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Root Cause Analysis Event Details

Client Guarantee Digital

Task ID 1385279
Delivery Center
(Select One) Dhaka El Salvador
APM Imran Ahmed
TL Mahfuzur Rahman, Reazuddin Mahmud, Joyanta Kumar Datta
Task Performer Md. Maruf Al Baki
QA Md. Nur Uddin
Issue Reported By Sarah Knight
Date Reported 2/19/2021

Issue Details
This campaign was requested to end 2/28/21 and the end date was set at 2/8/21. This caused a large portion of the bu

Impact of Issue
For this large portion of the budget to be spent in that one day.

In Process/Out of Process
Is there a standard process for completing the task?
Event Details


a large portion of the budget to be spent in that one day.


f Process
(If selected, continue to Standard Process Tab)
(If selected, continue to No Standard Process Tab)
Process Analysis

Standard Process

Was the process followed? Yes

(Select One) No

Process Followed
There was clear instruction about the campaign start date and end date. Despite being all these clear instructions I h

Process Not Followed

If the process was not followed, please explain why/how it was not followed

Was the Task QA'd? Yes

(Select One) No

g all these clear instructions I have used the date cited in the e

No Standard Process
Were we given written instructions from the client on this task? Yes
(Select One) No

Yes, Written Instructions Were Provided

Who provided instructions?

Was the SEBPO POC aware of this task and the instructions? Yes
(Select One) No
I don't know

How were the instructions provided? Email

Insert instructions here

No, Written Instructions Were Not Provided

How did we perform the task?

Did we notify the task submitter or POC that this task was out of scope for the team?

Did we discuss or provide a plan regarding how we would complete this task to the task submitter or POC before
completing the task and was it confrmed or approved?

Was the SEBPO POC aware of this task? Yes

(Select One) No
I don't know

Which SEBPO Leaders were aware of this task? APM

(Check all that apply) TL
Did the client indicate that this type of task would be assigned to us again? Yes
(Select one) No

Was the Task QA'd? Yes

(Select One) No

Please explain why QA did not catch this issue before the task wa sent to the client. If QA was not performed, why wa
not performed? If QA was performed, why was the issue missed?
sk submitter or POC before
f QA was not performed, why was it
Conclusion of Analysis

Root Cause
I have used the date cited in the event segment naming and mistakenly overlooked the actual information about the ca

Plans for Improvement

Whene working on event flighting campaign, need to be more careful. Need to be conscious about flight dates. Need t

Action Plan
Date Action

actual information about the campaign running date mentioned in

scious about flight dates. Need to check the flight to avoid mixing u

Pease return this document with all written communication with the client regrading the task. This includes, but is n
limited to:

Email threads
Skype Chats
Slack Chats
Chats/Comments in Proprietary Client Tools
the task. This includes, but is not
Title Name
Team Leader
CS Manager

If a Lessons Learned is kicked back to the Team Leader or the APM, please add a row for each addition
reviewal until the LL is approved.
Date Reviewed Date Approved

3/26/2019 3/26/2019

APM, please add a row for each additional

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