Reflection 10

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Stefanie Nichole M. Mendoza Topic No.

: 29
ACC1A Reflection no.: 10

Globalization 101
Globalization changes the way nations, businesses, and people interact. Specifically, it changes
the nature of economic activity among nations, expanding trade, opening global supply chains,
and providing access to natural resources and labor markets.

Globalization is the reason why we became aware of the world of technology and our recognitio n
of the products and cultures of different countries. If it wasn't for globalization we wouldn't be able
to experience the technologies that other countries have introduced to our country. Globaliza tio n
is also why we have the choice to buy things for a cheaper price. Globalization also helps our
country to introduce Philippine products that help our country's economy, and if it wasn't for
globalization overseas work wouldn't be known to many. Globalization has also made it possible
for many people to study in other countries which will help expand their knowledge.

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