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Medicine stars -2019/2020- 2be doctor stationary Medicine Stars (2019 - 2020) MCQ Booklets Musculoskeletal (2"4 week) \1 Anatom: \2 Histolo |3) | Physiology Sponsored by: 2be doctor (Believe that you can) Musculoskeletal MCQ booklets Histology 1)the perikayron of the neuron contains all of the following except: a- Nissl bodies b- microtubules and neurofilaments ¢- supra nucleur golgi apparatus d- lipofusin pigment 2) according to nissl bodies , choose the correct answer : a- they present in the nucleus of neuron cell b- they are acidophilic organelles c- they present in the whole cell body d- they contain ribosomes and r ER 3) The axoplasm of the axon contains all of the following except: a-Neurofibrils b- Synaptic vesicles c-Mitochondria d- nissl bodies 4) by the examination of the specimen from the nervous system, the doctor find the following characters (Long cell with constant diameter , cylinder shape, Neurofibrils Synaptic vesicles Mitochondria, this cell may be: a- ganglion cell b- axon of the nerve cell c- dendrite of the nerve cell d-nissl bodies 5) according to dendrite of the perikyron , the incorrect statement is : a- Thick at origin with tapering end sculoskeletal MCQ booklets b- contain mitochondria , Golgi apparatus, nissl bodies and r ER c- the direction of impulse is toward the cell body d- not surrounded by sheathes 6) carrying impulses from CNS to effector organs, is the function of a- sensory neurons b- Motor neurons c- Interneurons d- all of above 7) according to interneurons, all of the following is true except : a-called Ossification neurons b- act as a link between sensory and motor neurons c- present in CNS & PNS 8) caranio-spinal ganglia contain: a-unipolar neurons b- pseudounipolar neurons c- bipolar neurons d- multipolar neurons 9) olfactory mucosa of nose contain : a-unipolar neurons b- pseudounipolar neurons c- bipolar neurons d- multipolar neurons 10) the myelin sheath in CNS formed of : a- neuroglia cells and oligodendrocytes b- neuroglia cells and schwann cells c- neuroglia d- satellite cells Mistulosicletal ‘NCQ booklets E Medicine stars -2019/2020- Z2be doctor stationary — 11) the myelin sheath is : a-it is protein rich coat that covers the axons b- Conducts the nerve impulse c- involved in Insulation and protection of nerve fiber d- all of above except (a) 12) Regeneration of nerve fiber after injury . is the function of : a- the myelin sheath b- Schwann cell d- ganglia d- stellate cells Answers: See wD ODPOD,DMOONn Pan ila NES 7 oT Ss uo Medicine stars -2019/2020- 2be doctor stationary Physiology 1) The anatomical unit of nervous system is: b. neuron a. nerve fiber c. dendrites d. non of them 2) The potential difference created across the cell membrane by the metabolic processes of the fiber during rest : a. action potential b.neural excitation c. resting membrane potential d. all of the above 3) The normal resting membrane potential in small fibers is about: a, 20 millivolts b, +70millivolts c.-70 millivolts d.90 millivolts 4) Sidium ion concentration on the outer surface of the membrane is.... Than te inner side. a. 20 b.15 c.30 d.35 5) The negative charge established along a nerve cell membrane is due to: a, movement of sodium into cells b.higher permeability to potassium relative to sodium c. intracellular protein anions d.b&c Musculoskeletal, MCQ booklets i the 6) The cells of excitable and non-excitable tissue shares which of following properties ; a. threshold potential bresting membrane potential ¢, ability to open sodium channels d. all of the above 7) Sodium potassium pump is important for: a. maintain Na and K concentration gradient across the cell membrane b. establish negative electric charge inside the cells ¢. maintain normal level of intracellular K concentration d. all of the above 8) The potential difference created acros: s the cell membrane by the metabolic processes of the fiber during rest : a. action potential b.neural excitation ¢. resting membrane potential d.all of the above 9) The electrical changes accompanying the propagation of excitation wave a. action potential b.neural excitation. c. resting membrane potential d. all of the above 10) Time taken by the excitation wave to reach the site of stimulation: a. latent period b. spike potential c. after hyperpolarization d. repolarization Musculoskeletal, MICO booklets E Medicine stars -2019/2020- 2be doctor stationary 11) The true latent period is about: b. 10-15msec a. 5-6 msec d. non of the above c. 1-3 msec 12) A change in the membrane potential from -70mv to -60mv is an example of: b. hyperpolarization a. depolarization c. polarization d. repolarization 13) Magnitude of action potential is: a.-70 b+35 | c.105 d. non of them 14)During action potential sodium influx coincides with : alatent period b. ascending limb of the spike c. descending limb of the spike d. undershot phase 15) Potassium outflx coincicedes with : alatent period b. ascending limb of the spike c. descending limb of the spike d. undershot phase 16) After hyperpolarization Is caused by: a. delayed closure of of K channels b. active transposrt of sodium by pump cboth of them d, non of them Musculoskeletal MCQ booklets stationary Medicine stars -2019/2020- 2be doctOl = 17) Effectiveness of stimulus depend on: b. strenghth ation a. rate of appil d.all of the above c. duration 18) Nerve accommodation to stimulus can be achieved by: a. sudden application b. gradual application 19) The stronger the current used in nerve excitation. The.... Time needed to excite the tissue. a. longer b. shorter c. not affected d. non of the above 20) the threshold current intesnsity below which no excitation occurs is: a. chronaxie b. utilization time c. rheobase d. minimal time 21)The time which is required for excitation blow which no current can excite the tissue: a. chronaxie b. utilization time c. rheobase d. minimal time 22) the minimal time needed by double rheobasic strenghth to excite the tisses: b, utilization time a. chronaxie c, rheobase d. minimal time “Musculoskeletal MCQ booklets Medicine stars -2019/2020- 2be doctor stationary 23) All of the following are true about calclum concentration Inside the cells except: a. lwo calcium levels excites neurons b, high calcium levels excite neurons c. calcium binds to sodium channel proteins d. non of the above 24) All of the following increases nerve excitability except: a. low calcium levels b. high potassium levels c. high sodium levels d, novocaine 25) ) the minimal time needed by double rheobasic strength to excite the tisses: a. chronaxie b. utilization time c, rheabase d. minimal time 26) failure of conduction of impulse from one place to another a.action potential b. RMP c.nerve block d.non of the above 27) The refractory period : a. prevents action potential from spreading from dpreadind forwards and back b. refers to the time period during which a portion of the membrane that has just undergone an action potential cannot undergo another action Musculoskeletal MCQ booklets . ‘an conduct «places an upper limit on the frequency with which a neuron ¢ action potentials d, all of the above 28) All of the following are true about ARP except: a. no any other stimulus can excite the nerve b. cell membrane is depolarized ©. coincides with the ascending limb of the spike d. coincides with the descending limb of spike 29) The relative refractory period coincides with: a. latent period b. ascending limb of the spike c. descending limb of spike d. hyperpolarization phas Wusculoskeletal. MCQ booklets Anatomy nd the posterior following affected ar is of which of the 1)in car accident , the arm of the driv inter-osseous nerve is injured, the para muscle will occur ?? b- flexor digiti minimi a- Extensor pollicis longus d+ tensor tempani muscle c- abductor digiti minimi 2) the post surface of ulna give an orgin of all of the following muscles except : a- Extensor indicis b- Extensor pollicis longus c- Abductor pollicis longus d- Supinator muscle 3) Deep group of extensor muscles of forearm include : a- Supinator muscle b- Abductor pollicis longus c- Extensor pollicis brevis d- all of above 4) posterior inter-osseous nerve supplies all of the following muscles except: a- brachilus muscle b-Supinator muscle c- Abductor pollicis longus d- Extensor pollicis brevis 5) the insertion of the Supinator muscle is : a- lower third of the shaft of radius b- upper 1/3 of shaft of radius c-upper 1/3 of shaft of ulna d- proximal phalanx of the thumb MEDICINE STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal 6) Supinator muscle take an origins from all of the following sites except: A-supinator crest & fossa in ulna b- medial epichondyle of humerus C - lat lig of elbow joint d- Annular ligament 7) which of the following statements is correct about action of Abductor pollicis longus? a- extension of the thumb at the metacarpophalngeal joint b- extension of metacarpophalngeal and carpometacarpal joints c- abduction of the thumb d- opposition of the little finger 8) Abductor pollicis longus is attached to all of the following sites except ?? a- post surface of ulna b- post surface of radius c- interosseus membrane d- Post surface of the base of 3% mrtacarpal bone 9) the interossous membrane give an origin to : a- Extensor indicis b- Extensor pollicis longus c- Extensor pollicis brevis d- all of above 10) all of the following is true about Extensor pollicis brevis except: a- it originates from post surface of radius b- it inserted in distal phalanx of the thumb MEDICINE STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal eal d- involved in extension of metacarpophalng inter-osseous nerve humb is the function of : c- itis supplied by posterior i 11) extension of all of joints of the tl b- Extensor pollicis brevis a- Abductor pollicis longus c- Extensor pollicis longus c- Extensor indicis 12) extension of the all joints of index finger is the function of: a- Abductor pollicis longus b- Extensor pollicis brevis c- Extensor pollicis longus d- Extensor indicis 13) Thenar eminence muscles include a- abductor pollicis brevis b- flexor pollicis brevis d- all of above c- opponens pollicis 14) opposition of the thumb is done by: a- opponens pollicis b- Extensor pollicis brevis d- Extensor indicis ¢- Extensor pollicis longus 15) opposition of the little finger is done by: a- abductor pollicis brevis b- flexor pollicis brevis d- opponenes digiti minimi c- opponens pollicis 16) when you study and write, so you use the: a- Dorsal interosseei b- Lumbericalis c- abductor digiti minimi d- opponenes digiti minimi MEDICINE STARS [ 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal 17) adduction the fingers of the hand Is the function of: a- Dorsal interosseei b- Palmer interossei c- opponens pollicis d- Adductor pollicis 18) 15* & 2"4 lumberical and Muscles of thenar eminence Is supplied by: a- median nerve b- posterior inter-osseous nerve c- deep branch of the ulnar nerve d- superficial branch of the ulnar nerve 19) Palmaris pelvis is supplied by : a- median nerve b- posterior inter-osseous nerve c¢- deep branch of the ulnar nerve d- superficial branch of the ulnar nerve 20) from the palm of the hand , the lateral 2/3 and lateral 3% fingers. is supplied by: a- cutaneous branches of the ulnar nerve b- cutaneous branches of the radial nerve c- cutaneous branches of the median nerve d- musculocutaneous nerve 21) from the dorsum of the hand, the lateral 2/3 and lateral 3% fingers is supplied by : a- cutaneous branches of the ulnar nerve b- cutaneous branches of the radial nerve c- cutaneous branches of the median nerve d- musculocutaneous nerve MEDICINE STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal CO 1/3 and mad 1 4 fingers are 22) from the dorsum of the hand , met supplied by a- cutaneous branches of the ulnar nerve b- cutaneous branches of the radial nerve c- cutaneous branches of the median nerve d- musculocutaneous nerve 23) according to flexor reticulum all of the following are correct except: a- it converts the carpel groove into carpel tunnel b- it keeps the long flexor tendons in the position during movement c- attached medially to pisiform and lunate d- attached laterally to scaphoid and trapezium 24) all of the following structures are superficial to flexor reticulum , except a- ulnar nerve b- cutaneous branches of the median nerve ¢- cutaneous branches of the ulnar nerve d- tendon of Extensor indicis 25) all of the following structures pass deep to flexor reticulum, except a- medial nerve b- flexor digitorum superficialis tendons c- flexor policis longus d- flexor carpi radials mary ME! DICINE STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal 26) which of the following structures passes superficial to extensor retinaculum : a- ulnar nerve b- cutaneous branches of the median nerve c+ cutaneous branches of the radial nerve d- basilic vein 27) the 4% compartment deep to extensor retinaculum contains : a- extensor policis longus b- extensor digiti mimimi c- extensor carpi ulnaris d- ant & post interosseus 28) the 6 compartment deep to extensor retinaculum contains : a- extensor policis longus b- extensor digiti mimimi c- extensor carpi ulnaris d- ant & post interasseus 29) the brachial plexus is formed from: a.ventral rami of €5,6:7,8 b.dorasl rami of C5,6,7,8 cventral rami of C5,6,7,8 &T1 ddorsal rami of C5,6,7,8 &T1 30)Posterior cord of brachial plexus is made from: a.anterior division of upper ad middle trunk b.posterior division of the three trunks canterior division of lower trunk d. all of the above HEDICINE STARS (2 be doctor) musculoskeletal s are found in: 31)Roots and cords or brachial plextt . p.axilla a. behind clavicle ok | d.posterior triangle of n c.anterior triangle posterior cord of brachial 32)All of the following nerves are from the plexus except: d.ulnar nerve a.upper subscapular nerve dradial nerve c.axillary nerve 33)Musclocutaneous nerve arises from: a.medial cord b.lateral cord c.posterior cord d.main trunk 34)All of the following nerves are found in the posterior neck triangle excep: a.dorsal scapular nerve b.long thoracic nerve c.lateral pectoral nerve d.suprascapular nerve 35)the ws a.medial/ulnar itermuscular septum is pierced by....nerve b.medial /radial c.lateral/radial dia&c WEiCINE STARS (:2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal 36)Al i 6) All of the following structures are found in the anterior compartment of arm except: a.coracobrachialis muscle b.basilic vein cradial nerve dwulnar nerve 37)coracobrachilalis muscle is supplies by: a.radial nerve b.musclocutanoues nerve c.ulnar nerve dll of the above 38)All of the following changes occur at the level of coracobrachilis insertion excep: a.median nerve crosses in front of brachial artery from medial to lateral b.ulnar nerve reaches the posterior compartment c.nutrient artery of humerous enters the bone d.basilic vein ascend medial to brachial artery 39)The biceps brachi is supplies by : a.radial nerve b.musclocutanoues nerve c.ulnar nerve dall of the above 40)The main flexor of elbow joint is: a. biceps b. coracobrachialis c. brachialis d.triceps ene rh hn Jantar? mnerninclhalatral E 41)nerve supply of triceps muscleis: p.musclocutanoues nerve a.radial nerve d.all of the above c.ulnar nerve 42)Medial head of triceps arises from: a.infraglenoid tubercle b.back of humorous (above spiral groove) c.back of humerous(below spiral groove) d.supraglenoid tubercle 43)The musclocutaneous nerve supply all these following muscles except: a. biceps b.brachioradialis c.coracobrachialis d.brachialis 44)The musclocutaneous nerve ends as: a. medial cutaneous nerve of forearm | b.lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm c.nerve to supinators d.non of them 45)The two roots of median nerve unites in: a.behind axillary artery b.lateral to 2"4 part of axillary artery c.lateral to 3" part of axillary artery STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal EE i d. posterior to 3" part of axillary artery 46)The median nerve enters the forearm through: a. brachioradialis b. 2 heads of pronator teres c.deep to supinator d. medial to brachial artery 47)The radial nerve descends : a.behind axillary artery b.lateral to 24 part of axillary artery c.lateral to 3 part of axillary artery d. posterior to 3" part of axillary artery 48)Brachioradialis muscel forms the ....boundary of cubital fossa a.medial blateral c.base d.floor 49)Content of cubital fossa arranged form medial to lateral is: a.bicpes tendon-brachial artery-median nerve b.brachial artery-biceps tendon-median nerve c. median nerve-brachial atery-biceps tendon. d. biceps tendon-median nerve-brachial artery 50) Brachial artery begins at the ower border of: a.teres minor b.teres major c. biceps brachii d, coracobrachialis MEDICINE STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal Eee achial 51)The following statement is true regarding the course of b artery: a.passes in the posterior compartment of forearm brelated latray to median nerve c.related laterally to basilica vein dis is almost deep 52) The median nerve supply all tese muscles ecept: a.pronator teres b.flexor carpi radialis cfelxor carpi unlnaris d.palmaris longus 53) flexor carpi radialis muscle is inserted into: a. shaft of radius b.base of 3" and 4th metacarpal bones c.base of 2™ and 3rf metacarpal bone d.non of them 54) triangular thickening of deep fascia of the hand: a, plantar aponeurosis b.palmar aponeurosis c¢,tensor fascia lata d. non of them 55)Mr ali had had a car accident last week and his arm was injured from the flexor side, whle exploration the doctor said that there is only one ijured muscle and he decided to remove it at all saying that the patient won't be affected. The muscel is most propably is: EE TéEDICINE STARS ( 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal a.pronator teres bflexor carpi radialis c.felxor carpi unlnaris d.palmaris longus 56) Flexor carpi ulnaris is supplies by: a, radial nerve b.anterior interosseos nerve c. ulnar nerve d. posterior interosseous 57)Flexor carpi ulnaris is inserted into: a.pisoform bone b.pisohamate ligament ¢. pisometacarpal ligament d.all of the above 58)flexor pollicis longus is inserted into: a.terminal phalanx of index b.terminal phalanx of thumb c. middle phalanx of thumb . d. pisohamate bone 59)All theses muscles are supplied by anterior interossoeus nerve except: a.flexor pollicis loongus b.medial ¥ of flexor digitorum profundus c. lateral % of flexor digitorum profundus d.pronator quadratus 60)All these muscle are supplied by radial nerve except: a.anconeus b.extensor digiti minimi c.extensor carpi radialis longus d.brachioradialis MEDICINE STARS (2 be doctor) musculoskeletal Ee 61)brachioradialis is inserted into: styloid a.radial tuberosity b.ular sty! cradial styloid d.pisohamate bone 62) palmaris longus muscle: a. is frequently absent b.innervated by median nerve c. arise from medial humeral epicondyle d. all of the above 63).extensor carpi radialis brevi muscle is innervated: a.radial nerve b.anterior interossoues nerve C.posterior interosseous nerve _ d. non of the above 64) Brachioradialis muscel forms the «boundary of cubital fossa amedial b.lateral c.base d.floor 65) Allof the following nerves are found in the posterior neck triangle excep: a.dorsal scapular nerve b.long thoracic nerve clateral pectoral nerve d.suprascapular nerve 66) Anconeus muscle is inserted into: a. humeral epicondyle b.radial tuberosisty c.olecranon process d. olecranon fossa MEDICINE STARS [ 2 be doctor ) musculoskeletal 1-A 2-D 3-D 4-A 5-B 6-B 7-C 8-D 9-D 10- 11- 12- 13- | 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- 19- 20- 21- 22- answers: PUNQUrPuUmwoe>ooan 23- 24- 25- 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 33- 34- 35- 36- 38- 39- 40- 41- 42- 43- 44. 45- agorarnagrarnanereraran eee an 46- 47- 48- 49- 50- 51- 52- 53- 54- 55- 56- 57- 58- 59- 61- 62- 63- 65- 66- eaneaangvornnaren ree tas

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