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1 I ) luq( =
than pvove thad =240
) I460=**(1+) thn prove hat
(3)T4d=* han pyove ihot od+40%)= 0
4) I F)= thin brove Aha (Hane) = Cosa6

) 140= x hin tind +(Cos®). A%:tan

6) T f=Cos (logx) than find
o0-4)IE7)+ 4( As:0
7) T4)=Cas>x +mx than prove that +(T-)= 4
(8)T1=fo0= Ahan prove that x= {$)
(9 400= ihun show that
0) a-40+b f V = 5 Find f60
r) I fo=(g-") Prove tha 4 0)=x
12) T4:R-R be given by f6)= ER
thn proe that 460+ 401-x)=1 +2

02) T40)= 64*°+ and A au xoótg o

4x+ 3 than pYOYe that f«)= (P) - 9=

3 T60=Sm ] x +Sm[-T*]x wtur C.1 danot

Pyove hat f(V)= G.T.F

R > R be do4inad bu fo0=2x -+]x thun

Sind Sa»)+ $-x) -f00) Ans:21
5 zeR- t Huncion 400 Aatiatiu
460+24)=x. Find 4) s

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