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Submitted by:

Name: Tehreem Ijaz

Class: BBA-4 years
section : B –section
Semester: 5th semester
Roll no: 19010920-106
Course : organizational behaviour

Submitted to:
Department of Management science
Assignment NO. 1

Opportunities and Challenges

1. Economic pressure :
Economic pressure occur when a company, society or country is facing difficult times.
Economic pressure occurs during the times of recession, high rate of employment or after
a period of cost increase.
How it is a challenge?
Economic pressure is a challenge a companies to make sure companies are making more
profit then loss and factors like stress and making decisions and policies to make sure
business survives during these times.
How it can be an opportunity?
If our business makes some profit and survives during the difficult times it ensures the
credibility and generates goodwill of company in terms of its effective policies and
decisions in economic pressure
2. Globalization
Globalisation is the shift toward a more independent and integrated world of economy .it
is the process of interaction among people, governments and companies worldwide.
How it is a challenge?
It is a challenge as company has to understand everything about new location and new
workforce, adaptation of differing cultural and regulatory norms And to adapt a
management style to fit any difference.
How it is an opportunity?
it can be a opportunity as when company understands the culture and norms of a location
or work force management is able to make effective policies according to culture and
work force which will help to increase the organization outcome.

3. Workforce demographics
The study of composition of social activities in terms of their social attributes.
Demographics includes factors such as age , gender, occupation marital or family status
etc. these factors have a direct impact on organization activities and business model
How it is a challenge?
it is a challenge to manage the workforce demographics of a company .Making policies
like flexible hours for single parent or dependent parent employee , maternity leaves for
female workers ,paid leaves ,loans etc . Make sure the environment at organization is
good and safe to work.
How it is a opportunity?
It can be an opportunity as when it is safe and good environment at work place
employee’s work more effectively and it generates more individual outcome and also it
generates a good word of mouth of company

4. Costumer service
Costumer service is the interactions of the employees to the costumers. Employee
behaviour influences the costumer. To satisfy the costumer it is very important to have a
staff well trained to understand costumer demand.
How it is a challenge?
Companies need to create a costumer responsive culture at workplace to sure that their
employees are able to satisfy their costumer, company have to train or hire trained staff
which is well enough to understand and meet costumer demand.
How it is a Opportunity?
When a company has good customer service it leads to increases the sales by 30%. Good
customer service also bring loyal customers and ensures a good word of mouth for the
5. People skills
People skill includes management skills and techniques, creating more effective terms
and designing a motivating job .
How it is Challenge?
It is a challenge to companies because not all managers possess these skills. Company
has to hire or train its managers who possess people skill.
How it is a opportunity?
When company has employees who possess people skill it creates an effective and
efficient environment at work place as employees know what job requirement is there.
Management is good, and what they are doing is effective in terms to achieve company
6. Network Organization
Network organization are different networks that are performing tasks to achieve
organizational goal. it allow company to work and communicate with employees whether
they may be thousands of miles apart.
How it is a challenge?
To get an outcome Companies need to make sure that employees are motivated and
working effectively for that company have to train or hire employee that are trained
enough to make sure there is good communication between the employees inside or
whether they are thousands of miles apart..
How it is a opportunity?
It creates flexibility and adaptive responses for employees, permits a rapid global
response and it makes the company more known , it reduces the overhead costs, and
increases the competitiveness of companies.
7. Social media management
Social media referred to the computer based technology where people share ideas,
thoughts and information through virtual and network communities.
How it is a challenge?
Social media is here to stay despite its perseverance. Organizations have to arrange
resources, Work on formal strategy for social media management, make a official page of
company and building a community of followers.
How it is an opportunity?
Company can share resources there resources and information through social media
easily and effectively. social media helps organisation to understand costumer needs and
proactively and efficiently responds to costumer. Social media helps company to connect
with its employees which generated more loyal customers for the company, it increases
awareness of the brand, and also leads to increase the sales.
8. Wellbeing of Employee
Wellbeing of employee refers to the mental and physical health of Employees resulting
from within or sometimes outside the organization.
How it is a challenge?
Making policies which help the employees manage their work life conflicts. Make sure
the wellbeing of employee is well integrated at the organization. Giving employees
incentives, tools, social support, privacy and strategies to adopt and maintain behaviours
to benefit organization
How it is an opportunity?
When employees wellbeing is better integrated at the workforce it generated the outcome
of organizations effectively, it ensure the better engagement of employees, reduced stress,
increase morale .
9. Positive work environment?
In organizations where there is trust ,safety ,cooperation ,risk taking support,
accountability and equity. It makes a positive work environment.
How it is a challenge?
It a challenge as company has to create a comfortable working environment, developing a
strong workplace culture, and facilitates opportunities for learning.
How it can be an opportunity?
Positive workforce environment makes sure that employees work effectively as they are
motivated, encouraged and trained.it increases the productivity and helps organization o
achieve its Goal.
10.Ethical behaviour
Ethical behaviour is identifying right and wrong conduct in organization .an organization
that is perceived to ethical behaviour can realize positive benefits and improve business
How it is a challenge?
Organizations have to make sure that there is no ambiguity between right and wrong
behaviours. Company have to provide a strong leadership to influence the employees to
behave ethically.
How it is a opportunity?
The organization with Ethical behaviour generates a long lasting image of the company,
it helps to attract highly trained individuals, create stronger bond between employees and
management team.it makes sure the company environment is safe and ensure the
productivity and better organization citizenship behaviour which lead to individual
outcome of the organization.
11.Workforce diversity
Workforce diversity is a workforce consisting of a broad mix of employees from
difference racial and ethical backgrounds of age, gender, and different domestic and
national culture.
How it is a challenge?
When organization is having workforce diversity it makes policies to align it with
organizational goals. Organization have to deal with communication barrier, cultural
norms, discrimination of Employees. Company makes policies to maintain a safe and
motivating environment for its employees. So they work comfortably.
How it can be an opportunity?
People from different ethical and cultural backgrounds have different capabilities .the
company might have new experience, better employment performance. Increased profits
the diversity of experience and perspectives also increases the potential for productivity.

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