeared to be informed of the

U instruction, but she still let Yonna eat

the foods that was restricted to her. I
believe that family support is essential
in aiding patients like Yonna to
adhere to the therapeutic regimen
and achieve physiological recovery.
With what had happened, I was
motivated to review Yonna's health
status and have her clearly
understand the risk factors and
therapeutic therapy of her condition.
This is a safety issue since untreated
UTI can cause complications,

S especially if the infection progresses

to the patient’s kidney. Artificial
sweeteners in meals, such as juices
and junk foods, are restricted since
they may aggravate the client's
bladder, worsening bladder
symptoms. Sugar may also cause the
bladder to become hyperactive,
resulting in increased urine
production. This frequent urination
may cause the bladder to actually
damage, thereby exacerbating the
condition. I'd like you to check and
assess the patient.

Clinical Reasoning Questions - Ethico-Moral-Legal:

Josh, a 7-year-old boy in his second grade changed his clothes after
playing hide & seek with his classmates. His mother arrives to fetch him and
found out that he did not button his uniform properly and his mother scolded
and shouted at him that anyone who passes by would really turn to them and
it so happened that School Nurse Angela saw and heard everything. If you
were the nurse how would you react to this situation? What principles will you
apply? Justify? Answer

Discipline creates a foundation for a

child's successful and joyful transition
into the real world. It is required for
the development of a child's self-
discipline. After observing how the
mother reprimanded her child in the
provided scenario, I will speak with
the mother respectfully. First, I'll ask
her about her thoughts on child
discipline and give her the opportunity
Nursing Action to express her thoughts. Then I'll
explain to her that effective and
decent discipline is all about teaching
and leading children rather than
simply forcing them to obey. It's also
important to remind the mother to try
to explain things to her child in a way
that corresponds to their
developmental stage, as well as to
get down to their physical level.
Understanding what's going on in
children's heads is critical because
they use their actions to express their
emotions. If she understands the
underlying causes of her child's
disobedience, she can assist him or
her in resolving the issues. Finally, I'd
like to emphasize the significance of
listening to one's mother. Children,
too, need to be heard because we
have no idea what they are going
through on the inside.As a result,
while explaining everything to the
mother, I'll make sure to speak gently
to her so she doesn't feel condemned
for what she did to her child. At the
same time, in order to strengthen the
mother's authority over her child, I
would provide her with a variety of
methods for disciplining Josh while
maintaining their strong emotional
bond. These options include taking
control of her emotions, such as
leaving the conflict zone to assess
and cool down. I would advise her to
talk to her child about how she feels
when her emotions are under control,
such as dissatisfaction with how her
son acts and what she expects of
him. In addition, I would advise the
mother to speak to her child away
from the public eye in order to
maintain his dignity, and to do so by
getting down to his eye level and
being forceful in her remarks.
Ethical Beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice,
and integrity are the ethic
Standards upheld based on the
nursing action I have articulated.
Because the action is intended to
benefit the child who is being abused
by his mother in public, beneficence
and nonmaleficence are combined
(Western Governors University,
2019). I'm hoping that by educating
Principal Upheld the mother about the psychological
consequences of her discipline
method, ignorance and outdated
views on discipline will be corrected,
preventing the child from
experiencing trauma. On the other
hand, justice was served because,
despite being outside of the hospital
and my shift, I was able to begin my
duties as a nurse. Our responsibilities
as nurses, in my opinion, should not
be limited to the four walls of the
hospital, but should extend to the
surrounding community as well.
Furthermore, integrity is maintained
because, despite the fact that I could
choose to ignore it and go about my
business, I am making the effort to
teach the mother about her poor child
management despite the risk of being
confronted negative

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