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Playing: Hey Diddle, Diddle. Ate vibing on the nursery rhyme.

CAMILLE: Ate please? Can you turn that off? I’m doing my homework here, and you are so
loud, you are distracting me!
ABRIGO: what? I am practicing for my teaching demo next week, Camille. Why? Having
difficulties with that?
CAMILLE: isn’t obvious? I am having headaches, thinking about this. Our English teacher
asks us to prepare for our reporting tomorrow about this figures of speech, and I already
finished the other figures of speech, except personification and paradox!
ABRIGO: that’s easy, sweety. What’s a personification?
(other sibling interrupting)
MONTES: oh, I know! Personification is giving humanly attributes/characteristics to an
abstract idea, animals or inanimate objects. An example is David Guterson’s, Snow falling
on Cedars, “her own heart would devour her” rawr!
CAMILLE: “Your alarm clock yells at you every morning!” oh please, I know it’s definition.
It’s already all over in the internet. What I’m thinking is how to present this uniquely
(ate thinking)
ABRIGO: Aha! (goes to the laptop)
CAMILLE: what? You want me to make a demo tomorrow, ate?
CAMILLE: are we going to waste our time and listen to that nursery rhyme? (shh)
ABRIGO: no, this nursery rhyme is filled with personification. It contains, “the little dog
laughed” and “the dish ran away with the spoon”. We know too well that the dog can’t laugh
nor can the dish and spoon run away.
MONTES: you can use that nursery rhyme tomorrow as your energizer!
CAMILLE: you’re right! Thank you, but, how about paradox?
KYLA: paradox you say? (other sibling)
CAMILLE: do you know anything about it, Ky? You see, I am having struggles here.
KYLA: ofcourse. Paradox is a self-contradictory statement or proposition that when
investigated or explained may prove to be well-founded or true. For example, “doing
nothing is exhausting”. Or the famous idiom “The child is the father of the Man” by poet
William Wordsworth.
APURA: You can also add in paradox’, William Shakespeare’s story about Hamlet, on where
Hamlet quotes, “I must be cruel only to be kind”. He believes he must murder his uncle to
avenge his father and free his mother, because he accept murder as an act of mercy to his
KADITE: Although murder is not generally accepted as an act of kindness. How about
Socrates’ quote, “All I know is that I know nothing”, another logical paradox. If he knows
nothing, then he cannot know that he knows nothing.
MONTES: how about this, “everything I say is a lie”. Am I telling the truth by saying
everything I say is a lie? Or am I lying by saying this?
KYLA: I guess that’s more than enough of examples for you, Camille. You okay now?
CAMILLE: yes, thank you very much guys. I appreciate your efforts.
APURA: my alarm clock will sprang to life, at exactly 7pm, yelling to us, IT’S TIME FOR
DINNER! (laughs)
KADITE: (dramatic paradox) to be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up. (laughs)
ABRIGO: enough of that. Why don’t we just help Camille with her energizer tomorrow?
(everyone agrees and Hey Diddle, Diddle filled the house) end.

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