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Part B Situation You are Jason Lee, a Secondary 1 student and the chairperson of your class committee. Your class teacher, Mr. Johnson, has asked you to help organise a summer camp for students. You will i Kung Outdoor listen to a phone conversation between you and Mr. Fung, the manager of the S Recreation Centre. Before the recording is played, you will have five minutes to study the Question-Answer Book and the Data File to familiarise yourself with the situation and the tasks. Complete the tasks by following the instructions in the Question-Answer Book and on the recording. You will find all the information you need in the Question-Answer Book, the Data File and on the recording. As you listen, you can make notes on page | of the Data File. You now have five minutes to familiarise yourself with Part B and the Data File. ent. Performance) Plus} ain Edition) teks (3} Completing a Booking Form 5 marks) Complete the booking form below using information from the Data File and your notes itdoor Recreation Centre Booking Form Section A School Details Name of school: St. Paul Secondary Schoo! Person-in-charge: Contact number: Email address: Purpose of use: (Tick the correct box) (Recreation — []Ttraining [J Other (Please specify Section B Booking Details Dates: From to Number of residential units required: Total number of participants: Teacher Students: [Names of teachers: (Cirle she correct options.) (Dy Mrs. / Ms. Peter Johnson Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ecial requests: 1. Please provide Do you have a reservation number? (ik the cree bax )Q) Dives: [No 2 sees Performance} Plus} ath edition Stet (4} Completing an Email (18 maris) Complete the email below using information from the Data File and your notes. Write around 150 words. Distibution List ‘Jason Lee @thlune20()at300pm —SSOS~—Ss~—SSSSSCSd © Subject: [ara waleewe Dear Classmates, J am glad to inform you that the dates of the summer camp are confirmed. The summer camp will be held from For those who have already signed up for the camp, please remember to take these items with you — Our group will take part in Chairperson Class Committee El My Hong Kong Listening and Integrated Tasks Data File Contents lL. Listening note-taking sheet for the phone conversation .. 2. Email from Mr. Johnson to Jason Lee .... 3. Emails between Mr. Johnson and David Chan .. 4. Note from Mr. Johnson to Jason Lee ....:c.cecceseesee . 5. WhatsApp messages between Mr. Johnson and Jason Lee .... 6. Results of an opinion poll conducted by students of Form 1A . 7. Student reminders: Things to take to the summer camp .. Listening note-taking sheet for the phone conversation LO) Booking Details { School: | -cimamree Le Number of participants: =O PU Lig Dates: ro | OD) Reservation number: | o | Residential Units © Number required | | ~ Description: | le 5 Lo) Fees and Charges | Camp fee: % Meal charges: @ lL ro Special Requests and Others Module 3 Listening and Integrated Tasks — p. 1 Email from Mr. Johnson to Jason Lee Ce ro BE] © Jason Lee © From: _[ Peter Johnson © Sent: 2Bth May 201( )at 4.30 pm © Subject: | Re: Summer Camp — Interested? =e lene eae e Hi David, To have fun, of course! I'll reserve a place for you, Miss Leung just fold me she can’t ‘go because she will be in China with her F. 5 students. Too bad! Anyway, I'll let you know the dates. Regards, Peter To: Peter Johnson From: David Chan Sent: 28th May 201( ) at 3.46 pm Subject! Re: Summer Camp — Interested? Hi Peter, Sure, count me in. I shall be free in August. What's the purpose of the camp? Regards, David Tor David Chan

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