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1. Give an example where an entrepreneur was able to introduce new technology?

From Facebook to Google, from Skype to Snapchat, tech entrepreneurs have

fostered new ways of creating value & doing business, while also creating
entirely new industries of their own. The tech sector has become one of the
most important sectors in several nations worldwide.

2. An entrepreneur is usually a positive thinker and decision maker. Explain.

Entrepreneurs are considered serial decision makers because they make lots
of decisions every day and are generally wired to be risk takers and aren't
afraid of learning from their mistakes. Decision-making usually comes easier to
entrepreneurs and high “D” personalities versus people who tend to be more
risk averse.

3. Discuss the contribution of entrepreneur in creating new markets.

Entrepreneurs develop new markets by introducing new and improved
products, services, and technology. Thus, they help generate new wealth and
add more to the national income. So the government can offer the citizens
more national benefits.

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