PerDev Q2 Mod7 Career-Development v5 (Student Copy)

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Eapee Personal Development Quarter 2 - Module 7 Career Development Personality Development- Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 - Module 7: Career Development First Edition, 2020 Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that No copyright shall subsist in any work of the Government of the Philippines. However, prior approval of the government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for the exploitation of such work for a profit. Such agency or office may, among other things, impose as a condition the payment of royalty. Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) included in this book are owned by their respective copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them. Published by the Department of Education — Division of Cagayan de Oro Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V Development Team of the Module Author: Edgar G. Lacre Reviewers: Rochelle A. Luzano, PhD Marilou L. Largo Illustrator and Layout Artist: Ryan Z. Roa Management Team Chairperson Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, PhD, CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Co-Chairpersons: Rowena H. Para-on, PhD, Asst. Schools Division Superintendent Members Lorebina C. Carrasco, OIC-CID Chief Joel D. Potane, PhD, LRMS Manager Anita M. Guchoco, EPS Focal Person Gemma P. Pajayon — PDO Il Lanie M. Signo — Librarian I Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education — Division of Cagayan de Oro City Office Address: Fr. William F. Masterson Ave Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro Telefax: (08822)855-0048 E-mail Address: Personality Development Quarter 2 — Module 7 Career Development This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and orfuniversities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at We value your feedback and recommendations. Department of Education e Republic of the Philippines FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for educational purposes only Borrowed materials (:., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks, etc.) include in these modules are owned by their respective copyright holders, The publisher and authors do not represent nor claim ‘ownership over thom. Sincerest appreciation to those who have made a significant contribution to these modules Table of Contents What This Module is About i ‘What | Need to Know. i How to Learn from this Module i Icons of this Module i ‘What | Know. i Lesson 1: Career Development Concepts and Life Goals What | Need to Know. 1 What's New: Who are you? 1 What Is It 3 What More: Setting Up My Goals in Life What | Have Learned: SMART Goals in Life. 5 ‘What | Can Do: Bringing Short Term Goals into Reality. 6 Lesson 2: Personal Development and Career Planning What's In 7 What is thsoccssssssessesnsesneeneene seoesnnnesannnnenese sessssseonT What's More: Revisiting My Future Me 8 What's More: Read and Be Guided 10 What | Have Learned: My Reflection Notes 10 What | Can Do: Ten Years From Now 10 Assessment: (Post-Test). 4 Key to Answers 13, References. 14 What This Module is About Career Development aims to provide leamers a clear understanding of themselves in the full implementation of the K to 12 Program and their potentials to be productive citizens ‘who can contribute to nation-building. The goal of the K to 12 is as stated, "the development of holistic Filipino with the 21% Century Skills who are ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle-level skills development and higher education upon graduation from Grade 12" (the K to 12 Basic Education Program, 2012). This module will guide you as a SHS leamer in helpful assistance and realization with career understanding and decision making. You will get an opportunity to assess your skills and competencies, know your goals and future aspirations. This will give direction so that you can focus on achieving your long-term career plans. Setting realistic goals and expectations is another main objective of a career development module. It helps you to understand what is feasible for you and how you can achieve your career goals. Career Development also helps assess the core competencies and the overall actual process of choosing a career. Also, it helps how to take appropriate measures to discover and explore skills, The following are the lessons contained in this module: 1. Career Development Concepts and Life Goals 2. Personal Development and Career Planning & What | Need to Know At the end of this module, you should be able to: 1. Explain that understanding different factors, career development concepts, and personal life goals influence career planning and decision-making. (EsP-PD11/12PC- 12.4) 2. Identify career options based on different factors, career development concepts, and personal life goals. (EsP-PD11/12PC-Ilf-12.2) 3. Prepare a career plan based on the identified career options to attain personal life goals. (EsP-PD11/12PC-IIf-12.3) How to Learn from this Module To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following: ‘Answer ALL the given tests. ‘Take your time to read the lessons carefully Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently Study and review expectations from this module, Study and do ALL Activities/Exercises required, Callttext any queries and clarification from your teacher about this module. Practice/answer all that are required outputs by your teacher. Notify your teacher when you are ready to submit for online/hardcopy evaluation. Stop and have your teacher evaluate your work from your activity sheet. After your teacher has evaluated your work, follow your teacher's recommendations/comments for your career development. Icons of this Module This part contains leaming objectives that What Need 10 | are set for you to leam as you go along the now module. This is an assessment as to your level of knowledge of the subject matter at hand What I know meant specifically to gauge prior related knowledge What's in This part connects the previous lesson with that ofthe current one. An introduction to the new lesson through What's New | various activities, before it wll be presented to you These are discussions of the activities as a Whatis it way to deepen your discovery and understanding of the concept. These are follow-up activities that are What's More intended for you to practice further to master the competencies, What IHave | Activities designed to process what you Leamed have learned from the lesson These are tasks that are designed to What eando {showcase your skills and knowledge gained and applied to reablfe concems and situations. What | Know . Select the letter of the best answer from among the Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. What influential factor affects an adolescent's self-concept? ‘A. Educational Performance _C. Self -Identity B. Personal Skills D. Peer Pressure Which of the following refers to the choice of an individual specifically in choosing a course to take up in college? ‘A. Personal Skills C. Self -Identity 8. Personal Health D, Personal Preferences What factor of personal development is described in this statement, “A person believed that she is finally ready to face the world amidst all obstacles because she is determined to succeed and reached all her aspirations in lfe."? ‘A. Selt-confidence C. Self -Identity B, Personal Skills D. Motivation What makes a person strive hard and uses his/her full potentials to achieve ‘everything that he/she desires? ‘A. Self-confidence C. Self-Identity B. Personal Health D. Motivation What is that inherent attitude of an individual in which he was able to improve his talent simply by observing and emulating from his parents, siblings, classmates, and people around him? A. Self-confidence C. Self -Identity B. Personal Skills D. Motivation Which of the items below is a way of conditioning the mind, body, and spirit that urges a certain individual to pursue his dreams? ‘A. Self-confidence C. Self -Identity B. Personal Condition D. Motivation Based on the Hollands Trait Factory Theory, which of the following is an innate attitude of an individual that helps him choose an occupation or career that suits his qualifications? ‘A. Personal Characteristics C, Self-confidence B. Self-Identity D. Motivation What is the lifelong process where people have to assess their skills and qualities to set their goals in life and maximize their full potentials? A, Personal Skills C. Self -Identity B. Personal Health D. Personal Development 9, How do you call a certain perception to which you prepare and intensify a design at present because you believed that it will become purposeful in the future? ‘A. Personal Plan C. Long-Term Goals B, Short Term Goal D, Personal Development 10. Which of the choices below motivates an individual to become productive and self- worth? A. Personal Plan C. Long-Term Goals B. Career Planning D, Personal Development 11, How do you call a man's traits or attributes that enable him to recognize his strengths and weaknesses? A, Self-confidence C. Decision Making B. Self-awareness D. Opportunity and Awareness 12. Which of the steps in planning processes does not belong to the group? ‘A. Listening from others on what you do not know of yourself B. Making decisions like comparing options C. Finding out what is out there D. Working towards your Goal, 13, What specific career pathing requires self-analysis and self-assessment to know your full potential as an individual? ‘A. Personal Plan C. Decision Making B. Self-awareness D. Opportunity and Awareness 14, What particular part of the planning procedure should be definite, clear, and direct to the point? A. Specific C. Attainable B. Measurable D, Relevant 15. Which of the following concems the process of making choices between alternatives? A, Personal Plan C. Decision Making B. Self-awareness. D. Opportunity and Awareness um Career Development Concepts and Life Goals %) What | Need to Know This module is all about SHS Learners’ discovery of who they are in terms of their likes, values, skills, and interests. Knowing oneself is important as it plays an integral role in strengthening decision-making skills and shaping people's decision- making processes. Fostering the learners’ discovery of themselves will encourage them to choose a career that matches their interests and abilities which is advantageous not only to the leamers but to the entire country as it will surely address the pressing concern on job and skill mismatch. (DepEd Order No. 41, Series 2015, SHS Career Guidance Program and Early Registration, Disembarking on a Journey of Self-awareness) Almost all the decisions that SHS learners make at school have a big impact on their lives affecting not just their future education, training, and employment, but also their social lives, finances, and health outcomes. A key function of this module is to prepare learners to successfully see a future career path. This module will guide and promote awareness of the importance of choosing a career that suits their skills and interests that matches the available resources and needs of society. What’s New Career Decision-making and planning is a complex and lifelong process. It is like putting together the pieces of the puzzle to form a clear picture of what these pieces represent. Leamers let's explore and discover puzzle pieces in the career process like your interests, your personality, your values, and your development skills. Each piece needs to be explored carefully and thoroughly on its own, and then later looked at in the interrelationship with other pieces of the puzzle to form a picture that is clear and understandable — a picture of "WHO YOU ARE * in terms of career goals or aspirations in the future. Activity 1. Who are you? Directions: Fill in the table with the correct information asked below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper. Identifying INTERESTS in Life: What are your interests in life that you could consider pleasure, where you spend most of your time? 1 2 3, 4 5. Identifying PERSONALITY: What are your personality traits, which you think you can use in any situation in your life? 1 2. 3, 4. 5. Tdentifying VALUES in Life: Enumerate at least 5 principles or norms that motivate you to make decisions, actions, and behaviors or something that guides you to the right path and gives meaning to your life, 1 2. 3 4. 5. Tdentifying SKILLS in Life: Cite at least 3 abilities or skills that give you the best result 1 2 3 What Is It Career development is a study of career paths, success, and behavior. It aims to explain why a person might be a good fit for a certain career. The lifelong process of managing leaming, work, leisure, and transitions to move toward a personally determined and evolving preferred future. The concept of career development can be explained through the following theories, Each theory focuses on particular factors that explain or influence one's career development and choice. ‘+ Differential Psychology is interested in work and occupation + Personality Psychology views an individual as an organizer of their own experiences. + Social Psychology focuses on social action and the interrelation of personality, values, and mind with social structure and culture. * Developmental Psychology is concerned with the “life course.” Career Goal is a well-defined statement explaining the profession that an individual intends to pursue throughout his career. The desired result a person predicts, plans, and commits to achieve a personal desired end-point. It is similar to Purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an end to come up with effective action plans. It can be more understood by the illustration below. GOAL = YOUR DREAMS + ACTION STEPS + TARGET DATE Learners’ SMART Goals Setting. A planning process that measures five individual criteria to evaluate a goal and determine its viability and puts it into action. S- Specific - definite, clear, point M- Measurable- an estimate of what is to expected, barometer, mark A-Attainable- to reach as an end of progression, growth effort R- Relevant- applicable, pertinent, relative to, should make sense T- Timely- key period, a specific timeline for each step of the process. There are also two types of personal or career goals. These are short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are for a relatively short period usually less . Long-term goals are occurring over or involving a relatively long time lerable term specifically one of more than 10 years What’s More Act ity 2: Setting up My Goals in Life Directions: In a short bond paper, you are tasked to draw your life map. Illustrate how do you see yourself after 10 years of your graduation from Senior High School and 5 years after your college graduation. Be sure to specify your target goals after every graduation. Activity 3: My Chosen Career in the Future Directions: Write a letter to yourself entitled "Dear Future Me". State and express everything that you want to say about your future self and identify your developed strengths which overcome your weaknesses to have an established future and become the best person you can be today. Use a separate paper to write your letter. Dear Future Me, Lots of Love, EY Sy What | Have Learned A ity 4. SMART Goals in Life Directions: Give a thought about how important a goal that you want to achieve in life. And declare it through a motivational statement. Write your declaration is a separate sheet of paper. ‘A. My SMART Goals in Life. My SMART Goals — What do | want? (Write down the goal you want to achieve, Use positive ("I hereby declare....") words. Ihereby declare B. My Personality Development Challenges — Why do you need/want it? Identify the desires or challenges you are facing right now as an SHS leamer. TINEED/WANT MY DREAMS BECAUSI DESIRES/CHALLENGES C. My Two (2) Concrete Action Steps- How will | Get it? (Give two specific actions/steps that once completed will move you closer to your dreams. Write your answer on the space provided.) D. My Target Dates: - When do I want it? (The Completion date to reach your goal. Write a specific Month and Year of your targeted completion? Specific Month and Year: 6 %) What | Can Do Activity 5. Bringing Short-Term Goals into Reality! Directions: Answer the SMART goal worksheet below: Three current work/study T, habits | have: 5 Three work/study habits | would like to develop to achieve my dream/target in lite: My chosen career: (Short-term dream/target) Date: (Short term dream/target in life was set today:) Target Date (To accomplish short-term dream/target in life) Five Activities to accomplish short term Dream/ Target in my Life as SHS Learner: T 2 3. 5. Personal Development and Career Planning What's In Personal Development is a lifelong process. It is a way for people to assess their skills and qualities, consider their aims in life, and set goals to realize and maximize their potentials. Career Planning is an ongoing process that can help you manage your learning and development. Step: the Planning Process Knowing yourself- Skills, likes and dislikes, and values Finding out Exploring what is out there Making-Decisions- Comparing options Taking Action- Working towards your Goal. Qs) What Is It? Career Selection “You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” “Steve Jobs Four Main Stages in Choosing a Career A. Self-awareness- this involves looking at your skills, values, interests, and personality. And analyzing where your strengths and weaknesses lie. B. Opportunity/Awareness- Once you have done some preliminary self- analysis, the next stage is to gather information on the opportunities open to you. C. Decision-making — Consider suggestions from others, they could bring up some possibilities that you haven't considered before. D. Taking Action- This is the final process of career planning. It Involves: Finding out about the employers that offer the types of jobs or careers you are interested in You can search through online job applications. Preparing applications and attending interviews. Perhaps taking aptitude tests. v vvv Factors Affecting Career Choices 1 Self-concept or Self-Identity- Your self-identity is not as solid as it should be, then choosing a career or even a course to take up in college will be difficult Personal Preferences. It is sometimes greatly being affected by the wants of parents for their children. Peer pressure is also one factor that influences a certain individual. Motivation. The drive to fulfil one’s fullest potentials is the best motivation any person can ever have in living a meaningful life. A person without any motivation will end up wasting a life of unfulfilled potentials. Self-confidence. "Yes, | Can!" Notwithstanding the challenges an adolescent faces after high school, the self-confident person will keep his eyes on his goals and declare to the world that he can do it and will succeed in the pursuit of his dreams. Personal Skills. As children, we already leaned certain skills just by observing our parents and siblings, classmates, friends, and school authorities. Be aware of the inherent skills that you have. Personality Characteristics. Knowing your personality characteristics will help you in choosing a career. Certain characteristics are compatible and matched with certain types of work or occupation according to the Hollands trait factory theory. Personal Health. Many health conditions can be handled given the proper guidance from a professional medical specialist. in many instances, however, physical conditions or health issues did not determine certain individuals in pursuing their dreams. What's More Activity 6. Revisiting My Future Me Directions: Listen to the song, "We Can Be Everything” by; ApLDe.Ap. Read the fo lyrics and sing along if you know it! You can be a doctor ‘You can be a governor You can be a professor You can be a leader All you got to do is a dream You can be anything Get your education Change your situation "Cause if | can do it, then you can do it And together we can push it up the mountain (Do it!) If can gett, then you can get it And together we can live it ‘Cause there is no limit (yeah!) ‘You can be a hero Don't be a zero You can live big things You can do big things Get your graduation Earn your occupation ‘Cause if| can do it, then you can do it 8 ‘And together we can push it up the mountain (Do it) | can get it, then you can get it And together we can live it ‘Cause there is no limit (yeah!) Mga kababayan ko, magsamahan tayo Mga kababayan ko, magsamahan tayo | know | can | know you can Let's get together and make a plan You'll get better like cannon head Help each other out, understand All of us together inside this land Working together that's the master plan Ifyou believe say Yes | can! Ifyou believe say Yes | can! You can be a leader You can be a hero You can be a leader You can be a hero ‘Cause if| can do it, then you can do it ‘And together we can push it up the mountain (Do it!) If can get it, then you can get it And together we can live it ‘Cause there is no limit (yeah!) Source: M Songwriters: Allan P Damien Leroy / Jean Kouame fa Can Be Anything lyrics © Ryan Buondia Music After listening or reading the song, revisit your letter, "Dear Future Me" and if you want to revise and improve the letter, you are free to do so. Write this in your journal notes. Dear Future Me, Love Lots, Acti ity 7. Read and Be Guided Directions: Go to this link, https://bitly/3p3PPeE, and read more about career guidance. The article is about "Career Guidance for Millennials" by Butch Hernandez. In the case, you do not have access to the internet, you may look for a similar article with the guidance of your teacher, parent/s, or adult learning partner at home. ©) What's I Have Learned od Activity 8. My Reflection Notes Directions: Reflect on the factors that could affect choosing your careers, Write your reflection in your journal notebook. Reflection Notes: N What’s I Can Do? Activity 9. Ten Years from Now rections: Make a photo collage on how you see yourself 10 years from now. Be creative by using available materials in your surroundings. 10 ES Assessment: (Post-Test) Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices 1. Lorry wants to improve her presentation and public speaking skills. Lorry’s goal is definite, clear, and on point. Which among the following characteristics describes Lorry's goal setting for personal development? ‘A. Specific C. Attainable B. Measurable D. Relevant 2, Based on the comments of her classmates, Belle has exemplary skills in making a PowerPoint presentation, editing, and other computer stuff but she is also aware that she is not good at communicating skills. From the process of career development, at what stage does Belle is in? A. Personal Plan C. Decision Making B. Self-awareness D. Opportunity and Awareness 3. Donna is considering a career pathing that will suit her skills, values, interests, and personality. Which of the following, Donna is developing for herself? ‘A. Self-confidence C. Decision Making B. Self-awareness D. Opportunity and Awareness 4, Which of the possible steps in planning processes does not belong to the group? ‘A. Listening from others on what you do not know of yourself B, Making decisions like comparing options C. Finding out what is out there D. Working towards your Goal 5. How do you call that ongoing process that will help a person manage what he/she learned that can be used for his/her development? A. Personal Plan C. Long-Term Goals B. Career Planning D. Personal Development 6. Deo wants to go to a party but he has an examination tomorrow. He is confused about what to do. At what stage in Deo's life requires him to weigh the decisions he is going to make? A, Personal Plan ©. Decision Making 8, Solf-awareness D. Opportunity/Awareness 7. Glory has a perspective that their place would become well known and developed in the future. So, she made a contingency plan to construct infrastructures and improved the beautiful spots of their place. Which of the items below suit Gloria's perception? A. Personal Plan C. Long-Term Goals B. Short Term Goal D. Personal Development 8, Marky has the ambition to work abroad, and that is why he enrolled in technical schools that honed his skills in driving, welding, and electrical installation. What is the process in which a person wants to improve his qualities and potentials? A, Personal Skills C, Self Identity B. Personal Health D. Personal Development 9. Itis a condition of being sound in body, mind, and spirit that determines certain indi in pursuing their dreams. A. Self-confidence C. Self Identity B. Personal Health D. Motivation " 10. What are the innate attributes of an individual that help him in choosing a career that leads him to the types of work or occupation matched for his abilities and qualities? A, Solf-confidence ©, Self Identity B. Personal Characteristics D. Motivation 11. Which of the inherent skills an individual possesses where he developed through ‘observing from his parents, siblings, classmates, friends, and people who are very influential? A, Self-confidence ©, Self Identity B. Personal Skills D, Motivation 12. Emma thinks of herself as an individual who is active in humanitarian activities and the like. Because of this, she is determined to pursue her career in social work. What characteristics, Emma have? A. Personal Skills C. Self Identity B. Personal Health D. Personal Preferences 13. The drive to fulfill one's fullest potentials is the best motivation any person can ever have in living a meaningful le. ‘A. Solf-confidence C. Self-Identity B, Personal Health . Motivation 14. Ray plans to have a 1.25 general weighted average upon graduation, so he is working hard in his studies. Which of the following pushes Ray to use his full potential as a student? A. Self-confidence C. Self Identity B. Personal Skills, D. Motivation 18. Most of Hikar's friends are in the Debate Club, so she was encouraged to join the team to improve and develop her potential especially her listening and thinking skills. Which of the following best describes Hikari’s attitudeltrait? A. Personal Skills C. Self -Identity B. Personal Health D. Peer Pressure 12

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