Interview Writing

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Interview Writing

An interview is a formal conversation between an interviewer and interviewee where

the former seeks answers from the latter.


1. Avoid Asking Double-Barreled Questions. These are questions that have more than
one question in the sentence.
2. Do Not Ask Questions That Are Biased.
3. Avoid Assuming Questions.
4. Keep Your Questions Short and Clear.
5. Do Not Include Unnecessary Questions.

Some Sample Questions

1. What do you like the most about playing music?

2. What inspired you to start playing / making music?
3. Describe your creative process when you write new music.
4. Who's your ideal musician to collaborate with ?
5. Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about
6. Describe your favorite venue for performing.
7. Which skills have you gained that help you perform effectively as a musician?
8. Tell me about your favorite performance in your career.
9. Describe what did you learn from your worst performance?
10. Which qualities do you think makes you a great musician?

Some more sample questions -

1. What made you want to become a musician?

2. Which instruments did you play in high school?
3. What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10
4. Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?
5. What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great musician?
6. Do you have any weaknesses that you're actively working to improve on?
7. Which instrument is your favorite to play and why?
8. What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?
9. Describe your favorite and least favourite part about being a musician.
10. Which instrument is your least favorite to play?
11. How do you make sure you play it well?

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