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Questions to Ask When

Buying Pipettes

❱ A Guide to Proper Pipetting

❱ An Overview of Pipette

❱ The Impact of Pipette

Tip Design

❱ Benefits of Electronic and

Connected Pipettes

❱ Tips for Low Volume Pipetting

❱ Picking the Best Serological

Pipette Control

Pipette Resource Guide

Questions to Purchasing Tip

Ask When When evaluating pipette options, consider

the benefits of a connected pipette. A

Buying Pipettes connected pipette communicates wirelessly

with an operating system that can remotely
program the device. By moving to connected
Pipettes are an essential liquid handling tool in any lab. From
basic micropipettes to electronic pipettes, there are a variety
pipettes, scientists reap a list of benefits, such
of types and volume ranges available to fit your exact needs. as a reduction in human error, increased
Advancements in technology have helped improve the accu- traceability, and faster workflow.
racy and reproducibility of pipetting instruments. However,
proper use and maintenance are still vital to getting the most
out of your pipette.

6 Questions to Ask When Buying a Pipette:

1. Is the pipette ergonomic and comfortable to use? Safety Tip

2. How easy is it to change the volume and is there a lock to Using pipettes for long hours is associated
prevent you from changing it accidentally? with an increased risk of hand and shoulder
ailments. To prevent strain or injuries, ensure
3. What volume ranges will you need for your application?
that your wrist is relaxed—not extended,
4. What throughput do you require, and would a flexed, or rotated. Also, use an adjustable chair
multi-channel pipette improve your efficiency? to achieve a good working posture that allows
your feet to rest on the floor and provides
5. How complex are your protocols, and would an electronic
pipette help you follow them? enough leg space under the work surface.

6. What maintenance and calibration options are available

from the manufacturer?

Lab Manager 2
Pipette Resource Guide

A Guide to connectivity, a user can download protocols or create custom

ones. Pipetting data can even be captured in the cloud, which

Proper Pipetting
is one way to identify any missteps and enhance the pipet-
ting process, especially by tracking the ongoing accuracy, or
lack of it.

Following these guidelines can improve the With the right equipment in hand, the next challenge is get-
accuracy of manual liquid handling ting the steps right.

by Mike May, PhD An electronic pipette automates some of these steps. Elec-
tronic pipettes typically feature a digital display to adjust vol-
Like a chef using a knife, a scientist needs pipetting skills. ume and a motorized piston for aspiration and dispensing that
A seasoned chef may be able to cut a carrot into ribbons, effectively does all the work. These pipettes also come with
seemingly without a thought, but it never hurts to keep some useful preset programs and custom modes where researchers
pipetting guidelines in mind—no matter how experienced can quickly create their own protocols.
the scientist. The right technique is key when manually dis-
pensing liquid. Some of the most common pipetting errors are Handling gone wrong
related to careless use of the pipette tips, inconsistent rhythm
or timing, and improper pipette handling. Sometimes, seemingly simple steps turn an accurate process
into a mess. In pipetting, it doesn’t take much to make the
Sometimes, a scientist even selects the wrong pipette. For results totally unreliable.
example, scientists might be using the incorrect volume
pipette for a specific task or using an air-displacement pipette Even if an error in use seems small, the impact can be signifi-
to handle non-aqueous liquid. With viscous fluids, a posi- cant. If the tip is not seated properly, for example, leaking can
tive-displacement pipette should always be used. reduce pipetting accuracy by 0.5 percent to 50 percent.

Before getting to specific pipetting procedures, some general Following the basic steps to accurate pipetting goes a long
concepts should be considered. Prior to starting any exper- way toward improving the process and the results, but a few
iments, a pipette user should consider what they are doing, more advanced tips should also be followed. For example,
what liquids they will be working with, and what throughput pre-rinsing tips can increase the uniformity of volumes aspi-
they need with their pipette. By planning ahead and looking rated and dispensed. Even the method of adjusting a pipette
at the tools available to them, a user might get a better idea can matter. It is recommended that volumes be set through a
of what existing pipettes will be optimal for their assays and clockwise adjustment for improved precision.
which they need to purchase.
Beyond the tools and techniques, it’s just as important to
The features available in today’s pipettes extend beyond the keep the user properly “tuned.” The process of pipetting
device itself. Advances in liquid handling have made it possi- takes a toll on mind and body. Pipetting ergonomics
ble for users to connect their pipette to the cloud. With this can play a big role in accuracy. So, a scientist should do

Lab Manager 3
Pipette Resource Guide

everything possible to make the experience as pleasant and Given the amount of pipetting done in modern labs,
comfortable as possible. investing in tools and techniques makes as much sense as
does a chef buying an amazing knife, keeping it sharp, and
Plus, taking a break makes a real difference. Scientists should using it properly.
let go of the pipette from time to time and step away. In
cases where large amounts of pipetting are required, such as
repetitive processes in microplates, purchasing an electronic
multichannel pipette could be worth the investment.

Steps to success

With an air-displacement pipette, the following steps increase the likelihood of accurately and repeatedly
measuring a specific volume:

• Set the volume on the pipette • Put the pipette—held at 10–45 degrees—
against the wall of the receiving chamber, and
• Depress the plunger
smoothly depress the plunger to the first stop
• Immerse the tip to the correct depth, which can
• Wait one second and then depress the plunger
vary by the pipette and tip, and smoothly let the
to the second stop
plunger go to its resting position
• Slide the tip up the vessel wall to remove
• Wait about one second for the liquid to flow
the Pipette
into the tip
• Allow the plunger to return to its rest position

Lab Manager 4
Pipette Resource Guide

An Overview (tennis elbow), carpal tunnel syndrome, and neck, shoulder,

and wrist pain can all be mitigated by maintaining appropri-

of Pipette
ate posture and form. Key themes are minimizing strain on
muscles, ligaments, and tendons through an appropriate work
height and minimal reaching, lifting, and twisting.

Ergonomics 1. Proper working height is important whether sit-

ting or standing.

Improve pipetting accuracy and reduce workplace • Too low—the person will hunch over and strain the
injury with ergonomic considerations back and neck.
by Lab Manager
• Too high—raised shoulders and arms will add
excessive strain.
Pipetting is an activity many perform, yet few consider the • Avoid lifting objects to work at eye level.
ergonomics of. Operators often pipette hazardous and/or ex-
pensive materials that require extreme accuracy and precision 2. Shoulders should be in line with hips, and the head should
with a high cost of failure. It’s unsurprising that operators be straight above the shoulders.
concentrate primarily on the activity itself rather than their
own posture or comfort. It is a highly repetitive task typically 3. Keep elbows next to and in line with the body as
requiring considerable hand/thumb force, however, and con- much as possible.
stitutes a high risk for repetitive strain injuries to hands and
shoulders. Pain and injury have been associated with as little • Try not to extend elbows while reaching or rest
as one hour of pipetting a day. It is particularly important to them on hard surfaces.
consider safe pipetting practices and habits in light of the risks • Arrange the required materials and devices on your
inherent in working with hazardous samples and reagents. workstation to minimize reaching.

Fortunately, literature and design have focused on the ergo- 4. The wrist should be relaxed—not extended,
nomics of pipette use for more than 20 years and there are mul- flexed, or rotated.
tiple ergonomic styles and features on the market. Combining
ergonomic features with best practices can greatly reduce the 5. Use a suitable chair for longer hours of pipetting.
associated risks. Here we will look at proper ergonomic posture
and practice followed by favorable design features. • Ensure enough leg space to allow the person to sit
close to the work.
The importance of posture, form, and • The chair should be adjustable for proper work-
varying tasks ing height.
• Feet should rest comfortably on the floor below the
Maintaining good posture and form while pipetting is critical knees. If necessary, use a footrest.
to reducing the risk of pain and injury. Lateral epicondylitis

Lab Manager 5
Pipette Resource Guide

6. If standing, use a cushioned floor mat. Side-angled pipettes—rather than straight vertical mod-
els—reduce twisting while pipetting in low profile containers.
7. Avoid as much awkward stretching, twisting, or bending as These also substantially lower working height, making them a
possible while working. This may require new equipment great option for fume hood tasks as well.
or creative workspace solutions.
Good electronic pipette models will offer multiple pipetting
Pipetting is by nature a repetitive task. Breaking up long speeds and functions. Adjustable speeds increase accuracy in
sessions with short breaks or task changes will help reduce pipetting different viscosities and precision in sensitive sep-
adverse effects. Frequent breaks are more effective than work- arations or extractions. Functions can cover a wide range of
ing for longer hours and taking a longer break. When starting typical pipetting activities, including stepper pipetting, mix-
or pausing for a break, take a moment to check and correct ing, diluting, or reverse pipetting. Be sure to consider weight
posture. Intersperse cognitive tasks or alternate between tasks of electronic pipettes—they require less effort to operate but
that use different muscles or postures whenever possible. are often heavier and may increase strain or fatigue over long
periods. To fully eliminate thumb strain, their circumference
The designs that make it easier needs to be properly sized as well.

Ergonomically designed pipettes not only potentially Additional useful features when purchasing pipettes include
decrease costs associated with workplace injuries, they also easy, in-lab calibration and maintenance and autoclavable
improve accuracy and performance by reducing fatigue-driv- lower halves (tip cones). Pipettes need regular cleaning and
en mistakes. Choosing the right pipette for the user and the sterilization and must be disassembled. They must be reca-
task is important. Consider the type of task, length of time librated after every cleaning/assembly. Being able to do so
pipetting, volume, and workspace design and environment in-house offers labs convenience and cost savings.
when selecting appropriate styles and features.
If your lab—or group of collaborative labs—has the volume
Ergonomic pipettes can reduce risk of thumb tenosynovitis to justify the added expense, consider an automated liquid
and hand, wrist, and shoulder pain and injury. Generally, handler. These platforms are fantastic productivity aids, free-
pipettes should be lightweight, comfortable to grip, and allow ing up trained staff to focus on more engaging, bigger picture
for neutral position of hand and wrist. They should require items like research questions, reviews, revising protocols, and
minimal force to operate and minimize any contact stresses. problem-solving. They can reduce human error—offering
more consistent results—while simultaneously improving
In addition to choosing ergonomic design options, labs can employee satisfaction and retention.
minimize the repetition and force associated with pipetting
by using multichannel pipettes, electronic pipettes, or even
automated liquid handlers.

Features to
look for:
Properly sized. Hands should cover
Lightweight with a finger hook Adjustable finger hooks
Grip more than 50 and less than 100
to allow for a lighter grip for a customized fit
percent of the circumference
Plungers with low spring pressure Magnetic latch to help keep the
Plunger Finger trigger in place of plunger.
and minimal travel distance plunger in place while pipetting
Thumb or finger wheel
Soft-touch finger adjustments
Volume Adjuster volume adjusters in place -
for volume
of twisting the plunger
Easy tip loading and ejection Click-in tip loading and/or
Load/Eject Electronic tip ejection
with properly fitting tips spring-assisted tip ejection

Body Contoured pipette body for grip Rotatable handle -

Multichannel pipettes to Electronic single- or multi-channel

Efficiency -
reduce repetition pipettes to eliminate dispensing force.
Suitable for both right-
Handedness - -
and left-handed use

Lab Manager 6
Product Spotlight
D-ONE Single Channel Pipetting Module for the ASSIST PLUS
Pipetting Robot

The D-ONE single channel pipetting module offers unlimited applications. It is designed to offer easy
hands-free transfers from individual tubes or wells automation of normalization, hit picking, and
on the ASSIST PLUS pipetting robot. This makes it master mix preparation, freeing up your time while
the perfect add-on for labs that want to go beyond eliminating transcription errors.
the possibilities of multichannel pipetting to access

Pipette Resource Guide

The Impact Minimum compositional requirements should therefore

include inert polymers that withstand chemical challenges,

of Pipette Tip
gamma- and electron beam-radiation, and autoclaving. Tip
polypropylene should possess sufficient clarity to allow sam-
ple visualization, and sufficient suppleness to facilitate accu-

rate touch-off during dispensing. With typical draw/dispense
volumes in the microliter range, molding quality, physical
integrity, and uniformity become critical for accurate, repro-
ducible liquid movement within the pipette tip.
Pipette tips represent intricate engineering that is
critical to accuracy and mitigating contamination Margin of error
risk in pipetting
For pipette tips, fit dictates function. Some manufacturers in-
by Angelo DePalma, PhD and Rachel Brown, MSc
corporate specific design elements to mitigate tips loosening,
leaking, and falling off, like a stop that helps ensure pipette
Pipette tips appear to be technically simple, almost commod- tips load to exactly the same height. Generic tips expand
itized, yet their design and manufacture require significant when loaded and fall off to return to their original shape.
thought and engineering. Pipetting accuracy is reliant on the
sophisticated design of tips. Tip height is critical, particularly in multichannel pipettes
and devices where 96 or 384 tips are expected to draw and
Some liquid handling applications demand purpose-driven deliver precisely the same volume. Tips seated too high on
pipette tips with features like low retention or binding, used a pipette tip fitting may not reach fluid level and thereby
for high-viscosity liquids containing sugars or glycerin or aspirate air. Failing to make contact when touching off during
highly concentrated salts. dispensing causes liquid to remain within the tip. Affected
wells become dead points.
Exquisite engineering notwithstanding, no pipetting system
performs reliably if the tip discharges contaminants during These problems are magnified with today’s ultralow-volume
operation. Slip agents, which are chemicals employed during pipetting. The volumetric margin of error shrinks when
the manufacture of injection-molded plastic parts to en- dispensing 0.2 microliters compared with 500 microliters.
hance manufacturability, are one potential contamination When the pipetted volume consists only of a small droplet,
source. Tips not manufactured under pristine conditions and the liquid will not be transferred from all tips if they are not
thoroughly inspected may harbor adventitious biological or perfectly straight and aligned.
chemical contaminants as well. For plastics, of which tips are
made, leachables and extractables may affect data fidelity and Contamination and carryover
experimental results in insidious ways if they are not well
formulated. Buffers, salts, acids, bases, and organic chemical Contamination and cross-contamination are perennial issues
constituents may initiate leaching of residual monomers, in pipetting. Aerosols of the pipetted liquid are formed during
polymerization agents, or even metals. aspiration. Absent some sort of barrier, aerosols enter the

Lab Manager 8
Pipette Resource Guide

pipette, remain inside, and carry over to subsequent samples. DNA, or virus particles. Tips are mostly made of polypropyl-
Cross-contamination occurs as previously aspirated air is ene, but filter composition varies among manufacturers.
dispensed along with the sample.
Filter and barrier tips cost more than their unmodified
Many highly sensitive reactions will yield erroneous results counterparts based on materials, design, and manufacturing.
in the presence of contaminants, for example, polymerase The increment is small, however, compared with the cost of
chain reaction (PCR). The list of PCR inhibitors is long: bile reagents, buffers, time, and labor associated with rework due
salts, urea, and calcium ions, to name a few. to contamination or pipette repair or replacement. These
factors alone justify the use of barrier tips.
Filtered pipette tips prevent aerosols from reaching the in-
nards of the pipette and carrying over to the next liquid trans- Aerosols and liquids introduced through over-pipetting can
fer. Several filter and barrier designs are available, constructed eventually cause corrosion or compromise seals. This is more
from different materials and each with specific effectiveness likely to occur over time if the user fails to clean and service
related to contamination control. For example, self-sealing the pipette periodically and leads to physical deterioration
barriers prevent liquids in addition to aerosols from entering and loss of accuracy.
the pipette.
The degree of protection depends on the filter/barrier type.
Filter tips are commonly used in many applications to mit- Standard filter tips provide aerosol protection but allow
igate contamination. DNA/RNA applications often employ samples to draw beyond the barrier if liquid is accidently
these tips to help prevent introduction of DNases and RNas- over-pipetted. Some barrier tips seal off on contact with liquid
es, enzymes that hydrolyze nucleic acids, and sample-to-sam- to prevent liquid from rising above the barrier.
ple cross-contamination. They can also protect against
contamination of cultured cells in labs that work with viruses. Customization is rare in the pipette tip world outside of
Filter tips are additionally appropriate for manipulation of ra- packaging. Tips normally come in a rack of 96 but customers
dioisotopes, which many labs still use due to legacy methods sometimes ask for packages of ten or 20, or even individually
or the unavailability of appropriate fluorescent labels. Anyone packaged tips. These are useful for clean room processes
who has ever worked with radionucleotides recognizes how where workers bring in only the materials and equipment
easily surfaces—even those that seemingly do not come into they need. Over the years, manufacturers of pipettes and
contact with radioactive materials—become “hot.” Counts pipette tips have improved products to make manual liquid
transferred from one experiment or process to another are handling easier and more ergonomic. While welcome, inno-
result-destroyers. vation has produced a somewhat chaotic marketplace.

Protect the pipette An ISO standard, 8655-2 recommends that customers should
use pipettes and tips from the same manufacturer, even for
In a filter-fitted tip, a barrier exists between the nose cone of “open system” products. No industry standards exist for
the pipette and the liquid draw region of the tip. The design dimensions of nose cones or tips drawing specific volumes.
must allow airflow, however, or aspiration will not occur. Pipettes are calibrated by the manufacturer for use with that
The filter catches aerosolized particles like aqueous droplets, manufacturer’s tips and may need recalibration for use with
different tips.

Lab Manager 9
Pipette Resource Guide

Benefits of manual ones, the increased accuracy, efficiency, and confi-

dence in results, are well worth it.

Electronic and Several providers have taken the technology a step further
and created linked smart pipetting systems.

Connected Connected pipettes

Pipettes Pipettes can make up a key component in a connected lab. A

connected pipette communicates wirelessly with an operating
system that can remotely program the device. By moving to
Electronic pipettes are the preferred solution connected pipettes, scientists reap a list of benefits to help
them be more efficient and effective.
for efficiency, consistency, and reliability—
adding wireless communication changes a lab’s One of the most powerful advantages of connected pipettes
liquid handling is the ability to reduce errors. A network can set up the
by Mike May, PhD and Brandoch Cook, PhD
protocol for a connected pipette, which prevents errors that
can arise when setting it up manually for a specific workflow.
The success of the Human Genome Project, and the rise In this case, a user wouldn’t need to try to navigate a tiny
of deep sequencing platforms, spurred companies to begin electronic display to select settings, they would be created in
introducing electronic pipettes. Now, many laboratories have a more user-friendly, desktop method and would be the same
a range of pipetting options, with electronic repeater and every time.
multichannel pipettes and full series of manual pipettes.
How a pipette is being used can also be tracked more careful-
Electronic pipettes contain a motor to precisely regulate ly and completely with connected devices. By recording each
aspiration and dispensing rates, which reduces air bubbles step, the protocol is fully traceable. This recording helps for
and barrel contamination. Moreover, repeater pipettes reduce both troubleshooting and regulatory oversight.
measurement error in experiments with many samples and
replicates. Push-button functionality provides an ergonom- A lab also saves on labor by using connected pipettes. Instead
ic advantage, avoiding mechanical wear associated with of looking at a protocol for setup or next steps, for instance,
force-dependent actions like tip ejection, and eliminating the user just follows prompts from the device. So, a user can
laboratory casualties like pipette thumb. run through a workflow more quickly.

Electronic pipettes are often programmable, allow storage Despite many advances in connecting lab devices, scientists
and modification of protocols, save on overall tip usage, and looking to connect pipettes must negotiate some obstacles.
drive greater efficiency in experimental setup. Although New technology can be daunting for users, but once they are
electronic pipettes are usually two to three times the price of used it, they will quickly realize the benefits of reduced errors
and increased efficiency.

Lab Manager 10
Pipette Resource Guide

Some of the technology behind connected pipettes also poses flows. It should work seamlessly with labware already being
some challenges. Some devices may require programming used and not be locked into add-ons from the vendor.
skills, which is a barrier to the user. However, this issue can be
resolved by selecting a device with an intuitive user interface. With an increasing number of connected pipettes and ones
that include more capabilities, scientists will handle liquids
When looking for a connected pipetting system, a scientist more efficiently and accurately than ever.
should consider how the device will work with existing work-

Evolution  Guillaume-Francois Rouelle,

of the
Francois Descroizilles

Evolution of
the Pipette
pipette Guillaume
A student of Guillaume-
Francois Rouelle, Francois
Descroizilles, a French applied
chemist is responsible for
several important and useful
inventions including the
alcalimetre, an early precursor
to the pipette.
The pipette is a laboratory Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac,
a French chemist and key

staple with a history figure in the development of

volumetric analysis, coined the
term "pipette" as well as the
extending over two centuries terms "burette" and "titrate" in
a publication on the strength Joseph Louis
of bleaching powder using Gay-Lussac
a solution of indigo to
signify when the reaction
The pipette is a laboratory staple was complete.

with a history extending over two

centuries. Once a simple technology,
scientific demands have driven the
development of this device, resulting
in the highly sophisticated tools we 1860
are familiar with today. 1864
Louis Pasteur establishes
Martin Overlach patented a
syringe that housed a chamber germ theory by discovering
Louis the pathology of puerperal
that didn’t leak; this syringe Pasteur
contained pistons. The syringe fever and the pyogenic vibrio
Learn how silkworms, bicycle did not play a direct role in the
development of the pipette, but
in the blood, as well pebrine—
a serious disease of silkworms.

valves, and milk inspectors the piston action, instrumental Understanding the need to
to the operation of many types of keep everything clean and
syringes, did find early success in germ-free, Pasteur used long,
influenced the shape, form, and shaping the modern pipette thin glass tubes to transfer
fluids. This valuable tool

functionality of today’s modern

became known as the “Pasteur

1889 pipette”, a term still widely

used today.
liquid handing devices. .

The first recorded laboratory
infection due to mouth
pipetting occurred with
the case of a physician who
accidentally sucked a culture

Download the 1903

George Wilson was granted
of typhoid bacilli into
his mouth.

full infographic a patent for a bicycle oiler,

"especially adapted for use in
connection with the parts of
compliments of bicycles." Wilson's oiler featured
a self-closing valve that opened
Lab Manager by way of pushing on a piston
The first patent in the
that moved down a cylinder.
At Denmark's Carlsberg
US Patent office was filed laboratory Kaj Ulrik Linderstrøm–
featuring this schematic. Lang and Milton Levy, an American
research fellow, were the first to
describe the method for creating

Lab Manager
what became known as the Lang-
11 Levy, or Carlsberg pipette.

Imperial Chemical Industries
Pipette Resource Guide

Tips for Low Errors result from the fact that a liquid’s viscosity, and to a
similar degree volume, changes with temperature. If a sample

is very cold, it will be difficult to aspirate micro volumes.
The same goes if room temperature is too cold. For regular
volumes, temperature doesn’t really matter, but for small

volumes it does.

Additional tips for accurate low-volume

Accuracy depends on you—know your pipette,
maintain it, and practice good technique • Accuracy depends on you—know your pipette, maintain
by Angelo DePalma, PhD
it, and practice good technique.

Modern biology lab work is increasingly characterized by the • Consider a positive displacement pipette (vs. an air
manipulation of very small volumes and quantities of sample. displacement model). Air displacement models are prone
Several factors explain this trend: high-value samples, the to temperature effects as air expands to a greater degree
ability to detect changes accurately in low volumes, and the with temperatures than liquids. Downside: expense due to
continuing replacement of radiolabeling with optical (partic- replacement of tip and displacement barrel.
ularly fluorescence) techniques that enable multiplexed assays.
The venerable test tube gave way to vials, which have been • Service pipettes every six to 12 months; check and clean
replaced, for the most part, by microplates in which microliter daily and store them vertically.
reaction volumes and nanoliter reagent additions are quickly
becoming the norm. Within these tiny volumes, factors like • Best practices for pipettes include pipetting with a slow,
temperature, pipetting technique, and dispensing accuracy smooth action, holding the pipette vertically during draw,
take on extreme significance. shallow immersion of tips into samples, and pipetting onto
sidewalls or into liquids instead of air.
In a landmark 2007 article in Nature Methods, Frédéric
Millet stressed the importance of allowing samples, pipettes, • Check pipette accuracy on an analytical balance with
and tips to equilibrate to ambient temperature. Millet had liquid masses in the 0.1 g range. Variation greater than 0.5
discovered that pipetting cold samples led to inconsistent percent deserves a check of equipment and/or technique.
volume delivery, which led him to the recommendation that Keep in mind that analytical balances are far more accu-
operators pre-wet the tip before final aspiration/ dispensing, rate than any pipette.
which “consists in aspirating and dispensing the sample liquid
three or four times before aspirating for sample delivery. This • Dispense volumes appropriate for your instrument, but
technique, albeit inappropriate to enhance accuracy, permits at the same time use the largest volume possible for your
[operators] to obtain a better reproducibility, a key factor experiment. For example, consider diluting samples to
in the most commonly used laboratory protocols involving deliver the same quantity of reagent in a larger volume.
repetitive pipetting tasks such as ELISA or PCR.”

Lab Manager 12
Pipette Resource Guide

Good practice vs. best practice You should also avoid handling pipettes when they are not in
use, mostly for reasons of temperature control. Data show that
Pre-wetting serves to condition the inside of the tip to the there is a clear change in volume when pipettes are held for
properties of the liquid. One common mistake made when more than two minutes.
prewetting is not ensuring that the tip is visibly dry before
aspiration. For this reason, it’s important to pre-wet by aspi- Accurate pipetting of very small volumes requires the same
rating two or three times and then dispense completely into care and best practices users should follow for larger volumes,
the source so the tip is visibly dry. New tips need not be used but to a greater degree. Users should be aware of the factors
unless cross-contamination is an issue, but when they are, that can influence measurements and must remember the
they should also be pre-wetted. immutable physical truth that systematic error, which exists
in any measurement, has the potential for greater impact at 5
When installing the pipette tip, try to be consistent. Jamming microliters than at 500 microliters.
the tip can damage it. Note that some pipette manufacturers
have eliminated this variable by engineering spring-loaded tip Similarly, calibration confers a level of trustworthiness that
cones. With pipettes delivering higher volumes, experts have is only as good as the calibration method itself, so extra
observed that installing the tip with greater force can lead to a care must be taken at super-low volumes. For low-volume
higher measured volume. instruments, that means comparing results gravimetrically
using a stationary six- or seven-place balance in a con-
Experts also recommend holding pipettes at 90 degrees to trolled environment.
the sample during aspiration, and 45 degrees for dispensing.
A 90-degree aspiration is important because pipettes are The criticality of pipetting therefore comes into play. Regu-
made to work with the forces of gravity. You won’t see too lated labs require proof-of-calibration testing in the form of
much variation in the measured volume until the aspiration an ISO certificate that their pipettes are performing within
reaches approximately 60 degrees, but 90 degrees is optimal. specifications. Unregulated labs do not necessarily have these
The goal during dispensing is complete voiding of the tip, requirements but should nevertheless use pipettes that func-
which a 45-degree angle facilitates. Precise pipetting depends tion correctly and deliver reliable results.
upon consistent technique, but accurate pipetting depends
more on correct technique. Combine the two and you have
best practice.

Lab Manager 13
Pipette Resource Guide

Picking the Best Find the right fit

Repeated pipetting could be the lab poster child for repetitive
strain injuries. Consequently, comfort is an important con-
sideration when selecting an ergonomic serological pipette

Pipette Control
controller. Look at the weight and consult the design criteria
to see if the ergonomics will suit the user.

When in use, the controller should be as easy to operate as

A tour of the best ways to select a serological possible. Adjustable speeds help with accuracy of aspiration
pipette controller and dispensing.
by Mike May, PhD
Features worth finding
When pipetting in the milliliter range, scientists often use
a serological pipette and a controller. The controller can There are other controller features worth considering. Some
be manual or motorized, and a collection of features can brands have universal silicone adaptors for serological pi-
be considered—some of them depend on personal prefer- pettes. Consider how loud the controller is and how that will
ence. Here is a tour of the best ways to select a serological fit into your lab environment. Finally, look for a replaceable
pipette controller. disc filter to help improve how clean the device is and to limit
sample contamination.
Pick the power
Overall, one serological pipette controller might look pretty
In most cases, scientists likely pick powered over manual in much like another. Consider reliability, quality and how
a controller. If cost is a crucial issue or the amount of pipet- well the supplier backs up their products. Price is an obvious
ting is minimal or even rare, though, a manual controller feature to consider, but remember that price can be linked to
might be preferred. features, quality of construction, and warranty.

Some lab personnel pipette more in an hour than I did during With these suggestions, shopping for a serological pipette
my entire time in a lab. These individuals certainly benefit controller could be a little easier, or at least more strategic—
from a motorized controller. So, after settling on a powered all with less pain for years to come.
pipette controller, a crucial feature to look for is the longevity
of battery life. The ability to hold a charge is a key feature
of a serological pipette controller to prevent either endless
frustration or the need for a second pipette controller.

Lab Manager 14
Pipette Resource Guide

INTEGRA is a leading provider of high-quality laboratory tools and consumables for liquid
handling and media preparation. We are committed to fulfilling the needs of laboratory professionals in research,
diagnostics, and quality control within the life sciences industry.

Our globally recognized products include EVOLVE manual pipettes, VIAFLO, VOYAGER, MINI 96, VIAFLO 96, and
VIAFLO 384 electronic pipettes, ASSIST PLUS pipetting robots, WELLJET reagent dispensers, PIPETBOY serologic
pipettors, VACUSAFE and VACUSIP aspiration systems, DOSE IT peristaltic pumps, and MEDIACLAVE and MEDIAJET
media preparation equipment.

INTEGRA is headquartered in Zizers, Switzerland and Hudson NH, USA, and maintains direct sales organizations in
the USA, Canada, China, Japan, UK, Sweden, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and a worldwide network of
over 100 highly trained international distribution partners.

Lab Manager 15

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