Movie Review - 2

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GRADE 8: Natural Disaster Movie NAME

The Day After Tomorrow Active

Viewing Guide DATE

Movies are windows into what it means to be human. They give us a view into the experiences of
others while reflecting back to us an image of ourselves. This guide will help you use the movie The
Day After Tomorrow to consider the qualities -- like character traits and virtues -- that help people
more aware of climate change. You'll be doing an activity before, during, and after the movie.

Make sure to read through all the questions before you watch The Day After Tomorrow. This way you
can pick out key scenes and moments in the movie that will help you complete the activities.

Before You Watch

1. Read the list of character traits below. Which are the most important for environmental
awareness? Rank them from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least

Rank # Character Trait

Planning and hard work

Faith and belief

Experience and wisdom

Caution and responsible

Risk-taking and consistent

2. Explain why you made your choice for #1:

GRADE 8: Natural Disaster Movie NAME

The Day After Tomorrow Active

Viewing Guide DATE

While You Watch

3. As you are watching The Day After Tomorrow, pay attention to each character’s motivations and
the character traits that driving their strong willingness to survive. Jot down one character trait
for each character and a scene or action that demonstrates it.

Jack Hall (father)

Dr. Lucy Hall (mother)

Sam Hall (son)

Laura Chapman

Terry Rapson (the professor)

GRADE 8: Natural Disaster Movie NAME

The Day After Tomorrow Active

Viewing Guide DATE

After You Watch

4. Look back at how you ranked the character traits in the Before You Watch activity (question
#1). Rank them again, then answer the questions below.

Rank # Character Trait

Planning and hard work

Faith and belief

Experience and wisdom

Caution and responsible

Risk-taking and consistent

5. Did your ranking change? Why, or why not?

GRADE 8: Natural Disaster Movie NAME

The Day After Tomorrow Active

Viewing Guide DATE

6. What is one character trait that you think is important but isn't on the list above? Why is it
important to you? Is there a character and/or moment from the movie that demonstrated this

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