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Chapter 10: Pressure and moments

Worksheet 1
Q-1: Answer the following questions.
1. If you need to have an injection, would a sharp or a blunt needle hurt less?
2. A box is to be kept on a weak base. Considering the different sides of the box, answer the following
i. Which side would create the smallest pressure? Why?
ii. Which side would create the largest pressure? Why?
3. Suppose below are the shapes of objects standing on the solid surface. Considering the shapes answer
the questions given below.

i. Which of the shapes would exert most pressure? Why?

ii. Which of the shapes would exert least pressure? Why?
4. A person weighing 500N is sitting on a chair. If one leg of the chair has an area of 0.002m2, calculate the
total pressure exerted by all four legs when in contact with the floor.
5. Why should the axe of a woodcutter be as sharp as possible?

Worksheet 2
Q-1: A box having a force of 50 N acts on a lever at a distance of 2m from the pivot.
Calculate the size of the movement.

Worksheet 3
Q-1: On page 139 of the Student book, you see a particle model of a gas. One section of this
diagram is shown again below. In the empty box, draw a particle model of a liquid. Think about the
density of the particles in a liquid compared to in a gas, and about their size and speed.
a. b. Use the diagrams to explain what happens
when you put pressure on gas and liquid.

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Chapter 10: Pressure and moments
Q-2: Answer the following questions.
1. What would happen if the hydraulic brakes of a car were filled with a gas rather than a liquid?
2. A driver applies a force of 5N on the brake pedal whose area of small master piston is 1cm 2. The area of
the larger piston is 5cm2. Calculate the force exerted by the brake pad.
3. Explain why tyres are filled with air and not with water.
4. What happens to the pressure in a tyre during summer when temperature rises? Explain in terms of
particle theory.
5. A diver dives into the sea to a depth of 20m.
i. Why is the pressure at this depth greater than atmospheric pressure?
ii. Other than depth and atmospheric pressure, state one factor which affects pressure in liquids.
6. State one difference between the arrangement of the molecules in the water of a lake and the molecules
of air in a balloon.
Worksheet 4
Q-1: Answer the following questions.
1. Find the centres of gravity of the following regular objects.

2. Why do we use our back teeth rather than our front teeth for grinding food?
3. How do the following objects counter-balance themselves?
i. car park barrier
ii. kangaroo
4. Why are sports cars designed to be closer to the ground than normal cars?
5. The four conical objects shown below are of equal weight. They are placed on a table. Which object is
most stable? Why?
6. Below are diagrams of four glasses of water that have been placed on a table. Which one is least stable?

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