Proyecto Final

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Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Facultad de Lenguas y Letras

Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas en Inglés

Especialidad en Docencia y Lingüística

Administración de la Clase de Lengua

Proyecto Final

6 de Diciembre de 2018
This is an English course planned for:
 Adolescents between 16 and 18 years old (senior year of high school)
 A private school.
 Classes of English as a foreign language.
 10 months (a school year, from August to May)
 5 hours a week, (1 hour daily, from Monday to Friday)
 Level A2
 Book: Open Mind Level 2 by Mickey Rogers, Joanne Taylore- Knowles and Steve Taylore Knowles, 2 nd edition.
The purpose of this curse is that students can move from an A2 level to a B1. Students will be able to understand and unwind
themselves (in a basic way) in common situations on the target language. The objective is to use the previous knowledge of the
student to develop new skills and also to transform that previous basic knowledge into a more elaborated one so that we can
reach the goal (the level B1). Another goal of this that at the end of the curse, students would be able to approve a basic ESL
test (like PET).
 The student will be able to recognize the main point of basic conversations encountered in the target language (school,
work, leisure, etc.)
 The student will be able to deal with simple problems or situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the
target language is spoken.
 The students will be able to produce simple short texts on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.
 The student will be able to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions.
 The student will be able to give brief reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
 4 partial exams 20% (5% each)
 Mini projects 20%
 Worksheets 10%
 Evidence portfolio 15%
 Homework 15%
 Final project 20%

Contents of the program


Talking about
past events.
Simple past
Describing Using pronouns
Past progressive
people’s as reference to
reactions. identify subjects
Internet. Asking follow up Listening about
Identifying in clauses. Writing a blog
1.- New E-mails questions to keep gadgets of the
sources of entry about your
Millennium Online jargon. a conversation past and its
information. Magazine gadgets.
Emotions going evolution.
Talking about articles.
(positive and
advantages and
disadvantages of
sources of

2.- Culture Discuss and Comparatives Extensive Describing a A brochure of Identifying the
compare cultural as…as speaker’s opinion
activities. Superlatives. cultural events of (positive or
reading: Myths of
Vulture Discussing cultural event. their native negative) and
different cultures
cultural Cultural activities country. intonation
differences Adjectives patterns for both.

Talking about
Asking for pronouns Listening for
Scanning travel and making
3.- Tickets, permission Modals of specific
information in requests and
money, Making requests. permission, A postcard. information: travel
brochures, tour responding
passport. Expressing an request and offer. plans and
guides, etc. appropriately to
opinion Travelling schedule.

Talking about Present perfect

experiences. Ever / never
Talking about How long Skimming:
events that began For /since identify the main Writing about Active listening.
4.- It could Answering
in the past and idea of a text. changes in life Identifying the
happen to questions about
continue in the Feelings (Lucky using linking speaker’s
anyone your life.
present. Good and bad experiences and sentences. opinions.
Discussing good experiences rituals)
and bad

Present perfect
Talking about and simple past.
past events. Should and ought Starting and
Giving advice to for advice. ending a
How to make Extensive
5.- Musical Talking about conversation. Informal review of
predictions in a listening: Different
notes music icons. Music genres How to give a a concert
text. Music styles music styles
Describing music Adjectives for short
Making music presentation.
suggestions. Music vocabulary
Have to for
Talking about obligation
obligations, Need to for
necessities. necessity
Comparing habits Comparative and
Identifying Use of topic Designing a
Describing your superlative Talk about your
paragraph sentences in room:
6.- Living living space. adverbs house, how to
structure: Feng paragraphs. understanding
Spaces Talking about describe a house
Shui in room (living away from instructions and
housekeeping Objects in a or a living space.
design home) processes.
Considering house
different options. Phrasal verbs

about food. Too, enough,
Write a food
Talking about not…enough
eating habits Quantifiers How to make a How to explain
Listening for a
7.- A question Describing food summary: food what you mean
How to answer a gist: complaints in
of taste Talking about Adjectives for traditions around when you don’t
survey a restaurant.
quantities and food the world. know the word.
containers. Food containers

Expressing likes,
dislikes and
preferences Verb to like How to use
Talking about I prefer… Scanning: advice supporting ideas
8.- Love and How to give
relationships and Get + adj about in sentences for
romance recommendations
feelings relationships the topic
Using information Relationships sentence.
to make
Talking about
future possibilities
May, might, and
will for future
Describing the Understanding Listening for
possibility. Describe and
weather meaning from How to interrupt specific
9.- Our planet Will and going to evaluate different
Describing the context: climate politely. information:
geography of a change. weather forecast.
Talking about
effects and

Explaining our
Infinitives of
Making offers and Understanding
purpose Writing an
requests Reading for a agreement and
10.- Party Future forms How to ask for invitation for a
Talking about gist: how to be disagreement:
animals and offer help. formal and
parties assertive. people discussing
Parties informal party.
Describing events parties.
Being assertive
Refusing politely

11.Innovate Describing objects

Talking about
inventions Simple present
Identifying different passive
materials Understanding
Simple past Intensive
Describing gadgets meaning from Expressing Writing a review
passive listening: how is
and technology context: 3D uncertainty. of a product.
Hypothesizing plastic made.
about other Materials
people’s wishes Technology
Generating ideas

12.Across Describing Zero conditional Extensive How to reach a How to write a Listening about
time consequences of
generations real situations
Describing unreal
First conditional
situations in the
conditional compromise in
Describing reading: the
work situations.
relations with creation of short speech. generation gaps.
Values How to talk about
family and friends memes.
Family your ambitions.
important values
of life
Reaching a

Didactic sequence
Unit 4: It could happen to anyone.
Topic: Experiences.
Contents: This units contains vocabulary and language for talking about experiences, feelings and opinions.
Social practice of language: Express our feelings and opinions about something. Let others know how we feel about something.
Expressing and listening opinions and respect them.
Time: 2 weeks, 10 hours, 1 hours every day. Monday to Friday.
Competences: The ss will be able to:
 Discuss good and bad experiences.
 Use present perfect to talk about personal experiences
 Use “for” and “since” to talk about events that began in the past and continue in the present.
 Do and answer questions about life.
 Use skimming to identify the main idea of a text.
 Know a little bit more about luck and luck rituals around the world.
 Use linking sentences.
 Write about changes in life.
 Listen actively.
 Identify a speaker’s opinion.
Linguistic competences:
 Use for and since “I have been doing yoga since I was 15” “I have worked here for 2 years”.
 Use present perfect. “I have lived here for 25 years”. “I have never been to Tokyo”. “Have you ever fallen in public?”
 Discuss good and bad experiences.
 Do questions about life. “What do you do for a living?”. “What is your biggest dream?”. “Where were you born?”. “Have
you ever been robbed?”.

Lexical competences:

 Linking verbs
 Time
 Personal information
 Adjectives
 Life
 Places

Pragmatics/sociocultural: The students will be able to share information about their experiences and their personal lives in an
informal situation.


 Identify the main topic of the text about luck rituals around the world.
 Fill in a “questionnaire” (gossip book) about life and experiences.
 Write a short memoir about their lives using linking sentences.

Opening activities:
 Day 1: Start with page 39 of the book. Create context, elicit vocabulary and ask for predictions about the topic
 Day 2: Do a warm up to remember what was seen the previous day. Then elaborate pages 40 and 41 of the book.
Discussing in groups. Presentation of vocabulary (for, since, ever, never, etc.)
Development activities:
 Day 3: Presentation of the reading strategy (skimming). Use the strategy for the reading (luck rituals). Page 42 of the book
(exercises 4A, B, and C) Vocabulary of luck, good and bad experiences.
 Day 4: Presentation of the listening strategy (active listening). Use the strategy for the listening. Pages 42 (exercises 5A,
B and C) page 43 (exercises 6A and B). Vocabulary about feelings
 Day 5: Review of the present perfect tense. Presentation of linking sentences and how to use them. Pages 44 and 45 of
the book.
 Day 6: Pages 46 and 47 of the book. Presentation of the mini project “gossip book”. Playing “never have I ever” with the
twist of using only present perfect.
Closing activities:
 Day 7 and 8: Elaboration of the mini project “gossip book”. This will be evidence that must be presented in the portfolio.
 Day 9: Due date for mini project. Presentation of the projects.
 Day 10: Class wrap up. Worksheet and page 48 of the book.
Evidence for evaluation: worksheet about present perfect. Mini project “gossip book”. Book evidence. Exercises written in the
Resources: Book Open Mind, Level 2. Pages from 39 to 48. Workbook pages from 22 to 27. Text “luck rituals around the world”.
Cd audios of the books.
Lesson plan

Eliciting: what The teacher asks the ss what luck
good/bad luck Preparing ss for the symbols do they know and if they Whiteboard and T - whole
Warm-up Speaking 3 min
symbols or signs do topic. have a luck talisman. T writes some markers class
ss know? of them in the board.
T elicits the meaning of luck and
Present the topic to the T - whole
Presentation Luck asks SS if they think they have good Speaking / 3 min
SS and create context class
or bad luck
The T asks for ways in which we can
Eliciting: how to identify the general idea of a text,
identify the general Preparing ss for the writes some on the board. Then, the Whiteboard and T - whole
Presentation Speaking 6 min
idea of the whole activity. T explains that it is called skimming markers class
text (skimming) and gives the general procedure of
Identifying the main In teams the ss will only read the
That students use the
ideas and the first and the last paragraphs of the Text "luck rituals
skimming technique to Reading
Practice general idea of the text and will try to come up with the around the Teams 10 min
identify the general (skimming)
text "luck rituals meaning of it. T will elicit some of world"
idea of a text
around the world" the ideas.

That the ss can check if Ss will read the complete text. T will
they could deduce the elicit information about the text. Ss
Reviewing the will compare the information they Reading and T - whole
Practice general idea of the text / 8 min
previous activity. gave before and the new ideas to speaking. class. Teams
with the skimming
technique see if they deduced the idea of the
text correctly
That students The teacher explains that ss will do
Reviewing scanning
remember what another exercise but using both Reading, use of
Presentation technique and T - whole
scanning is and to skimming and scanning in the book. skimming and Student's book 5 min
and practice present the next class.
introduce them to the T will elicit a quick review of scanning.
next activity. scanning.
Promote individual Reading
Practice in the
Practice practice for the Ss will do exercises 4A, B, and C of comprehension, Their own Individual 10 min
Student's book
students the student's book page 42. writing notebooks
To check understanding T will elicit the answers of the 10 min
Check the answers and usage of skimming questions of the book. T will ask T - whole
Evaluation of the book and and scanning and to some ss to come to the front and Speaking Their books, class.
correct if necessary correct where share other answers. T will correct markers,
necessary. answers if necessary. whiteboard.
T will ask some ss what new things
To check understanding they learnt that day. Will ask for
Asking about new T - whole
Close up of the techniques and doubts or questions and will ask Speaking / 3 min
knowledge class.
the new vocabulary some questions about the new topic
acquired in order to check if ss got it.
T will tell Ss that for homework the
T - whole
Homework Practicing what was will have to do page 26 and 27 of Speaking / 2 min
presentation Present the hw seen in class. the workbook.

 4 partial exams. Each exam will be done approximately every 2 months (when 3 units are finished) and each partial will
contain the topics of three units. The first partial will be from units 1 to 3, the second from units 4 to 6, the third from units
7 to 9 and the fourth from units 10 to 12.
 Mini projects. There would be 12 mini projects that should be included in the portfolio at the end of the course.
 Worksheets. There would be 6 worksheets (one per 2 units) that should also be included in the portfolio at the end of the
 Evidence portfolio. The portfolio will contain the 4 partial exams, the 12 mini projects, the 6 worksheets and the self-
evaluations done after each partial exam.
 Homework. Will be checked the next day after the homework was left. Will be reviewed with a signature of the teacher. At
the end, the signatures will be counted and the maximum will mean the complete 15% of the evaluation. An average
would be calculated according to the number of signatures the ss has if he or she doesn’t have the complete quantity
 Final project. The final project will be a “documentary” or a “journal” in a video, in which the ss will show what they learnt
in the whole curse. The should use the contents of at least 8 units of the course and topics or grammar references of each
of those 8 exercises.
Rogers, M., Taylore-Knowles, J. and Taylore-Knowles, S. (2014). Open mind. 2 nd ed. London: Mcmillan Education.

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