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Group : 6 / Class : XA1

Members : Daniel, Joshua, Mikha, Steffina


Find the information about conflicts which ever happened in Indonesia from the internet and
then answer the questions to complete the planning template below.


Orientation: What is the event? When or where did it happen? Who was involved?

Mesuji conflict happened on 17 July 2019 in Mesuji, Lampung. This conflict involved the group of
Mekar Jaya Abadi KHP Register 45 SBM and Pematang Panggang Mesuji Raya.

Series of Events in Chronological Order: What was the time sequence of the event?

Event 1: When did it happen?

17 July 2019

Event 2: Why did it happen?

Conflicts in Mesuji were triggered by agrarian (land) issues

Event 3: Where did it happen?

Mesuji, Lampung

Event 4: Who

Mesuji inhabitant

Event 5 : How

The conflict began with the arrival of heavy plow equipment belonging to the Pematang Panggang
Mesuji Raya group. They carried out the hijacking at the location of KHP Register 45 Mekar Jaya

Reorientation: What is the significance of the event? What is your personal comment about the

After a few research, we found out that a few similar things happened at Mesuji back in 2011 and
the one who started the conflict is always the companies who are trying to disturb the inhabitant.
So what we found significant here is that the companies need to try other ways rather than
disturb the inhabitant or else history will repeat itself and the same thing will keep happening.
After knowing the whole story of this event, our group thought that what those people did to the
inhabitant can't be tolerated. They have crossed the line by taking what they didn't own at the
first place. And they crossed the line further by killing the inhabitant..

Based on your writing template above. Make your own short historical recount about that

Bloody Clash in Mesuji

Mesuji is located in both Lampung and South Sumatera, mesuji conflict happened on 17 July 2019. The
mesuji conflict has happened many times starting from 1999 until 2019. Usually, it happens because of
land conflicts . Because at that time, the state was seen as frequently grabbing local people's land. Then
this conflict developed into a conflict between residents and the company. Namely, when the state
grants concessions for the management of forest land to entrepreneurs.

At first, this incident occurred due to the hijacking of half a hectare of land owned by a resident named
Yusuf, aged 41. Chronology around 11.00 WIB on July 17, 2019 came heavy equipment from the
Pematang Panggang Mesuji Raya group to hijack at KHP Register 45 Mekar Jaya Abadi. The location is
owned by Mr. Yusuf who is a member of Mekar Jaya Abadi. The hijacking was known by one of the
residents of the Mekar Jaya Abadi group. Suddenly, the sound of kentongan and the group watched the
residents who were plowing the area. The clashes caused 5 fatalities. The victims died from being hit by
a sharp weapon that suffered injuries to the face, hands, and body. South Sumatra regional police sent
130 joint personnel to the border of Ogan Komering Ilir and Lampung to help quell clashes at Mesuji in
Lampung. The bloody clash in Mesuji caused three residents of Mekar Jaya village dead.

After a few research, we found out that a few similar things happened at Mesuji back in 2011 and the
one who started the conflict is always the companies who are trying to disturb the inhabitant. So what
we found significant here is that the companies need to try other ways rather than disturb the
inhabitant or else history will repeat itself and the same thing will keep happening. After knowing the
whole story of this event, our group thought that what those people did to the inhabitant can't be
tolerated. They have crossed the line by taking what they didn't own at the first place. And they crossed
the line further by killing the inhabitant.

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