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Albertsons Library Research Race

Your name: ________________________________ Phone number: _____________________________ Boise State Student ID Number: _______________________ Email address: ____________________________________

Race around the library with your mobile device or laptop (laptops and netbooks are available for checkout at Circulation). Scan the QR code clues or type in the URL on your laptop to watch a short video, get some information, or use library services. Then answer the questions below. When you're done, turn this sheet in at the Reference Desk on the 1st floor of the library to be entered into a drawing for prizes! For each game piece you can scan a QR code with a mobile device OR type in the URL or web address into a computer, like a laptop. The URL or web address is case sensitive. Ask a librarian if you get stuck! #1 Where can you get help? Walk to the reference desk on the 1st floor of the library and scan the QR code there. List three different ways that you can get help in the library. #2 How does BroncoPrint work? (a) $5 Walk to the BroncoPrint station (nearest to the reference desk) on the 1st floor and scan the QR code there. How much printing money can you expect to have on your card at the start of each semester? Circle one. #3 What kind of materials can you borrow (check out) at the library? (a) headphones Your clue is at the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor. Circle four items you can check out. Note: The YouTube video may load slowly. (b) textbooks (c) cameras (c) $25 (b) $15 (d) $1,000 1. 2. 3.

(d) laptops (e) microphones (g) guitars

(f) books

#4 What are eReserves ? Your clue is near the door to Starbucks on the 1st floor. Look up an article on reserve for the class Univ106 and instructor Vecchione. What is the title of the article? #5 How do you find an eBook?

Title of the article on eReserve:

(a) On the library homepage Your clue is next to the bust of Abraham Lincoln in the Reference book collection near the entrance to the Microforms Room on the 1st floor. When you search the library catalog, where does the option appear to limit your search to eBooks so that you dont get print book results? (b) On the left-hand side of the results page (c) At the top of the results page (d) It doesnt

# 6 Where can you find databases? (a) ProQuest Your clue is in the Maps area on the 1st floor. What is the name of the first database listed under Where Do I Begin at the upper right of our databases page? (b) JSTOR (c) Wikipedia (d) Academic Search Premier

#7 How do you look up an article? Your clue is in the Curriculum Resource Center (CRC) on the 2nd floor, against a wall near a book display . How many articles do you find?

Enter the number of articles:

#8 What's in Special Collections? Your clue is outside of Special Collections on the 2nd floor of the library. Draw the first image result you find in your search (stick figures are okay!).

Draw the image here:

#9 How can you use group study rooms? Your clue is beside the door to Group Study Room 301E on the 3rd floor of the library. Only two of the group study rooms can be reserved. Which ones are they? #10 How do you find a book? Your final clue is on the 4th floor of the library beside the two computers in the alcove across from the top of the stairs. The QR code or URL will take you to a page where you can search for the title of the book (listed on the clue) to find out the call number. What is the call number of the paper copy of the book?

Write down the room numbers of the two reservable rooms: Room #__________ Room #__________

Book call number:

Note: Library employees are not eligible to win prizes, but are welcome to play! Fall 2011

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