Week 11

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steel – otel

lickage –

licha chan

Chinese ppl are no better than americans at identifying European countries and having a rough idea of
whether they are European and this is perhaps excusable/cardonabil/putem trece cu vederea acest
lucru because most European countries are relatively small and distinct/ distant and their influence on
Chinese history has been very limited

the so called sci gi ping amerika chan

Chinese ppl

the exceptions to this rule are France Germany the uk spain and Italy. these countries and their football
teams are generally well known in china and the arrival of the covid 19 virus in Europe followed the
same route as many Chinese tourists follow when they come to Europe to visit France Germany the uk
spain and Italy

surprised by economic

so Germany is one of those well known European countries, destinations for Chinese is also popular
among Chinese leaders for economic reasons

business or pleasure…calatorii de afaceri/vacante/scopuri personale

china is seeking to develop itself economically its understandably impressed by its strong economic…
Germany is now by far europe’s largest most successful economic country…

the annual of trade now exceeds 1.9B dollars. wolkswagen’s presence in china dates back to its opening

most of the taxis in china are wolkswagen santanas

when Chinese leaders meet their European counterpats, their focus is on Germany, Germany and

counterpart = echivalent

german firms are less likely to be in competition with Chinese firms like the French firms are for example

e mai putin probabil ca

in the steel section china and France have developed

Germany produces smaller quantities of refined products, products reimported back to china

cool steel – otel prelucrat

crude steel – otel neprelucrat

so it seems there is a lot of scope for Germany and china to build a pragmatic friendship on an economic
basis and this builds well for the eu/china summit.. this summit president shi gin and … will meet angela
merkel, the chancellor of america…

the German side will be anxious to push environmental issues

my name is annes grapes the English booth at the European parliament what I would like to talk to you
today is sun bathing. for a long time we’ve heard that there is no such thing as a safe sun but now
there’s a chance in thinking an article from Australia tells us that a little sunshine is good for our health.

it was Australia which alerted ppl of the damage caused by sun. now we know Australia is the skin
cancer capital of the world

in the latter half of the last century, the cases of anemone, which is the worst form of skin cancer, have

I’ll give you an example, amongst men there are 51 cases of skin cancer la o mie…

the Australian government launched a strong campaign but nonetheless skin cancer has continued to
swor? (a creste)

children wouldn’t dream of going out without long sleeves without 30 suncreams but now there’s a
suggestion that a bit of sunshine is good for us because a new problem has come…lack of vitamin D,
vitamin D is essential for strong bones, for a good strong immune system and also helps against several
forms of skin cancer. now even tho skin cancer is a threat we need to look at the benefits rather than

so what would that mean in practical terms in Australia you’d need to expose your hands face and arms
for about 5 to 10 mins to guarantee that you get enough vitamin D and in winter that would be up to 3-4
hours a week even if you’re driving to work, driving back home, you can notice that in some days you
never see the sun at all

with long winters, short days, avem nevoie de mai mult soare by the end of the winter about 50% of ppl
is deficient in vitamin D
and as I said this leads to problems probleme care tin de oase slabe to weak bone. this shift in thinking
may be quite significant doctors are being cautious this doesn’t mean protection is no longer needed we
need protection against the sun because sun is still very bad for us. in Europe doctors say we should
sunbathe whenever we can to make sure we get enough vitamin D

bag pipes…cimpoi

non verbal communication

children..asset or liability…bun sau responsabilitate/ active sau pasiv

my name is areson grapes and (im from the European parliament)

what I’d like to talk to you is children. children have long ceased to offer their parents any benefits
whatsoever, back in the day children worked for a living, they contributed to the familys economic
welfare, they would mind the sheep

and with industrialization children had gainful employment down in the mines, later on children were
the only means for support until they died of old ages, now children are worse than useless

odata cu industrializarea,

far from making any economic contributions, or even supporting themselves, what they do, they laugh
at school every day, they devour cash and reduce the family’s standard of living

later on, when they’re adults they themselves are burdened by mortgages, the elder…


children are more expensive and more useless than ever before but nonetheless the society loves then
more than ever, society is obsessed with anxiety, we buy them desired clothes, expensive mobile
phones and even small children seem to be in the middle of family decisions

small children get to have an opinion about where the family goes on holiday, what car they should
drive, where should they live, why do parents not waste so much money on every aspect about their
children, one aspect is necessity of their children?

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