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Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy

Chapter · February 2020

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3903-1


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2 authors:

Israel Nyaburi Nyadera Md. Nazmul Islam

Egerton University Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University


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Link Between Administration, challenges and promote efficiency. However, an

Politics, and Bureaucracy unhealthy interaction between politicians and
bureaucrats has lots of negative consequences on
Israel Nyaburi Nyadera1,2 and Md Nazmul Islam2 public service delivery.
University Of Macau, Macau, China
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Ankara,
Turkey Introduction

Structured system of managing public affairs has

Synonyms historical origins and remains significantly rele-
vant to human societies. However, it gains prom-
Administration; Bureaucracy; Governance; Poli- inences among industrialized countries which
tics; Politics and bureaucracy nexus; Public sought to establish hierarchical bureaucracy
administration consisting of professionals to collaborate with
political leadership in delivering quality public
goods. This involved establishing and
Definition restructuring of administrative agencies, civil ser-
vice, and public budgets in order to promote citi-
Relationship between administration, politics, zens’ welfare and security and fulfil their demands
and bureaucracy: To examine how relations (Kettle and Fesler 1991). Waldo (1948), Redford
between public servants and political elites influ- (1969), Marx (1957), Rohr (1986), and others
ence performance and affect administration in were among the first scholars to develop the phil-
general. This is done by examining the nature osophical and theoretical tools of examining key
and processes through which administrative struc- aspects of administration, governance, bureau-
tures and features are shaped within developed cracy, and public management. Nevertheless, sig-
and developing countries. It examines how polit- nificant changes experienced at the domestic and
ical players use their positions and instruments of international levels have compelled scholars and
power for personal gains or attempt to fulfil prom- practitioners to rethink the different dimensions in
ises they made to their electoral base by influenc- theoretical and practical application of public
ing bureaucrats involved in policymaking and administration. More often, reforms have entailed
implementation. More often reforms have making changes in the administrative structure of
entailed making changes in the administrative a particular country so as to overcome challenges
structure of a particular country so as to overcome and promote efficiency. New approaches like the
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
2 Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy

introduction of ideas such as good governance, This is attributed to the diverging interests espe-
new public management, and public private part- cially to the audience they seek to impress.
nership, among others have been introduced with
mixed results in various countries. On the other
hand, interaction between politics and bureau- Nexus between Administration, Politics,
cracy in administrative systems has shown unique and Bureaucracy
trends among developing and developed societies
and has sometimes had devastating results. In theory, frequently defined roles and responsi-
The nexus between politics and bureaucracy as bilities of political executives and bureaucrats
well as administration and bureaucracy has thus suggest that there should not be any tension
attracted several academic scholarships over a between the two sets of authority. The former is
number of years. Majority of these studies have supposed to formulate policies and the latter is
sought to highlight ways in which scholars and tasked with implementing them. However, in real-
practitioners can complement each other. Scholars ity, substantial tensions exist as a result of conflict
have also sought to investigate the general rela- of interest and overlapping roles. Power distribu-
tionship between politics and administration in tion and power distance between politicians and
the category of developed, developing, and least bureaucrats has over the years been identified as
developed countries. Studies in political- one of the key measures of determining the level
administrative relationship among developed and of independence and autonomy public servants
developing countries have highlighted new devel- have from political elites. Similarly,
opments especially on how and why administra- policymaking, and its implementation, is often
tion, bureaucracy, and politics are core themes in hazy and blurred. For centuries, the question of
the discussion part of public administration. Sys- “who governs whom” has remained salient among
tematic comparative studies of bureaucracy, many studies, most of which have fallen short of
administration, and politics has evolved since the providing a substantial answer. In the earlier
late 1808s. This is the time former American times, bureaucrats serving in kingdoms, monar-
President Woodrow Wilson had sought to estab- chies, or empires obtained their privileges by
lish a boundary between political and administra- being loyal to the king or whoever governed.
tive spheres (Rosenbloom 2008; Sager and Rosser This means that there was an obvious thin line
2009; Peters 2010; Overeem 2012). In his between the King and the bureaucrats; thus the
extended works, Wilson sought to classify the administrative system was highly shaped by the
roles and responsibility of politicians and admin- ruler’s discretion. In contemporary democracies,
istrators especially in the process of policy formu- politicians derive their mandate and legitimacy to
lation and implementation formulations and govern from the citizens either directly or indi-
policy processes which ultimately subjected this rectly while bureaucrats are guided by existing
discipline to further inquiries in academia (Demir laws and legislations governing performance of
and Nyhan 2008; Georgiou 2014). public servants. This change has had an important
This study, therefore, seeks to examine the impact on the manner in which politicians and
relations between politics and bureaucracy and bureaucrats relate. It has created fierce rivalry
the resulting impact of administration in general. between democratically elected executives and
It aims to highlight how relations between bureau- government appointed or nominated officers.
crats and politicians might influence policymakers Despite clear tensions, the place and impor-
in developed and developing countries to formu- tance of bureaucrats cannot be undermined.
late and implement the policies in any sphere of Existing literature suggest that although the con-
administration. It identifies that politicians and tributions of bureaucrats may be dramatic and
bureaucrats in a country may have similar goals sometimes neglected, they nevertheless play a
of providing public services but may differ on the crucial role of information-providing, interact
process and criteria of implementing these goals. closely with political decision makers, and offer
Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy 3

advice to executives. The ability of bureaucrats to constitution.” Both Weber and Wilson provide a
control the nature and amount of information pol- distinct argument on the relations between admin-
icy makers receive makes bureaucrats enjoy sig- istration and politics. Weber highlighted that the
nificant leverage and influence on the policy very “ideal types” of administration should be
outcome. Noteworthy, in the contemporary set- based on different dimensions such as logic or
ting, this form of approach is likely to be more rationality (Gerth and Mills 1946). On the other
applicable in developed democracies and less hand, Wilson is a strong proponent of administra-
important in existing populist and authoritarian tive systems with less political interference and
regimes. hilly efficient. For Wilson, if bureaucrats were
Similarly, the interface and interaction between unchecked could result into “an offensive official
administration and politics is always dependent class, – a distinct, semi-corporate body with sym-
on country’s political culture and on political and pathies divorced from those of a progressive, free-
administrative system (Onder and Nyadera 2019). spirited people.”
Anglo-American administrative system tries to Scholars such as Simon (1976) emphasizes the
maintain a distinct line separating administration importance of a well-established bureaucracy
and politics. On the other hand, European coun- where he believes the factual element of political
tries, such as Germany, emphasize more on prin- decisions lay. They believe bureaucrats may be
ciples, rules, and procedure in the public sector vulnerable to personal goals and ambitions that
management. Scandinavian and Nordic countries they seek to achieve through the organizations
have adopted a more rational administrative sys- they lead and therefore reject any external inter-
tem when it comes to policy formulations and ference. Simon further observes that the impor-
agenda settings. Their administrative system is tance of bureaucracies means that they have to be
characterized by interconnecting administration not only compliant but also neutral at all times.
and politics to achieve policy solutions. However, Finer (1941) gives a more skeptical view of the
South Asia, particularly India, Pakistan, and bureaucrats especially if their actions are regu-
Bangladesh, as well as most African countries lated by internal mechanisms rather than external
are often intertwined and depending on the cir- factors such as the judiciary or legislature. For
cumstances the executive wields more power and Finer, allowing bureaucrats to self-check their
authority over the bureaucracy and will in many action through internal methods is open for abuse.
cases influence bureaucratic processes and
Max Weber in his early and mainstream writ- Contextual Framework
ings begun to examine the relationship, similari-
ties, and differences between administration, To give the relationship between administration,
politics, and bureaucracy. This trend has contin- politics, and bureaucracy a contextual design, this
ued to evolve and become more embedded in the paper looks at two approaches. First is the
study of public administration as scholars sought principal-agent theory a theory that emerged in
to establish the “scientific management school” the field of economics in the mid-1970s and later
(Gerth and Mills 1946). Some of the fundamental adopted in public administration. The theory
concerns for scholars included but not limited to highlights the nature of engagements between
questions of bureaucrats having undue influence the bureaucratic agent and the political principle.
on policy or state agents politicizing the bureau- It is based on the assumption that the political
cracy. Even though the bureaucracy is at times principal is seeking the services of the bureau-
considered to be overshadowed by the executive, cratic agent, but in the process, the principle is
Goodnow (1900, p. 5) opines that “[t]he adminis- doubtful of whether the agent share similar pref-
trative system has, however, as great influence in erences or is willing to share all the information
giving its tone to the general governmental system they possess. Aware of the agent’s ability to influ-
as has the form of government set forth in the ence and capacity to access information, the
4 Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy

principle is continuously seeking to develop mea- system, very high literacy rate, as well as produc-
sures to structure, monitor, and sanction the agent. tion and consuming of sophisticated and modern
The second approach is the relationship technologies. In terms of governance, these coun-
between top bureaucrats and politicians. This tries enjoy efficiencies, equality, and the rule of
approach has increasingly gained significant law for all citizens, which are some of the main
attention among scholars due to the growing indicators. In making and implementing public
trend of increased interaction between the two policies, developed countries have comparatively
actors. Aberbach et al. (1981) argue that whenever effective governance, management, bureaucratic,
top bureaucrats interact with politicians, a “crea- political, and administrative systems. In addition,
tive dialogue” ensues which makes it difficult to developed countries’ public policies always
identify who has an upper hand in influencing the depend on their society’s requirements and
other. They identify that politicians seem to be demands meaning increasingly adopting bottom-
driven by in their approach while bureaucrats up policymaking processes. Usually, citizens of
tend to be cautious and rely on facts in responding developed countries play a big role and are active
to the politicians. Studies that followed concluded participants in the process of governance, a role
that indeed top bureaucrats maintain a close rela- provided for and protected by their constitution.
tionship with the political elites whom they give To understand the links and relations between
advice and guidance in policymaking processes. administration, politics, and bureaucracy, it is
Whether the politician or bureaucrat has an upper important to classify the concepts, practices, and
hand in influencing the final decision, it is impor- evolvement of the administrative system in the
tant to acknowledge that both parties need to make developed countries. Dominant system of gover-
concessions for the sake of smooth administrative nance as well as the institutions has been applied
outcomes. in the developed countries to reach the high level
Two important approaches of contextualizing of performance.
the relationship between political and bureaucrats Historically, between 1650 and 1850, the West
are autonomy and separation. The former refers to including European countries experienced three
the “amount of freedom and extent of indepen- revolutions. These were: English Revolution of
dence in which public servants can perform their 1688, the American Revolution of 1776, and the
duties without being influenced by political French Revolution of 1789, which lead them to
players. The former is used to refer to the ‘extent change and restructure their administrative sys-
to which the bureaucracy is distinct from the tems and abolish the status quo in comparison to
political system” (Dasandi and Esteve 2017). countries in the non-Western world (Jerisat 1997,
The manner in which countries adopt the principle p. 13). Political and economic realities demand
of autonomy and separation differs from one different level of skills, commitment, and values
country to another. to run the state and its administration. The
changes that emerged with the liberal constitu-
tional state after the collapse of absolute monar-
Links Between Administration, Politics, chies changed the government’s responsibility
and Bureaucracy in Developed Countries with emphasis on the protection of human rights
and liberties and promoting Laissez faire system.
The common characteristics of the developed The citizens became more involved in gover-
countries’ administration can be regarded as nance, the public sector begun to experience
well-structured, advanced, and developed. Most rapid reforms that emphasize on merit.
industrial-based democracies such as Canada, In the developed countries, political-
Japan, UK and the USA fall under this category. bureaucratic relations are characterized by clear
In several indexes, developed countries enjoy role separation between politicians and bureau-
higher standards of living as their citizens have crats. Strong collaboration between the executive
access to higher income levels, better health care and bureaucrats in administrative processes can be
Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy 5

seen and while both parties may have some auton- in developed countries have embraced approaches
omy to take certain decisions, such privileges are from the private sector and also cooperate with
guided by the law which creates strong political non-state actors through initiatives such as public
and bureaucratic institutions. In countries such as private partnership (PPP). These new systems not
Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea, UK, and only reduce the tension between bureaucrats and
the USA, there is a developed legislative and legal politicians as several services are now being pro-
framework within the civil service that require vided by private sector, it also brings on board a
public servants while creating a balance with the third actor who can break the deadlock in case
political players. Administrative process for the agreements between the two are in jeopardy.
bureaucrats is dominated, recruited, and promoted Nonetheless emphasis is laid on ethics and
based on the meritocracy. Most of the developed accountability for both administrators and politi-
Western and democratic countries follow the cal elites when discharging their duties.
Weberian model in their administrative system, Among the developed societies, public admin-
and thus influence the relations between politics istration and political actions are managed
and administration in that manner (Hansen and through a set of checks and balances that legalize
Ejersbo 2002). Though in theory developed coun- the connections between the political and bureau-
tries should be immune to negative interference of cratic institutions in the country. Both the political
bureaucracy by political elites and vice versa, in elites and bureaucrats are not only required to act
reality, the opposite is true. More so with the within the parameters of the law but also viola-
increasing populism trends in some of these coun- tions of the guiding principles are taken much
tries which has led to intimidation of public ser- more seriously. Different arms of government
vants. Apart from direct and negative, which is work in a well-choreographed manner which
arguably much lower in developed countries than ensures accountability and sufficient monitoring
in developing ones, there are other forms of inter- of each actor’s actions. These regulations also
ference that may be unintended or a consequence provide a defined avenue of engagement that is
of the administrative structure. Noticeably, there supposed to be respected by the politicians and
are constant efforts and reforms aimed at increas- public servants for the broader good of the
ing the degree of separation between political and country.
administrative responsibility and accountability The trend of having distinct but collaborative
(Svara 2006). relations between politicians and public adminis-
Such reforms are often intended to increase the trators can be seen in Western but also many non-
autonomy of the bureaucracy while at the same Western countries such as Singapore, South
time ensuring that the needed cooperation Korea, and Japan. These countries exercise a
between the two entities is achieved. An important good balance between the political and bureau-
distinction is that in the event a politician is cratic elites. This can be attributed to the high
appointed in the bureaucracy, he/she is required level of autonomy the public sector enjoys in
to adhere to the code of conduct strictly and these countries. Clear demarcation of the roles
remain impartial at all times. Some other salient and responsibilities often creates a phenomenon
features that characterize the links between where public servants act as implementing agen-
administration, politics, and bureaucracy include cies for the political executive. This should not be
integrated and collaborative system of power dis- mistaken to mean subordination of the bureau-
tribution, mostly to maintain the effective and cracy but rather a classical case of separation of
efficient relations between bureaucracy and poli- roles. The objective is to reduce the possibility of
tics; this means that to achieve the desired out- overlapping functions between the two actors and
comes, politicians and bureaucrats not only have increase speed and efficiency in decision making.
to work closely but also adopt relevant technolo- The success of this kind of system depends
gies and administrative strategies to complement heavily on the political neutrality of those work-
their efforts. Most of the administrative structures ing in the bureaucracy. This is because, most
6 Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy

democratic societies experience frequent change most developing countries did not have an elabo-
in governments, and therefore if public servants rate private sector that had the ability to employ
are inclined to certain political ideologies, then many people. Combined with the euphoria that
such frequent changes will lead to serious disunity came with independence, the public sector
in the public sector. became the leading employer as governments
attempted to live up to the hopes and aspirations
of their people during the struggle for indepen-
Links Between Administration, Politics, dence. This made employment into the public
and Bureaucracy in Developing sector a political tool used by the elites to reward
Countries their support base. In addition, at the core of the
patronage problem is the lack of sufficient reforms
Administrative system in most developing coun- in the civil service in order to introduce a merit-
tries reflects the model left behind by the colonial based recruitment and promotion system. This left
administration. Most recently, however, several the public service in developing countries blotted
countries have undertaken serious reforms to and with less qualified personnel which affected
reshape their administrative structures. This has productivity and triggered a vicious cycle of pov-
been influenced by a number of domestic factors erty, underdevelopment, political patronage, and
such as the desire to fulfill government role in inefficiency. Developed countries on the other
provision of services to the people and by external hand continue to benefit from reforms made in
factors such as growing regional and international the civil service that not only allows some of the
interactions as well as the impact of globalization. best and qualified individuals to engage in public
Similarly, conditions set by donor countries and service delivery, but also it allows for separation
agencies on developing countries have also between politicians and bureaucrats.
sought to reshape the administrative characteris- The close link between the political elites and
tics of these countries and more importantly the bureaucrats has led to serious economic and
relationship between public servants and politi- administrative problems. One of them is that it
cians. However, some of these efforts are yet to gives room to unchecked corruption which con-
yield the desired outcomes partly due to skepti- tinues to be a crisis in developing countries. Even
cism often associated with proposals and recom- worse is that those responsible for loss of public
mendations from external actors more so former resources either through theft or dubious projects
colonial powers. Secondly, since most of the that have no economic value do not take respon-
donor agent-driven reforms are based on integrat- sibility and are often recycled in various govern-
ing private sector practices in the public sectors ment departments. It is not surprising to find that
(see ▶ “New Public Management”), the limited the top 20 worst countries performing on the
success is also associated with the simplistic corruption index are from the developing coun-
approach that does not put into consideration the tries which tend to lose more money than they
understanding and practice as well as limitations borrow from donors for development. Corruption
of the private in the developing countries. The has turned most administrative units in develop-
impact of this has been little progress in the efforts ing countries inefficient and characterized by
to reduce the influence of politics and political impunity. This is seen through deliberate actions
elites in the bureaucracy. by the politicians and bureaucrats who become
One prominent feature of bureaucracy-politics barriers to administrative reforms.
relations in developing societies is patronage. The nature of relations between bureaucrats
While this is a feature that even developed coun- and politicians in developing countries is further
tries have once experienced, it is the extent and shaped by other factors beyond the desire for
slow progress in dealing with the perpetrators of efficiency and effectiveness. For example,
such actions that raises concerns in developing resources and power that bureaucrats possess
countries that stands out. Upon independence, and can benefit politicians and vice versa
Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy 7

significantly influence their interaction. Financial, introduction of programs that improve the quality
institutional, and informational resources shared of public service personnel through in-service
between politicians and bureaucrats but useful for training.
both encourages both parties to work closely. This The forth factor influencing relations between
can be seen with judiciary and prosecution offi- bureaucrats and politicians in developing coun-
cers who may delay corruption or abuse of office tries are interests, values, and motivation. While
charges on politicians while politicians can facil- research on how self-motivation and interest to
itate speedy promotion for the bureaucrats. Such further public well-being has been studied
cooperation triggered by the desire to benefit from among politicians, such traits are not only limited
each other’s resources negatively affects adminis- to political elites but can also be traced among
trative roles of bureaucrats. bureaucrats. In some Asian countries, Confucius’
The second factor that influences bureaucracy- principles such as benevolence, goodness, and
politics relations is representation. In theory, pub- order (hierarchy) are dominant, while in some
lic servants are supposed to represent the view, Muslim majority countries, principles such as
goals, interests, and aspirations of the general trustworthiness (Amanah), responsible
public and remain neutral. However, in develop- (Tanggungjawab), sincerity (Ikhlas), dedication
ing countries and some developed countries also, (Dedikasi), moderation (Sederhana), disciplined
representation may have a different meaning. In (Berdisiplin), collaborative (Bekerjasama), virtu-
this case, representation based on identity, be it ous (Berbudi Mulia), and grateful (Bersyukur) are
ethnic, religious, racial, or clan representation, is a prominent in the bureaucracy, politics, and civil
common trend among developing countries. service. Of importance is how strong culture and
Weak institutions and polarizing political pro- desire towards bringing change and development
cesses have seen job opportunities in the public in a country strengthen the relationship between
sector become a tool for promoting one’s own political and public servants. There are also some
support base and an important means of shaping relations and values that are strengthened through
attitudes and opinion of their support base at the networks established at elite schools and univer-
same time strengthening control of the country’s sities whose graduates seem to dominate top
political and bureaucratic spheres. This has administrative and political positions. Some of
resulted not only into horizontal inequality but them develop similar ideology and mentality that
also catalyst of civil wars. can either forester cooperation or cause rivalry if
Third factor is career progression and recruit- the actors are from different backgrounds. In most
ment into the civil service. According to Weber’s developing countries, politics and bureaucracies
ideal system of bureaucracy, recruitment and pro- are dominated by people from particular lineage
motion of individuals must be based on merit. In or class which tends to shape their relations.
the absence of merit-based recruitment, civil ser-
vices are characterized by corrupt, unskilled, and
incompetent bureaucrats who need the support of Conclusion
the political elites to remain in office thus eroding
their independence. To curb this problem, devel- Previous studies on the relations between politics
oped systems have adopted entry exams as a and bureaucracy relate and influence each other
means of recruiting public servants. This is useful predominantly focusing on established democra-
in making civil service more prestigious, domi- cies and developed countries. The nature of such
nated by highly skilled people and autonomy in relations in developing countries has often been
decision making. Performance becomes the basis ignored. Yet the interaction between these two
of career progression as opposed to political and entities is increasingly becoming an important
personal ties. It is worth noting that some devel- aspect in understanding why some developing
oping countries have also begun implementing countries are struggling to take off and experience
merit-based recruitment processes as well as rapid and sustainable growth. Similarly, little
8 Link Between Administration, Politics, and Bureaucracy

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