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Mango is one of the favorite fruits of every Filipinos during the summer, it
is not only eaten as fruit, it is often used to make different desserts and it also
used to make different recipes. Mango graham cake is very popular whenever
the mangoes are in season, as well as the mango shake. I thought of making my
own product with mango, aside from it is my favorite fruit, there is a mango
farm nearby so I won't have any difficulty in finding fresh mango to provide
supply for my product. I really love different pastries, that is why my dream is
to have my own Café and I will name it "Sweet Wishes Café" that serves
different variety of sweets, or desserts just like Mango graham cake and other
smoothies or fruit shakes.

I came up with this product by putting up together all the resources
that I have at home because I really love to create different recipes out of
something. I made this, to have a new taste from plain mango I made a
cake out of it. Aside from being delicious, it is also easy to do, and it can
be used as a business, especially for students like me, it doesn't need a lot
of time to make this recipe, so it can be done even in available time and
sell it through social media or any online buy/sell application.

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