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Evid Based Mental Health: first published as 10.1136/ebmental-2016-102418 on 21 July 2016. Downloaded from http://ebmh.bmj.

com/ on January 23, 2023 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored.

Use of the experience sampling method in the context of clinical trials
Simone J W Verhagen, Laila Hasmi, Marjan Drukker, J van Os, Philippe A E G Delespaul
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Correspondence to Professor Philippe A EG Delespaul;

Objective The experience sampling method (ESM) is a structured diary technique to appraise subjective experiences in daily life. It is applied in
psychiatric patients, as well as in patients with somatic illness. Despite the potential of ESM assessment, the improved logistics and its increased
administration in research, its use in clinical trials remains limited. This paper introduces ESM for clinical trials in psychiatry and beyond.
Methods ESM is an ecologically valid method that yields a comprehensive view of an individual’s daily life. It allows the assessment of various
constructs (eg, quality of life, psychopathology) and psychological mechanisms (eg, stress-sensitivity, coping). These constructs are difficult to
assess using cross-sectional questionnaires. ESM can be applied in treatment monitoring, as an ecological momentary intervention, in clinical trials,
or in single case clinical trials. Technological advances (eg, smartphone applications) make its implementation easier.
Results Advantages of ESM are highlighted and disadvantages are discussed. Furthermore, the ecological nature of ESM data and its
consequences are explored, including the potential pitfalls of ambiguously formulated research questions and the specificities of ESM in statistical
analyses. The last section focuses on ESM in relation to clinical trials and discusses its future use in optimising clinical decision-making.
Statistics in practice

Conclusions ESM can be a valuable asset in clinical trial research and should be used more often to study the benefits of treatment in psychiatry
and somatic health.

INTRODUCTION terms are ecological momentary assessment,6 ambulatory assess-

In clinical trials, the effectiveness of a psychiatric intervention is often ment,7 event sampling,8 beeper studies,9 the structured diary
assessed retrospectively, by asking patients to complete self-report method,10 intensive longitudinal assessment11 and real-time data
questionnaires or by administering clinical interviews over the past days capture studies.12 ESM assesses sampled experiences and behaviours
or weeks.1 These methods lack detailed insight into momentary pro- as well as moment-to-moment changes in mental states, embedded in

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cesses and context sensitivity relevant to assess stress-reactivity, a (normal) daily life. It is an empirically validated structured diary tech-
notion central to psychopathology. Therefore, the use of momentary nique. Typically, participants are asked to repeatedly complete short
assessment techniques is proposed in mental health research to tap questionnaires (lasting no more than 2 min) in response to beep
into daily life symptom experiences.2 3 Momentary assessment techni- prompts. The questionnaires cover current mood, cognitions, percep-
ques, such as the experience sampling method (ESM), have a long tions, behaviours and descriptors of the momentary context (eg, loca-
tradition.4–6 This paper aims to demonstrate the usefulness of these tion, company, activity).4–6 ESM is useful in psychiatry, as well as in
methods in clinical trial research, in the field of psychiatry and beyond. patients with somatic illness. The method focuses on symptoms (ill
health), as well as on adaptive functioning (well-being), aiming to map
What is ESM? (normal) daily psychological functioning.13 Originally, paper diaries were
ESM is an umbrella term for a family of momentary assessment techni- used in combination with pagers or electronic wristwatches.4 As tech-
ques that use signals to trigger data collection in daily life.5 Alternative nology became more advanced, data collection logistics and reliability
was improved by the use of personal digital assistants13 and smart-
Table 1 Beep-level assessment sheet from the Psymate standard phone applications14 (eg, the PsyMate, ExperienceSampler or apps by
assessment protocol ( Invivo, lifeData). Typically, assessments are collected using an unpredict-
I feel cheerful 1=not at all … 7=very
able (random) time sampling protocol. Assessments can also be trig-
I feel insecure 1=not at all … 7=very
gered by an event (event sampling).8 Questionnaires are designed for
I feel relaxed 1=not at all … 7=very
quick and easy data collection and use open-ended questions, visual
I feel annoyed 1=not at all … 7=very
analogue scales, checklists or self-report Likert scales.4 13
I feel satisfied 1=not at all … 7=very
A typical ESM data form
I feel lonely 1=not at all … 7=very
ESM assessments usually comprise a morning questionnaire, a beep
I feel anxious 1=not at all … 7=very
questionnaire assessed repeatedly within a day and an evening ques-
I feel down 1=not at all … 7=very
tionnaire. The content of the items is subject to the assessment
I feel guilty 1=not at all … 7=very
theme. Questions are short and can be rated quickly. An example of
(optional additional 1=not at all … 7=very
personal question)
such an assessment form is included in table 1.
What am I doing? Select: resting, work or study, household, hygiene, eating/
drinking, leisure, other, nothing Why is ESM used in research?
I would rather do 1=not at all … 7=very ESM typically has a number of advantages, but its implementation
something else varies.
Where am I? Select: at home, at family or friend’s place, at work ▸ ESM has high ecological validity because assessments are made in
or school, public place, transport, somewhere else the natural flow of real life.13 15
Who am I with? Select: partner, family resident, family non-resident, friends, ▸ ESM reduces memory strains and avoids aggregation because only
colleagues, acquaintances, strangers or others, nobody
the actual moment is assessed repeatedly over time. This increases
I am hungry 1=not at all … 7=very
accuracy and is comparatively easier.15
I am tired 1=not at all … 7=very
▸ The repeated assessments are collected in different situations (con-
I am in pain 1=not at all … 7=very
textualised), which allows researchers to disentangle and under-
(automatic recording) Day and time tag
stand the variability in mental states and psychological constructs.16

86 Evid Based Mental Health August 2016 Vol 19 No 3

Evid Based Mental Health: first published as 10.1136/ebmental-2016-102418 on 21 July 2016. Downloaded from on January 23, 2023 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored.
▸ ESM yields a rich data set covering information on mental state, questionnaire), the signalling algorithm (eg, random, fixed, beep-free
quality of life, mobility, social network and more, which reduces the periods, anticipation), the addition of event recording (eg, of stressors
need to use separate questionnaires measuring different constructs.13 or panic attacks), application type and data storage.
▸ Assessment error is reduced by repeated measures over time. This Items from cross-sectional questionnaires are often unsuitable for
improves the validity, reliability, and transparency of individual repeated assessment in daily life. In one-time questionnaires, a reliable
pattern assessments, which is helpful in clinical practice.12 assessment of a construct is achieved by redundancy (multiple items in
▸ Sensitivity to detect change increases due to the collection of data a sum score). Repeated (up to 10 times a day) answering of similar
at multiple time points.11 items is frustrating. Often, metaphors are used, but these lack variation
▸ ESM makes it easier for patients during feedback sessions to within the day.21 ESM information, such as current mood, activity and
acknowledge and translate the findings to daily life practice, because company, is assessed with single items, which can be combined to
they have rated the items (eg, anxiety) repeatedly. This avoids mystifi- improve reliability: different aspects at one moment or the same items
cation. Involvement and collaboration in care are improved and feel- over time. ESM data are ecologically valid but correlational in nature.22
ings of empowerment in the treatment process are heightened.17 The current activity can be a cause as well as an effect of momentary
A possible drawback of ESM is that the method is perceived as time- mood states. Furthermore, different mental states have different natural
consuming and demanding.16 Ideally, assessments are kept as brief as flows. Anxiety, for example, fluctuates and is more contextually reactive
possible, preferably <1 min, with a maximum of 2 min.4 A study proto- than depression. With an ESM sampling frequency of 10 times a day,
col of 10 assessments for 6 consecutive days results in a cumulative highly variable states will not be adequately represented. In that case,
time investment of <120 min. The set of questionnaires needed in the process is under-sampled. Other slow changing states are often

Statistics in practice
cross-sectional studies easily exceeds this time investment. Selection over-sampled. The actual ESM protocol is usually a compromise.
bias is a second concern. Not all patients are willing to participate or Event monitoring is often added to ESM protocols. For example, partici-
comply with the protocol, and this subgroup possibly functions better pants are asked to complete a questionnaire when a certain stressor is
than the non-responders.3 However, previous research has shown that present, or when the participant has a panic attack. This requires con-
the method is feasible in a wide variety of patients, including those suf- tinual prospective monitoring and results in a high workload for partici-
fering from severe mental illness.2 4 Most studies have reported good pants. The recorded event initiates a questionnaire. Events should be
compliance.18 On the other hand, patients are inclined to miss assess- discrete (have a clear beginning and end) and often require coding
ments as a response to their current mood, which could also lead to instructions (what is a panic attack or a social interaction?). There is no
selection bias. However, extensive analysis of missed responses dem- correction for rating misinterpretation. Feasibility limits the number of

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onstrate that beeps are predominantly missed at logical moments, such (different) events that can be reported. Having to respond to additional
as the morning and evening (when participants are most likely sleep- questions after reporting an event can act as a ‘punishment’ and
ing), and lag analysis found no mood-related dropped responses.19 results in an extinction of the report (not the actual event) under some
Third, ESM can induce reactivity.16 For instance, participants report (stressful) circumstances. The same ‘learning curve’ can occur in
increased awareness during ESM data collection.18 Monitoring is also branching when different answers lead to different workloads. Often,
used as a behavioural intervention, for instance, to reduce cigarette time sampling is preferred because it is less burdensome, more reliable,
smoking. In this case, behavioural change is maximised by single target allows the (non-exhaustive) assessment of a larger set of events and
assessment of unwanted (automatic) behaviours. ESM, in contrast, is reports events as well as non-events (eg, when a participant smokes,
an open exploration of daily life using multiple targets. This open explor- as well as when a participant does not smoke).
ation reduces reactivity. Furthermore, repeated (exclusive) assessments When beeps are programmed at fixed times, predictability increases
of negative mood states can be confrontational and induce negative reactivity and this may induce behavioural changes (eg, postpone shopping
feelings. To avoid this, a careful and balanced construction of the ques- or showering). More generally, when beep-free periods can be anticipated
tionnaire is needed; for example, changing the order of questions so (eg, no beep expected within an hour after a beep), reactivity increases.
that positive and negative momentary mood items are mixed. Finally, Random sampling avoids this reactivity. Unexpectedly, true random sche-
the complexity of ESM data analyses could form a drawback for both dules (eg, 3 beeps on 1 day and 15 on another) are not ideal, because
researchers and clinicians.11 Normal statistical methods, such as linear long periods with no beeps can result in some participants staying at
regression analysis and analysis of variance, cannot be used.20 home (not to miss a beep). This behaviour disrupts normal daily life.
Aggregation of data per participant removes the multilevel structure, Therefore, a stratified random schedule with restricted intervals is advised.4
allowing simple analyses. In addition, most statistical packages now This list of design modalities is not exhaustive and the actual choices
have easily accessible multilevel regression tools. The present paper depend on the research question and study population.
provides guidelines on how to analyse the data properly, allowing a reli-
able assessment of the richness of the ESM data (see below).20 Statistical analyses of ESM data
ESM samples daily life and can be used to compute time budgets, for
example, the proportion of time spent alone or doing sports. Similarly,
the average anxiety level (or anxiety while alone) can be computed,
ESM has advantages over classical assessment methods in clinical
resulting in one statistic per participant as the input for standard statis-
trials. However, ESM is a complex assessment method and considera-
tical analyses. However, in most situations, statisticians prefer to use all
tions should be taken into account when using this innovative approach.
available data. In that case, analyses have to account for the fact that
in ESM, multiple participants answer a set of questions multiple times,
The nature of ESM data resulting in a multilevel data set. Hence, ESM observations are not
The nature of ESM data is appealing but its complexity often challenges independent and standard linear and logistic regression analysis techni-
researchers and clinicians. The data collection parameters (the actual ques cannot be used.20 Multilevel linear and logistic regression is indi-
design) that define the nature of the data can be more important than cated and is now available in most statistical analysis packages (eg,
statistical techniques. Aspects to consider are item selection, item Stata, R, SPSS). Since observations are nested in participants, the
order, the time frame (eg, number of days), the intensity (eg, number of most simple multilevel regression models for ESM data include a
beeps per day; number of questions within a beep), the need for random intercept that allows appropriate control for the between par-
additional information (eg, sleep quality assessed in a morning ticipant variability.20 These models therefore include a second error

Evid Based Mental Health August 2016 Vol 19 No 3 87

Evid Based Mental Health: first published as 10.1136/ebmental-2016-102418 on 21 July 2016. Downloaded from on January 23, 2023 at India:BMJ-PG Sponsored.
term at the participant level, in addition to the regular error term (at allows assessment of mechanisms that are difficult to assess with
the assessment level) used in unilevel regression. Even when trends cross-sectional questionnaires, such as stress-sensitivity, coping, reward-
over time are not the primary interest, it is advisable to remove the poten- sensitivity and resilience.16 ESM has the potential to replace a larger
tially confounding effects of time in ESM data by adding a time variable body of instruments and sensitively assesses new and relevant para-
(detrending23). This is effective when values increase or decrease linearly meters. It is, however, not yet the gold standard in clinical trials. This fact
over the time of the study. Furthermore, since adjacent assessments tend is mainly due to the heterogeneity in ESM applications.27 Nevertheless,
to be more similar to each other than to other assessments further apart it has the potential to become the de facto gold standard.
in time (autocorrelation), ESM analyses also need more sophisticated
adjustment methods.11 For example, autocorrelation can be taken into ESM monitoring in clinical trials
account by using appropriate correlational structures for the residuals (eg, ESM data are ideal to inform and optimise personalised treatment in
AR, MA, ARMA).11 Care must be exercised when using such models, mental health. Feedback modules have been developed that translate
since observations are not evenly spaced due to randomisation and data ESM data into understandable graphs and figures that help promote
collection usually proceeds over multiple days, resulting in a huge time lag patient engagement in treatment. Kramer et al28 assessed the benefits of
for observations on consecutive days. Therefore, continuous-time struc- an ESM feedback-intervention in a randomised control clinical trial. An
tures are usually preferable, although their availability across different soft- ESM feedback-intervention was studied in addition to treatment as usual
ware packages differs. It is also highly recommended to allow random in patients diagnosed with depression. They demonstrated that ESM with
slopes in the model where applicable.20 This yields more realistic esti- weekly feedback moments reduced depression more than treatment as
mates of SEs, which otherwise might be underestimated. A random slope usual. ESM monitoring without feedback had a similar association, but
Statistics in practice

means that the regression coefficient is not fixed, but is allowed to vary this reduction did not last. The majority of ESM studies have short assess-
between participants. This variation is realised by adding an extra error ment periods, ranging from several days to a few weeks.12 In clinical prac-
term for each predictor. In these models, a simple variance–covariance tice, it is important to follow a patient for months or years. To reduce the
matrix of the random effects (eg, which assumes that all covariances are burden, clinicians experiment with interrupted periodic ESM assessments.
zero: the default in some statistical software packages) is not realistic. Psychiatrists and patients can mutually agree to customise ESM to
Therefore, an unstructured variance–covariance matrix, where all var- monitor the effectiveness of treatment and update interventions accord-
iances and covariances are allowed to be different, is preferable. However, ingly. There is growing insight into what might be relevant to individual
this can lead to rather complex and time-consuming models. Sometimes, patients. For example, a patient who used ESM for a year had increased
the statistical program may even fail to provide output. Alternatively, one associations between symptoms in periods of exacerbation (personal

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can consider only using random slopes for the main independent variable communication, Dr. M. Bak). The patient’s subjective feeling of relapse
(s). If the analysis includes multiple main independent variables, or if the coincided with changes in ESM towards higher severity. Monitoring
analysis still does not yield valid results after reducing the number of patients this way provides both the clinician and the patient with addi-
random slopes, it may be necessary to remove essential random slopes. tional information that can improve a personalised treatment process.
In that case, resampling methods (eg, permutation tests, bootstrapping) Ecological momentary intervention (EMI) has been cued as an umbrella
can be used to obtain valid tests and CIs.24 term for mobile interventions in the daily living environment of partici-
pants. Unlike ESM, EMI aims not to observe, but to intervene. Only
Clarifying ESM questions recently has mobile technology allowed one to bridge the gap between
ESM allows the study of a broad range of research questions. The the therapist’s office and situations in daily life, where acquired skills
epidemiological finding that the mental health of people in urban should generalise and be autonomously applied. Several studies have
environments is poor25 (a between-subject question) can be explored demonstrated that EMI is feasible, acceptable and can be successful in
by assessing whether people in crowded environments feel worse mental health treatment.29
(a within-subject question). ESM allows the exploration or ‘unpacking’
of relevant factors.26 The multilevel data structure of ESM can confuse Single case clinical trials
researchers. Consider, for example, a study that explores the relation The translation of evidence from clinical trials assumes that patients are a
between depression and loneliness. What should be studied? Are homogeneous group. This is often not true. A large variability exists in
depressive persons often alone, do lonely people become depressed, treatment responses between subjects. Single case designs can be used
does depression make people lonely, are people in general more to customise treatment to individual needs and accommodate to
depressed when alone, and does this relation hold for depressed strengths. Since treatment effect (or outcome optimisation) can be
people? ESM data analyses require more specific research questions. difficult to detect, single case trials can add (experimental) control to clin-
The pitfall lies in the convergence of person-related questions and ical decision-making.30 31 This control requires that the timing of condi-
situation-related questions, both of which are represented in ESM data tions is allocated randomly (independent from the clinical effect).
and can lead to divergent conclusions.22 In addition, results from ESM Guidelines are available for the randomisation of single case trials,32 and
studies are easily misinterpreted. The conclusion that agoraphobia is a statistical software packages33 facilitate the analyses. An interesting innov-
bogus diagnosis because ESM data show that people with this diagno- ation is a user-initiated program, which implements ESM to monitor the
sis feel worse when at home (and better when out) disregards the fact effects of gradual dose reductions in the user’s antidepressant medica-
that people may select going out on days they feel best. In correlational tion.34 Over the course of a year, the user collected over a thousand ESM
relations, causal attributions should be avoided. observations. Meanwhile, his clinician teamed up with a pharmacist to
blindly implement a dose-reduction (tapering) schedule. From the data,
DISCUSSION early warning signs were detected for mood changes that predicted
ESM was developed to sample moments from daily life. Since then, the relapse. They could relate the mood change patterns to the medication
method has yielded valuable results to better understand mental reduction and were able to find the optimal, safe medication dosage.34
illness.16 ESM yields a comprehensive view of the participant’s daily life. The use of ESM in classical clinical trials is less challenging because only
This comprehensive view is valuable in clinical trials because the same aggregated group findings are pursued. Global constructs can be used to
instrument can measure various constructs, such as quality of life, psy- comprehensively describe the mental state of groups of individuals. In
chopathology, social networks or productive activities. This broad meas- single-case studies, the data are highly individual and can benefit from the
urement is done with high sensitivity to change.11 Even more, ESM individual selection of items that maximally reflects the user’s variability.

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