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Answer Key: History

Class VIII
Section – I OBJECTIVE [Marks:10]
Use the following assessment rubric to award marks:
Q. Par Answer Pg. Total
No t No Marks
1 a One mark for each correct match: [5] … 10

b One mark for each correct answer: ..

i. Haji Shariatulah [1]
ii. Syed Ahmed Shaheed [1]
iii. Queen Victoria [1]
iv. Ottoman [1]
v. Shah Waliullah [1]

Section – II SUBJECTIVE [Marks:30]

Q. No Part Answer Pg. Total
No Marks
1 a Any five impacts should be discussed. 52
Refer to Pg no 52 for correct explanation. [5]
b Five causes of colonialism should be listed. 50-51
Refer to Pg no 50 and 51 for correct explanation. [5]
c Refer to Pg no 57 for correct explanation of his life 57
and achievements. [5]
Only accept relevant answers.
2 … …

Class: VIII Page 1 of 2 Test: History

2 a 10
Correct factor. [0.5x5=2.5]
Correct explanation. [0.5x5=2.5]
Coastal Processes:
One mark for explaining each process. [1x4=4]
Correct definition. [0.5]
Correct explanation of formation. [0.5]

Class: VIII Page 2 of 2 Test: History

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