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Stefanie Nichole M.


Differentiate make-to-order, mass production and mass customization. Give

examples or scenarios.

Make to order
 Make to order is a type of production where the customer gives the
specification of the product they want, unlike mass production and mass
communication, make to order production is only done when the client
confirms the product they want. Compared to the other two types of
production, make to order production is more efficient since the workers and
machinery are more focused on the product they want to make, the wasted
money and materials in make to order production are also reduced because
compared to the two productions there is no need to produce of many
products to establish a make to order business.
Example: An example of make to order production is pastry business specifically
a cake making business, where a baker creates a cake according to the design,
flavor, and size that his client wants. Once the client confirms his order, only then
will the baker do it in this way he can easily determine how much budget he can
use moreover he can give all his focus on the customer's provided product

Mass Production
 Mass production is used by large businesses to produce large numbers of
products. This is the common type of production used by businesses that
will supply their products to different areas or countries. Comparing mass
production and mass customization, the business that uses mass production
saves more money because it is cheaper to buy raw materials in addition to
that, they also have lower labor costs because only a few people are needed
and large machinery is used in the mass production business.
Example: The example here is the manufacturers of canned goods, they use mass
production because they have a lot of markets to supply so they have to make bulk
products. They can also stock it in their warehouses because it can't easily perish,
so when the demand for canned goods increases, they can release a lot and there
will not be a shortage unless the raw materials themselves run out.

Mass Customization
 Mass customization is a type of production where a manufacturer makes
customized products, it's like a collaboration of make to order and mass
production. Its only difference from the previous two is that they produce a
large number of products in line with their customer's preferences.
Example: One of the ways in which the company uses mass customization is the
so-called collaborative customization where the company works with a famous
personality such as the Nike brand they collaborated with a famous K-Pop idol
named G-Dragon, when the collaboration happened G-Dragon customized a lot of
designs for Nike Shoes and Nike produce a lot of that customize shoes that help
them gain higher sales since a lot of people really wanted those G-Dragon
customized shoes.

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