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RIQASNet Instructions for Use

Updated: RIQAS

RIQASNet Instructions for Use

The RIQASNet system offers easy, direct access for the submission of results and retrieval of
reports from the RIQAS host server. Additions and changes to assay details can be made quickly
and easily online along with requests for new method, instrument and reagent codes. Reports can
be sent as PDF files as an alternative to paper reports. These files can be sent to up to 3 separate
email addresses as soon as the reports become available and a series of current and retrospective
reports can be accessed directly from the RIQASNet webpage. Adobe Reader is required to view
the reports.

Confidentiality and security is maintained through the use of password protected access.

To use RIQASNet, all that is required is

 internet access
 Adobe Reader (for viewing reports)
 valid login details (provided by RIQAS, on receipt of enrolment document)
RIQASNet is available in multiple languages – simply click on the relevant flag before logging in.

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Generation of Laboratory Reference Number
On receipt of an enrolment document, each participant is assigned a laboratory reference number
that consists of a participant number, which is unique to the laboratory, and a registration letter
which is assigned for each new registration we receive. All participants will receive a laboratory
reference number whether or not they choose to use RIQASNet.

The laboratory reference number is designed to provide participant identification and

confidentiality. Please quote this laboratory reference number on all correspondence with RIQAS.

Registration for RIQASNet

Participants who are not currently registered can do so on-line by going to ,click on
REGISTER and then complete the form. Alternatively, new participants should indicate that they
wish to register for RIQASNet when completing their enrolment documents.

Only participants who have active laboratory reference numbers can register for RIQASNet.

To register for RIQASNet:

 EXISTING PARTICIPANTS: Go to and click REGISTER - Complete
Registration for RIQASNet and RIQAS PDF Reporting , form number 7650-RQ, and return
it to Please ensure that you enter the Programme Names and
Laboratory Reference Numbers for ALL the registrations you require to be accessed via

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On receipt of your completed registration form, RIQAS staff will register you for RIQASNet and e-
mail a username and password along with a link to the web-site. This will be sent to the first email
address supplied on the enrolment document. A PDF copy of the report will be sent to this address
and can also be sent to a further two email addresses. These e-mail addresses should also be stated
on the enrolment document.


section on the appropriate enrolment document and return to
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Use of RIQASNet
The majority of RIQAS participants submit their results and receive their reports online, via the
RIQASNet Website (

 RIQASNet can also be accessed by clicking on a link from either or :

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Notification of Laboratory Reference Number for RIQASNet
Participants who have registered for RIQASNet will be sent an e-mail stating their login credentials
(username and password), along with the laboratory reference numbers of the registrations that
have been added. Login details will be issued no later than one week after the receipt the
enrolment document, if the lab has chosen to enter their own assay details using RIQASNet. If the
lab has chosen to allow RIQAS to enter their assay details, it can take up to 3 weeks to issue the
login details for the lab to be able to submit results. The e-mail will be sent to the address
registered as e-mail address 1 and will take the format shown below:

Accessing RIQASNet
Once a lab has received their login credentials they can begin to use RIQASNet straight away.

 RIQASNet can be accessed by using one of three routes as follows:

1. Opening your web browser and navigating to

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2. Clicking on the link to RIQASNet located in the e-mail containing the lab’s login

3. Via or as shown previously in this document.

 Once the RIQASNet webpage has loaded, select the ‘Login’ button and enter your
username and password. Please ensure that these are entered exactly as they appear
on your RIQASNet login email message from RIQAS.

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 You will be notified whether or not your attempt to login has been successful

 Where an attempted login is unsuccessful an ‘Invalid Username or Password’ message

will be displayed. Where this occurs please ensure that you have entered the Username
and Password exactly as stated in the RIQASNet Login email that you received.
 If you are still experiencing difficulties please contact quoting your
Laboratory Reference Number.

Temporary Closure Of RIQASNet For Updates

**PLEASE NOTE** that every day, for approximately 15 - 30 minutes, between 0800 – 0900 GMT,
RIQAS staff must update the web-server with participant details and report files. During this time,
RIQASNet will not be accessible, and you are advised to try again later. If you experience difficulty
gaining access, please log out of your browser completely and then try again.

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If a participant chooses to add their own assay details via RIQASNet, they must ensure that they do
so as soon as possible after receiving their login credentials. It is not possible to enter results until
the addition of assay details has been completed.

 Once successfully logged in to RIQASNet select ‘Data Entry’ from the top toolbar,
followed by ‘Assay Details’

 This will list all of the available registrations for the entered RIQASNet account.
Registrations are displayed in alphabetical order according to the programme.

 Select the Laboratory Reference Number associated with the RIQAS programme that
the Assay Details are to be entered for or alternatively select the associated Registration

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 The next screen gives you the option of ‘Adding a New Parameter’ or to ‘Change
Registration Identifier’. Select ‘Add a New Parameter’

 Select the first parameter that you wish to add assay details for

 State from which cycle and sample number you wish the assay details to be effective
from. The radio button will default to the current sample. Please note that assay details
cannot be back dated to a previous cycle or sample.

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 Add in the Method, Instrument, Reagent Supplier and Unit from the drop down lists
made available

 Once all the assay details have been selected you must click on one of the ‘Save
Changes’ buttons. This will submit the entered assay details to the RIQAS Server

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 On the next screen click ‘OK’. This will navigate you back to the list of available
Laboratory Registrations

 Confirmation of the changes made will be sent to the e-mail address associated with the
RIQASNet account, (i.e. the e-mail address that is your username). Please note that the
e-mail message will be displayed in the language that was selected using the flags on the
RIQASNet Login screen.

 Continue to add assay details for all parameters and programmes required. Please
ensure that you ‘Save Changes’ for each parameter where assay details have been

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 PLEASE NOTE that when adding assay details to parameters on the Urine Toxicology
Programme (RQ9139) a cut-off value is also required.

Once all the parameters have been added and changes saved, it can take up to 72 hours for the
assay details to appear on the RIQASNet account for participants to enter results.

Updating Assay Details Mid-Cycle using RIQASNet

Existing RIQAS participants can make changes mid-cycle using the Assay Details menu on RIQASNet.
Existing participants can also add new parameters (within the limitations of their subscription).
Parameters cannot be deleted via RIQASNet. Please contact RIQAS directly on for
PLEASE NOTE, changes made will NOT appear instantaneously on RIQASNet. All changes are
submitted to RIQAS for addition to the database and then uploaded back onto the RIQASNet web
page. However, all additions and updates to assay details are processed PRIOR to the entering of

Request for new codes using RIQASNet

It is possible to request new codes for individual parameters by sending us instrument details and
reagent Instructions for Use using RIQASNet.

 In the event that your method, instrument or reagent supplier is not listed, please
complete as many details as possible for the parameter and then select the ‘CONTACT
RIQAS’ button located towards the bottom of the page

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 This will open up a parameter specific enquiry form for you to complete

 You may attach up to 3 .pdf files (to a maximum of 200kb) to the form. This should
be used for supporting information such as Instructions for Use

 On completion of the form please select the ‘Submit’ button to send the request to
 RIQAS will then add this parameter to your assay details for you.

PLEASE NOTE, if the file chosen for uploading exceeds the maximum limit of 200kb, an Internal
server error message will be displayed as shown below:

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 Where the file size exceeds the maximum size limit, please e-mail the information
to RIQAS directly using the contact RIQAS e-mail address

PLEASE NOTE that you may need to allow up to 3 weeks for this change to be completed and
implemented by RIQAS


This is a useful feature for laboratories that have multiple analysers (particularly for the same
RIQAS Programme). RIQAS will automatically assign a different letter suffix to the Laboratory
Reference Number for each instrument in a multiple analyser registration. However, it is possible
for a participant to assign a user-defined identity to each system to aid with the recognition of
registrations and PDF reports on RIQASNet with a unique Registration Identifier.
This Identifier will be displayed on RIQASNet and can be defined using any language or characters.
The Identifier can also be displayed on any Instrument or Group Reports however this is only
possible where the Identifier contains only English language characters.

 Once successfully logged in to RIQASNet select ‘Data Entry’ from the RIQASNet toolbar,
followed by ‘Assay Details’

 This will list all of the available registrations for the entered RIQASNet account

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 To add / change the Registration Identifier for any registration, select the Laboratory
Reference Number which you wish to add / change the identifier for

 The next screen gives you the option of ‘Adding a New Parameter’ or to ‘Change
Registration Identifier’. Select ‘Change Registration Identifier’

 Add / change the name as required followed by the ‘Save Changes’ button

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 The Registration Identifier has now been updated

 An email confirming the requested change will also be sent to the primary e-mail
address associated with the RIQASNet account

 To change the Registration Identifier for further registrations, select the Laboratory
Reference Number for the registration that you wish to add/change the Registration
Identifier for and repeat the above process.

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Results must be sent to and received by RIQAS before 1700 GMT on the ‘Final Date’. Final dates
are stated in every Instructions for Use document found within each RIQAS kit. They are also clearly
stated on the RIQAS calendars. There are strict rules on the acceptance of late and corrected
results. Please refer to the later section entitled “Submission of Late and Corrected Results” in this

Submission Of Results Via RIQASNet

After logging into RIQASNet and once the assay details have been completed, a participant will be
able to access an electronic template for reporting results. This electronic template is customised
for each participant, and contains their registered parameters and reporting units. The participant
is required to type the result into the appropriate box and indicate if it is a real number (=), a value
lower than the limit of their analyser / reagent measuring range (<) or a value greater than the
measuring range of their analyser / reagent (>). Once all results for a registration have been
entered, the participant must click the ‘Submit’ button to send results to RIQAS.

 To enter results via RIQASNet, select ‘Data Entry’ followed by ‘Enter Results’ on the
main toolbar.

 Select the laboratory reference number, or corresponding registration identifier, that

you would like to enter results for. Please note that your registrations will be listed in
order of the final date for submission of results, then by programme (A to Z) and then by
Laboratory Reference Number.

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 A list of sample numbers and their final dates for submission of results will appear

 The current RIQAS sample is highlighted with ** CURRENT SAMPLE **

 Select the Cycle and Sample number that you wish to enter results for

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 A result entry template is displayed. The template contains a list of the laboratories
registered parameters with their units. This template is used for all quantitative

 The participant simply enters their results, indicating whether it is a real number (=) or a
< / > result using the radio button. They then click on the ‘Submit’ button to send the
data to RIQAS.

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 An automatic confirmation of receipt is sent to the participant by e-mail.

Submitting Urine Toxicology Results On RIQASNet

A different results template is used for the Urine Toxicology Programme which allows both
quantitative and qualitative results to be entered via RIQASNet.
 The template contains a list of the participant’s registered Drugs of Abuse parameters,
along with their chosen units and cut-off values.
 Quantitative results can be entered by typing the concentration
 For qualitative results enter the CATEGORY NUMBER associated with the response
based on your cut-off value, (i.e. 1, 2, 3 or 4)

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Submitting Urinalysis Results On RIQASNet
Another results template is used for the Urinalysis Programme which contains all of the possible
reporting categories applicable to the participant’s dipstick method.
 Categories and associated results are listed beside each data entry field
 To submit Urinalysis results, participants should enter the CATEGORY NUMBER
associated with the result, NOT the result itself

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Submitting Serology Results On RIQASNet
A further results template is used for the Serology Programmes which allows for both qualitative
and quantitative results to be entered via RIQASNet, depending on the Programme and Parameter.

 Example of RQ9152 TORCH Programme

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 Example of RQ9154 Syphilis Programme

Submission Of Late and Corrected Results

There are strict limitations for the submission of late and corrected RIQAS results.

Late results
In general, late results will not be accepted after the final date, particularly not if a report has
already been issued. Late results will only be accepted where there has been a shipping error or
administration error by Randox Laboratories HQ, Randox Representatives or Distributors. Requests
for submission of late results must be accompanied by evidence to support the claim.

Corrected results
Participants may correct results only if it can be determined that the error was non-analytical and
if the request for correction is made within 4 weeks of the original final date. A laboratory may
correct a result under the following circumstances:

 Reconstituting a sample in an incorrect volume before analysis

 Assaying and / or submitting the results for the wrong sample
 Making a transcription error

Requests for the submission of late or corrected results must be submitted in writing and in English
on RIQAS Form No. 9277-RQ (either by the participant or their local Randox Representative) and
must be approved by RIQAS Management. It is important, therefore, that the full details are given.
The form is available on on the home screen once you have logged in.

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Requests for the correction or removal of erroneous results must be accompanied by evidence that
the error was non-analytical in nature (please see form for more details). Where the request is
being made due to a transcription error, the analyser print out must be provided and must clearly
show that the analysis date is before the final date for submission of the sample in question. RIQAS
will inform country-specific regulatory bodies of requests for correction of results if they request
such information for laboratory monitoring purposes.

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Where late and corrected results are accepted, they will be reprocessed, but no new report will be
issued unless there has been a shipping or administration error by Randox Laboratories HQ, Randox
Representatives or Distributors. The results, however, will be used to calculate future Running
Means scores and will be visible on future reports. Corrected results will be denoted with “C”.
Results removed due to reconstitution error will be denoted with “R” and Late results will be
marked with an “L” on future reports.

No returns
If participants do not submit results by the final date, this is classed as a “No return”. For each
parameter where no result has been returned by the final date, the report issued will state ‘N’ in
place of the sample number on the charts and “No Result” in the text section. A report will always
be issued to the participant, even if no results have been returned.


There are strictly controlled schedules for the return of results to RIQAS. For results to be
processed and reported, they must be submitted to RIQAS before 1700 GMT on the ‘Final Date’.
Final dates are stated in every Instructions for Use document found within each kit. They are also
clearly stated on the RIQAS calendars, as below. There are strict rules on the acceptance of late and
corrected results. Please refer to the previous section entitled “Submission of RIQAS Results” in this

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The final date for receipt of results is always a Monday. Results are processed on Tuesday. Reports
are usually generated on Wednesday or Thursday depending on the size of the programme (with
the exception of Serology Programmes, which can take up to 10 days, as 3-5 samples are processed
at once). Participants using electronic communication/RIQASNet receive their reports the same day
that the report is generated, by e-mail.

In general, one sample is to be analysed and submitted for each final date. However, for Serology

RQ9151/RQ9152 – run and submit all 5 samples on a single date, every quarter

RQ9153/RQ9154 – run and submit all 3 samples on a single date, every quarter

RIQAS Calendars
RIQAS Calendars are sent by the RIQAS Administration team on registration of a participant (along
with a RIQAS Explained brochure and the technical Evaluation of Performance document).
Calendars for the forthcoming year are sent to all RIQAS users before the end of the preceding year
– RIQAS will send a reminder that this is happening. PDF copies of the annual calendars can also be
found on


Receiving RIQAS Reports in pdf. format
RIQAS Reports can be accessed online but are also sent as e-mail attachments to up to 3 different
e-mail addresses. The reports are presented in colour and can be easily viewed on screen, printed
or saved and stored for future reference.

 To open and view the report(s) double click on the .PDF file attached to the e-mail

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 To view the report(s) ensure that you have Adobe Reader installed, (this can be
downloaded from the web free of charge).
 Reports are electronically archived on your RIQASNet page and can be accessed at any
time by logging in to RIQASNet.

Accessing RIQAS Reports on RIQASNet

The e-mail from containing your latest report acts as a prompt that the report is
also available to be viewed via RIQASNet using Adobe Reader. A series of current and retrospective
reports can be accessed, where available.
 To view an available report, select PDF Reports from the top menu
 You will then have the option of a number of different report types.

 Select the type of report which you would like to view

 A list of available registered Laboratory Reference numbers will then be displayed along
with any associated Registration Identifiers

 Select the appropriate Laboratory Reference number by clicking on it

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 A list of available .pdf reports will appear for the selected Laboratory Reference number.

 The files are all named using the format: RIQAS – Laboratory Reference Number –
Programme – Cycle Number – Sample Number – File Version Number, e.g. RIQAS-
 The file version number represents the number of times that the same file / report has
been issued. The first file version number will be 01. If the file needs to be issued again
for any reason in the future the file version number will reflect this.
 If there are no files listed this would indicate that there are no reports of that type
currently available for selected Laboratory Reference Number
 Clicking the ‘Previous Page’ link will navigate you back to the list of Laboratory
Reference Numbers


All available reports can be viewed using Adobe Reader by clicking on the appropriate report file
name. The reports can be opened to view on screen or the file can be saved to an appropriate
location. Reports are stored and can be viewed retrospectively for two previous cycles. Please
ensure that all reports are downloaded and stored elsewhere as .pdf files.

 Open the appropriate file to view the required report by clicking on the relevant
filename. The report will open in a new tab in your browser

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 Once opened, use the scrollbars to view the whole report

 Close the report by clicking on the ‘x’ to close the tab

 This will return you to the list of .pdf filenames
 Clicking the ‘Previous Page’ link will navigate you back to the list of Laboratory
Reference Numbers
 Other report types such as Instrument Group Reports, Interlaboratory Group Reports
and End of Cycle Reports can also be accessed and viewed in the same manner

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A full explanation of RIQAS report formats can be found in the RIQAS Explained brochure and the
RIQAS Evaluation of Performance document. Randox Training may also be given by RIQAS or
Randox staff, as required. Please feel free to contact RIQAS if you require further assistance

RIQAS Explained – available from

RIQAS Evaluation of Performance – available from

Complimentary certificates of participation for each RIQAS programme are available to participants
at the end of the current cycle, provided that at least 50% of results have been returned. The
certificate will state the cycle, programme and the LABORATORY / HOSPITAL NAME which has been
specified in the address details of the enrolment document. These are posted to laboratories
individually, or can be sent in bulk to distributors or Randox offices, on request. These certificates
are not an indication of performance – performance is evaluated from the RIQAS routine and
end-of-cycle reports.

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Adding / Updating Certificate details on RIQASNet
RIQAS participants can add or update the details to be printed on their Certificates of Participation
via the Certificates menu on RIQASNet. RIQAS will generate Certificates of Participation for each
programme using the Laboratory name and address details specified by the participant using this
RIQASNet function. Where a participant has not added their Laboratory details on RIQASNet, RIQAS
will generate their ‘Certificate of Participation’ using the Laboratory name and address details
submitted on their enrolment document. Participants can add or amend their details at any time by
selecting the ‘Certificates’ menu from the toolbar on RIQASNet and carrying out the following

 Once successfully logged into RIQASNet select ‘Certificates’ from the RIQASNet toolbar
or click on the ‘Certificates’ link on the RIQASNet login screen.

 This will list all of the available registrations for the entered RIQASNet account

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 For each registration participants can add up to 3 lines of text. This can include foreign
language characters if required. It is not compulsory to complete all 3 lines of text

 Once all the Laboratory details have been added for a registration, click the ‘Submit’
button. This will submit the Laboratory details to the RIQAS server where they will be
stored for use in future cycles

 Providing the Laboratory details do not change from one cycle to the next, participants
are only required to do this once for each registration

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 Confirmation of the Laboratory details entered will be sent by e-mail to the primary e-
mail address associated with the RIQASNet account

 Laboratory details can be amended at any time by selecting the ‘Certificates’ menu from
the RIQASNet toolbar and repeating the steps above


As part of our continuous quality development within RIQAS, you have the opportunity to inform
us when you receive your RIQAS kits and to confirm that they are in appropriate condition for use.

On receipt of each RIQAS kit, please check the following:

a.) That the product received matches the product that was ordered
b.) Each kit received contains detailed Instructions for Use (IFU) which will provide
information on material characteristics, preparation, stability, storage and safety
c.) The correct number of samples are present as indicated on the IFU
d.) The samples have the appearance as indicated on the IFU
e.) None of the vials are damaged

 To confirm that your kits are in an appropriate condition, please select the link

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 Select your participant number from the available list

 For each programme enter the requested details followed by the ‘Submit’ button

The following information is required:

1. DISTRIBUTION – This refers to the letter following the catalogue number on your
kit label. For Serology programmes the letter will be A, B, C or D. For all other
programmes the letter will be either A or B
2. CYCLE – please enter the cycle number which can be found on the label of your kit
3. ACTUAL DATE RECEIVED – please enter the date on which you received your kit,
being as accurate as possible

Once in receipt of your RIQAS kits, please ensure that they are stored carefully and in accordance
with the temperature and storage information on the kit label and IFU.

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In order to ensure that RIQAS provides an appropriate and satisfying service, participants are
invited to complete a feedback survey on RIQASNet. Participants may contact RIQAS at any time
during the cycle should they have any requests for additional programmes or parameters or
comments regarding existing RIQAS programmes by contacting RIQAS directly or through their local
Randox Representative or Distributor.

RIQAS Customer Satisfaction Survey

Participants can complete a multi-lingual feedback survey at any time by clicking on the link on All participants are encouraged to give us their feedback. All responses are viewed
and trended, and allow the RIQAS team and Randox Management to develop the scheme for the
better in the future.

 The RIQAS Customer Satisfaction Survey is accessed via a link on the login screen

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 The survey does not need to be completed in one go, please ensure that you click on the
‘Save Survey for Later’ button before exiting in order to save the responses already entered

 On completion of the survey please click on the ‘Submit Completed Survey’ button

Participant Appeals and Complaints

RIQAS participants may appeal against the evaluation of their performance by completing a
‘Participant Appeals Form (10770-RQ)’ and returning it to . The form can be
accessed from the home page of RIQASNet and must be completed in English by either the
participant or their local Randox Representative.

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Appeals must be submitted within 4 weeks of the final date of the sample in question. Details of
the cycle and sample in question and the reason for the appeal must also be submitted along with
the completed form.

NOTE: An appeal can only be made in relation to evaluation of participant performance which the
participant feels is incorrect. Appeals cannot be made in relation to requests for the submission of
late or corrected results.

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RIQAS participants who have been unable to satisfactorily resolve an enquiry, through prior
communication with the RIQAS team, may submit a complaint by completing the ‘Participants
Complaint Form (10772-RQ)’ and returning it to . The form can be accessed from
the home page of RIQASNet and must be completed in English by either the participant or their
local Randox Representative.

NOTE: The ‘Participant Complaints Form’ should only be completed for expressions of
dissatisfaction regarding the product or service received when previous correspondence with
RIQAS staff has been unsuccessful.

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RIQAS is a UKAS accredited Proficiency Testing Provider, No. 0010, and is accredited to ISO/IEC
17043:2010, 'Conformity Assessment- General Requirements for Proficiency Testing'. NOTE: SOME

RIQAS is also recognised by the UK National Quality Assurance Advisory Panel (NQAAP) for Clinical
Pathology and by the Joint Working Group on Quality Assurance (JWG QA).

Participation in any RIQAS programme is considered to be strictly confidential. Any data transfer or
correspondence with participants, either directly or via local Randox representative or Distributor,
is deemed confidential.

Distributors and Randox Representatives are prohibited from sharing participants’ data, reports or
queries with others (including instrument/reagent manufacturers and other participants).
Participants should be identified by laboratory reference number during any correspondence,
wherever possible. If there is any doubt about this policy, please contact RIQAS for advice.

Participants should be aware that their laboratory accreditation bodies have the right to request an
assessment of a participant's performance. Where regulatory authorities are to be provided with a
participant's results, participants will be notified.


Participants have permission to make copies of their RIQAS reports for internal use and for
regulatory purposes only. RIQAS reports must not be duplicated for external use without
permission from the RIQAS Scheme Co-ordinator. Under no circumstances should information on
RIQAS reports be taken out of context or falsified in any way.


The use of the RIQAS and UKAS logos are strictly forbidden.


Tel: +44 (0) 28 9445 4399

Fax: +44 (0) 28 9445 4398
RIQAS Scheme Co-ordinator: Stephen Doherty
RANDOX LABORATORIES LTD., 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, Co. Antrim, United Kingdom, BT29 4QY

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