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2022-2023 Academic Year

Pwint Oo Private High School

February Second Semester Test
English Grade 10 Time Allowed (1:30) Hours

I. Read the passage.

Reasons for rural folks to move to towns and cities. And these reasons may be
political, economic or social. However, the root cause is the natural desire of humans to
look for greener pastures. This means that as human beings, we wish to be better, that is
we wish to get more, earn more, rise higher in rank, and so on. And this makes it switch
from one job to another; or move from one place to another or give up one method and try
something else. For example, people who are already rich still wish to be richer and richer.
So what do they do? They buy up land in the countryside and establish modern
livestock and dairy farms. The rural farmers of that countryside begin to find it more and
more difficult to earn enough to meet their daily needs. So what do they do? They move to
towns or cities to find new forms of livelihood. Here, the reason is economic. Sometimes, in
some parts of the world, because of war, all the people of a village are required to abandon
their homes and find somewhere else to live. Here, the reason is political. The number may
not be large but there are rural families who move from the countryside to towns and cities
where there are better schools, colleges and universities for their children, as well as better
hospitals, healthcare centers, and other medical service providers for the entire family.
There are. Of course, other urban comforts and conveniences they may enjoy. In such a
case, the reason is social.
(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence. (5 marks)
(1) As a……………..we wish to be better.
(2) Some people…………….from one job to another.
(3) …………..people still want to be richer and richer.
(4) Village people are required to abandon their homes and find somewhere else to live
because of…………….
(5) There are better schools, colleges, universities and hospitals in ………….
(B) Answer each question in one sentence. (5 marks)
(6) What is the root cause for the rural folks to move to towns and cities?
(7) When human beings wish to be better, what do they do?
(8) When modern livestock and dairy farms are established in the countryside, what
happens to the rural farmers there?
(9) What do they do?
(10) Because of war in some parts of the world, what do people in villages have to do?

II. (B) Complete each sentence with the appropriate word given in the box. There are
two extras. (10 marks)
appearance choice loss tasteless cloudy height
Belief ability permission strength boredom proof
(1) The ___________________of the mountain is about 2000 meters.
(2) Last year the company made a ______________________ of over $10 millions.
(3) I do not think it is a good idea to go to the beach today. It’s too _______________
(4) This is my __________________ that there are other living beings in the universe.
(5) I can’t finish this book. I’ll die of ______________________
(6) You should care about your _____________________ when you go to the interview.
(7) Who prepared this fish? It’s awful and completely______________________
(8) He definitely has the___________________ to become a professional tennis player.
(9) We had to get special ______________________ to leave early.
(10) Judo requires both skill and_____________________

III.Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions given in brackets. (10 marks)
(1) He asked me, "Can I take a photo?" (Change the sentence into reported speech)
(2) Linda asked her teacher, "When will you give us the results?" (Change the sentence
into reported speech)
(3) The headmaster called his parents to the office.(Change the sentence into passive
(4) Our neighbors have invited us to dinner.(Change the sentence into passive voice)
(5) I love reading books and watching movies. (Rewrite the sentence using not only– but
(6) If you are younger, it will be easier to learn a new language.(Rewrite the sentence
using “The more/less/-er ……,The more/less/-er”)
(7) Mr. John is waiting outside. He owns a restaurant. (Join, using relative pronoun)
(8) My new dog likes eating chicken. I bought it last year. (Join, using relative pronoun)
(9) This suitcase is heavy and that box too.. (Rewrite the sentence by using “as……
not as……as”)
(10) My tablet is bigger than yours. (Rewrite the sentence by using as…… not

IV. Complete the following table by adding five more of your own to each. An
example each is given to help you. (10 marks)
Part of a house Furniture

Living room cupboard

V. Answer the questions in complete sentences. (10 marks)

(1) Unlike plants, what do animals do to live?
(2) What is global warming called?
(3) What do we need food for?
(4) Why do many Myanmar ladies still rely on thanakha?
(5) What is your favorite color and why do you like it?

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