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2/11/23, 12:34 PM Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu

Talking about your daily routine -

aufwachen to wake up
Ich wache jeden Tag um 6 Uhr auf. I wake up every day at 6 am.
einschlafen to fall asleep
Das Kind schläft um 20 Uhr ein. The child falls asleep at 8 pm.
aufstehen to get up
Ich stehe um 07:30 Uhr auf. I get up at 7.30 am.
Here's a tip
Separable verbs like aufwachen are easy to spot – they have an extra bit at
the front, called a prefix.
To use them, follow the steps:
1️⃣ chop off the prefix (auf) ✂️
2️⃣ conjugate the verb as usual (ich wache) ✌️
3️⃣ put the prefix at the end of the clause (ich wache auf) ➡️

I wake up every day at 6 am.

🌄 Morning person or night owl? 🦉

According to an international survey, Germans go to bed at 11.15 pm and get up… 1/2
between 7 and 7.15 am, i.e. relatively early.
2/11/23, 12:34 PM Learn to speak a language in 10 minutes a day - Busuu

Did you know that, on average, Japanese people get the least sleep?
Separable verbs in the Perfekt ✂️
You already know that the "Partizip Perfekt" is formed like this: ge.. -t
For separable verbs, the ge is placed between the prefix and the rest of the
Just like this: auf ✂️ge ✂️wacht.
You have already learned that we form the Perfekt with sein for verbs that
describe movement towards something: 🏃 🚲 🚗
So you might wonder why it's: Ich bin aufgewacht…
Well, we also use sein for the Perfekt for verbs that express a change of status:
✝️💥 ❄️

Verbs that form Perfekt with sein because of a change of status:

aufwachen to wake up ⏰
einschlafen to fall asleep 😴… 2/2

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