Turbine Blade Repair Technologies

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10th CIRP
Technologies [LANE
[LANE 2018]

CIRPpressure turbineMay
Design Conference, blade
2018,repair technologies
Nantes, France

A new
Irene methodology to analyze
, Jörgthe functional and physical architecture
, Hans- of
a, b a a b
Alfred *, Martin Nicolaus Hermsdorf , Stefan Kaierle , Kai Möhwald
Jürgen Maierb, Volker Weslinga,*
existing products for an assembly oriented product family identification
Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hollerithallee 8, 30419 Hannover Germany
Leibniz Universität Hannover, An der Universität 2, 30823 Garbsen, Germany
Paul Stief *, Jean-Yves Dantan, Alain Etienne, Ali Siadat
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-511-2788-234. E-mail address: i.alfred@lzh.de
École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, LCFC EA 4495, 4 Rue Augustin Fresnel, Metz 57078, France

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 87 37 54 30; E-mail address: paul.stief@ensam.eu


Components in aircraft engines and gas turbines are exposed to extreme conditions in order to increase performance and efficiency of the
overall engine, hence there is an increasing need for cost-effective and time-efficient repair strategies. Presented here are two novel approaches
to the repair of Nickel-based components. The hybrid brazing process involves the application of a repair coating, a nickel-based filler material,
Ina today’s
NiCoCrAlY and environment,
business an aluminiumthe layer,
varietybyanda customization
heat treatmentisand combined
unbroken. Duebrazing-aluminizing
to this development,process. This
the need of
agile shortens theproduction
and reconfigurable conventional repair
systems brazingtoprocess
emerged andvarious
cope with yields superior
products results. Single-crystal
and product families. additive
To designrepair by laser cladding
and optimize is
applied for the repair of small or large defects in single-crystal turbine blades by enabling monocrystalline solidification
systems as well as to choose the optimal product matches, product analysis methods are needed. Indeed, most of the known methods aim to of the cladded material
by use aofproduct
analyze a temperature gradient,
or one product thereby
family allowing
on the physicalfor the Different
level. regeneration of these
product expensive
families, components.
however, may differThe novel
largely approach
in terms that
of the combines
number and
layer-wise addition of material and laser melting enables the formation of highly monocrystalline structures.
nature of components. This fact impedes an efficient comparison and choice of appropriate product family combinations for the production
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
© 2018AThe new methodology
Authors. is proposed
Published by Elsevierto analyze
Ltd. Thisexisting products
is an open inarticle
access view of theirthe
under functional and physical
CC BY-NC-ND architecture. The aim is to cluster
these products in new assembly oriented product families for the optimization of existing assembly lines and the creation of future reconfigurable
Peer-review under
Peer-review under responsibility
responsibility of
of the
the Bayerisches
Bayerisches Laserzentrum
Laserzentrum GmbH.
assembly systems. Based on Datum Flow Chain, the physical structure of the products is analyzed. Functional subassemblies are identified, and
a functional analysis is performed. Moreover, a hybrid functional and physical architecture graph (HyFPAG) is the output which depicts the
Keywords: laser cladding; brazing; hybrid joining and coating; nickel-based superalloys
similarity between product families by providing design support to both, production system planners and product designers. An illustrative
example of a nail-clipper is used to explain the proposed methodology. An industrial case study on two product families of steering columns of
thyssenkrupp Presta France is then carried out to give a first industrial evaluation of the proposed approach.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. Introduction the complex investment casting procedures involved in the
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 28th CIRP Design Conference 2018.
manufacturing of these parts, there arises a need for a more
Components in aircraft engines and stationary
Keywords: Assembly; Design method; Family identification gas turbines, cost-efficient repair strategy.
like turbine- and compressor blades are exposed to extreme Nickel-based superalloys were designed to meet a
conditions. Due to high temperatures and pressures as well as combination of challenging requirements – oxidation
the impact of foreign objects, defects such as plastic resistance, high temperature creep strength, fatigue resistance,
Introductionwear by hot gas and CMAS (Ca-Mg-Al-Si) of the product
coating range and
performance andcharacteristics
the retentionmanufactured
of performance and/or in
corrosion, impact damages and cracks can occur, resulting in assembled in this system. In
complex configurations. Thethis context,used
materials the main challenge
in this study are in
high to Totheraisefastthe development
lifetime of such in parts,
the maintenance,
domain of modelling
CMSX-4, and analysis
a second is nowRe-bearing
generated not only toalloy copedeveloped
with single by
repair and overhaul and an (MRO)ongoing
play trend of digitization
an increasingly and
important products, a limited product
Cannon-Muskegon range or
Corporation, andexisting
PWA product families,
1426, developed
role. Especially manufacturing
of aircraftare facingobtain
engines important
about but by also
Prattto &be able to analyze
Whitney [2, 3].andThe
to compare
use of products to define
high temperature
30% – 50%inoftoday’s market
their profit by MROenvironments:
and they can a continuing
save up to new product
resistant families.
materials It can be
enables observed
higher engine thatinlet
classical existing
75% of the towards reduction
new parts of product
cost when MROdevelopment
is carried out times
[1]. and
The product
thereby families
overall in functionof
efficiency of the
clients or features.
turbine engine,
lifespan of product lifecycles.
high value In addition,
components, suchthere is anpressure
as high increasing and However,
resulting in assembly
superiororiented product
performance andfamilies are [4].
durability hardly to find.
demand of customization,
creep-resistant turbine blades,beingisatlimited
the same time intipa erosion
by blade global On the product
Nickel-base family level,
superalloys are products differ mainly
most extensively used inin two
or crackingwith competitors
defects. In most all over
world. This partstrend,
are main characteristics:
combustor (i) the number
and turbine of components
sections of engines, and (ii) the
discardedis inducing
and replaced the with
new parts,from macroin to
resulting lowmicro
buy- type of components
temperatures up (e.g. mechanical,
to 1300°C canelectrical,
occur. electronical).
Hence, these
markets, results
to-fly ratios, the inlossdiminished
of resources lotand
highdue to augmenting
costs. Considering Classical methodologies
components considering
contain either equiaxed mainly
grains, single products
columnar grains or
product varieties (high-volume to low-volume production) [1]. or solitary, already existing product families analyze the
To cope with this augmenting variety as well as to be able to product structure on a physical level (components level) which
identify © 2018 Theoptimization
2212-8271 possible Authors. Published by Elsevier
potentials in Ltd.
the This is an opencauses
existing access article under theregarding
difficulties CC BY-NC-ND license
an efficient definition and
production system, it is important to have a precise knowledge comparison of different product families. Addressing this
Peer-review under responsibility of the Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH.
2212-8271 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
2212-8271 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Peer-review under
under responsibility
responsibility of scientific
of the the Bayerisches Laserzentrum
committee GmbH.
of the 28th CIRP Design Conference 2018.
Irene Alfred et al. / Procedia CIRP 74 (2018) 214–217 215
2 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

are cast as single crystals (figure 1). At high temperatures, is then over-aluminized. Common techniques for aluminizing
grain boundaries are sites for damage accumulation, therefore are CVD-processes (chemical vapor deposition) using a pack
blades in the early stages of the turbine are directionally cementation or a hydrogen atmosphere with an aluminum
solidified or single-crystal, while those in the cooler stages are halide as an activator.
fabricated from equiaxed alloys, thereby eliminating all high-
angle grain boundaries [5]. The manufacturing of these high 2. Development of a hybrid joining and coating process for
performance components is however expensive and extensive, repair brazing turbine blades
involving casting techniques wherein the direction of crystal
solidification is controlled, which allows for the introduction In this study, a two stage hybrid technology that was
of elaborate cooling channels and the control of grain developed is presented, which allows for the shortening of the
structure. During solidification, some elements partition to the repair brazing process for turbine blades (Figure 2) and is the
dendrite core, while other elements tend to accumulate in the state of the art. In the current process chain the filler metal is
interdendritic liquid and then solidify as the interdendritic and applied manually in the form of pastes, using a spatula, a
eutectic regions [6] resulting in a two-phase alloy. By adding syringe or a brush. Melt spun foils and filler metal molded
refractory elements and eliminating high-angle grain parts can be used for this purpose. After the brazing process,
boundaries and applying appropriate heat treatment and which is carried out in a high vacuum furnace, the excess
precipitation hardening steps, the resulting material has filler metal is removed by grinding or machining.
improved creep-rupture, fatigue, oxidation and coating Subsequently, the hot gas corrosion protective coating is
properties. applied by thermal spraying and aluminized to protect the
turbine blade against hot gas corrosion due to the formation of
the ß-phase (NiAl).

Fig. 1. Turbine blade with signs of erosion (a) and crystal structure (b)
[modified from [9]
Fig. 2. Current process chain vs. future process chain
The challenge during the repair of single-crystal
components is maintaining the epitaxial microstructure of the The shortening of this process chain is achieved by the
substrate as well as of the deposited material during repair [7]. simultaneous application of the nickel based filler-metal
The processes of brazing and/or cladding have been together with the hot gas corrosion protective coating
established for the repair of engine parts. However, due to (MCrAlY) and finally with an aluminum layer by thermal
strict regulations, the repair is only applicable in certain parts spraying. The material deposition represents the first stage of
of the blades. For conventional turbine blade repair, the the hybrid technology. The second stage of the hybrid
following steps are carried out [8]: technology is the combination of brazing and aluminizing.
For the development of this coating and joining hybrid
• Strip coating technology, basic investigations were carried out and are
• Cleaning of the turbine blade presented in this paper. The experimental work is described in
• Inspection detail in [10, 11]. For the coating, an atmospheric plasma
• Material deposition spraying system with a F4 torch (Oerlikon Metco,
• Machining Switzerland) was used. The plasma was generated by argon
• Coating (MCrAlY, Al) (55 L/min) and hydrogen (9.5 L/min). The current between
the electrodes was 600 ampere. The brazing/aluminizing
During strip coating the worn turbine blade is stripped to process was carried out in a vacuum furnace in a temperature
the base material and is intensively cleaned by fluoride ion range between 1150 °C and 1190 °C. Figure 3 shows a
cleaning. After inspection of the defects present, material is scanning electron microscope image of a selected example for
deposited to repair the worn turbine blade: for repairing this hybrid technology. A René 80 flat specimen was wire
micro-cracks and surface defects, the brazing process is eroded in order to form a crack and the coating system filler
carried out, while the cladding process is used to repair deep metal B-Ni5 (NiCrSi), the hot gas corrosion protective layer
cracks and excavations. After the material deposition, an and aluminum was applied. Subsequently, the coated
additional coating to protect the turbine blade against hot gas specimen was subjected to a heat treatment to carry out the
corrosion is deposited, which is usually a thermally sprayed simultaneous brazing and aluminizing process. The cross
MCrAlY-layer (M = nickel and/or cobalt). To improve the section illustrates the crack infiltration capacity of the
protection against hot gas corrosion, the coated turbine blade thermally sprayed filler metal. Figure 3a shows that the crack
216 Irene Alfred et al. / Procedia CIRP 74 (2018) 214–217
Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000 3

is completely filled up to a depth of 500 µm, while the rest of

the crack is wetted, which is caused due to the limited amount
of the filler metal. The element distribution (figure 3b) shows
a chromium-rich phase in the middle of the crack and the
formation of a diffusion zone between the René 80 and the
filler metal can be observed (figure 3c). The amount of cobalt,
titanium and tungsten, which can only be found in René 80, Fig. 4. cross-section of track remelted without additional powder material
decrease towards the filler metal. At the same time, the
amount of silicon, which is the melting depression element of Tests were carried out on CMSX-4 flat substrates using
the filler metal, increases towards the René 80 area (figure powder of the same chemical composition. The particle
3d). The thermally sprayed filler metal shows a sufficient diameter of the CMSX-4 powder was between 25 µm and
crack infiltration capacity as well as bonding of the substance. 75 µm. The primary orientation of the crystals was always in
These results show that the repair of turbine blades with a the [001] direction and the tests were carried out on the
hybrid coating and brazing/aluminizing process is feasible. (001) plane. In this study only straight clad tracks, created by
the deposition of a single pass of the laser head, were created.
The laser and powder focal points were on the surface of the
sample for all tracks and the cladding and laser axis were
maintained perpendicular to the processed surface.

3.1. Remelting

In order to develop a process for repairing superficial

defects, studies were carried out on the (001) plane of flat
substrates of CMSX-4. Since no powder material is added
during the process, the main factors to be varied were laser
power and traverse speed. The laser power was varied
between 100 W and 500 W, while the traverse speed was
varied from 75 mm·min-1 to 300 mm·min-1. The resulting
remelted tracks were prepared for micrographic analysis by
means of embedding, polishing and etching. The dendrite
Fig. 3. SEM micrograph of a René 80 specimen with a crack [12]
orientation in the remelted region was then microscopically
observed in relation to the orientation in the substrate
The application of the complete repair coating by thermal
spraying has several advantages. On the one hand
Microscopic analysis of the dendrite orientation showed
conventional aluminizing, which is an expensive process step
that low traverse speeds and high laser power resulted in the
that is typically carried out in a pack cementation or in a
lowest percentage of epitaxy in the remelted area. Figure 4
furnace in a hydrogen atmosphere, can be omitted. On the
shows a micrograph of the longitudinal cross-section of a
other hand, the additional advantage of this coating system is
sample remelted with 300 W and 200 mm·min-1, wherein a
that the combination of brazing and aluminizing can be
high percentage of epitaxy is visible with a penetration depth
carried out in a continuous shielding gas furnace with a
of about 500 µm at the deepest point. It was concluded from
protective gas atmosphere. The previous discontinuous
the study that moderate energy input per unit area (EA)
brazing/aluminizing process can be replaced by a more
resulted in the highest restoration of dendrite orientation. EA
advantageous continuous process and the process time could
below 50 J·mm2 and above 260 J·mm2 presented either
be reduced by approximately 30% compared to the state of the
insufficient or excessive energy with a low or too high
art technology under vacuum conditions. Basic investigations
temperature gradient for the material to recrystallize in the
for the continuous process are planned (e.g. properties and
desired manner. Figure 4 also shows that following remelting,
quality of the coating).
the dendrite orientation reflects that of the substrate material
and that recrystallization of superficial defects restores the
3. Development of a repair strategy for defects in high
crystal structure.
pressure turbine blades
3.2. Single track and multilayer cladding
In order to carry out the repair of damaged single-crystal
material by laser metal deposition, there is a differentiation
To repair defects of larger dimensions, powder material
between two types of repair: laser remelting without
must be deposited into the cracks and melted to form a
additional powder material for superficial defects and laser
solidified filling material. In order to develop a process for
cladding for the repair of larger defects. In this study, for both
repairing defects running more than 0.5 mm into the substrate
repairs, a diode laser with four diode arrays producing a
material, studies were carried out on the (001) plane of flat
continuous laser beam in the TEM-00 mode was used. The
substrates of CMSX-4. Based on strategies developed in
focussed beam had a wavelength of 980 nm and a maximum
previous studies [7], the laser power was varied between
power of 340 W while using two of the four available stacks.
Irene Alfred et al. / Procedia CIRP 74 (2018) 214–217 217
4 Author name / Procedia CIRP 00 (2018) 000–000

100 W and 200 W, the traverse speed from 30 mm·min-1 to and aluminizing processes. The repair of superficial defects as
100 mm·min-1 and the powder feed rate between 1.0 g·s-1 and well as deeper cracks can also be carried out by laser cladding
3.0 g·s-1. The deposition of single tracks yielded deposits as in a more economical manner using laser metal deposition,
shown in Figure 5a. while maintaining orientation of the substrate and recreating
the required microstructure in the deposited material. Both
processes display promising results that could reduce MRO
costs and duration when applied commercially. Hence, further
topics of interest are the implementation of said processes in
an industrial setting and their feasibility in the commercial


The work presented here was supported by the German

Research Foundation (DFG) within the scope of the sub-
projects B1: Near-net shape turbine blade repair using a
joining and coating hybrid process and B5: Single-crystal
laser cladding of the Collaborative Research Centre 871
“Product Regeneration”. The authors would like to thank the
DFG for their support.
Fig. 5. single track clad with measured parameters as defined in [5] (a) before
and (b) after remelting, (c) multilayer clad References

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