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Ans. Ans. 10. Ans. ul. Ans. X1/XI'/ Dropper Water is rather neutral but becomes. strong base when HCI is dissolved in water, Explain, The basic character of water is explained on the basis of Bronsted-Lowry concept, HClis a strong acid which means that it readily loses H*ions. All the ions are to be accepted by H,O molecules to form H,O* ions, This means HO isa strong base in contact with HCl or any other strong acid HCI + HO = HHO 4+ cr Acid—1 Base-1 Acid Base—It (strong) (strong) Similarly, in contact with a weak acid like CH,COOH water behaves as a weak base. (a) Arrange the following Bronsted acids in decreasing acidic strength : HCI, HBr, HI, CH,COOH, HCO,, H,O (b) Arrange the following Bronsted bases in increasing basic strength : CO}, NH,, SO}, Cl’, Br, NO; (a) The decreasing order of acidic strengt HI> HBr> HCI > CH,COOH> HCO, > H,0 (b) The increasing order of basic strength is : Br H,CO, Carbonic acid undergoes dissociation as, H,CO,=H"+H,CO, During the physical and mental stress, the rate of respiration increases, which results in the decrease in concentration of CO, in the blood. What will be the effect on pH of human blood during the stress ? (a) Decreases (b) Remains same (© Increases (@ Cannot be predicted 30. . The correct order of basic strength is : (@) H,0 pK,(CH,COOH)> pK,(CH,CH,COOH) (b) pK, (CICH,COOH)< pK,(CH,COOH)< pk,(CH,CH,COOH) (©) pK, (CICH,COOH)> pK ,(CH,COOH)< pk (CH,CH,COOH) (@) pK, (CICH,COOH)< pK ,(CH,COOH)> pK,(CH,CH,COOH) The concentration of H,' O ions in pure water is 10° mol dm®. The corresponding concentration of OH ions will be : (a) 10" mol dm? (b) 10*mol dm? (©) 10%moldm? (4) 107mol dm? When strong base (NaOH) is addes to the weak acid (acetic acid) then dissociation of acetic acid increases; this effect is known as: (a) common ion effect (b) reverse ion effect (©) saltationn effect (d) solbility effect The acidic buffer solution can be prepared by mixing solutions of : (a) sodium acetate and acetic acid (b) ammonium chloride and ammonium hydroxide (©) sulphuric acid and sodium sulphate (@) sodium chloride and sodium hydroxide Hydrolysis constants of two salts KA and KB of weak acids HA and HB are 10° and 10°. If the dissociation constant of third acid HC is 10°. The order of acidic strengths of three acids will be (a) ‘HA> HB > HC (b) HB > HA > HC (c) HC > HA > HB (d) HA =HB= HC ‘Three sparingly soluble salts that have same solubility products are given below : 1. A,X IL AX IIL AX, Their solubilities in a saturated solution will be such that : (@) ml>M>1 (© 1>m>1 (b) W>1>11 (@) W>1> Ur 5 ary School Iwalapur Haridwar /33-Saket Roorkee Study Centers:- Opposite fo ST. MYST 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. TTT Foot, EVE Which mixture forms a buffer when dissolved in 1 L of water? (@) 0.2 mol NaOH + 0.2 mol HBr (b) 0.2 mol NaCl + 0.3 mol HCI (©) 0.4 mol HNO, + 0.2 mol NaOH (4) 0.5 mol NH, +05 mol HCI The equili is 3.6x 107, OCT (aq. ) + HOW) = rium constant for this reaction HOCKaq.) + OH (aq.) What is K, for HOC]? (a) 2.8x10% (b) 3.6x107 (©) 6x10+ (d) 2.8x10* Whaat is the concentration of H’ in a solution that is prepared by mixing 50 mL of 0.5 M HCl and 200 mL of 0.25 M HCI? (@) 030M (b) 0.35M (©) 040M @ 045M K, for hydrofluoric acid is 6.9x 104. What is the equilibrium constant K for the following reaction? F (aq.) + H,0() = HF (aq. )+ OFF (aq,) (a) 69x10 (b) Lax10"# (©) 2.6x10? (@) 8.3x10* A solution of 2M formic acid (HCOOH) is 0.95% ionized. What is the K, of formic acid? (a) 1.9x102 (©) 9xl0% (b) 1.8x104 (@) 4.5x10% A sample of hard water contains 0.005 mole of calcium chloride per litre. What is theminimum concentration of sodium sulphate which must be added for removing the Ca’ ions from this water sample? K,, of CaSO, = 2.4x10% (a) 48x10? (©) 2.4x102 (b) 4.8x103 (d) 2.4x10% If 0.1 mol of salt is added to 1 L water, which of these salts is expected to produce themost acidic solution? (a) NaC,H,O, —_(b) NH,NO, (c) CuSO, (d) AICI, 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. chemistry Classes by Msc. VAIBHAV TRIVEDI Reoorat ‘of teaching experience | NET& stey| ‘More than 20 HCN isaweak acid (K, = 6.210", np oy is a weak base (K, = 1.810"). A] M solution of NH,CN would be : (a) strongly acidic (b) weakly acidic (©) neutral (d) weakly basic The equilibrium constant for this reaction is approximately 10°. HPO} (ag.)+ HCO; ag.) = H,PO;(09.) +CO (ag Which is the strongest conjugate basen this reaction? @)_ HPO} (aq) (©) H,PO;(aq.) (b) HCO;(aq.) @) cor(ag.) How many moles of HCOONa must be added to 1 L of 0.1 M HCOOH to prepares buffer solution with a pH of 3.4? (Given = K, for HCOOH =2x10+) @ 0.01 (b) 0.0 © 01 (@ 02 Silver ions are added to the solution with : [BF] = [Cr] = [cos] = [40 ]=0.1M Which compound will precipitate at the lowest [Ag'] 2 (@) AgBr (K, = 5x10") (b) Agcl (K,, = 1.8x10-) (©) Ag,co, (K,= 81x10) () Ag,AsO, (K,= 10%) Which of the following is not correct about the percentage ionization of BOH? KU] @) K,+K. (b) 100% | 100 K,x100 © 110" (d) K,+0W When NaCl is added gradualiy to the Saturated solution of AgCi then which of thefollowing Plot is correct? Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Swalay 46 pur Haridwar 33-Saket Roorkee ! I (a) (b) Ae a a> t fi ©” @ “ a TS . Solubility of AgCN is maximum ii (@) acidic buffer solution (b) basic buffer solution (c) in pure water (@) equal in all solution Level - II (area) Subjective Questions : Mixture of Two or More Acids/Bases 1. Calculate pH of following solutions: a) 0.1MH,SO, (50 ml) +0.4 MHC150 (ml) (b) 0.1 M HA + 0.1 M HB IK, (HA) = 2x10° ; K, (HB) = 4x10*] 2. Calculate [H*] and [CHCI,COO) in a solution that is 0.01 M in HCI and 0.01 Min CHCI,COOH. Take (K, = 2.55x107). 3. Caleulate [H'], [CH,COO}] and [C,H,0,] in a solution that is 0.02 M in acetic acid and 0.01M in benzoic acid. K, (acetic) = 1.8x10°, K, (benzoic) = 6.4x10°. Polyproticaids & Bases 4. What are the concentration of H’, H,C,0. HCO; and C,0,* in a 0.1 M solution of oxalic acid? K, = 10? M and K, = 10% M] 1H’, SO; olution of What are the concentrations of SO, and H,SO, in a 0.20 M s sulphuric acid? Given: SO, > H* + HSO, + strong HO, = H*+S0,;K,= 10°M it ‘School Jwalapur Hi [iene area Centersiz Opposite to ST. Mary 5° Chemistry Classes by Msc. IT roore, VAIBHAV TRIVEDI _| Rerrkec_, ‘More than 20 years of teaching experience Calculate [H"], [H,PO*], [HPO,] and [PO,)] ina 0.01 M solution of H,PO,- Take K, = 10°, K, = 10°, K, 10". Caclulate the pH of a 0.1 M solution of H,NCH,CH,NH,; ethylenediamine (en)H,"- Determine the (en) H,* concentration in the solution. Ky, and K,, values of ethylenedi- amine are8.5x 10% and 7.1 x 10° respectively. Nicotine, C,,H,,N,, has two basic nitrogen atoms and both can react with water to give a basic solution Nic (aq) + H,O () = NicH* (aq) + OH (aq) Nicll* (aq) +H,0 (0 = NicH,” (aq) + OH (aq) K,,is 7x10” and K,, is 10°. Calculate the approximate pH of a 0.020 M solution. HAisa weak triprotic acid (K,=104, K,,=10°, K,,= 10"). Calculate the value of pX of 0.1 M H,A (aq) [AY] solution where pX=- log X & X= Tar]: Hydrolysis 10. Wht is the OH concentration of a 0.08 M solution of CH,COONa. [K,(CH,COOH) =1.8x 104] Calculate the pH of a 2.0M solution of NH,Cl. [K,(NH,) = 1.8x10°] 0.25 M solution of pyridinium chloride C,H,N’CI was found to have a pH of 2.699. What is K, for pyridine, C.H.N ? Calculate the extent of hydrolysis & the pH of 0.02 M CH,COONH,. IK, (NH,) = L.8x105, K,(CH,COOH) = 1.8 x 104]. Calculate the pH of 1.0x10° M sodium phenolate, NaOC,H,.K, for HOC,H, is 1.05 x 10". laridwar / 33-Saket Roorkee Chemistry Classes by Misc. VAIBHAV TRIVEDI |r Eo ioe tan yar ofc eran | NET A 7 Calculate the percent hydrolysis in a 0.06 M Be Seria ee 078 Lo Solution of c 10) 0. uffer, Of KCN. [k,(HCN) = 6x10") vent is'9.26 calculate pH, Nyx. 16. Calculate the Percent hydroly: ine the pH of a0. M soluti > 26. (a) Determine the pH of a 0.2 M sotug, ion of KCN. (K,= 6.2x10 pyridine CLH.N. K, = 1.5 x 199 "or et the effect of addit; 17. Caleulate the extent of hydrolysis of 0.005 * te jum ion C.H,.NH* onthe IK.=3.1x107 for H,CrO,} (It is ofthe equilibrium. Will the pHi be rao” Strong for first ionization). or lowered ? "sed . ©) Calculate the pH of 1.0 L of 0 18. A.0.010 M solution of PuO,(NO,), was found Ma pyridine solution to which 0.3 nares fo have a pH of 4.0. What is the hydrolysis pyridinium chloride C,H,NH‘C) jy. panstant Ky, for PuO,* and what is K, for been added, assuming no change in OH"? volume. 19. What is the pH of 0.1 M NaHCO,? 27. Calculate the pH of a solution which results K, = 4.5x 107, K,=4.5x10"" for carbonic from the mixing of 50.0 ml of 0.3 M HCI with acids. 50.0 ml of 0.4 MINH, [K, (NH) = L.8x105 20. Calculate pH of 0.05 M potassium hydrogen | 28. Caltulate the PH of a solution made by phthalate, KHC,H,O,. mixing 50.0 ml of 0.2 M NH,CI & 75.0 mlof H,C,H,0,+H,0 = H,0°+HC,H,0; pk,=294 0.1 MNaOH. [K, (NH,)= 1.8x104] F.CH0; +H,0 = 1,0" + CH,0>" pk'=5.44 Indicators 21. The acid ionization (hydrolysis) constant of Zn** is 1.0x10° 29. For the acid indicator thymol blue, pH is 2.0 (a) Calculate the pH of a 0.001 M solution when half the indicator is in unionised form. of ZnCl, Find the % of indicator in unionised form (b) What is the basic dissociation constant in the solution with [H"] = 4x10? M. of Zn(OH)"? 30. Bromophenol blue is an acid indicator with Buffer Solution a K, value of 6 x10. What % of this suffer Solution indicator is in its basic form at a pH of 5? 22. Determine [OH‘] of a 0.050 M solution of ammonia to which sufficient NH,Clhas been | 31. At what pH does an indicator change colour added to make the total [NH,"] equal to if the indicator is a weak acid with K, 0.100. [K,(NH,) =1.8x10°] 4x10“. For which one (s) of the following neutralizations would the indicator be 23. Calculate the pH of a solution prepared by useful? Explain, mixing 50.0 mL of 0.200 M HC,H,O, and (@) NaOH + CH,COOH 50.0 mL of 0.100 M NaOH. [ Keicoo = (b) HCl+ NH, 1.8x10°] (© HCl+ NaOH 24. A buffer of pH 9.26 is made by dissolving x | 32- What indicator should be used for a moles of ammonium sulphate and 0.1 mole titration of 0.10 M KH,BO, with 0.10% of ammonia into 100 mL solution. If pK, of Hel? ammonia is 4.74, calculate value of x. K, G,BO,) =7.2x10-, ‘Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Hari war / 33-Saket Roorkee 48 3, Anacid indicator hasa K, of 3x19 3 ATT a . The aci form of the indicator is red & the ieee is blue. By how much must the PH change in order to change the indicator form 7980 red to 75 % blue? aa Acid Base Reactions & Titrations ue 3. 36. 3. 39, | The equivalent point in a titratio Calculate OH concentration at the equivalent point when a solution of 0.1 M acetic acid is titrated with a solution of 0.1 MNa0H. K, for the acid =1.9x105, Calculate the hydronium ion concentration and pH at the equivalence point in the reaction of 22. 0 mL of 0.10 M acetic acid, CH,COOH, with 22.0 mL of 0.10 M NaOH. [K,=1.8x10°] Calculate the hydronium ion concentration and the pH at the equivalence point in a titration of 50.0 mL of 0.040 M NH, with 0.04 MHCL. [K,=1.8x105] CH,COOH (50 ml, 0.1 M) is titrated against 0.1 M NaOH solution. Calculate the pH at the addition of 0 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml, 25 ml, 40 ml, 50 ml of NaOH. K, of CH,COOH is 2x10*. A weak base (50.0 mL) was titrated with 0.1 M HCL. The pH of the solution after the addition of 10.0 mL and 25.0 mL were found to be 9.84 and 9.24, respectively. Calculate K, of the base and pH at the equivalence point. A weak acid (50.0 mL) was titrated with 0.1 MNaOH. The pH values when 10.0 mL and 25.0 mL of base have been added are found to be 4.16 and 4.76, respectively. Calculate K, of the acid and pH at the equivalence Point. n of 40.0 ic acid mL of a solution ofa weak monoprotic 06 occurs when 35.0 mL of a 0.10 M Solution has been added. The a A Solution is 5.75 after the addition of 70 ft of NaOH solution. What is the disso Constant of the a 43. 44, 45, 46. 47. 48. 49. ———————— Jwalapur Haridwar /33-Saket Roorkee Te TST MA SHO! Study Centersi= Opposite to ST. si Chemistry Classes by VAIBHAV TRIVEDI 41. Msc. IT Roorkee, In the titration of a solution of a weak acid HX with NaOH, the pH is 5.8 after 10.0 mL of NaOH solution has been added and 6.402 after 20.0 mL of NaOH has been added. What is the ionization constant of HX? lity & Solubility Product The values of K,, for the slightly soluble salts MX and QX, are each equal to 4.0x10"*. Which salt is more soluble? Explain your answer fully. The solubility of PbSO, water is 0.038 g/L. Calculate the solubility product constant of PbSO,, How many mol Cul (K, =5x10") will dissolve in 1.0 L of 0.1 0 M Nal solution? A solution of saturated CaF, is found to contain 4.1x10*M fluoride ion. Calculate the K,, of CaF, ; Neglect hydrolysis. The solubility of ML, (formula weight, 60 g/ mol) in water is 2.4 x 10 g/100 mL solution. Calculate the solubility product constant for ML,. What is the solubility (in mol /L) of Fe(OH), ina solution of pH = 8.0? [K,, for Fe(OH), = 1.0 x 10°4 Calculate the solubility of A,X, in pure water, assuming that neither kind of ion reacts with water. Por A,X,,[K,,= 11x10] Determine the solubility of AgCI in 0.1 M BaCl,. [K,, for AgC1 = 1x10""] ‘What mass of Pb” ion is left in solution when 50.0 mL of 0.20M Pb(NO,), is added to 50.0 mL of 1.5 M NaCl? [Given K,, for PbCl, = 1.710] ppltstitute of Chemistry — SUE SL. A solution has a Mg concentration of 0.00 10 moVL. Will Mg(OH), precipitate if the OH: concentration of the solution is (b) 10° mol/L? 52. Calculate solubility of PbI, (K,, =1.4x10") in water at 25°C, whi h is 90% dissociated. 53. Calculate solubility of AgCN (K. 4x10") in a buffer solution of pH = 3. $4. 500 ml of 0.01 AgNO, is mixed with 250 ml each of NaBr and NaCl, each having molarity 0.02 M each. Find equilibrium of Br (moles/L) Given: K,, (AgBr)=5x10"; K, (AgCl)=10") Simultaneous Solubil lity 55. Calculate the Simultaneous solubility of AgSCN and AgBr. K,, (AgSCN) = 1.1x10™, K, (AgBr) = 5x10", 56. Calculate F in a solution saturated with respect of both MgF, and SrF,, K, (MgF,) =9.5x 10°, K, (SrF,) = 4x10", Complexation Equailibria 57. A recent investigation of the complexation of SCN-with Fe" led of 130, 16, and 1.0 for K,, K, and_K, respectively. What is the overall formation constant of Fe(SCN), from its component ions, and what is the dissociation constant of Fe(SCN), into its simplest ions on the basis of these data? 58. How much AgBr could dissoh 0.40 M NH, ? Assume that A; only complex formed. IK(Ag(NH,),I"= 1x10"; K,, (AgBr) = 5x19 By ve in 1.0L of £(NH,)," is the istry Classes by Msc, VAIBHAV TRIVEDI | res aching experience | NET stey ‘More than 20 years of te Level - Ill (geaTeH) Subjective Questions : 1. t error in the [H gs Calculate the percen' “tio concentration made by neglecting th, ionization of water in a 10% M Nagy lution. solu (Ans. etror= 1) A solution was made up to be 0.01 M jg chloroacetic acid, CICH,COOH and aisy 0.002 M in sodium chloroacetate CICH,COONa . Whats [H"] in the solution? K,=15x 10°. (Ans. [H*]= 2.5x103) A solution contains HCl, CLHC COOH & CH, COOH at concentrations 0.09 Min HCL, 0.09 M in CLHC COOH & 0.1M in CH, COOH. pH for the solution is 1. The Tonization constant of CH, COOH = 105, What is the magnitude of K for. dichloroacetic acid? (Ans. K, = 1.25x10°) Determine the [S*] in a saturated (0.1 M) HS solution to which enough HCI has been added to produce a [H"] of 2 x 104. K, = 107, K, = 104, (Ans, [S?] = 2.5x10") What is the pH ofa 1.0 M solution of acetic acid ? To what volume must 1 litre of the Solution be diluted so that the pH of the resulting solution will be twice the original value, Given K = 1.8 x 19 (Ans. V = 2,77x10' litre) Rulculate the pH of 0.1 M solution of @) NaHCO, (i PO, Given than P NSHPO, and Gi) NaH? = Ht ke 7M HCO.” H onc Os FK = 42x 10 : 33K, =4.8x10"M 0x 10M (Ans, 8.35, 9.60, 459) BS ol of ab EVE Calculate the OH: concentration and the H,PO, concentration of a solution prepared by dissolving 0.1 mol of Na,PO, in sufficient water to make I L of solution. K, =7.1 x 10 3, K,=6.3x 10%, K,=4.5 x 10", ‘Ans, [OH] = 3.73x10? M, [H,PO,] = 6x10-* M) ( Mixtures of soutions. Calculate the pH of the 8. following solutions. : [k= 75x10" M ; K,= 62x10" M 5 K,= 10x16" MI (a) 50 ml of 0.12 MH,PO, +20 ml of 0.15M NaOH; (b) 50 ml of 0.12 MH,PO, +40 ml of 0.15 M NaOH; (©) 40 ml of 0.12 MH,PO, +40 ml of 0.18 M NaOH; (d) 40 ml of 0.10 MH,PO, + 40 ml of 0.25 M NaOH (Ans. (a) 2.12 (b) 4.66 (c) 7.2 (d) 12) 9. Mixtures of solution. Calculate the pH of the following solution. [K, =7.5 x 10° M; K, = 6.2 x 10° M3 K, = 1.0 x 10 M] (a) 40 ml 0.050 M Na,CO, + 50 ml of 0.040 MHCI (b) 40 ml of 0.020 M Na,PO, + 40 ml of 0.040 MHC; () 50 ml of 0.10 M Na,PO, + 50 ml of 0.10 MNaH,PO, (d) 40 ml of 0.10 MH,PO, + 40 ml of 0.10 M Na,PO,. (Ans. (a) 8.34 (b) 4.66 (c) 9.6 (d) 7.20) 10. A buffer solution was prepared by dissoling 0.02 mol propioric acid & 0.015 mol sodium propionate in enough water to make 1.00 L of solution. (K, for Propionic acid is 1.34 x 10*) (@) What is the pH of the buffer? (b) What would be he pH if 1.0 x 10° mol HCI were added to 10 ml of the buffer? (©) What would be the pH if 1.0 x 10° mol NaOH were added to 10 ml of the buffer. (2) Also report the percent change in pH of ( original buffer in cases (b) and (¢)- ‘Ans. (a) 4.7525 (b) 4.697 (c) 4.798 (d) 1 134% on acid addition 0.96% on a base addition) 14. 15. M.Sc. IIT Roorkee, NET& SLET Chemistry Classes by VAIBHAV TRIVEDI Fore than 20 years of eaching experience It is desired to prepare 100 ml of a buffer of pH 5.00. Acetic, benzoic and formic acids and their salts are available for use. Which acid should be used for maximum effectiveness agamst increase in pH? What acid-salt ratio should be used ? pK, values of these acids are : acetic 4.74: benzoic 4.18 and formic 3.68. (Ans. acetic acid; salt acid molar ration 1.8:1) When a 40 mL of a 0.1 M weak base is titrated with 0.16 M HCl, the pH of the solution at the end point is 5.23. What will be the pH if 15 mL of 0.12 M NaOH is added to the resulting solution. (Ans. 9.168) A buffer solution was prepared by dissolving 0.05 mol formic acid & 0.06 mol sodium formate in enough water to make 1.0 L of solution. K, for formic acid is 1.80 x 10“. (a) Calculate the pH of the solution. (b) If this solution were diluted to 10 times its volume, what would be the pH? (©) If the solution in (b) were diluted to 10 times its volume,whatwould be the pH? (Ans. (a) pH = 3.83 (b) pH=3.85 (©) 3.99) How many moles of sodium hydroxide can be added to 1.00 L of a solution 0.1 M in NH, & 0.1 M in NH,CI without changing the pOH by more than 1.00 unit ? Assume no change in volume. K,(NH,) = 1.8 x10*. (Ans. 0.0818 moles) 20 ml of a solution of 0.1 M CH,COOH solution is being titrated against 0.1 M NaOH solution. The pH values after the addition of 1 ml & 19 ml of NaOH are (pH),. & (PH), what is ApH ? (Ans. 2.558) Calculate the values of the equilibrium constants for the reactions with water of H,PO,, HPO,*, and PO,» as bases. Comparing the relative values of the two Study Centers:- Opposite to S [Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar /33-Saket Roorkee a 17. 18. 19. 20. Tnstitute of Chemist EWE equilibrium constants of H,PO, with water, deduce whether solutions of this ion in water sic. Deduce whether sol of HPO,” are acidic or basic. Take K, = 5x10°, K, = 5x10, K, = 5x10, (Ans. K,(H,PO,) = 2x10 1£ 0.0050 mol NaHCO, is added to 1 litre of a buffered solution at pH 8.00, how much material will exist in each of the thre forms H,CO,, HCO, and CO,2? For H,CO,, K,=5x10", K,=5x10, (Ans. [H,CO,] = 10°M; [HCO,]=5x10%, [CO,*] =2.5x10°M Equilibrium constant for th acid ionization of Fe** to Fe(OH)” and H is 6.5x10°, What is the max. pH, which could be used so that at least 95% of the total Fe in a dilute solution. exists as Fe. (Ans, 0.908) The indicator phenol red is half in the ionic of the undissociated form to th find the pH of the solution. With the same pH for solution, if indictor is altered such that the ratio of undissociated form to dissociated form becomes 1:4, find the pH when 50 % of the new indicator is in ionic form. (Ans. pH = 7.3) ‘A sohition of weak acid HA was ‘titrated with bas NaOH. The equivalence point wa reached when 36.12 mlof0.1M NaOH has been added. Now 18.06 ml of 0.1 M HCI were added to titrated solution, the pH was found to be 4.92. What will be the pH of the solution obtained by mixing 10 ml of 0.2 M NaOH and 10 ml of 0.2 Oe (Ans. 8.96) ‘Study Centersi- Opposite to ST. Mary S 52 22. 23. 24. 25. school Jwalapur Haridwar / 33-Saket Roorkee Chemistry Classes by VAIBHAV TRIVEDI Fore than 20 years of teaching experience ‘Aweak base BOH was titrated agninst astro, acid. The pH at 1/4th equivalence point ye 9.24, Enough strong base was now addey (6m.eq ) to completely convert the salt. The total volume was 50 ml. Find the pH at gyi, point. Msc. inp R (Ans. 11.29) ‘An organic monoprotic acid [0.1 Mj jg titrated against 0.1 M NaOH. By how much does the pH change between one fourth anq three fourth stages of neutralization? If a¢ one third stage of neutralization, the pH is 4.45 what is the dissociation constant ofthe acid? Between what stages of neutralisation may the pH change by 2 units? 1 10 (Ans. 0.9542, pK,= 4.751, ;7th & 77th stage of neutralisation) . At25°C, will a precipitate of Mg(OH), form in a 10“ M solution of Mg(NO,), if pH of the solution is adjusted to 9.0. K,, [Mg(OH),]= 10" M°, At what min value of pH will precipitation start. (Ans. No, 10.5) The salt Zn(OH), is involved in the following two equilibria, Zn(OH), (s) = Zn** (aq) + 20H (aq); K,=1.2x10" Zn(OH), (s) + 20H (aq) = [Zn(OH),P(@q)s K,=0.13 Calculate the pH of solution at which solubility is minimum. (Ans. 9.99, $= 10°M The electrolytic reduction of an organic nitro compound was carried out in a solution buffered by acetic acid and sodium acetate, The reaction was RNO, + 4H,0* + 4e > RNHOH +5H,0 300 ml of a 0.0 1 00 M solution of RNO, buffered initially at pH 5.00 was reduced, with the reaction above going to completion. The total acetate concentration, [HOAc] + [0A¢h was 0.50 M. Calculate the pH of the solution after the reduction is complete. 1 (Ans. 5,158) — 26, Assuming no change in volume, 21. 28. 29. 30. e0 Dy Chemistry Classes by MSc. IIT VAIBHAV TRIVEDI __| Roorkee, ‘Mare than 20 years of teaching eperiene | NET © SUT calculate the minimum. mass of NaCI necessary to dissolve 0.010 mol AgCl in 100 L solution, UK (ARC) = 3 x105, K, = (AgCl) = 1x10] (Ans. 19.5 Ke) What is the solubility of AgCl in 0.20 M NH,? Given: K, -p(ASCI) = 1.7x10° M2, |Ag(NH, )'1/ [Ag*] NH] = 2.33x10° M* and = [Ag(NH,),*] / [Ag(NH,)*] [NH] i x10 M", (Ans. 9.66x10°) Predict whether or not AgCl will be Precipitated from a solution which is 0.02 aa in NaCl and 0.05 M in Ag(CN),. Given K,,.(Ag(CN),)=4.0x 10 MP and K, (AgC), =Zx10"™ME, (Ans. Precipitation will occur) Equal volumes of 0.02 M AgNO, and 0.02 M HCN were mixed. Calculate [Ag'] at equilibrium. Take K (HCN) = 9x10", K,, (AgCN) = 4 x 10", (Ans. [Ag’] = 6.667x10% M) Show that solubility of a sparingly soluble salt M® A® in which A® ions undergoes hydrolysis is given by S= \ (1 wr) where K, and K, are the dissociation constant of acid H,A. K,, is solubility product of MA. Objective Questions : (Single option correct) 10ml of 500 0 HL SO, is mixed with 40 ml of x 4180, The pH of the resulting solution is fl (©) 23 (b) 2 (d) none of these If pK, for fluoride ion at 25°C is 10.83, the ionisation constant of hyrofluoric acid in water at this temperature is : (a) 1.74x10% —(b) 3.52 x 10? (©) 675x10* — @) 5.38x 10? The pH of an aqueous solution of 1.0 M solution of a weak monoprotic acid which is 1% ionised @1 (©) 3 (b) 2 @u If K, & K, be first and second ionisation constant of H,PO, and K, >>K, which is incorrect. (a) [H']=[H,PO,] (b) (HJ = JKI,PO,] (© K,=[HPO,] (@) [H']=3[PO,] Which of the following solution will have pH. close to 1.0? (a) 100 ml of M/100 HCI+ 100 ml of M/10 NaOH (b) 55 ml of M/10 HCI + 45 ml of M/10 NaOH (c) 10 ml of M/10 HCI + 90 ml of M/10 NaOH (d) 75 ml of M/S HCI + 25 ml of M/S NaOH A solution with pH 2.0 is more acidic than the one with pH 6.0 by a factor of: (a) 3 (b) 4 (© 3000 (@) 10000 The first and second dissociation constants of an acid H,A are 1.0 x 10% and 5.0 x 10° respectively. The overall dissociation constant of the acid will be : (@) 5.0x10% (b) 5.0.x10" © 5.0x10% (A) 0.2 x10 ‘An aqueous solution contains 0.01 M RNH, (K,=2 x10) & 104M NaOH. The concentration of OH is nearly: (@) 2.414x10*M (b) 10*M (©) 1414x10*M (d) 2x10*M Study Centersi= Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar /33-Saket Roorkee 53 10. 12. 14. Chemistry Classes by Msem Som peesttute of Chemisty VAIBHAV TRIVEDI |r" EYEE ‘More than 20 years of teaching experience | NET& sie, The degree of hydrolysis of a salt of weak | 16. How many gm ofsolid NaOH must i ffer sol besitdey acid and weak base in it’s 0.1 M s {0 100 ml of a buffer solu Which is 0.194 found to be 50%. If the mola each wart. Ac a aICNA Ato mage Solution is 0.2 M, the percentage hydro the pl of solu ion 8.5: Given pl, HIA} ag of the salt should be (Use antilog (0.5) : ® osx 19 (a) 100% (b) 50% (a) 2.08 x 10° (b) 3.05 x 10 (©) 25% (©) 2.01x 10? (d) None of these (a) none of these 17, 1£40 ml of 0.2 M KOH is added to 160 m1 gy 0.1 M HCOOH [K,= 2x10“], the pow Of the resulting solution is What is the percentage hydrolysis of NaCN in N/80 solution when the dissociation constant for HCN is x10” and K, = b) 3.7 1 w (a) 3.4 ( 1.0.x 10 Re canis (a) 2.48 (b) 5.26 © 82 @) 9.6 18. 1M NaCl and 1M HCI are present in an aqueous solution. The solution is The compound whose 0.1 M solution is basic is (a) nota buffer solution and with pH <7 (@) Ammonium acetate (b) not a buffer solution with pH > 7 (b) Ammonium cloride (©) a buffer solution with pH <7 (©) Ammonium sulphate (@) a buffer solution with pH >7 (@ Sodium acetate 19. The PK, of a weak acid (HA) is 4.5. The pOH The pH of the neutr: ‘tion point of 0.1. N of a aqueous buffered solution of HA in ammonium hydroxide with 0.1N HCLis which 50% of the acid is ionized is : (a) 1 (b) 6 me 3 fa 25 () 7 @9 . c If equilibri eater 20. The solubility of A,X, is y mol/dm’. Its Se cunses solubi roduct is CH,COOH + H,O = CH,COO-+H,0° @) em ae ® eayt Is 1.8x10°, equilibrium constant for © 36y° (@) 108 ys CH,COOH + OH = CH,COO + H,0 is (a) 1.8x 10° (b) 1.8x 10° 21. IfK,, for HgSO, is 6.4 x 104, then solubility (©) 5.55x10% — (d) 5.55x10" of this substance in mole per m? is (@) 8x10? (b) 6.4.x 10° The pK, of aweak acid, HA, is 4.80. The pK, (©) 8x10¢ (@) None of these of a weak base, BOH, is 4.78. The pH of an 7 aqueous solution of the corresponding salt, | 22. Thesolubility ofa sparingly soluble salt AB, in water is 1.0 x 10% mol L*. Its solubility (b) 4.79 ns is: ») 108 d) 9.22 ae (b) 10” a (©) 4x10" @d) 4x10" The range of most suitable indicator which | 55 wii i a should be used for titration of X- Na‘ (0.1 ich ofthe following is most solu! water? M, 10 ml) with oa M HCI should be (@) Mns (k, = 8 x10) 2 Ky = 10%. () Zns (K,"= 7x10) ° a ©) Bi,S, & =1x107 () & @) Ae (POS = 18x10) Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar 33-Saket Roorkee . 54 26. 27. Institute of Chemist ee Chemistry Classes by mise. Roorkee, VAIBHAV TRIVEDI | rere ster experience 20 years of teachit PEO liaal When equal volumes of the following solutions are mixed, precipitation of AgCI (K,, = 1.8x10") will occur only with: (a)" 104 M (Ag’) and 104 M (CI) (b) 10° M (Ag’) and 10° M (CI) (©) 10*M (Ag’) and 10°M (CI) (a) 10° M (Ag’) and 10" M (CI) The precipitate of CaF, (K,=1.7x10") is obtained when equal volumes of the following are mixed (a) 104M Ca + 10*MF (b) 102M Ca” + 10°M F (c) 10° M Ca + 10°MF (d) 10° M Ca® + 105M F 50 litre of a solution containing 10% mole of is mixed with 50 litre of a 2x10” M HBr solution. [Ag‘] in resultant solution is : [Given: K,, (AgBr) = 5x10] (a) 105M (b) 106M () 107M (d) None of these pH of a saturated solution of silver salt of monobasic acid HA is found to be 9. Find the Ksp of sparingly soluble saltAgA(s). Given: K,(HA) = 10" (a) 11x10" (b) 11x 10" (©) 10" (d) None of these The solubility of metal sulphides in saturated solution of H,S {{H,S]= 0.1 M}can be represented by MS+2H* = M* +H,S; K, MP HHS) S+2H* = M™ +H,S;K, =——_— ° (Hy The value of K,, is given for few metal sulphide. If conc. of each metal ion in solution is 0.01 M, which metal sulphides are selectively ppt at total [H"]= 1Min saturated H,S solution. M® J[H,S| Metal sulphides Ky ee MnS 3x10” ZnS 3x10" CoS 3 PbS 3x10” (a) MnS, ZnS, CoS (b) PbS, ZnS, CoS (c) Pb (d) PbS 29. Solid Ba(NO,), is gradually dissolved in a 1.0x104 M Na,CO, solution. At what concentration of Ba® will a precipitate begin to form? (K,, for BaCO, = 5.1x10") (a) 4.1x105M_ — (b) 5.1x10°M () &1x10%M — (d) 8.1x107M 30. K,, of MX, and solubility of MX, is S mol/ litre is related by: (a) S=[K,/256]"" (b) S=[128K,]"" (©) $=[256K,]"" (@ S=[K,/128]"" (More than one may correct) 31. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct? (a) the pH of 1.0x10* M solution of HCl is 8 (b) the conjugate base of H,PO,’ is HPO, (c) autoprotolysis constant of water increases with temperature (@ when asolution of a weak monoprotic acid is titrated again a strong base, at half- neutralization point pH = (1/2) pk,. 32. A 2.5 gm impure sample containing weak monoacidie base (Mol. wt. = 45) is dissolved in 100 ml water and titrated with 0.5 M HCI when (2)" of the base was neutralised the PH was found to be 9 and at equivalent point PH of solution is 4.5. Given: All data at 25°C & log2 = 0.3. Select correct statement(s). (a) Ky of base is less than 10-6 (b) Concentration of salt (C) at equivalent point is 0.25 M (©) Volume of HCI is used at equivalent point is 100 ml (4) Weight percentage of base in given sample is 80%. ‘Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar 7 33-Saket Roce ani 34. 35. 36. Institute of Chemist EE Select incorrect statement(s) (@)_Phenolphthalein is suitable indicator for the titration of HCI (aq) with NH,OH (aq). An acid-base indicator in a buffer solution of PH=pK,, + 1 is ionized to the extent of 90%. In the titration of a monoacidic weak base with a strong acid, the pH at the equivalent point is always calculated by (b) ©) 1 pH= lek, —PK, —logC] (A) When Na,PO, (aq) is titrated with HCI (aq), the pH of solution at second equivalent Point is caloulated by 3{PK,, + pK] Which of the following is true for alkaline aqueous solution? Pky (a) pH> (b) pH > pOH yk, © pOH > P= (@ pH Agl + e E°= 0.152 V Ag Agt+e E' 800 V What is the value of log K,, for Agl? (2.303 RT/F= 0.059V) (a) - 37.83 (b) - 16.13 (c) - 8.12 (d) + 8.612 (2006) The first and second dissociation constants of an acid H,A are 1.0x 10% and 5.0 x 10" respectively. The overall dissociation constant of the acid will be (a) 0.2 x 10° (b) 5.0x 10° 15 d) 5.0.x 10". (c) 5.0.x 10! (d) (2007) i is 5. The .K. of a weak acid (HA) is 4.5. os aqueous buffer solution of HA in which 50% of the acid is ionized is (@ 7.0 (b) 4.5 9.5 (c) 2.5 @ (2007) 10. Chemistry Classes by Msc, VAIBHAV TRIVEDI Rooriag ‘More than 20 years of teaching experience | NET Sey In a saturated solution of the soluble strong electrolyte (molecular mass = 283) the equilib, 2 which sets in is AgIO,, = Ag'(agyayt" (aq). If the solubility product constany .° of AglO, at a given temperature jg Loy 10°, what is the mass of AgIO, contaings in 100 m1 its saturated saolution? (@) 1.0x10%g (6) 28.3x 107g (©) 2.83x10%g (d) 1.0x 107g Paring, (2007) The equilibrium constants K,, and K,, for the reaction X=2Yand Z=Piq. respectively are in theratio of 1:9. If the degree of dissociation of X and Z, be equal then the ratio of total pressures at these equilibria is (a) 1:36 (© 1:3 (b) 1:1 (@) 1:9 (2008) For the following three reactions a, b and ¢, equilibrium constants are given: (i) CO) + H,0(g)=CO,(g) + H,(g); K, Gi) CH(g) + H,O(g) = CO(g) + 3H,(8);K,, Gi) CH,(g) + 2H,0(g) = CO,(g) + 4H,(2);K, (@) KVK=K, — (b) KK,=K, OK=K KK, @ KKP=K? (2008) Four species are listed below: i. HCO, I. H,0* MI. HSO, IV. HSO,F Which one ofthe following is the correct Sequence of their acid strength? Sii H,0*+ H,P0, H,PO, + H,0 > HPO; +H,0° H,PO, + OH: H,PO, + 0* In which of the above does H,PO, act as an acid? (a) Gi) only (b) (i) and (ii) (©) (iii) only (4) (i) only (2010) In aqueous solution the ionization constants for carbonic acid are K, = 4.2x107 and K, = 4.8x10". Select the correct statement for a saturated 0.034 M solution of the carbonic acid. (a) The concentration of CO? is 0.034 M. (b) The concentration of co} “than that of HCO,”. (c) The concentrations of H* and HCO, are approximately equal. (d) The concentration of H+ is double that of Coy is greater (2010) Solubility product of silver bromide is 5.0 x10, The quantity of potassium bromide (molar mass taken as 120 g mol") to be added to 1 litre of 0.05 M solution of silver nitrate to start the precipitation of AgBr is (a) 1.2x 10g (c) 6.2x 10° g (b) 1.2 x10 g (d) 5.0 x10* g (2010) . At25°C, the solubility product of Mg(OH), is 1.0 x10". At which pH, will Mg” ions start precipitating in the form of Mg(OH), from a solution of 0.001 M Mg” ions? @9 (b) 10 @ il (8 (2010) 16. 17, 20. ‘A vessel at 1000 K contains CO, with a pressure of 0.5 atm, Some of the CO, is converted into CO on the addition of If the total pressure at graphite equilibrium is 0.8 atm, the value of K is : (a) 1.8.atm (b) 3 atrn (d) 0.18 atm (c) 0.3 atm . (2011) The equilibrium constant (K,) for the reaction N,(g) + 0,(g)>2NO(g) at temperature T is 4x 10. The value of K, for the reaction 1 1 NO) > zNi@)+5 0) (b) 2.5x 10? (d) 50.0 (a) 0.02 (© 4x104 (2012) The pH of a 0.1 molar solution of the acid HQ is 3. The value of the ionization constant, K, of the acid is: (a) 3x10" (b) 1x10? (©) Ixto* (d) 1x10" (2012) How many litres of water must be added to 1 litre an aqueous solution of HCI with a pH of 1 to create an aqueous solution with pHof2? (a) 0.1L (b) 0.9L (©) 2.0L (d) 90.L (JEE M 2013) +40,,, F50,,). For the reaction SO,,., If K,=K, (RT) where the symbols have usual meaning then the value of x is (assuming ideality): (a) -l () + () ; q@)1 (JEE M 2014) Study Centers: Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar / 33-Saket Roorkee 22. 23. 24. __ Institute of Chemistry Se ction 2A > B+ Cis 2494.2 J. ven time, the composition of the reaction mixture is [A] 3 IB) 2 and tcj=4 f i = 3 - The reaction proceeds in the (a) forward direction because Q K, 1 (d) K,= w (2014) KMnO, can be prepared from K,MnO, as per the reaction, 3MnO}- +2H,0 = 2MnO; +MnO, + 40H” The reaction can go to completion by removing OH ions by adding (a) CO, (b) SO, (©) HCl (d) KOH (NEET 2003) Which of these is least Lewis base? (@) BF, (c) CO ely to act as a (c) PF, @ F (NEET 2013) Accumulation of lactic acid (HC,H,O,), a monobasic acid in tissues leads to pain and a feeling of fatigue. In a 0.10 M aqueous solution, lactic acid is 3.7% dissociates. The value of dissociation constant, K,, for this acid will be (a) L4x10° (b) 1.4.x 10% (©) 3.7x10* — @) 28x 10* (Karnataka NEET 2003) At 100°C the K, of water is 55 times its value at 25°C, What will be the pH of neutral solution? (log 55 = 1.74) (a) 7.00 (b) 7.87 (©) 5.13 @) 6.13 (Karnataka NET 2013) The values of K,, of CaCO, and CaC,0, are 4.7 x 10° and 1.3x10? respectively at 25°C. If the mixture of these two is washed with water, what is the concentration of Ca® ions in water? (a) 5.831 x 105M (b) 6.856 x 10M (©) 3.606 x 10% M (d) 7.746 x 10M (Karnataka NEET 2013) 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. MSc. IT Roorkee, NET & SLET Chemistry Classes by VAIBHAV TRIVEDI ‘afteaching experience ‘More than 20 ye ‘The dissociation constant of a weak acid is 1 x 10“, In order to prepare a buffer solution with a pH = 5, the [Salt]/[Acid] ratio should be (a) 4:5 (b) 10:1 (©) 5:4 (dtl (Karnataka NEET 2003) pH of a saturated solution of Ba(OH), is 12. The value of solubility product (K,,) of Ba(OH), is (a) 3.3x 107 (b) 5.0x 107 (©) 4.0x10% — (d) 5.0x10% (2012, 2010) Equimolar solutions of the following substances were prepared separately. Which one of these will record the highest pH value? (a) BaCl, (b) AICI, (©) LiCl (d) BeCl, (2012) Buffer solutions have constant acidity and alkalinity because (a) these give unionised acid or base on reaction with added acid or alkali (b) acids and alkalies in these solutions are shielded from attack by other ions (©) they have large excess of H’ or OH ions (d) they have fixed value of pH. (2012) Given that the equilibrium constant for the reaction, 280 4) + Ong) 28055, has a value of 278 at a particular temperature. What is the value of the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at the same temperature? $0,(g) = $0,(@) + $0,(¢) (@) 118x107 (b) 3.6.x 10° (©) 6.0.x 10? (@) 1.3.x 10° (Mains 2002) ‘Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar / 33-Saket Roorkee 65 i by Chemistry Classes Mse.inp VAIBHAV TRIVEDI | Feorce, Institute of Chemist ‘yore Than 20 years of teaching experience NET Ste EVA 32. Given the reaction between 2 gases NO) = Fup * One? represented by A, and B, to give the : compound AB, _!l_ (b) (e)’ 2 4K,K, 2AB,, @ 2KK, At equilibrium, the concentration of nia 1 A,=3.0x10°M,of B,= 4.2x10? M, of AB = ©) lez | @ KK, 2. + : eee . on) If the reaction takes place in a sealed vessel at 527°C, then the value of K, will be 37. Inqualitative analysis, the metals of group (a) 2.0 (b) 1.9 I can be separated from other ions by (©) 0.62 (d) 45 pitating them as chloride salts, 4 (Mains 2012) solution initially contains Ag’ and Pb** ata concentration of 0.10 M. Aqueous HCI is i til the CI 33. The value of AH for th added to this solution un os Rae aeaction concentration is 0.10 M. What will the ny + AV) 2XY,,) is less than zero. ; + 2 cate a concentrations of Ag* and Pb** be at Formation of XY,,, will be favoured at. equilibrium? (a) high temperature and high pressure (K,, for AgCl = 1.8x10", K,, for PbCI, (b) low pressure and low temperature =1.7x 10-5) (c) high temperature and low pressure (a) [Ag*]=1.8x107 M, [Pb**] =1.7x 10°M. (d) high pressure and low temperature (b) [Ag']=1.8x10"" M, [Pb*] = 8.5 x 10°M 1.7.x 10° (2011) (©) [Ag] = 1.8 x 10°M, [Pb* M _ o 2° 34. A buffer solution is prepared in which the (d) [Ag 18x10", [Pb a 1k maa concentration of NH, is 0.30 M and the fains 2011) concentration of NH," is 0.2 M. If the | 3g, What is [H*] in mol/L of a solution that is equilibrium constant, K, for NH, equals 0.20 M in CH,COONa and 0.10 M in 1.8x10°, what is the pH of this solution? CH,COOH? (log 2.7 = 0.43) (K, for CH,COOH = 1.8 x 10°) (a) 9.08 (b) 9.43 (a) 3.5x 104 (b) 1.1.x 10° (c) 11.72 (a) 8.73 (c) 1.8x 105 (@) 9.0.x 10° (2010) (2011) 39. In which of the following equilibrium K, and K, are not equal ? behave as Lewis base? (@) 2NO,, SNy4 + On 35. Which of the following is least likely to @) H,0 (6) NH, (b) SO,,,+NO,,, = SO, +NO,, © BF, (@ OH o The tbe =2HL, ort) 1 * Og) F2C0,,, (2010) 36, Forthe reaction, N,.)+ Og =2NO,ythe | 40. Ina buffer solution containing equ! equilibrium constant is K,. The concentration of B- and HB, the K, for B equilibrium constant is K, for the reaction, is 10". The pH of buffer solution is INO + Ong = 2NOry @) lo (b) 7 What is K for the reaction, ©) 6 (d) 4 (2010) [ Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary Shook walpar Haridwar 7 33-Saket Roorkee ] yy 43. 44. 45. 46. Tnstitute of Chemistry, EUW The reaction, 2A + By = 3C yt Dip is begun with the concentrations of A and B both at an initial value of 1.00 M. When equilibrium is reached, the concentration of D is measured and found to be 0.25 M. The value for the equilibrium constant for this reaction is given by the expression (a) {(0.75)'(0.25)] + [( 1.00)*( 1.00)] (b) [(0.75)'(0.25)] + [(0.50}? (0.75)] (©) [(0.75)5(0.25)] + [(0.50)°(0.25)] (4) [(0.75)(0.25)] + ((0.75¥ (0.25)] (Mains 2010) The dissociation constants for acetic acid and HCN at 25°C are 1.5 x 10% and 4.5 x 10° respectively. The equilibrium constant for the equilibrium, CN: + CH,COOH=HCN + CH,COO- would be (a) 3.0x 10% (©) 3.0x 108 (b) 3.0.x 10% (d) 3.0x 108 (2009) Which of the following molecules acts as a Lewis acid? (a) (CH,),O (©) (CH,),N (b) (CHP (@) (CHY),B (2009) zation constant of ammonium hydroxide is 1.77x10* at 298 K. Hydrolysis, constant of ammonium chloride is (a) 6.50x 10" — (b) 5.65x 10" (c) 5.65x10? (4) 5.65x 10" (2009) What is the [OH‘] in the final solution prepared by mixing 20.0 mol, of 0.050 M HCI with 30.0 mL of 0.1 0 M Ba(OH),? (a) 0.40M (b) 0.0050 M (©) 0.12M (d) 0.10M (2009) The dissociation equilibrium of a gas AB, 2AB, » = 2ABy +B, ‘The degree of dissociation is x and is small compared to 1. The expression relating the 47. 48. 49. 51. Chemistry Classes by VAIBHAV TRIVEDI ‘More than 20 years of teaching experience MSc. IT Roorkee, NET & SLET degree of dissociation (x) with equilibrium constant K, and total pressure P is (a) (2K/P}?——(b) (K,/P) (©) 2K JP) (4) 2K/P)"” (2008) If the concentration of OH ions in the reaction Fe(OH), = Fey + 30H is decreased by 1/4 times, then equilibrium concentration or Fe** will increase by (a) 64 times (b) 4 times (©) 8 times (d) 16 times. (2008) Equal volumes of three acid solutions of pH 3,4 and 5 are mixed in a vessel. What will be the H* ion concentration in the mixture? (@) 3.7x 10° M_—(b) 1-11 x 107 M (©) 1.11 x 104 M (d) 3.7x 10*M (2008) The value of equilibrium constant of the reaction, 1 1 HI, = 5 HL@ + Fhe is 8.0, The equilibrium constant of the reaction Hyg, + lg 2HI will be ne) * bag) = (a) 16 (b) 1/8 © M16 (@) 1/64 (2008) The values of K, for the reactions, X= Y+Z @ A= 2B (i) are in the ratio 9:1, If degree of dissociation of X and A be equal, then total pressure at equilibrium (i) and (ii) are in the ratio (a) 36:1 (b) 3:1 © 31 @t (2008) Aweak acid, HA, has a K, of 1.00 x 105. If 0.100 mol of this acid is dissolved in one litre of water. the percentage of acid Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar /33-Saket Roorkee 52. 53. Institute of Chemistry EVE dissociated at equilibrium is closest to (a) 1.00% (b) 99.9% (©) 0.100% (d) 99.0% (2007) Calculate the pOH of a solution at 25°C that contains 1x10" M of hydronium ions, i.e, HO". (a) 4.600 (b) 9.000 (©) 1.000 (d) 7.000 (2007) For the reaction: CH, +20, CO,,, + 2H,0(), AH, = -170.8 kJ mor, Which of the following statements is not true? (a) The reaction is exothermic. (b) At equilibrium, the concentrations of CO,(g) and H,O(/) are not equal. (c) The equilibrium constant for the reaction [CO,] by Kp ic 10,) (d) Addition of CH,,, or 0, at equilibrium will cause a shift to the right. (2006) Which of the following pairs constitutes a buffer? (a) HCl and KCI (b) HNO, and NaNO, (©) NaOH and NaCI (d) HNO, and NH,NO, (2006) The hydrogen ion concentration of a 10* M HCI aqueous solution at 298 K (K, = 10") is (a) 1.0x10*M — (b) 1.0.x 10h (c) 1.0525 x 107M(@) 9.525 x 10*M (2006) At 25°C, the dissociation constant of a base. BOH, is 1.0 x 10°. The concentration of hydroxyl ions in 0.01 M aqueous solution of the base would be (a) 1.0 x 10 mol L! (b) 1.0 x 10%mol L* (c) 2.0 x10*mol L (d) 1.0.x 107 moil L* (2005) 58. 59. 60. 57. 1,8 gas when passed through a solution » hemistry Classes by ; VAIBHAV TRIVEDI [#5 ‘ore than 20 years of teaching experience | NET siey ions containing HCI precipitates yt cations of second group of qualitative anajyn but not those belonging to the fourth soy It is because . {a) presence of HCI decreases the sulphigg ion concentration (b) solubility: product of group 11 sulphides is more than that of group IV sulpy (©) presence of HCI increases the sulphide ion concentration (d) sulphides of group IV cations are unstable in HCl. (2005) Equilibrium constants K, and K, for the following equilibria: NO, +40, = NOs, and 2NO,,, = 2NO,, +O, are related as @ K,=VK} ) K,=« © K,=UK, @K,=K,2 (2005) The solubility product of a sparingly soluble salt AX, is3.2 x 10". Its solubility (in moles/L) (@) 5.6x 10° (b) 3.1.x 10+ (©) 2x 10+ (d) 4x 104 (2004) The rapid change of pH near the ichiometric ase titration is the basis of indicator detection. pH of the solution is related to ratio of the concentrations of the conjugate acid (HIn) and base (In’) forms of the indicator by the expression (a) boot) =k, pa Hin] (b) ote PK, ~p (2004) L Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar 733-Saket Roorkee 68 % Chemistry Classes by ea ee Answer Key — Level -II (@Te™) Subjective Questions 1 (a) 0.522, (b)2.61 32 (methyl red), one with pH =5.22 as midpoint 2 [H']=1.612 x 10?M, [CHCI,COO] | of colour range = 6.126 x10° 33 ApH = 0.954 3 [H‘] = 10°M, [CH,COO}] = 3.6 x 10M, 345.12 xl0*M [C,H,0,] = 6.4 x 10*M 35° 8.71 4 0.027 M, 0.073 M, 0.027 M, 10°M 36 4.98 5 0.2116M, 0.1884M, 0.0116 M, 0 37 (i) 2.85, (ii) 4.0969, (iii 4.5229, (iv) 4.699, 6. [H*]=[H,PO,]-2.7x10°, [HPO,*] = 10°, (v) 5.301, (vi) 8.699 [PO,*] 3.7x10"" 38 Kb=1.8x 10%, 5.27 1 pH= 11.46, [en] =7.1 x 108M 39 8.73 8 10.07 40 2.37% 10 9 10) 41 6.1 10 [OH] = 6.664 x10* 42 QX, is more soluble ll pH=4.477 43 16x 10* 12. Kb=6.25x 10" 44 [Cu] =5x10"M 13. 0.56%, pH=7 45 34x10" 14 pH= 10.43 46 2.6x 10° 15 1.667% 47 1.0x10"M 16 4.0% 48 1.0x 10% mol/lit 17 0.26% 49° 5x10°M 18 10%; 10% 50 12mg 19 8.34 51 (a) no precipitation will occur, 20 4.19 (b) a precipitate will form 21 (a) 6, (b) 1x 10% 52 1.6.x 10° 22. [OH] =9.0x10* 53 2.1.x 10% 3 474 54 2.49x 10% or 2.50 x 10% 24 0.05 mol 55 4X 10°mol/L AgBr, 9 x 10'mol/L AgSCN 25 9.56 56 [F]=3x10°M 26 (a) pH = 9.239 (b) Jowered (c) pH = 4.699 37 K,=UK= 48x 10+ 27 8.7782 58 2.8x10°M 28 9.7324 29 [HI] =28.57% 30 85.71% 31 (b),@) [ Study Centers:- Opposite to ST. Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar /33-Saket Roorkee © “ c try Classos by VAIBHAV TRIVEDI mest ‘ove than 20 years of leaching experi were | Answor Key Lovet 111 (GetTe) Objective Questions a 2 Cc Lon aD 5D . . b 2 OD 10, A , nv IC B . A 9 dD sO bd a4 0A B y bd 2 OB A sh ABC 34 ABC 35. A n c 39 40. € * c 44, A 45. 4o. 47. AS. 49. 50. $1. Previous Year HT-JEE L © 2 © 3% &) 4@ 5 © 6 © a 8. (c) 9 ©) 10. (c) Il. @) 2. @ © ao 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. @d 18. © 1. @ ey ne 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (b) SNORE OMECT EC 28. (b) 29. (b) Previous Year NEET / APIMT 1 @ 2 @ 3% M4 @ 5S © 6H 7 w & o . ® © @ HOM 2M Bw 4 5.6 6@ 7 @) OO OD 7 @ 2 @ 23. @) 24.) 2. @) 26. @) 27.0) BO BW %@ Ww 20 3 OK DO EO FO 38) 39. 40. @ 4) 42 ©) BOD 45.) 46, a7. (48. @ 49. (d) 50. (a) SI. (a) 52. (a) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (©) 56. @ 57. (@) 58 =a) ~— «5% ©) 60.) Study Centersi- Opposite to ST: Mary School Jwalapur Haridwar733-Saket Roorkee 70 a

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