The CREAM of English Use

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Opposites Attract
Past – present Day – night
Present – future Win – lose
Beginning – end Sunshine – shadow
Dark – light Truth – lies
Mountain – valley Plant – reap
Rich – poor Triumph – tragedy
Friend - foe Save – spend
Gain – loss Laugh – cry
Hope – despair War - peace
Victory - defeat
If the present quarrels with the past, surely the future
will already have been lost.

This is not the end, not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

There is only one answer to defeat, and that is victory.

Let us move out of the shadow of states’ rights into the
sunshine of human rights.
Hubert Humphrey
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master.
Abraham Lincoln
The best means of insuring peace is to be prepared for
Alexander Hamilton
Half the truth is often a great lie.

There never was a good war or bad peace.

If you would keep your secret from an enemy, tell it not

to a friend.

Never leave that for tomorrow which you can do today.

Rhyme Is the Prime Ploy
From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an
iron curtain has descended upon the continent of

Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge.

Humanity, not legality, should be our guide.

These professional intellectuals who revel in decimals

and polysyllables.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Little strokes fell great oaks.
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy,
and wise.
Benjamin Franklin
This is not an act providing relief for the needy but for
the greedy.
Franklin Roosevelt
There is no hope for those who use dope.
Jesse Jackson
Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of
belabouring those problems that divide us.
In a world of mass extermination, nations must turn to
the rule of self-determination.
Kennedy (Ted Sorensen)
Faith may move mountains, but faith without might is
futile and might without faith is sterile.
Richard Nixon
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Martin Luther King
Rhyming Nine
1. AME: aim, blame, claim, fame, name, shame, same, game,
reclaim, proclaim, flame
We cannot remain the same company unless we reclaim the
market we once had.
2. Air: bear, care, dare, fare, share, aware, swear, pare,
declare, where, scare, prayer, beware
Rhyming Nine
3, ITE: bite, cite, fight, fright, height, light, night, right, quite,
sight, write, delight, foresight, ignite, tonight
If we are going to make it work – to do it right – the only real
and right course is to keep our goals in sight.
4. AKE: ache, break, fake, sake, shake, stake, take, make,
awake, undertake, mistake
Make no mistake in this new venture, much is at stake.
Rhyming Nine
5. OW: dough, ow, foe, glow, go, grow, know, low, show, slow,
throw, ago
6. AY: day, pray, stay, say, way, pay, play, away, stray, they,
array, display
7. ATE: ate, date, fate, great, late, state, slate, straight, wait,
weight, abate, donate
Rhyming Nine
8. EEM: beam, cream, dream, gleam, steam, scheme, seem,
stream, team, theme, esteem, redeem
There is no dream beyond reach when we have in place here
the right team.
9. AIN: gain, pain, plain, reign, stain, strain, wane, vein, attain,
retain, regain, explain, remain, sustain
There are no gains without pains.
The Echo Effect
Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather
what you can do for your country.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Franklin Roosevelt
… that government of the people, by the people, and for
the people shall not perish from earth.
Government is not the solution to the problem;
government is the problem.
The federal gobernment did not create the states; the
states created the federal government.
If you destroy a free market, you create a black market.
A fanatic is one who won’t change his mind and won’t
change the subject.
We shape our dwellings and afterward our dwellings
shape us.
Winston Churchill
Some people buy things they don’t want, with the
money they don’t have, to impress the people they
don’t know.
All wisdom is not new wisdom.

life is sensation; sensation is life.

The further backward we can look, the further forward

we can see.

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the

landing grounds, we shall fight in the streets, we shall
fight in the hills, we shall never surrender.
Winston Churchill
Always be prepared to negotiate, but never negotiate
without being prepared.
Richard Nixon
Women must not depend on the protection of a man,
but must be taught to protect herself.
Susan B. Anthony
It’s not the employer who pays wages; he only handles
the money; it’s the product that pays the wages.
Henry Ford
The trouble with socialism is socialism – the trouble
with capitalism is capitalists.
William F. Buckley Jr
1. Repeat a word in the second Phrase that you used in
the first.

God helps those that help themselves.

Benjamin Franklin
There is no future in any job. The future lies in you who
have the job.
2. Repeat the noun (1)

What is our aim? I answer in one word. Victory – victory

at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however
long and hard the road may be, for without victory there
is no survival.
We have not journeyed across the oceans, across the
prairies, across the mountains because we are made of
sugar candy.
2. Repeat the noun (2)

You ask what is our plan. I’d answer in one word.

Research for cures to control diabetes, research for
formulas that do cut high blood pressure, research for
medicine to reduce cholesterol.
3. Repeat the verb (1)

We will outsell them in Detroit. We will outsell them in

Chicago, we will outsell them in Milwaukee, we will
outsell them in Minneapolis [and he paused] and we
won’t take no for an answer.
Eat to live, don’t live to eat.
Benjamin Franklin
3. Repeat the verb (2)

It’s not that they planned to fail, but that they failed to
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
A job is not just something you hold down. It does not
serve to work if you don’t work to serve.
All you need to know is to know his needs.
Alliterate and Activate
Wishing you peace, prosperity and
a promising NIU year.
Vary the pose and vary the pitch and don’t forget the
From Caracas to the Kremlin, he has been a pilgrim for
peace and a pioneer for progress.
Mark Hatfield
That we shall pay any price, bear any burden…
John Kennedy
I have a dream that my four little children will one day
live in a nation where they will be judged not by the
colour of their skin but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King
The world has narrowed into a neighbourhood before it
has broadened into a brotherhood.
President Johnson (Dick Goodwin)
Do you know the role of a CEO? The executive exists to
make exceptions to the general rules.
If you don’t anticipate a customer’s needs you’re not
going to sell your product.
(anticipate - sense)
If you don’t sense a customer’s needs, you won’t sell
your product

To cut costs is to increase profits.

“To cut costs is to swell sale.”
The secret to producing profits is cutting costs
Examining the goods closely instead of taking at face.
Examine – look – eye or ear
When you go to buy, rely not on your ear but on your
The Metaphor Method

The highest line of the poet

sometimes the hardest to imagine
An appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile, hoping it
will eat him last.
Like the boa constrictor(a snake), they first befoul their
prey with their venom before engorging it.
We have no assurance that anyone else is going to keep
the British Lion as a pet.
A pint of sweat will save a gallon of blood.
The Bible asks, “Can the leopard change his spots?”
Well, that particular car has not removed its spots or
Selling is simple – headwork plus legwork
The cold wind howled along the street and bit at my

The wind whispered in my ears and caressed my hair.

The wind skipped and danced and sang around me.

The wind pushed me and punched me and poked at my

Who would not lend a hose to a neighbour whose house
is burning down?

It is like mowing a lawn. You first start at the outer edges

and move to the centre. With the Soviets, we will work
out agreements on fishing rights in the Bering sea
before we get to the central core issue of missiles.
It is easy as pie to cook up a Power Line.
First, ask yourself:
What is the gist of the ”central” idea I want to get
Write it out and play with it.
Find a synonym for alliteration as Ted Sorensen did for

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