Activity 1 Grammar Sentences

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Fernández Ismenia
C.I: 25.795.380
Matter: Ingles II
Carrera: Adm de Empresas

Caracas, November 2022


Learning another language requires attention, perseverance, work and,

above all, time and interest. But being able to communicate with other people
in their mother tongue is worth the effort. Therefore, knowing the English
language should be practiced using the main forms that are: listening, reading
and writing.

Verbs, nouns, adjectives and conjugations each have a different function.

Reason why we want to explain in this work the different words that are used
in English and their usefulness when making sentences.


1- What are nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives and


The noun is a grammatical category that serves to name all kinds of subject
or object.

English nouns, or nouns, are words that refer to people, places, animals,
ideas, things, events, substances, or qualities. Its function is usually to serve
as the nucleus of the subject of the sentence, however, it also usually
appears in the predicate as an object. In fact, a noun can appear as the core
of the subject and another as an object in the predicate.

Word used in place of a noun:
I, you, he, we, you, they, what, who, me, my, their…
She said that she would buy it from you.

Verbs are words that indicate actions, existence (to be), possession (to
have) or mood.

In English, we use the preposition “to” to form the infinitive.

“to talk” (hablar),
“to eat” (comer),
“to change” (cambiar).

Verbs are the most complicated part of speech. There are many types of
verbs. The verb can indicate the main action (the main verb). An auxiliary
verb adds detail to the action or helps the main verb (also called
complementary verbs).

Adverbs in English are words within a sentence that modify verbs,
adjectives, and other adverbs. Their job is to provide more information about
the item they rate. Thus, for example, in my mum walks slowly in the street,
slowly is the adverb that qualifies the verb walk.

As for adverbs in English that qualify adjectives, an example is: my

teacher is extremely impatient. Here extremely (extremely) determines the
level of impatience of the teacher.

And in the case of adverbs that qualify other adverbs, an example is: the
concert tickets are almost fully sold out. In this case, almost modifies fully.

Adjectives in English are grammatical elements that serve to give
characteristics to people, animals or things. Its function is to offer extra
information about the noun in a sentence. For example, in the new guitar is
lost, the adjective is new, so we are not talking about just any guitar, but
about the new one.

Conjunctions, called conjunctions, connecting words or linking words, are
short words (and, or, so, when, etc.) that allow words, parts of sentences or
sentences to be joined together, establishing a logical relationship between
the connected elements.

Conjunctions in English are of two types: coordinating conjunctions, such

as and, or but, which join two simple sentences; and subordinates, (in
English: subordinating conjunctions) such as after, although, so or as, which
serve as a link between a subordinate clause and its main clause.

To give meaning to a speech, it is necessary to establish a logical

relationship between the elements that compose it. In this section you will
learn what conjunctions exist in English and how to use them correctly.
Practice in the exercise section and thus improve your grammar skills.

2- Which is the right order of them in a sentence? and do 3

A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing.

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.
An adjective is a word that describes a person or a thing.
A verb is a word or a group of words that expresses an action or a state.
An adverb is a word that describes or gives more information about a
verb, an adjective, another adverb, or even a complete sentence.


Pron Verbs Adj Nouns Conj Pron Verbs Pron

She likes big cars but I hate them.

Interj. Pron. Conj. Adj. Nouns Verbs Prep. Nouns Adv.

Well, she and young John walk to school slowly.

Pron. Verbs Adj. Nouns Conj. Pron Verbs Nouns

She likes big snakes but I hat snakes

Nouns Verbs Adjetives Nouns

Mary speaks good English.

Pronouns verbs Prep adjetives Nouns adverbs

She ran to the station quickly.

3. Why we should recognize everyone of them in a sentence?

It is very important to recognize the parts of speech. As this helps to

analyze sentences and understand them. It also helps to build sentences
correctly, and to know what each of them is for, how they are composed,
pronounced and heard.

4. Does the auxiliary verb substitute the verb?

Auxiliary verbs are verbs that have the function of helping the main verb
to be able to express what we want in different tenses, modes or voices.

The main auxiliary verbs are the verb to be, the verb have and the verb to
do. In addition to these three, modal verbs also have the function of helping
the main verb. These are: will, might, may, can, could, shall, should, would,
must and ought to.

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