Beacon Playtest v1.05

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(Yes, the page numbers keep resetting, but I have no idea how to fix it)

Dodge .......................................................... 14
Contents Speed .......................................................... 14
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................... 2 Stress Cap and Overstress ........................... 14
00 Introduction ....................................................... 7 Memory ........................................................ 14
01 How to Play ...................................................... 8 Aetheric Defense (A-Def).............................. 14
General Rules .................................................... 8 Mana ............................................................ 14
Dice ................................................................... 8 Weapons.......................................................... 14
Attacks, Checks, and Saves ............................... 8 Weapon Size................................................ 14
Modifier .......................................................... 9 Weapon Type ............................................... 15
Accuracy and Difficulty ................................... 9 Support Items................................................... 15
Combat and Narrative Scenes ........................... 9 Techniques ...................................................... 15
How the Game Works ........................................ 9 Ultimate ........................................................... 16
The Setting ........................................................ 9 03 Narrative Play ................................................. 18
02 Building Beacons .............................................11 Skill Checks ..................................................... 18
The Beacons.....................................................11 Downtime Activity ............................................. 18
Character Creation............................................11 Create a Ritual ............................................. 18
Title ..................................................................11 Cut Loose..................................................... 19
Background Skills .............................................11 Dungeon Dive .............................................. 19
Ability Points .....................................................12 Gain Contacts .............................................. 19
Talents..............................................................12 Get Something ............................................. 19
Ancestry ...........................................................12 Hit the Books................................................ 19
Class ................................................................13 Make Something .......................................... 20
Anatomy of a Beacon ........................................13 Run an organization ..................................... 20
Levels ...........................................................13 Shop ............................................................ 20
Size ..............................................................13 Training ........................................................ 20
Scope ...........................................................13 Advantages ...................................................... 21
Armor............................................................13 Changing Narrative Play Systems .................... 23
Save Target ..................................................13 04 Quests ............................................................ 24
Abilities .........................................................13 Goal ................................................................. 24
Grit................................................................13 Stakes.............................................................. 24
HP and Wounds ............................................14 Stages ............................................................. 24
Recoveries ....................................................14 Prep ................................................................. 25

Approach ..........................................................25 Free Actions..................................................... 35
Scout ............................................................25 07 Combat Rules ................................................. 37
Whittle...........................................................26 Characters Versus Objects ............................... 37
Infiltrate .........................................................26 Allies and Enemies ....................................... 37
Sway .............................................................27 Terrain ......................................................... 37
Avoidance .....................................................27 Ability Checks and Saves ................................. 37
Research / Plan ............................................28 Attacks ............................................................. 37
Adversity...........................................................29 Weapon Attacks ........................................... 37
05 Combat Play ....................................................31 Spell Attacks ................................................ 38
06 Combat Order ..................................................31 Auto-Hit ............................................................ 38
Combat Summary .............................................31 Critical Hits....................................................... 38
Phases .............................................................31 Reroll Table ..................................................... 39
Actions..............................................................31 Range, Reach, and Area of Effect .................... 39
Surge ............................................................32 Range .......................................................... 39
The Actions.......................................................32 Reach .......................................................... 39
Cast ..............................................................32 Area of Effect ............................................... 39
Channel + Release .......................................32 Targeting.......................................................... 39
Defend ..........................................................32 Line of Sight ..................................................... 39
Delay ............................................................33 Determining Line of Sight ............................. 40
Fight .............................................................33 Cover ............................................................... 40
Push .............................................................33 Soft Cover .................................................... 40
Grapple .........................................................33 Hard Cover................................................... 40
Full Attack .....................................................33 Determining Cover ....................................... 40
Hide ..............................................................33 Movement ........................................................ 41
Mark .............................................................34 Obstruction................................................... 41
Ready ...........................................................34 Splitting Up Movement ................................. 41
Recover ........................................................34 Forced Movement ........................................ 41
Rush .............................................................34 Engagement ................................................. 41
Search ..........................................................34 Teleportation ................................................ 41
Volley............................................................34 Difficult Terrain ............................................. 42
Reactions..........................................................34 Dangerous Terrain ....................................... 42
Opportunity Attack.........................................35 Falling .......................................................... 42
Interpose .......................................................35 Flying ........................................................... 42
Counterattack................................................35 Swimming .................................................... 42

Underwater or Zero Gravity ...........................43 Lycanthrope ................................................. 64
Jumping ........................................................43 Machina ....................................................... 65
Climbing........................................................43 Orc ............................................................... 66
Squeezing .....................................................43 Tiefling ......................................................... 67
Environmental Factors ......................................43 Class................................................................ 68
Damage ............................................................45 Aegis.............................................................. 2
Damage ........................................................45 Alchemist ....................................................... 1
Special Damage: Stress ................................46 Arsenal ........................................................... 1
Bonus Damage .............................................46 Assassin ........................................................ 2
Armor, Resistance, and Immunity ..................46 Berserker ....................................................... 2
Order of Damage ..........................................46 Chronomancer ............................................... 2
Conditions & Status ..........................................46 Demon Hunter ................................................ 2
Condition ......................................................47 Demonologist ................................................. 2
Status ...........................................................47 Dragon Rider .................................................. 2
Wounds and Overstress ....................................49 Druid .............................................................. 2
Wounds ........................................................49 Gravewalker ................................................... 2
Overstressed ................................................50 Gunslinger...................................................... 2
Defeat ...........................................................50 Hexblade........................................................ 2
Resting .............................................................51 Paladin ........................................................... 1
Short Rest .....................................................51 Phoenix .......................................................... 1
Long Rest .....................................................51 Seeker ........................................................... 2
08 Character Options ............................................52 Shadow Dancer .............................................. 2
Ancestry ...........................................................52 Shapeshifter ................................................... 2
Avian ............................................................53 Skald.............................................................. 2
Dragonborn ...................................................54 Stitch.............................................................. 2
Dwarf ............................................................55 Thunderclaw .................................................. 2
Elemental ......................................................56 Tidecaller ....................................................... 2
Elf .................................................................57 Warden .......................................................... 1
Gigan ............................................................58 Warlord .......................................................... 2
Gnome ..........................................................59 Talents ............................................................... 5
Goblin ...........................................................60 Archmage....................................................... 5
Halfling..........................................................61 Armored Defender .......................................... 5
Human ..........................................................62 Artificer........................................................... 5
Kobold ..........................................................63 Artillerist ......................................................... 6

Brawler .......................................................... 6 Safety Tools ................................................. 24
Breaker .......................................................... 6 Designing a Setting ...................................... 25
Called Shots .................................................. 6 GM Tips ....................................................... 25
Commander ................................................... 7 Loot and Rewards ........................................... 26
Dervish .......................................................... 7 Assigning Loot .............................................. 26
Duelist............................................................ 7 Building a Loot Cache .................................. 26
Enchanter ...................................................... 8 Narrative Rewards........................................ 27
Great Weapon Master .................................... 8 10 Building a Quest .............................................. 27
Hospitaler ...................................................... 8 11 Combat Scenes............................................... 28
Juggernaut ..................................................... 9 Combat Types.................................................. 29
Lancet ............................................................ 9 Acquire......................................................... 29
Leyline Walker ............................................... 9 Assassinate .................................................. 29
Lichdom ........................................................11 Control ......................................................... 29
Parkour .........................................................11 Defend ......................................................... 29
Shadow.........................................................11 Elimination ................................................... 30
Slasher .........................................................11 Escort........................................................... 30
Sniper ...........................................................12 Holdout ........................................................ 30
Speedster .....................................................12 Raid ............................................................. 31
Spellbreaker..................................................12 Rescue ......................................................... 31
Spotter ..........................................................12 Seek ............................................................ 31
Summoner ....................................................12 Survive ......................................................... 31
Sun Blotter ....................................................13 12 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)........................ 34
Technician ....................................................13 Combat Play NPCs .......................................... 34
Thaumaturge ................................................13 Unit Type ......................................................... 34
Warcaster .....................................................14 Unit Templates ................................................. 34
Equipment ........................................................15 Unit Tiers ......................................................... 34
Weapons ......................................................15 Unit Initiative .................................................... 34
Support Items................................................17 Unit Actions...................................................... 35
Techniques .......................................................19 Unit Special Rules ............................................ 35
Signature Equipment.........................................21 Encounter Building ........................................... 35
Tags .................................................................22 Designing an NPC............................................ 35
09 GM Guide ........................................................24 Unit Types ........................................................... 36
Setting up the Game .........................................24 Aviator ............................................................. 36
Creating the Setting & Session 0 .......................24 Charger ............................................................ 38

Cleaver .............................................................40 Undead ........................................................ 91
Commander ......................................................42 Vampiric ....................................................... 92
Elementalist ......................................................44 Veteran ........................................................ 93
Expendable.......................................................46 13 Setting ............................................................ 96
Firebug .............................................................48 The Source and its Shards ............................... 96
Giant.................................................................50 Shards ............................................................. 97
Gunner .............................................................52 Crystal Warriors ........................................... 97
Healer ...............................................................55 Moontouched ............................................... 98
Mindreaver........................................................57 Landfall ........................................................ 99
Mirage ..............................................................59 Soul Guard ................................................. 100
Protector ...........................................................61 Custom Shards .......................................... 101
Ranger..............................................................63 Scope of Stories............................................. 101
Rogue ...............................................................65 14 Appendix ....................................................... 102
Siphon ..............................................................67 LOOT ............................................................. 102
Sniper ...............................................................69 By Number ................................................. 102
Specter .............................................................71 By Type...................................................... 110
Summoner ........................................................73 By Rarity .................................................... 110
Swarm ..............................................................75 COMBAT QUICK GUIDE ................................... 111
Vulture ..............................................................77 PHASE 1: BOLSTER ..................................... 113
Warmage ..........................................................79 PHASE 2: CHANNEL ..................................... 113
Universal NPC Features....................................81 PHASE 3: SKIRMISH ..................................... 113
Templates .........................................................83 PHASE 4: REPOSITION ................................ 113
Celestial ........................................................83 PHASE 5: BRAWL ......................................... 114
Dragon ..........................................................84 PHASE 6: RELEASE...................................... 114
Elemental ......................................................85 PHASE 7: FULL ATTACK .............................. 114
Elite ..............................................................85 PHASE 8: DELAY .......................................... 114
Minion ...........................................................86 SPECIAL ACTIONS: READY ......................... 114
Mounted........................................................87 REACTIONS .................................................. 114
Ooze .............................................................88 REROLL TABLE ............................................ 114
Solo ..............................................................89

By: Tim Gonzalez, Pirate Gonzalez Games
Art: MJ Barros, Kyle Hebert, Cosmixian, Venus Jaw, Matthew Sargent
Lancer class templates by Hellaspooks
Early Playtest Material

00 Introduction
Beacon is a high fantasy role playing game inspired by the Lancer RPG and the 4th edition of the most popular
fantasy role playing game.
Beacon is a game all about choices and freedom. The game is divided into two types of play: narrative and
combat. In narrative play you will tell stories about your characters and the world you play in, and in combat play
you will use the features and abilities that you’ve picked to overcome challenges.
Beacon’s narrative play is rules-light. Alternatively, combat play is rules-heavy. The majority of the book is
devoted to combat play, but because the two modes of play are separated, you can replace the narrative play
rules here with a different set of rules without problem.
Design Intent
This game was designed as a hack of the Lancer RPG (which is an AMAZING game, you should check it out).
Other influences include Final Fantasy 14, Starcraft, and Warcraft.
Lancer’s combat system is fun and tactical, with varied options that matter. One of the best parts of that system is
how you build your mech, combining equipment gathered from different licenses. You can build in any way you
want, and I wanted to bring that into a fantasy setting.
There are changes I wanted to make in the conversion from a mech-based RPG to a fantasy-based one. The
introduction of mana as a resource you spend during combat, ancestries with equipable traits, and the
introduction of support items are some of the major changes.
The combat order system is different from Lancer. I use the PHASE system, where actions can only be taken
during certain phases of combat. Instead of having to decide everything during your turn, you can instead break it
down into smaller segments. “Do I want to defend or recover? No? Ok, how about SKIRMISH?”. It introduces
smaller decision points for players.
With all that in mind, I hope you enjoy this game!
Feedback can be sent to . At the moment, please only send feedback on
game balance suggestions. This document has not been edited, so spelling and formatting mistakes will be
plentiful and not a valuable use of your time.

01 How to Play
Beacon is a table top role-playing game (TTRPG). the d6 equals a 1, 3-4 equals a 2, and 5-6 equals a
There are two roles that participants take: The Game 3.
Master (GM), and the Players.
A number in front of a die indicates how many dice
The goal of all participants is to tell a shared story, of that type to roll. 3d6 means you roll 3 six-sided
and have fun doing so. The players create a single die.
character, called a player character (PC), and
explore the game through that character’s story. The
game master (GM) controls all of the non-player
Attacks, Checks, and
characters, sets up combat encounters, and helps
shape the narrative.
Attack rolls, skill/ability checks, and saves all utilize a
d20. To make one of these rolls, you will roll a d20
General Rules and add the appropriate modifiers to the number
1. The wellbeing and fun of the group, players rolled. The final result in your total roll.
and Game Master (GM) included, is the top Attacks: Attacks are hostile actions taken against
priority. another character in combat scenes. Attacks are
2. Specific text takes precedent over general
usually made with weapons, spells, or skills. Attacks
add a character’s GRIT to the attack roll.
3. The game does not model reality or real-life
physics, and does not intend to. Checks: There are two types of checks in Beacon:
4. Narrative play and combat play are two Skill Checks and Ability Checks. The target
distinct modes of play. The ability to do number to succeed on a check is 10, meaning a roll
something in one mode does not (after modifiers) must equal or exceed 10.
automatically grant the ability for it to
happen in another mode. Contested checks are rolled by opposing characters
5. In combat play, if an ability lets the player do during combat mode. Whoever has the highest
something, they can do it even if it doesn’t result succeeds. Ties result in a stalemate.
make narrative sense. It is the duty of the
 Skill Checks are used in narrative play. If a
players and GM to explain HOW something
character has a background that would be
happens, not to find reasons why it can’t
beneficial to the roll they are making, they
work. Basically, work backwards. If you are
can add their rank in that background as a
in a cave, and a player calls down a
modifier. Only one background can be
lightning bolt from the sky, it happens. Now
applied at a time.
figure out how or why the lightning bolt
 Ability Checks Ability checks are used in
struck from the sky. Is the cave large
combat play. Ability checks use a
enough to have clouds? Did it break through
character’s BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or
the roof? Was there a tiny hole?
MAGIC score as a modifier.
6. Round up to the nearest whole number.
Saves: Saves are used to resist effects during
Dice combat play. An effect that causes a save will
indicate which ability score (BLK/AGI/MND/MGK)
Characters in Beacon will use dice during narrative will be used as a modifier. Characters have their
and combat play to determine success, failure, and own save target, which is the number that must be
other interesting decisions. met or exceeded when rolling a save. If no save
Beacon uses two types of dice. A 20-sided die (d20) target is indicated, the target number is 10.
and a 6-sided die (d6). Some effects might reference
a d3. You can use a d6 to represent a d6. A 1-2 on

There are three types of modifiers in Beacon. When
The Setting
applied, a modifier increases or decreases your The GM and players will work together to build their
result of a die roll. own setting. Chapter 14 has guidelines on how to
build a setting together, but there are common
 Accuracy (ACC)
themes across most games of Beacon.
 Difficulty (DIF)
 Static modifiers (+1, -4, etc.)  The world is filled with action and
Accuracy and Difficulty  Magic is widely available.
Accuracy and Difficult are modifiers applied to a d20  Technology and magic have been
roll. A character can have multiple instances of combined into magitech devices.
accuracy or difficulty (ex: +4 ACC, +2 DIF). Accuracy  The player characters are beacons, which
and Difficulty cancel each other out on a 1-to-1 mean that they act as a source of
basis. For example, if an attack has +4 ACC and +2 inspiration to others, regardless of any
DIF, the final result would be +2 ACC. The 2 points heroic or villainous inclinations.
of Difficulty are canceled by 2 points of Accuracy.  The Scourge is a recurring threat in the
Determine the final amount of Accuracy or Difficulty
 Crystals hold some area of significance.
before rolling any dice.
For each point of Accuracy or Difficulty, roll a d6 and Other details, like the species, cultures, and types of
take the single highest result out of the d6s rolled. magic are purposely left for the players and GM to
decide together.
If you were rolling with Accuracy, the number is a
positive modifier. If you were rolling with Difficulty,
the number is a negative modifier.

Combat and Narrative

Beacon is broken into two modes of play, narrative
and combat. Effects and abilities from one mode
don’t carry over to the other.
Narrative play is rules light. Players will make skill
checks during this mode. Small duels or fights can
occur during this mode, but will be handled through
checks instead of a full combat scene.
Combat play is rules heavy. Players will use their
combat statistics and equipment during this mode.
Combat play is for important or tactically challenging
fights, not for every minor skirmish.

How the Game Works

Beacon play revolves around quests. During
narrative play, characters will collectively tell their
stories and explore the world. The GM will provide
quests for the characters to undertake to further
these stories, and combat scenes to play.

02 Building Beacons

The Beacons Title

Your character in Beacon is a special adventurer- a (x1 Title at 1st level)
Beacon. We call them beacons because of their When the stories of you and your fellow beacons
ability to act like a shining light to others. A Beacon become legend, how will your character be
doesn’t need to act a specific way, but no matter remembered? What will they be called when their
what, they will always find themselves in a position name falls into obscurity, and all that survives is their
to inspire or help others. deeds?
The exact nature of a beacon is different in each Create a title for your character. People will
setting. In some settings a beacon might be a recognize you by this title, even if they don’t know
mystically empowered person born under a strange your name. Titles can reference your fighting style, a
star, or they might be a normal person with an physical trait, or even your aesthetic.
abundance of charisma.
Examples include: The Green Knight, The Herald
Beacons don’t need a reason to be special in your of Silence, The Bosstown Bludgeon, Moonfang, The
game. The fact that they are controlled by a player Timeless Bard.
already makes them special, and means they have
the opportunity to influence and change the story
being told. One group might be about a band of Background Skills
heroes destined to save the world, and another
(x4 Background Skills at 1st level)
might be about a found family, fighting to keep
themselves safe. Your background skills represent your history and
training, and help you succeed at skill checks.
The only constant between different groups and
Whenever you make a skill check (not ability check),
settings is that Beacons inspire. Maybe your
if one of your backgrounds would apply, you can add
character is cowardly or timid, but as a group, they
its bonus to your roll. A skill check can only benefit
have the opportunity to give hope to others.
from one background at a time.
Chapter XX will detail some example settings, as
Your backgrounds can be anything you want, so be
well as the role of Beacons within it.
sure to make them evocative. Instead of just
“acrobat”, make it interesting like “Acrobat performer
Character Creation for the Demon Circus”. When you create a
background, think of what situations it might apply its
Each character starts at level 1. A level 1 character bonus to. If it seems like it would apply to every skill
gains the following: check you might make, you should narrow its focus
 1 Title more.
 4 Background Skills Create FOUR backgrounds with a +2 bonus each.
 2 Ability Points Backgrounds have 3 ranks, and provide a flat bonus
 3 Rank 1 Talents depending on the number of points you’ve assigned.
 Ancestry Rank 1=+2, Rank 2= +4, and Rank 3= +6.
 Class
When you gain a new background point, you can
either increase the rank of one of your existing
backgrounds, or create a new one.
Making a Skill Check

Roll 1d20 + an appropriate background. If you equal Your MAGIC affects your magical defenses and
or exceed 10, you succeed. amount of mana.
See chapter 03 for more information on skill checks. Magic affects your statistics in the following ways:
 +1 AETHER DEFENSE for every point of
Ability Points MAGIC.
 +1 MANA for every two points of MAGIC.
(x2 Ability Points at 1st level)
Your character has four ABILITIES that represent
their ability to fight: Making an Ability Check or Save

 Bulk (BLK) Roll 1d20 + the indicated ability score for whatever
 Agility (AGI) triggered the roll. Ability checks need to equal or
 Mind (MND) exceed 10 to succeed. Ability saves need to equal or
 Magic (MGK) exceed the save DC of the character that forced the
save. If there is no save DC indicated, saves need to
Ability scores range from +0 to +6. Abilities equal or exceed 10 to succeed.
represent your combat training, and have no effect
on Skill checks using your backgrounds.
Each Ability also provides bonuses to other
statistics. (x3 Rank 1 Talents at 1st level)
Bulk Talents are abilities a beacon can acquire that aren’t
tied to a class, and don’t need to be equipped. Once
Your BULK determines how tough and sturdy you
a talent is learned, you always have access to that
are in combat.
talent and its abilities.
Bulk affects your statistics in the following ways:
Talents have 3 ranks. When you gain a talent, you
 +2 HP for every point of BULK gain the rank 1 ability of that talent. If you continue
 +1 RECOVERY for every two points of to assign points into the talent, you gain access to
BULK the rank 2, and finally the rank 3 abilities of that
Whenever a beacon gains a level, they can reassign
Your AGILITY is how fast and evasive you are in
up to all of their ranks in one talent, to another talent.
Agility affects your statistics in the following ways:
 +1 DODGE for every point of AGILITY
 +1 SPEED for every two points of AGILITY Your ancestry represents the species you come
from. Your ancestry determines your size, and gives
Mind you a list of combat abilities to choose from.
Your MIND determines how much STRESS you can Think of ancestries as a collection of common traits,
handle, and how many techniques or spells you can and not a literal requirement of how a character
learn at a time. looks or acts. For example, the Avian ancestry
Mind affects your statistics in the following ways: allows for flight, but maybe you are a human with a
jetpack. Because ancestries are just combat traits,
 +1 STRESS CAP for every point of MIND use Avian instead of Human.
 +1 MEMORY for every two points of MIND.

 Reassign up to all of their ranks in one talent
Class to another talent
Classes are the training and skills you have learned  Reassign up to all of their levels in a class to
for combat. Each class has 3 levels to it, which another class
provide additional abilities for you to use. Size
You can gain levels in multiple classes, and mix and A character’s size is between ½ and 3. A beacon’s
match their abilities as you see fit. ancestry will determine their starting size.
Whenever you go on a quest, you can “equip” one of A character’s size determines how many spaces
your known classes. Regardless of what class you they take up in a grid, and abstractly represents how
use, you still have access to all of the gear and much space or control they exert on a battlefield. It
techniques you’ve unlocked from other classes. does not indicate exactly how tall or how heavy a
[sidebar] if it helps, think of a class as a style or character is.
approach to combat that can be changed, not as a Scope
summation of everything you’ve learned.
Scope is the maximum range that a character can
detect HIDDEN characters, attack with spell attacks,
Anatomy of a Beacon and use other abilities.

Levels Armor

There are two types of levels each beacon has: Armor reduces incoming damage by the indicated
Their character level, and their class level. amount. Armor does not apply to Damage Over
Time (DOT) or Stress.
A beacon’s character level represents their overall
growth and strength. A class level represents the A beacon’s armor value cannot exceed 4.
focused training they’ve devoted to a specific class. Save Target
A beacon’s character level is equal to the sum of all When a character forces another target to make a
of their class levels. A 1st level beacon has 1 class saving throw, their target number to equal or exceed
level. is the initiator’s save target.
Whenever a beacon finishes a quest, regardless of Abilities
whether it was successful or not, they gain a level.
Bulk, Agility, Mind, and Magic are the four abilities,
Each time a beacon gains a level, they can either
with a value between 0 and 6. Players assign ability
increase an existing class by one level (to a
points to these four abilities.
maximum of 3) or gain a new class at level 1.
Abilities influence other aspects of a character, and
Leveling Up also provide a bonus equal to their value to their
ability checks and ability saves.
Whenever a beacon gains a level, they gain the
following: Grit

 +1 level in an existing or new class Starting at level 2 and every 2 level after, characters
 +1 Ability Point gain a point of GRIT (level 2, 4, 6, etc.). Grit is a
 +1 Background skill rank or a new passive bonus that applies to the following
background skill attributes:
 +1 Talent rank or new talent  HP: +1 HP per GRIT.
 Save Target: +1 save DC per GRIT.
Changing Choices  Attack Rolls: +1 attack bonus per GRIT.
Whenever a beacon gains a level, they can change  Memory: +1 MEM per GRIT.
the following aspects of their character:

HP and Wounds cap. If a character goes over their stress cap, they
Characters have hit points (HP), which are reduced gain an OVERSTRESS.
when they take damage. Beacons have an OVERSTRESS CAP of 4.
Characters can also take WOUNDS. Beacons have Whenever they exceed their stress cap, they gain an
a WOUND CAP of 4. Whenever their HP reaches 0, OVERSTRESS, and reset their stress to 0. They
they take a WOUND and reset their HP. They also also have to make an overstress check to see what
have to make a wound check to see what additional penalties they suffer.
additional penalties they suffer. When a character’s current stress is equal to or
When a character’s current HP is equal to or less higher than half of their stress cap (rounded up),
than half of their HP maximum (rounded up), they they are considered BREAKING.
are considered BLOODIED. See chapter 07 for additional information.
See chapter 07 for additional information. Memory
Recoveries Your memory (MEM) indicates the maximum
Recoveries represent the resources you have to number of abilities you can equip. Each ability has
heal yourself and repair your equipment. The its own MEM cost, and the combined value of all of
RECOVER action and other abilities allow you to your equipped abilities cannot exceed your memory
spend recoveries to heal yourself. score.

Temporary HP (Temp HP) Aetheric Defense (A-Def)

Temp HP is a separate pool of HP outside of your A-Def is how hard you are to hit with aetheric
normal HP. Whenever you take damage, if you have attacks. An aetheric attack (an attack with the
temp HP, the damage is subtracted from your temp aetheric tag) has to equal or exceed your a-def to hit
HP pool first. Any remaining damage applies to your you.
HP as normal. Mana
Temp HP doesn’t stack, you only apply temp HP if it Certain abilities require mana to activate. You must
is larger than the current amount of temp HP you have the indicated mana available to use that ability,
have. For example, if you have 2 temp HP and and they are spent once the ability is activated. You
would gain 4 temp HP, you now have 4 temp HP, can regain mana with the RECOVER action.
not 6.
Temp HP can’t be healed through healing effects. Parry is a temporary resource gained during combat
Temp HP reductions happen at the same time as scenes. Parry can be spent for certain effects, like
normal HP reductions, and of the same amount, so the INTERPOSE reaction. Parry starts at 0, and has
armor and resistance still apply. no cap. All parry is lost at the end of a scene.
Dodge is how hard you are to hit with attacks. An
attack has to equal or exceed your dodge to hit you.
Each class has weapon slots. These indicate the
Speed is how fast your character can move. Your number and type of weapons you can equip for a
character can move a number of spaces equal to quest.
their speed when they take their standard
movement during their turn. Weapon Size

Stress Cap and Overstress There are three weapon sizes, from smallest to
largest: LIGHT, MAIN, HEAVY.
Characters have a stress cap. Whenever they take
stress, it accumulates until it reaches their stress

You can equip a weapon into a slot if it is the  Bow. Bows and crossbows. Weapons in this
indicated size or smaller. For example, if you have a category are typically ranged and often have
[MAIN] weapon slot, you can equip a [MAIN] or the arcing tag.
[LIGHT] weapon in it.  Club. Maces, warhammers, and other blunt
weapons fall under this category. These
Linked Weapons weapons are often slow or inaccurate, but
If a weapon slot has a ‘/’ or ∞, like [LIGHT ∞ LIGHT], hit hard. Unarmed attacks are also
those two weapons are linked. When you make an considered clubs.
attack with a linked weapon, you can also attack  Artifact. Wands, staffs, and other magical
with the linked weapon as part of the same action, implements are considered artifacts.
Artifacts are often aetheric.
regardless of what phase the 2nd weapon would
 Magitech. This is a special category for
normally be used during (except for SLOW attacks).
weapons mixing technology and magic.
Linked attacks after the primary attack can’t benefit
Shardguns are the most common type of
from bonus damage.
A weapon can only be linked to one other weapon at  Longarm. Spears, javelins, and other
a time. Both weapons count as linked to each other. weapons with an extended reach are
considered longarms.
Linked weapons count as two separate weapons,
and each one can hold an enchantment. However, if
one is destroyed, so is the other. Support Items
There are three support item sizes, from smallest to
largest: LIGHT, MAIN, HEAVY.
How do Linked Weapons Look?
You can equip a support item into a slot if it is the
Linked weapons can be interpreted a indicated size or smaller. For example, if you have a
number of ways. Some characters view it [MAIN] support slot, you can equip a [MAIN] or
as dual wielding weapons, weapons [LIGHT] support slot in it.
literally connected by links, or two
Free Support Items
weapons fused together, like a double-
bladed sword Some abilities may allow you to reduce a support
item’s size below LIGHT, to FREE. FREE support
items don’t take up a support slot when equipped.
However, only a single copy of a support item can
Free Weapons
be equipped for free. You can’t keep equipping free
Some abilities may allow you to reduce a weapon’s copies of the same support item. You can have
size below LIGHT, to FREE. FREE weapons don’t multiple different support items equipped for free,
take up a weapon slot when equipped. However, and a support item equipped for free can still be
only a single copy of a weapon can be equipped for equipped in other support slots.
free. You can’t keep equipping free copies of the
same weapon. You can have multiple different
weapons equipped for free, and a weapon equipped Techniques
for free can still be equipped in other weapon slots. Techniques are the skills and spells that a beacon

Weapon Type Techniques have a Memory (MEM) cost, and each

beacon has a maximum amount of memory
Each weapon falls into one of the following types: available. A beacon can only equip a technique if
 Blade. Swords, axes, daggers. Blades are they have available Memory.
of any size and are balanced, basic Free Techniques

Some abilities may allow you to reduce a
technique’s MEM cost to 0, also known as a free
technique. Free techniques don’t take up any MEM
when equipped. However, only a single copy of a
technique can be equipped for free. You can’t keep Each class has an ultimate ability that can be used
equipping free copies of the same technique. You once per quest. These are powerful abilities that can
can have multiple different techniques equipped for alter the course of a combat scene.
free, and a technique equipped for free can still be
equipped for its normal MEM cost.

03 Narrative Play
 Results. Results typically fall into 3
Skill Checks categories: A MISS, HIT, or CRIT.
o Miss (9 or less). Partial success at
When you attempt something that has a chance of a significant cost. You don’t get
failure, you roll 1d20. If your result is equal to or exactly what you want, and there’s a
higher than 10, you succeed. cost you don’t want to pay.
o Hit (10-19). Success with a cost.
If you have a background that would help, you can
You get what you want, but there is
add its bonus to the results.
some sort of cost.
If your Title would assist, you can also add +1 ACC o Crit (20+). Total success. You get
to the roll. what you want with no drawbacks,
or get more than you were hoping
On a roll below 10, the skill check misses. The GM for.
will narrate what happens. In general, just “failure”
isn’t exciting. Instead, a miss should lead to
additional complications or decisions for the players
to make. For example, if a character is attempting to PBTA Terminology
pick a magical lock placed by the Azure Archmage It’s no coincidence that we use these
and they miss, just having their attempt fail is boring. terms hit and miss, they are taken from
Instead, perhaps they open the lock but it was Powered by the Apocalypse (PBTA)
trapped, or it alerts, the Azure Archmage. Feel free games. Because of the way these
to offer suggestions to the GM. downtime activities are designed, you
could easily import other PBTA moves
Downtime Activity into Beacon, or use an entirely different
rules system for narrative play.
When Beacons have enough free time, they can
take downtime activities. Downtime can be taken Here are some downtime activities:
in-between missions or even during long breaks
within a quest. Create a Ritual
Rituals are complicated magical creations that can
There is no specific length of time needed for a
be customized to create whatever effects the caster
downtime activity, but at least a day is a good
wants. However, due to their complicated nature,
guideline. Some downtime activities are dependent
they are not easy to perform, and can have
on resources or other people existing, and might not
dangerous side effects if not done correctly. When
be available even if enough time exists for that
you create a ritual to overcome an obstacle or
hurdle, use this activity. Once you’ve created a
Whenever the GM declares downtime, the PCs can ritual, you can do so again without rolling if you meet
either choose one of the available downtime the requirements. Record your answers and the
activities, or explain what they want to do with their complications as the ‘recipe’ for the ritual.
downtime. With the latter, the GM and other players
Answer the following questions, and roll:
will then try to match that PCs activity with an
existing downtime activity, or create a custom  What is the cost to cast the ritual?
activity on the fly.  How is the ritual performed?
 What could go wrong?
Downtime activities use these basic principles:
 Goal. What does the player (not character) 9 or Less (Miss): There’s a problem with the ritual,
hope to achieve? and it’s worse than you thought. When you use the
 Roll. Roll a skill check appropriate to the ritual, the GM will describe what goes wrong.
actions the character is taking
10-19 (Hit): The ritual is more complicated than you 20+ (Crit): Jackpot! You can pick two Advantages or
expected. You and the GM each choose 1 of the Loot for the next quest, and can give one of them to
following complications. another PC.
 It takes longer to make. You can Gain Contacts
automatically finish it when you next take Contacts are relationships that you can leverage for
this downtime activity, and all other
an immediate or later benefit. A contact can have
conditions are met.
any relationship with a Beacon, from close friends to
 It goes wrong like you expected.
rivals or even mortal enemies. Regardless of the
 The cost isn’t sufficient. The GM will add an
relationship, a contact can get you something you
additional cost that must be paid to perform
the ritual. want.
 The effects are unreliable or temporary. When you want to gain contacts, use this activity.
 The ritual is considered forbidden or taboo.
Name either a specific individual you want as a
20+ (Crit): You successfully create the ritual with no contact, or a general category (dock worker,
complications. business executive, town guard, etc.) and ROLL:
Cut Loose 9 or Less (Miss): You gain this contact, but they will
Sometimes you just need to cut loose and relax. ask for something from you before doing a favor for
Name what you are doing to relax, and roll:
10-19 (Hit): You gain this contact, and they will
9 or Less (Miss): You went too far. Choose two. perform one favor for you, but ask for something in
 You lost your money. return after doing so.
 You made a fool of yourself. 20+ (Crit): You gain this contact, and they will
 You made a deal you shouldn’t have. perform one favor for you.
 You’re hurting.
Get Something
10-19 (Hit): Gain one of the following, and one from
When you want to acquire something important,
the above list.
use this activity.
 A contact. Name what you want, and roll:
 A piece of information.
 A reputation of your choice. 9 or Less (Miss): You can get it, but it’s going to
cost you. You have to do something for someone
20+ (Crit): You get one of the above list, with no first.
10-19 (Hit): You can get it, but you owe someone a
Dungeon Dive favor.
Dungeons and ruins are a great place to find
20+ (Crit): You can get it, no strings attached. If you
interesting gear and supplies. Use this activity when
try to Get Something from the same group or
you want to acquire Advantages or Loot for your
organization in the future and get this result, treat it
next quest.
as a 10-19 instead.
Hit the Books
9 or Less (Miss): It was a rough expedition. The When you want to research or learn about
GM will choose an Advantage or Loot for you, or something, use this activity.
choose a random one.
Say what you think the answer is, and roll.
10-19 (Hit): The expedition was a success. The GM
will choose 3 Advantages or Loot, and you can 9 or Less (Miss): The information is wrong in some
choose one. way, but you think it’s correct.

10-19 (Hit): The GM can either add something to 9 or Less (Miss): The organization skill gains -2
your answer, or change it in some way. point.
20+ (Crit): Your answer is correct. The GM can add 10-19 (Hit): The organization skill gains +1 point.
something to it, but it can’t contradict or nullify your
20+ (Crit): The organization skill gains +2 points.
answer. (Generally, the GM can’t use the word ‘but’
if adding to the answer). The organization skill can gain points up to +6. If it
ever reaches -6, the organization is destroyed.
Make Something
The organization can be used as a background skill
When you want to make something special, use
in areas that match its specialty. Whenever you do
this activity. If it’s something simple, you can just do
so, reduce its score by 1. During Narrative Play, you
it. This action creates a narrative object, not usable
can also spend points from your organization for the
in combat. Once you’ve made an item, you can do
following effects. You can still spend points if your
so again without rolling if you have the ingredients.
organization skill would be negative, but only once
Record your answers as the ‘recipe’ for the item.
per downtime:
Answer the following questions and roll:
1 Point
 What does it do?
 Pocket Money. Cash in and gain enough
 Why is it special?
money to cover all the basic needs,
 What is it made of?
equipment, and resources for your
9 or Less (Miss): The GM picks 2 of the below organization and group.
options.  Preparation. Create, buy, or obtain an
10-19 (Hit): The GM picks 1 of the below options.
2 Points
20+ (Crit): The GM picks 0 of the below options.
 Loaded. Gain a large influx of money.
 It’s expensive
 Gear. Acquire a new unlock.
 It requires a rare or unique ingredient
 It’s unreliable or temporary Shop
 It takes longer to make. You can When you want to spend money or barter for
automatically finish it when you next take
something easily available, you can go shopping.
this downtime activity, and all other
When you want to acquire something easily
conditions are met.
available or replenish resources, use this activity.
 You need help from _____
Name what you want to acquire, and roll:
Run an organization
9 or Less (Miss): You can’t find exactly what you’re
Beacons might have jobs, like running a shop or
looking for. The GM will tell you what your available
acting as a guild leader. When you want to create or
options are.
run an organization/business, use this activity.
Once you’ve created an organization, you must roll 10-19 (Hit): You find one of the things you were
this activity during each downtime for free. looking for. You can pick an Advantage for the next
Answer the following:
20+ (Crit): You found a deal! You can pick two
 What is the name of the organization?
Advantages for the next quest, and can give one of
 What does the organization specialize in?
them to another PC.
The organization is created, and counts as a special
Background Skill that starts at +0. When the
organization is created, and whenever this activity is Training allows a character to improve or gain new
selected, roll: skills, or even train in a class. When you want to
learn something new or improve an existing
ability, use this activity.
Pick one of the following to Train:
 A Skill
 A Class Advantages are temporary benefits that beacons
can obtain through downtime or as narratively
Skill: You either gain a new skill at rank 1 (+2), or appropriate.
improve an existing skill by one rank.
Advantages can only be used once, and only last for
Class: Roll: one quest. Once obtained, most advantages expire
9 or Less (Miss): It is hard to take anything practical at the end of the next quest, whether they were used
from this class. The GM will pick a weapon, support or not.
item, or technique from that class that you can use The GM might decide that some advantages can be
for the next quest. reused in another quest if they weren’t consumed.
10-19 (Hit): You’ve made progress in the class. You However, this shouldn’t be a common occurrence,
can choose a weapon, support item, or technique since for gameplay purposes, we don’t want players
from that class that you can use in the next quest. saving all of their advantages for one quest and then
just steamrolling through it.
20+ (Crit): You’ve begun to master the intricacies of
the class. You can choose to equip that class for the The below list of advantages is sorted by theme, but
next quest, and you can choose a weapon, support can be reflavored or obtained through any means.
item, or technique from that class that you can use
in the next quest as well.
High Spirits Start the next combat scene with 5 temp HP.
Temporary Gear Gain access to a weapon or support item from a class.
It still needs to be equipped as normal.
Practice Gain access to a technique from a class. It still needs to
be equipped as normal.
Audit Class You gain access to a class, and can choose to equip it
for your next quest.
Information Choose one of the following pieces of information to
 The number of stages in the next quest.
 The combat types that might occur in the next
 The unit types that might appear in the next
Well Equipped Gain +2 Recoveries.

Companion A friendly NPC will aid you in one combat scene. They
will use an NPC unit type decided by the GM.

Elixir of Strength +1 to BULK for the duration of a quest.
Elixir of Agility +1 to AGILITY for the duration of a quest.

Elixir of Wisdom +1 to MIND for the duration of a quest.

Elixir of Magic +1 to MAGIC for the duration of a quest.

Trollblood Infusion For one combat scene, you regain 1 HP at the start of
each of your turns while you are undefeated.
Swiftness Potion +1 SPEED for one combat scene.

Free Action Potion You are immune to the SLOWED condition for one
combat scene.
Catseye Elixir For a quest, you automatically detect any HIDDEN
characters within range 3 of you.
Stoneskin Elixir Gain +1 armor for one combat scene.

Invisibility Potion 1/quest you can become INVISIBLE as a free action.

The invisibility lasts until you make an attack, deal
damage, or force a save.
Elixir of Giants 1/quest as a free action, your size increases by +1 (to a
maximum of 3) until the end of the scene.
Mageblood Elixir For one combat scene, you regain 1 mana at the start of
each of your turns.
Flask of Life Your current and maximum HP is increased by +5 for
one combat scene.
Spellshield Flask For one combat scene, you gain resistance to all
damage from spells.

Leather Kit Gain +1 armor for one combat scene.
Ammo Pouch 1/quest you can reload a LOADING weapon as a free
Backpack Gain an additional LIGHT support slot for one quest.

Wild Armor Gain two random +1 bonuses to BULK, AGILITY, MIND,

or MAGIC checks and saves for a quest. Both bonuses
can go into the same ability score.
Shadowed Leather While in an area of darkness, you can HIDE as a Quick
Dragonstrike Gloves You score a critical hit on weapon attacks if the attack
total is 19+, instead of 20+.
Scorpion Armor You gain resistance to [toxic] damage and immunity to
the DAZED condition for a quest.
Reins You gain a mount for a quest, which counts as an NPC.
The mount’s size is 1 larger than your size, has HP
equal to your BLOODIED value, 0 armor, 8 DODGE/A-
DEF, and a SPEED of 6. The mount can carry 1
character at a time that is smaller than it. The mount
moves during PHASE 4: REPOSITION, and can only
use their standard movement and RUSH. If the mount is
reduced to 0 HP, it is defeated.

the Dark for narrative play. Are the Beacons in this
Changing Narrative Play story young teens trying to figure out their identity
Systems and place in the world? Perhaps Masks would fit.
This game’s basic narrative system is meant to be
Because Beacon’s two modes of play, narrative and
quick and easy, and facilitate stories between
combat, don’t overlap, you could use any other
combat scenes. We won’t mind if you decide to use
system you want for narrative play. Does your
another system you like better for narrative play.
narrative play focus on heists? Maybe use Blades in

04 Quests
Quests are the structure around which Beacons
operate. Quests are activities that beacons Stakes
undertake to further their goals and the story.
The quest stakes are what can happen if the
A quest is a large undertaking, requiring quest is a success or failure. Examples include:
planning and preparation. Most quests involve
multiple steps, and lead to combat encounters. Goal: Destroy the occupying force at the castle.

A quest is made of the following:  Success: The nearby town is safe and
doesn’t have to worry about extortion.
GM Decided  Failure: The occupying force retaliates
 Goal: The goal of the quest. and destroys the town.
 Stakes: What could happen on a Goal: Prevent the archmage from crashing the
success or failure. moon.
 Stages: How many combat scenes take
place during the quest. Most quests  Success: The moon stays where it is.
have between 2 to 4 combat scenes.  Failure: The moon crashes. Bad things
 Rewards: What rewards, if any, exist follow.
upon completing the quest. Rewards
Goal: Assassinate the faction leader.
specify if they require completing the
quest, or specifically succeeding on it.  Success: The faction is weakened and
PC Provided is likely to be destroyed or assimilated.
 Failure: The faction becomes
 Preparation: The beacons prepare for emboldened, gaining more followers
the quest. and strengthening their position.
 Approach: The specific approaches
being used for the quest or stage, if an Goal: Rescue your captured friend.
approach can be used.  Success: They are returned safely.
Quests lead the players between narrative play  Failure: They become the vessel of a
and combat play, and will switch between the parasitic psychic entity.
two at different stages of the quest. Each quest needs specific stakes, although the
GM can keep them broad or vague. Either way,
Goal the players should have a good understanding
of what the stakes are. Stakes can’t be hidden
The quest goal is what you need to do in order from the players.
to succeed at the quest. This can include things
Depending on the actions of the players, it’s
possible for them to achieve a mixed result. The
 Destroy the occupying force at the GM can decide upon any mixed results, which
castle. don’t need to be specified ahead of time.
 Prevent the archmage from crashing the
 Assassinate the faction leader. Stages
 Rescue your captured friend. A quest is broken down into multiple stages.
Each quest has a clearly defined goal that is Stages represent distinct combat scenes, with
known to the characters. potential narrative scenes before and after them.

Each quest usually has between 2 to 4 combat beacons decide to INFILTRATE, one beacon
scenes. Fewer combat scenes allow the players could create a loud diversion to help everyone
to expend limit abilities freely to overcome the else sneak. Creating a loud diversion isn’t very
challenge faster, and too many combat scenes sneaky on its own, but it helps the overall
can slow down the feeling of progression and approach.
become stale.
Each skill check success allows the player to
The first stage of a quest might involve scouting pick one of the options under the approach.
for the villain’s lair, and contending with guards Options marked [GROUP] can only be chosen
or native fauna. The second stage might be once per approach. If at least half of the players
confronting the villain, and then fleeing the succeed, they can also choose options from the
collapsing lair. bonus list. While only PCs that succeed on the
check can pick an option, if the choice gives a
benefit to a PC, they can give that benefit to
Prep another PC, if they are willing. Choices can be
Beacons prep for a quest by picking the abilities held until the start of the next combat within the
and equipment they want to bring to the quest. same quest.
Beacons prepare by doing the following: Scout
 Pick a class Scouting gives you information about the
 Pick an Ancestry Trait number and types of foes you might be facing,
 Pick equipment (weapons and support or the objectives.
 Pick techniques (skills and spells) General
 [GROUP] You know how many enemies
Approach will deploy during the next combat, and
how many of them are minions.
Beacon doesn’t focus on dungeon crawling  [GROUP] You know how many enemies
room-by-room or small battles. Instead, this are in reserve, and how many of them
game focuses on action, adventure, and are minions.
important battles.  You know all the statistics and abilities
of one NPC of your choice in the next
A quest approach is where beacons use combat.
narrative play to explore, gain information, and  You can switch out one weapon,
better prepare themselves for combat play support item, ancestry trait, or technique
during a quest. you have equipped, including a
As a group, collectively decide on the approach destroyed one, with a DIFFERENT
you are going to take. Only one approach can
 [GROUP] Enemies can’t start the next
be taken at the start, but some quests might
combat HIDDEN or INVISIBLE and can’t
have the opportunity for multiple approaches
become HIDDEN or INVISIBLE during
during them. When in doubt, a majority vote
their first turn.
decides the approach, with a coin flip deciding a
 1d3 enemies of your choice start the
tie. next encounter MARKED.
Once an approach has been decided, each  Bypass an adversity that this approach
beacon narrates what they do to assist with the can counter.
approach, and roll a skill check related to their Bonus
action. The skill check does NOT have to be
directly related to the approach, but instead  [GROUP] Enemies deploy first in the
assists that approach. For example, if the next combat. In addition, at the start of

each round, the GM must declare during PHASE 5: BRAWL once during
exactly where any reinforcements will the next combat.
arrive during the next round.
 [GROUP] You know the current HP and
Stress of all hostile NPCs during the Gain advantageous position by moving
next combat. undetected.
 [GROUP] Escape Plan. Create a 4x4
zone along the edge of the map. Any
PCs that end their turn in the area safely  One PC can deploy up to range 5 from
escape from the encounter. the deployment area.
 [GROUP] One enemy of your choice is  One PC can roll twice on their first
VULNERABLE until the end of their 1st attack roll during the next combat and
turn. use either result.
 One PC can start the next combat
Whittle  One PC can take their 1st turn during
Take out foes and cut your way through to your PHASE 1: BOLSTER and use any
action during that phase.
 Shadowy. Attacks against one PC gain
General +1 DIF during the 1st round of the next
 One NPC of GM’s choice starts at their
 Traps. You can place a single Size 1
BREAKING POINT in the next combat.
trap on the map in an empty space
 [GROUP] The GM prepares one fewer
within range 10 of a deployed PC. This
reinforcement than normal. The PC that
trap can’t be adjacent to another trap. A
chooses this option loses one recovery.
character that triggers the trap takes [6
 One NPC of player’s choice is
damage] and must pass an AGI save or
WEAKENED until the end of their 1st
be SLOWED until the end of their next
 [GROUP] Reinforcements deploy one
 Bypass an adversity that this approach
round later than normal.
can counter.
 [GROUP] Enemies are frightened of all
the PCs during the 1st round of combat Bonus
and are unable to move closer to them.
 [GROUP] All PCs start the next combat
 One PC gains resistance to damage
during the 1st round of combat. HIDDEN.
 One PC starts the next combat
 Bypass an adversity that this approach
INVISIBLE, which lasts until they make
can counter.
an attack, deal damage, or force a save.
Bonus  [GROUP] PCs can deploy anywhere on
the map, but can’t be within range 5 (or
 [GROUP] One non-minion NPC of GM’s
some other value) of an enemy. PCs
choice starts BLOODIED. must be within range 5 of another PC if
 [GROUP] The GM prepares one fewer outside of normal deployment zone.
reinforcement than normal.  One NPC of the PCs choice is
 One PC’s first CHANNEL ability during VULNERABLE to a single PC until the
the next combat is instantly released NPC takes a BOLSTER action.
instead of waiting until PHASE 6:
 One PC can FULL ATTACK with
SKIRMISH actions during PHASE 3:
SKIRMISH, or with BRAWL actions
Sway Avoidance
Bluff, lie, or charm your way to your destination. Avoid or bypass whatever you come across.
General General
 An NPC of your choice won’t target a  A PC can RUSH as a free action during
PC of your choice with a harmful attack their 1st turn.
until they initiate a harmful action on  Attacks against a PC have +1 DIF
someone or the target passes a MND during the first round.
check at the end of its turn as a free  A PC ignores engagement and
action. opportunity attacks during the 1st round.
 One NPC of your choice is DISARMED  An NPC of your choice is SLOWED until
or SILENCED until the end of their 1st the end of their 1st turn.
turn.  An NPC of your choice can’t take
 Your current and max recoveries are reactions until the end of their 1st turn.
increased by 2 until the next approach.  One PC can start the next combat
 An NPC of your choice takes their first HIDDEN.
turn during PHASE 8: DELAY.  Bypass an adversity that this approach
 One NPC of your choice is WEAKENED can counter.
until the end of their 1st turn.
 During the next combat, enemies take 1 Bonus
Stress every time they deal damage to a  [GROUP] PCs can move through the
PC of your choice. spaces of enemy characters during the
 Bypass an adversity that this approach next combat.
can counter.  [GROUP] The PCs have access to a
Bonus vehicle or transportation of some sort for
the next combat.
 [GROUP] All NPCs are DAZED until the  A PCs speed is increased by 1 during
end of their 1st turn. the next combat.
 A PC can deploy adjacent to an enemy  A PC ignores difficult terrain and can
of their choice. The NPC can’t have the climb over obstacles and terrain at their
elite or solo template. normal speed during the next combat.
 An NPC of your choice is
VULNERABLE until the end of their 1st
 [GROUP] An NPC ally will assist during
the next combat.

Research / Plan
 A PC starts the next combat with 3
 A PC’s first ability that costs mana in the
next combat costs 1 less mana.
 A PC starts the next combat with 4 temp
 [GROUP] The PCs know which
enemies in the next combat are
vulnerable, resistant, or immune to any
damage and what that damage type is.
 The PCs know all the statistics and
abilities of one NPC of your choice.
 You can switch out one weapon,
support item, ancestry trait, or technique
you have equipped, including a
destroyed one, with a DIFFERENT
 Bypass an adversity that this approach
can counter.

 Pick an NPC in the next combat. They

are VULNERABLE to either astral or
lunar damage, decided randomly. You
can take 2 Stress to re-determine the
damage type until you stop.
 Your SURGE stress cost is halved for
the next combat.
 [GROUP] The PCs get a preview of the
map for the next combat, without NPC
 NPCs can’t take the first action in any
phase during the next combat.

Adversity 1. Bumps and Bruises, Party. All PCs
Quests might have dangerous obstacles, traps, must make a skill check to try avoiding
and battles to overcome. These are a form of or mitigating the effects. On a failure,
adversity, and create a difficulty or penalty for they lose 1 recovery.
players. 2. Bumps and Bruises. One PC must
make a skill check to try avoiding or
Each adversity has a type and an effect. The
mitigating the effects. On a success,
adversity type is a generalization of the they lose 1 recovery. On a failure, they
adversity’s theme. The adversity effect is lose 2.
mechanical impact that adversity bestows. 3. Captured. Enemies choose 1 PC
Adversities can occur at any time during a quest deploys, in any empty space that isn’t
outside of combat. An adversity can have any dangerous terrain.
4. Delayed. One PC doesn’t deploy at the
type of effect associated with them.
next combat until the beginning of round
Certain approaches can bypass specific 2
adversity types as an option. For example, the 5. Discovered. All PCs start the next
SCOUT approach has an option to bypass combat MARKED.
TRAP adversity types. 6. Drained. All PCs SURGE level is
increased by one step.
If an adversity is bypassed, the effect does not 7. Exhausted. One PC is WEAKENED
happen. until the end of their 1st turn.
Quests might have multiple adversities in a row. 8. Hurt. One PC starts the next combat at
their BLOODIED value.
Types 9. Mana Tapped. PCs start the next
1. Barrier. Countered by AVOIDANCE, encounter with 0 mana.
10. Surprised. PCs take their 1st turn in the
2. Betrayal. Countered by next combat during PHASE 8: DELAY,
and can’t take reactions or free actions
3. Environment. Countered by before that.
4. Getting Lost. Countered by
5. Guard. Countered by INFILTRATE,
6. Illusion. Countered by INFILTRATE,
7. Lookout. Countered by INFILTRATE,
8. Render Help. Countered by
9. Trap. Countered by AVOIDANCE,
10. Travel. Countered by AVOIDANCE,

05 Combat Play
Combat is the main focus of Beacon, and the rules for it are detailed. This chapter will detail how combat
scenes work, and the rules and terminology used in combat.

06 Combat Order
Combat Summary
Combat in BEACON is composed of a few characters that want to take an action
different periods of time: during a phase have done so, play
progresses to the next phase.
 Scene: An entire combat happens  Turn: A character can take one turn in a
within a scene. Once the combat is round. The action they want to take on
over, the scene ends. their turn determines which phase they
 Round: A round is composed of act in. A character can take their
numerous phases. Each character standard movement, one action, and
takes a turn during one of these one quick action. Turns alternate
phases. Once each phase has been between PCs and NPCs, with priority
cycled through, the round ends, and going to whichever side (PC or NPC)
then another round begins. hasn’t acted most recently. PCs can
 Phase: Characters take their turns take the 1st turn in the 1st phase of a
during a phase. Each phase determines combat scene.
which actions can be taken. Once all

The phases of combat are as follows:


 Standard movement: Move up to their

 Standard action: Take an action.
Actions  Quick action: A special type of action.
A character can do the following during their turn Abilities, equipment, and traits might
in any order: provide quick actions to use.

Certain abilities will indicate the action or phase
required to use it, like BOLSTER (phase) or
Channel + Release
DEFEND (action). If an ability lists an action,
like CAST, you use that action to activate it, and
it counts as a use of that action. If an ability lists Abilities with an action of CHANNEL begin on this
a phase, it requires an action to use during that phase. The effect is released and goes into effect
phase, but it doesn’t qualify as one of the during PHASE 6: RELEASE. If you take any
underlying actions for the purposes of triggered damage while channeling a spell (after armor), you
effects. have to make a BLK save against the initiator’s save
DC (a Concentration save). You can only channel
Surge one ability at a time. You can’t READY a
CHANNEL. You can take your standard move
A character can SURGE 1/round to take a 2nd
either when you CHANNEL or RELEASE.
action as a free action. Doing so costs an
increasing amount of stress, resetting during a
A SURGE action can either a) be activated
When this phase happens, any character using a
during your turn to take a 2nd action from that
CHANNEL ability can RELEASE it. This is a free
phase, or b) be activated during a following action and does not use a turn. A character can
phase to take an available action during that decide to CHANNEL for another turn instead of
phase. This is resolved as if it was another PC releasing. Releasing effects still alternate between
turn, but doesn’t count as a turn for any effects players and NPCs. You can take your standard
that care. move if you didn’t take it during CHANNEL.

A character can’t SURGE before they’ve taken

their turn. If they didn’t use their standard
movement or Quick Action on their turn, they
can use it during their SURGE action turn.
The stress cost for surging is listed below. The Gain PARRY equal to 1d3 + ARMOR. Until the start
cost does not progress past 1d6+4. of your next turn, attacks against you gain +1 DIF,
and you can use the INTERPOSE and
1. 1 Stress COUNTERATTACK reactions multiple times in the
2. 1d3 Stress same turn until the start of your next turn.
3. 1d6 Stress
4. 1d6+4 Stress

The Actions Reaction, Parry 1
Trigger: An ally within Range 3 is targeted by an
Cast attack.
Effect: You can move up to 2 spaces, ignoring
reactions. If you end this movement next to the
You make a spell attack against a target within
targeted ally, you can choose to become the target
Scope. instead.
Spell Attack Rolls
Roll 1d20 + your GRIT. If your attack equals or Counterattack
exceeds the target’s DODGE (or A-DEF for aetheric
attacks), it hits. Counterattack
Reaction, Parry 1

Trigger: You are hit by an attack. move, dragging the other along.
Effect: You can make a melee weapon attack GRAPPLED ends if:
against the character that hit you. o Characters are no longer adjacent to each
o The initiator ends it as a free action
Delay o Smaller characters succeed on an opposed
DELAY BLK check during the SKIRMISH phase.

The last chance to take an action during this round.

If you wanted to take an action but the phase had Full Attack
already passed, you act on this phase. FULL ATTACK

You can VOLLEY, CAST, or FIGHT with any

combination of two different equipped weapons or
Fight techniques. This action can only be taken 1/round.

You make a melee or improvised weapon attack.

Attack Rolls Why Can’t I Attack With The Same
Weapon/Technique Twice?
Roll 1d20 + your GRIT. If your attack equals or
exceeds the target’s DODGE (or A-DEF for aetheric To force variety. If you could use the
attacks), it hits. Improvised attacks deal 1d3 same weapon, you’ll likely just use
physical on a hit. your best weapon twice, and only use
secondary options when the primary
breaks. This way you are forced to
Push use different options, and because of
PUSH that, look for interesting synergies.

Make a melee attack against an adjacent target. +1

ACC for every size larger than the target you are, or
+1 DIF for every size smaller. On hit, chose one of
the following:
 Push them 1 space. How Does Attacking With Two
 Knock them prone. Different Weapons Look?
Beacon rounds have no set length of
Grapple time. They could be 6 seconds,
GRAPPLE minutes, or even days. You can flavor
it however you want. Maybe you dual
Make a melee attack against an adjacent target. On wield. Maybe you swap them out.
a hit, both characters are GRAPPLED. Maybe one gets stuck in your foe, and
 Count as ENGAGED you draw the new one. It’s up to you,
 Can’t take reactions and doesn’t matter mechanically.
 If you are the same size as the target, you
count as the larger one during the turn you
grapple them.
 Larger character can move normally. Hide
Smaller character is drug along. HIDE
 Smaller character can’t move.
 Same size or smaller can make a BLK You gain the HIDDEN condition. To hide, you can’t
check during their turn to see if they can be ENGAGED and either must be outside of any

enemy LINE OF SIGHT, within HARD COVER or In addition to your free movement, you can either
totally inside SOFT COVER, or be INVISIBLE. (A) not provoke reactions from movement, or (B)
move again.

MARK Search
A character you can see and within your Scope
gains the MARKED condition. Choose an enemy within Scope and pick one. (A) If
the character is HIDDEN, make a contested MND
check vs their AGI. On a success, they are no
longer HIDDEN. (B) You learn the target’s statistics,
Ready abilities, and equipment.

To ready an action, you specify an action that

happens as a reaction when certain criteria are met. Volley
Determine the action you want to take, like “I want
to shoot them with my bow”. Then determine the
You make a ranged weapon attack.
trigger, like “When they become visible.”
You set the action during the normal phase when it Ranged Attack Rolls
could occur. When the trigger is met, you can Roll 1d20+your GRIT. If your attack equals or
activate the action as a reaction.
exceeds the target’s DODGE (or A-DEF for aetheric
The readied action lasts until the start of your next attacks), it hits.
turn. When readying an action, you can’t take any
other reactions.


Choose one of the following: Reactions

 Spend a recovery to regain all your HP. In addition to actions, characters also have
 Clear all your stress. access to reactions. Reactions are a special
Then choose one of the following:
type of action that are taken in response to a
 Reload all RELOADING weapons/abilities. specific trigger.
 Remove all DoT on you.
 Clear a condition or effect on you that Each character can take 1 reaction per turn,
wasn’t caused by yourself. but there’s no limit on how many times a specific
 Clear a condition or effect on an adjacent reaction can be used, unless it specifies a limit
ally that wasn’t caused by them. like 1/round.
 Regain all your mana.
If a character can take more than 1 turn in a
round (typically for elite or solo NPCs), reaction
limitations like 1/round or 1/phase reset at the
start of each of their turns AND at the start of a
new round.
Each reaction has a trigger and an effect. The
trigger is the event or occurrence that needs to

happen for the reaction’s effect to happen. The
effect is what happens when the trigger is met.
Generally, a reaction resolves AFTER the trigger
unless otherwise noted. A trigger of “When
attacked” resolves after the attack happens, but
a trigger of “when targeted” or “when an attack is
declared but before the roll is made” would
happen before the attack happens.
Opportunity Attack
Opportunity Attack
Reaction, 1/round

Trigger: A hostile character begins a movement or

standard movement inside one of your weapon’s
Effect: You can immediately VOLLEY or FIGHT
against them.

Reaction, Parry 1
Trigger: An ally within Range 3 is targeted by an
Effect: You can move up to 2 spaces, ignoring
reactions. If you end this movement next to the
targeted ally, you can choose to become the target

Reaction, Parry 1
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You can make a melee weapon attack
against the character that hit you.

Free Actions
A character can take an unlimited number of
free actions during their turn, within reason.

07 Combat Rules
The GM determines what counts as an object,
Characters Versus and what counts as terrain.

Objects Ability Checks and

Beacon combat places everything into two
categories: characters and objects. Saves
Character Ability checks and saves are used in combat,
and utilize your ability scores (BLK, AGI, MND,
Player characters, beacons, summons, and
MGK). Backgrounds, Grit, and your Title don’t
NPCs are all considered characters. Generally,
a character is an entity that is capable of taking
some kind of actions, either personally or at the To make an ability check or save, roll 1d20 +
command of another character. the ability score (BLK, AGI, MND, MGK) + /-
Checks need to equal or exceed 10 to succeed.
An object is anything that isn’t a character or
part of a character. The terrain, environment, Saves need to equal or exceed the save DC of
and deployed items are all objects. the initiator, or 10 if not otherwise specified.
Only objects with the above definition count as
objects for game terminology. For example, Attacks
while a character’s sword is considered an
object in conversational language, in game Characters can make attacks during combat,
terms it is not, because it is part of a character. using certain actions like VOLLEY, CAST,
You couldn’t target or affect the sword with FIGHT, and FULL ATTACK. There are 2 types
abilities that target objects. of attacks: Weapon and Spell. Each of these
attacks can be further categorized as either
Allies and Enemies Melee Attacks or Ranged Attacks.
Characters in combat are either allies or To make an attack, roll 1d20 + GRIT. Attacks
enemies of each other. A character’s status as may be modified by accuracy, difficulty, or other
an ally or enemy depends on their relationship to effects. The number you need to roll to
you, regardless of how you perceive them. A successfully hit the target will depend on the
character does not count as an ally to type of attack.
Weapon Attacks
Weapon attacks are attacks made with an
Terrain is a specific subset of objects that equipped weapon, skill, or an unarmed attack.
include the environmental objects in a combat Weapon attacks can be melee or ranged.
encounter. Trees, walls, and rocks would be
considered terrain. Deployed objects, like a To make a weapon attack, roll 1d20 + GRIT +/-
quick-folding wall, would not be terrain, but ACC or DIF.
would still be an object. Melee Weapon Attacks

To make a melee weapon attack, select a target
within the weapon’s Reach. If your attack result Attacks vs Attack Rolls
equals or exceeds the target’s DODGE, the An attack can be composed of attack
attack is a hit. Melee attacks ignore cover. rolls, or in the case of AOEs, multiple
Ranged Weapon Attacks attack rolls.

To make a ranged weapon attack, select a An attack roll is a portion of an attack,

target within the weapon’s Range. If your attack and is against a single target.
result equals or exceeds the target’s DODGE, Anything that mentions an attack
the attack is a hit. references all of the attack rolls as
Weapons with Range and Reach part of that attack.

Some weapons have both a Range and a Anything that mentions an attack roll
Reach. All attacks with these are considered references a single roll, even if the
ranged attacks, the reach in this case is used for attack has multiple attack rolls.
Opportunity Attacks.
If a weapon has both a range and a reach, but
they are separated by an ‘or’, like “Range 10 or Auto-Hit
Reach 1”, then the weapon can make ranged
Certain abilities (often CHANNEL abilities) auto-
attacks at its range, or melee attacks at its
hit, meaning they automatically hit their targets,
with no attack roll. Abilities with an auto-hit are
Spell Attacks considered an attack, even though the attack roll
doesn’t take place.
Spell attacks are magical attacks using abilities
or effects that are classified as spells. Spell Not every ability that deals automatic damage is
attacks can be melee or ranged. an attack, only effects that specify auto-hit count
To make a spell attack, roll 1d20 + GRIT +/- as attacks.
Melee Spell Attacks
To make a melee spell attack, select a target Critical Hits
within the spell’s indicated Reach. If your attack A critical hit is a when an attack roll is equal
result equals or exceeds the target’s A-DEF, the to or greater than 20. A critical hit is
attack is a hit. independent of the actual result of the dice. As
Ranged Spell Attacks long as the attack roll is equal to or greater than
20 (after ACC, DIF, and other modifier), the
To make a ranged spell attack, select a target attack is considered a critical hit.
within your Scope. If your attack result equals or
exceeds the target’s A-DEF, the attack is a hit. A critical hit can do more damage than a normal
hit. When you score a critical hit, roll all
damage dice twice, and take the highest
result. All damage dice, including bonus
damage, are rolled twice. For example, if an
attack deals 2d6+2 physical damage, you would
roll 4d6, take the highest two, and add +2. (i.e.
[4, 2, 6, 3], use the [4 and 6]).

effect instead of a range/reach, or in addition to
Reroll Table it.
When you fail an attack roll, ability check, or AOEs affect all targets within the area. If the
saving throw in combat, you can pick one of the effect is an attack, attack rolls are made
following options to reroll. Each option can only against each target in the area. Damage is
be chosen 1/round. only rolled once, and apply to every affected
o Take 1d3 stress to reroll. target.
o Become MARKED to reroll. You can’t If an effect has a range/reach AND an area of
use this option if you are MARKED.
effect, the range indicates the maximum point
o If you are within a hostile character’s
that the area of effect can be centered on. For
reach, provoke an OPPORTUNITY
example, if you have a Range 10, Line 5 effect,
ATTACK from them and reroll.
the Line 5 can be centered on any point within
range 10.
Blast X: Affects all characters within a radius of
Range, Reach, and X spaces from the center space, including the
center space. Cover and line of sight are
Area of Effect calculated from the center space of the AOE.
Range Burst X: Affects all characters within a radius of
Range is measured in the number of spaces on X spaces from the occupied spaces of the
a grid. Range 1, for example, covers 1 space target, excluding the target. Cover and line of
from the starting point. When a character sight are calculated from the occupied space of
measures range, they measure from one of the the target.
spaces they occupy. Cone X: Affects all characters within a cone X
There are different types of ranges, like weapon spaces long and X spaces wide at its furthest,
range and class range, but they are all starting at 1 space long and wide and increasing
measured the same way. evenly from there.

Range with Vertical Elements Line X: Affects all characters within a straight
line, x spaces long.
You might encounter targets that are vertically
higher or lower than you. To determine range to
a target at a different elevation, determine how Targeting
many spaces they are away horizontally and
To target something, it must be:
then vertically. Use the highest number to
determine the range.  Within line of sight.
 Within range or reach.
No need to use the Pythagorean theorem. If a
 A character, space within the scene, or
character is 20 spaces away and 10 spaces object.
high, they count as being 20 spaces away.
Characters can’t attack themselves unless
otherwise indicated.
Reach is similar to range, and is measured the
same way. Reach is also used for opportunity
attacks. Line of Sight
Area of Effect Most attacks and effects require line of sight to
the target. To determine line of sight, you must
An Area of Effect (AOE) affects more than 1
be able to draw a straight line to some part of
target or space. An effect can have an area of

the target. If something blocks the line, then Cover is most often an object. Effects that
either cover applies or line of sight does not. create a piece of cover create objects that
provide cover. Some abilities provide cover
Line of sight does not literally require sight. For
without creating an object, like shields.
example, a character with no eyes can still draw
line of sight unless an ability or effect specifies The size of a piece of cover follows the same
otherwise, and a transparent wall of magical rules as size for a PC. Size 1 fills 1 space. Size
force would still block line of sight even though 2 fills a 2x2 space, etc.
you can see through it.
Characters in cover can shoot around their
You can consider line of sight and line of effect cover if they are the same size as the cover, or
the same thing. If you don’t have line of sight to are at an edge of cover. They can ignore their
something, you can’t target it. If you can’t target cover when attacking.
something, you don’t have line of sight to it.
A character can’t benefit from cover if they are
Certain effects allow you to bypass the line-of- larger than a piece of cover. For example, a size
sight rules, like arcing or homing attacks. 2 character doesn’t gain any benefits from size 1
These are exceptions to the rules. pieces of cover.
Determining Line of Sight
To determine line of sight for a target, use the Soft Cover
Soft cover either partly covers a character, or
 Can you draw an unbroken line from the isn’t strong enough to fully block attacks, like
center of one of the spaces of the origin smoke or thin walls. Soft cover provides +1 DIF
to the center of one of the spaces of the on attacks against a target benefiting from it.
target? Soft cover doesn’t block line of sight.
o If yes, line of sight is made.
o If no, can you draw an unbroken Hard Cover
line to the center of any of the Hard cover is large or strong enough to reliably
non-cover spaces adjacent to block attacks, like thick walls. Hard cover
the target, including vertical? provides +2 DIF on attacks against a target
(Soft cover doesn’t block line of benefiting from it.
 If yes, Line of Sight To benefit from hard cover, A character must
exists and cover might be adjacent to the source of cover. Otherwise, it
apply (see COVER) only provides soft cover.
 If no, line of sight can’t
Determining Cover
be made.
To determine if a target benefits from cover,
Generally, Line of Sight goes both ways. If you draw a line from the center of one of the
could draw Line of Sight to a target, the target attacker’s spaces to the center of one of the
has the ability to draw Line of Sight to you too. target’s spaces. If the line crosses a piece of
cover, and the target is the same size as the
Cover cover or smaller:

Cover is a type of obstruction that may make  If the cover is soft cover, the target
attacks harder to hit, or block them entirely. benefits from soft cover.
There are 2 types of cover: soft cover and hard  If the cover is hard cover, the target
benefits from hard cover if they are
adjacent to the cover. Otherwise, they
have soft cover.

Forced Movement
Movement Forced movement is a type of involuntary
Characters can move up to their speed during movement. There are three types of forced
their turn. This is called a standard move. A movement: Push, Pull, and Slide.
character must move at least 1 space to be
 Push: All movement must in a straight
considered moving. Standing up from PRONE
line directly away from the origin.
does not count as movement
 Pull: All movement must be in a straight
Movement can be made in any direction the line directly toward the origin.
character has the capability to do so. For most  Slide. The movement can be in any
characters, this is horizontally unless they can direction.
fly. Movement is measured in spaces, and the
Forced movement does not provoke reactions
direction does not matter. For example, diagonal
and ignores engagement. A character can’t be
movement costs the same amount of movement
subject to forced movement into a space they
as any other direction.
cannot enter.
Characters can move into any space that isn’t
Forced movement can only involve horizontal
movement, not vertical, unless otherwise
Obstruction specified. For example, you can’t PUSH a
An obstruction is anything that blocks movement character upward.
into its space. The environment and other A character may be able to subject themselves
characters can be obstructions. to a push, pull, or slide effect. Even though they
An obstruction prevents movement into its space may be willingly doing so, it still counts as
if the obstruction is the same size as the forced movement and ignores engagement
character or lager. If an obstruction is smaller and reactions.
than a character, they can move through it Engagement
normally. Additionally, if a character has a
When two enemy characters become adjacent
special type of movement that allows them to
to each other, they become ENGAGED, which is
climb over obstacles, they can do so.
a status.
A character can’t end their turn sharing space
When a character becomes ENGAGED with a
with another character or obstruction.
larger character, the smaller character’s
Characters can move through the spaces of movement ends and they lose any unused
their allies, but can’t end their turn sharing a movement. Once ENGAGED, a character can
space with them. begin new movements normally. Moving
Splitting Up Movement adjacent to a character you are already
ENGAGED with doesn’t stop the movement.
A character can split up their voluntary The movement ending only happens when
movement with actions or attacks. For example, ENGAGED is applied.
a character with a SPEED of 6 can move 2
spaces, take an action, and then move 4 While a character is ENGAGED, they gain +1
spaces. DIF to all ranged attacks.

If a character can make multiple attacks with

one action, they can move in between each Teleportation
Teleportation is a special type of movement, that
allows for instant transportation between two

A character can teleport to any space they could Flying
normally enter. For example, a character that Flying is a special type of movement with the
can’t fly is unable to teleport to an empty space following rules:
in the air.
 A character that can fly can move up to
Teleportation does not require line of sight, a number of spaces equal to their speed
doesn’t provoke reactions, and ignores horizontally AND vertically when they
engagement. move.
Teleportation counts as movement, and always  All flying movement must be in a straight
counts as moving 1 space, regardless of the line. New instances of movement can
change directions, but splitting up a
distance traveled. IMMOBILIZED characters
movement must follow the original path.
can’t teleport, since they can’t take any
 A flying character must move at least 1
space or fall.
If a character tries to teleport into a space they  Flying characters are immune to
can’t occupy, the teleport fails and the action is PRONE.
lost.  Flying characters immediately fall if they
Difficult Terrain are otherwise unable to move.
Difficult terrain is any type of terrain that slows  Flying characters that take a WOUND or
movement, like mud or thick grass. OVERSTRESS must pass an AGI check
or begin falling.
Difficult terrain costs twice the movement speed
 Flying characters can’t carry characters
to enter and move through, so it typically costs 2 or objects larger than size ½.
spaces of movement to enter or move through 1
space of difficult terrain. Leaving difficult terrain The Ceiling
doesn’t increase the movement cost, only Flying characters can’t fly more than 10 spaces
entering a space of difficult terrain. above a surface and still contribute to a battle. If
Dangerous Terrain a character has taken any actions in a turn, they
can’t go above this height. If they do go above
Dangerous terrain is any type of terrain that can
this height, the only actions they can take are
cause damage, like lava or thorns.
their standard movement and RUSH, and they
Characters that enter dangerous terrain for the can’t take any reactions. They can’t take any
first time in a turn or start their turn within it must other actions or reactions until they start a turn
make an ability check, typically AGI. On a under the 10-space ceiling.
failure, they take 5 damage of a type determined
by the GM. This can include Stress or DOT. A Hovering
character only makes this check 1/round.
Hovering is a type of flight with the following
Falling changes:
Falling from a large enough height might cause  Hovering characters don’t need to move
damage. in a straight line when they fly.
Characters that fall 3 or more spaces take falling  Hovering characters don’t need to move
damage. The amount of damage taken is equal at least 1 space during their turn or
to the spaces fallen, and the damage is AP begin falling.
physical. A character that falls 1 or 2 spaces Swimming
takes no falling damage.
Deep enough bodies of liquid can count as
Characters fall at a rate of 10 spaces per round, difficult terrain. If water is deep enough for a
which is the ceiling cap of most maps. character to submerge under (the depth of the
water equals or exceeds a character’s size),
they gain soft cover while within it, but have +1
DIF on all attacks, checks, and saves while
within it.
Unless a combat takes place entirely
underwater, the depth of a body of water isn’t Environmental
calculated except for determining if it grants soft
cover. Factors
Underwater or Zero Gravity Environmental factors alter combat scenes.
Some might apply to the entire combat scene,
Combat encounters that take place completely
while others might affect smaller zones, like
underwater treat every character as flying.
individual traps.
However, unless they have an ability to swim or
fly, they are SLOWED. Characters in these Here are some common environmental factors.
combat environments can’t fall.
Darkness affects how far characters can see,
Character can jump when they take their and makes it easier to HIDE. Darkness generally
standard movement (if they are capable of applies to an entire combat scene, but could
jumping). A character can make either a high apply to specific zones. Darkness has the
jump or a long jump. If a character ends their following effects.
jump in the air, they begin falling (unless they
 Characters can ignore any of the
can fly). prerequisites for taking the HIDE action.
 Scope and weapon ranges are reduced
High Jump by half. Reach and area of effect zones
Characters can jump a number of spaces are not affected.
vertically up to their size, and up to 1 space Difficult / Dangerous Terrain
See page xxx for detailed information on difficult
Long Jump and dangerous terrain. A summary is provided
Characters can jump a number of spaces
horizontally up to half their speed, ignoring  Difficult Terrain. Entering a space of
ground-based obstacles and objects that can be difficult terrain costs 2 movement,
jumped over, like pits or certain types of instead of one.
dangerous terrain.  Dangerous Terrain. Characters that
enter dangerous terrain for the first time
Climbing in a turn or start their turn within it must
Climbing is considered moving over difficult pass an ability check or take 5 damage
terrain, and costs twice the normal movement to of a type determined by the GM. This
can include Stress or DOT.
enter a space while climbing.
Squeezing Locks

Characters can fit in spaces smaller than them Doors, gates, and treasure chests can all be
by squeezing. A character can fit in open spaces locked. An entrance like a door that is locked
smaller than them, but treat the area as difficult can’t be moved through. Chests or other objects
terrain when doing so. that are locked can’t be accessed. Unlocking
something requires a successful AGI check as a
quick action.

adjacent to a trap, it activates.
Characters leaving an adjacent space
Low Gravity don’t trigger the trap. Traps are
Low gravity environments or zones have the HIDDEN, but can be detected with the
following effects: SEARCH action. A detected trap can be
disarmed as a Quick Action when
 Falling damage is reduced by half. moving adjacent to one by passing an
 Jumping distances are doubled. AGI check. On a failure, the trap
activates as normal.

Mana Zones
Why do traps trigger when
Mana zones either apply to an entire combat adjacent, instead of only when you
scene or are specific, smaller zones. Mana are on their space?
zones affect the cost of spells, depending on the
type of zone they are. There are two types of If a trap only triggered when a
mana zones: character moved over their space,
they would be much easier to avoid. I
 Mana Field. A mana field reduces the don’t see the trap as being EXACTLY
mana cost of all spells cast within the in that one space. Instead, I see it as
zone by -1, to a minimum of 0. the trap is hidden within an area, and
 Mana Void. A mana void increases the moving adjacent, instead of directly on
mana cost of all spells cast within the it, reveals where the trap was, and
zone by +1. This applies to spells that what its effect is.
normally have a mana cost of 0.


Traps are interactable objects in a combat Underwater / Zero Gravity

scene. Traps have the TRAP tag, which is Combat encounters that take place completely
reproduced below. When using generic, non- underwater treat every character as flying.
NPC or PC specific traps, you can use the However, unless they have an ability to swim or
following guidelines: fly, they are SLOWED. Characters in these
 Damage. Triggering character takes combat environments can’t fall.
[6/8/10] damage.
 Damage, Area. When triggered, creates
a Burst 1 zone. All characters in the Water
area must make an ability save, taking
Deep enough bodies of liquid can count as
[6/8/10] damage on a failure, or half
difficult terrain. If water is deep enough for a
damage on a success.
character to submerge under (the depth of the
 Condition. The triggering character
water equals or exceeds a character’s size),
gains a condition based on the type of
they gain soft cover while within it, but have +1
DIF on all attacks, checks, and saves while
BLINDED are common conditions.
within it.
 Condition, Area. When triggered,
creates a Burst 1 zone. All characters in
the area must make an ability save,
gaining a condition on a failure.
 TRAP TAG: Items or abilities with this
tag can be placed in an empty adjacent
space. When a character moves

Damage over time, or DOT, changes the way
that damage is normally taken. A DOT is a
damage or stress source that continues to apply
its damage or stress every round.
Whenever a character takes a DOT, they take
the damage or stress immediately, and it is
considered armor piercing (AP). At the end of
each turn while they have a DOT, the character
makes a save depending on the type of DOT,
which will indicate which save is needed. If the
save is successful, all DOT is cleared from
them. If they fail, they take the damage from the
DOT, which is always armor piercing.
DOT effects stack. For example, if you have 2
DOT physical, and gain another 2 DOT Physical,
you have a total of 4 DOT Physical.
An example of DOT would be: 4 DOT physical
DOTs only stack if they use the same save. If
Damage you are subject to multiple DOTs that use
different saves, you make saves against them
separately. For example, if you have 1 DOT
Damage Astral (AGI) and 3 DOT Physical (BLK), you
There are Four main types of damage: would make two saves at the end of your turn.
Once for AGI, and once for BLK.
 Physical
 Force
 Astral
 Lunar
Physical: Represents slashing, bludgeoning, Here’s an alternate way to handle
piercing, and similar types of damage. Damage Over Time to make
Force: Explosions and pure arcane energy are gameplay faster:
considered force damage.  One Save: Instead of making
Astral: Elemental damage that can be multiple DOT saves, you only
associated with the heat, light, or energy of the make one save at the end of
stars. Fire, light, and electricity are commonly your turn against the highest
associated with the Astral. source of DOT. If you
succeed, you clear all DOT,
Lunar: Elemental damage that can be regardless of the save. If you
associated with the cold, darkness, or stillness fail, you take all of the DOT,
of the moon. Ice, dark, and toxic damages are regardless of the save. This is
commonly associated with the Lunar. useful if a character is subject
to multiple sources of DOT
that take time to resolve.
Damage Over Time (DOT)

Special Damage: Stress Armor, Resistance, and Immunity
There are two special types of damage, stress Armor reduces incoming damage from physical,
and Damage Over Time (DOT). An effect that astral, lunar, and force damage by the indicated
modifies damage does not modify these two value from a single source. For example, an
special damage types unless specified. armor of 2 would reduce physical damage taken
from an attack by 2. Armor does NOT apply to
stress or DOT.
Stress is a special type of harm that doesn’t
Resistance halves the damage taken from the
count as “damage”, and doesn’t affect a
indicated damage type or stress (rounded
character’s HP.
down). Resistance applies to DOT as well. If you
Stress ignores armor. Instead of subtracting have 2 DOT astral (AGI), and have resistance to
from your HP, stress is accumulated up to your astral damage, you would only take 1 DOT
stress cap. If you exceed your stress cap, you astral instead of 2.
become overstressed.
Immunity means you do not take the damage or
If a character doesn’t have a stress cap (like stress from whatever you have immunity to. You
summons), they instead take force damage can have immunity to any damage type or
equal to the stress. stress.
An effect that modifies damage doesn’t modify Order of Damage
stress unless otherwise indicated. Taking stress
To determine the final amount of damage taken
doesn’t count as taking damage.
by a character, after all forms of armor and other
mitigation, use the following steps in order.
Bonus Damage 1. Damage is rolled.
2. Reductions or increases to damage
Bonus damage is extra damage that is added to
from conditions or statuses, like
existing damage (not a separate source of
damage). Bonus damage is only applied to 3. Reduce damage by armor
successful attacks or abilities that deal 4. Reductions from the target like
damage. Bonus damage can only be Physical, RESISTANCE apply next.
Astral, Lunar, or Force damage (not stress or 5. The remaining damage (rounded up) is
DOT). If something deals bonus damage, the taken by the target.
damage is of the same type as the underlying,
normal damage, unless otherwise indicated. If
the normal damage has multiple types, like Conditions & Status
Physical and Lunar, the attacker picks one. Conditions and status are effects that are
Effects that target more than one character, like applied to characters.
AOE attacks, deal half bonus damage to targets. Conditions are generally negative effects. Most
Notably, this applies only if there was more than conditions indicate when their effect ends, like
one target, not if there COULD be multiple “until the end of the target’s next turn.”
targets. If you attack with a Blast 1 explosion Conditions can be cleared through certain
and only have one target in the AOE, they take effects, like RECOVER.
the full bonus damage. If there were two targets,
the bonus damage is halved. Statuses are states that describe a character,
and may be positive or negative. Statuses can’t
When fighting with a linked weapon (like be removed unless specific actions or taken, or
LIGHT∞LIGHT), bonus damage is only applied their requirements no longer apply.
to the first hit.

Condition you, your movement ends and you lose
 Blinded: BLINDED characters can only any unused movement.
draw line of sight to adjacent spaces.  Grappled: Grapples happen between
 Dazed: DAZED characters have +1 DIF two or more characters. All grappled
on attacks, checks, and saves. characters are ENGAGED with each
 Disabled: DISABLED characters can’t other. GRAPPLED characters can’t take
make attacks or cast spells. reactions. The larger character in the
 Disarmed: DISARMED characters can’t grapple can move normally, and drag
make weapon attacks except for the smaller characters with them. The
improvised attacks. smaller characters in a grapple can’t use
 Sundered: SUNDERED characters their movement. If a character is the
can’t benefit from armor or resistance. same size or smaller than the opposing
 Immobilized: IMMOBILIZED characters character in the grapple, they can make
can’t take any movement, but can still an opposed BULK check during their
be subjected to forced movement. turn as a Quick Action to be considered
 Marked: When a MARKED character is the larger character during that turn on a
attacked, the attacker can choose to success. The GRAPPLED status ends
consume the mark, removing it to gain when the characters are no longer
+1 ACC on that attack. A character can adjacent to each other, the initiator ends
only have one mark at a time. the grapple as a free action, or if the
 Silenced: SILENCED characters can’t target of the grapple succeeds on an
use spells. opposed BULK check as a BRAWL
 Slowed: SLOWED characters can only action.
move with their standard movement,  Hidden: HIDDEN characters can’t be
can’t RUSH, and their turns happen targeted by hostile attacks or actions
during PHASE 8: DELAY. unless they have an area of effect, and
 Stunned: STUNNED characters can’t they don’t cause ENGAGEMENT. If a
SURGE, move, or take any actions HIDDEN character attacks, forces a
including free actions. Their DODGE save, or targets a character with a
and A-DEF become 5, and they hostile effect, their HIDDEN status is
automatically fail any BULK and removed after the action resolves.
AGILITY checks and saves. Their turns HIDDEN can be removed by the
happen during PHASE 8: DELAY. SEARCH action, if the cover allowing for
the HIDDEN status is destroyed, or if a
 Vulnerable: VULNERABLE characters
hostile character can draw line of sight
take double damage from physical,
to the HIDDEN character.
astral, lunar, and force damage. Stress
Hidden characters can still be seen by
and DOT are not doubled.
players during combat.
 Weakened: WEAKENED characters
 Invisible: Attacks against INVISIBLE
deal ½ damage (rounded up).
characters have a 50% miss chance.
Status INVISIBLE characters can always HIDE,
 Bloodied: BLOODIED characters are at even if they’re not in cover.
half of their HP maximum or less.  Prone: Attacks against PRONE targets
 Breaking: BREAKING characters are at have +1 ACC. A PRONE character
half of their Stress cap or more. counts all movement as difficult
 Engaged: Characters that move terrain. A PRONE character can stand
adjacent to a hostile character are instead of taking their standard
ENGAGED while adjacent to each movement, unless they are
other. Ranged attacks made while IMMOBILIZED. Standing doesn’t count
engaged gain +1 DIF. If you become as a form of movement.
ENGAGED by a character larger than

make a wound check, and resets their HP to
Wounds and full. Any remaining damage is carried over.
Overstress When a character’s wounds equal their wound
cap, they are defeated.
Characters can become wounded or overstress
in combat. The more wounds or overstress they When a character takes a wound, they make a
accumulate, the more likely they are to be wound check. Roll 1d6 per wounds taken,
defeated. including the wound just taken. Choose the
lowest result.
Player characters have a Wound Cap of 4.
When a character 0 HP, they take 1 wound,
1 Wound 2 Wound 3 Wound 4 Wound
Die Roll Die Roll Die Roll Die Roll Description
4-6 5-6 6 You are DAZED until the end of your
next turn.
1-3 2-4 3-5 Roll 1d6. On a 1-3, one of your
weapons is destroyed. On a 4-6, one
of your support items is destroyed. If
there are no valid options remaining,
this becomes the next option below.
Items or abilities with the
charges remaining are not valid
options. If there are no valid options
in one category, use the other
category (weapon/support).
1 1-2 You are STUNNED until the end of
your next turn.
1-6 You are Defeated

Overstressed When a character’s overstress equals their
Player characters have an Overstress Cap of 4. overstress threshold, they are defeated.
When they take stress damage, it accumulates When a character exceeds their stress cap, they
until it exceeds their stress cap. When this make an Overstressed check. Roll 1d6 per
happens, they gain an overstress. They then overstress taken, including the overstress just
clear stress equal to their Stress Cap. If this taken. Choose the lowest result.
leaves them over their stress cap again, they
gain another overstress.
1 Overstress 2 Overstress 3 Overstress 4 Overstress
Die Roll Die Roll Die Roll Die Roll Description
4-6 5-6 6 You are DAZED until the end of your
next turn.
1-3 2-4 3-5 Roll 1d6. On a 1-3, become
unfocused and unequip one of your
techniques. On a 4-6, you become
WEAKENED until the end of your
next turn. Techniques with the
charges remaining are not valid
options. If there are no valid
techniques, this becomes the next
option below.
1 1-2 You are VULNERABLE until cleared.
1-6 You are Defeated

A defeated character is unable to contribute to a
scene. The character may be unconscious,
fleeing, or hopeless.
When a player character is defeated, they can
narrate how they are defeated. They are then
removed from play and unable to directly
contribute to the scene, but can still take
narrative actions.
NPCs are typically killed or knocked
unconscious when defeated, chosen by the
character that defeated them. The GM can
choose a different option for an NPC, but they
can’t kill an NPC that a PC wanted to keep alive,
unless the player gives permission to the GM for
the change.

Long Rest
Resting A long rest is an extended period of rest and
Resting allows characters to heal, recover recovery, typically between missions. A long rest
resources, and swap equipment. must be long enough for characters to sleep,
There are two types of rests: short rests and eat, and repair equipment.
long rests. During gameplay, the GM will Characters always benefit from a long rest at
determine when characters are able to take some point between missions. During long
rests. Players can’t declare they are taking missions, there might be time for a long rest, but
rests unless the GM allows it. that is for the GM to decide.
When an ability references a rest, it applies on During a long rest, characters do the following:
either short or long rests.
 Reset to their normal values (full HP,
Short Rest Mana, no stress/conditions, etc.)
A short rest is taken during a quest, and only  Can change their class
requires the characters to take a few moments  Can change their loadout
to catch their breath. Generally, short rests are (equipment/techniques)
available between combat scenes.  Can change their Ancestry trait

During a short rest, characters do the following:

 Clear all stress.
 Regain all mana.
 Remove all conditions, statuses, and
effects (except for bloodied/breaking
point, if still applicable).

They can also spend Recoveries for the

 1 Recovery: Regain all HP.
 1 Recovery: Regain a destroyed or
forgotten equipment or technique.
 2 Recovery: Remove 1 WOUND or
 2 Recovery: Reduce your SURGE level
by 1.
 2 Recovery: Change your equipped
Recoveries remain at their current
values unless the new class’s maximum
is lower, at which point they are reduced
to their maximum. If the new class
doesn’t have space for the current
weapons, support items, or techniques,
you must unequip items and techniques
until they fit.

08 Character Options
This section documents all the player choices, such as Ancestry, Talents, Classes, and Equipment.
Using Ancestry in Settings
Not every ancestry will be used in every setting.
Ancestry Some settings only feature humans, while others
have a limited number of ancestries
A character’s ancestry represents their species represented.
or unique grouping. Within the game of Beacon,
ancestry just determines a beacon’s size and a Just because an ancestry doesn’t exist in a
special ancestry ability they can choose. setting, doesn’t necessarily mean it still can’t be
used mechanically. In an all-human setting, for
In narrative play, an ancestry can provide example, there are huge variances between
whatever abilities or powers work with your people. Maybe your human with the goblin
setting. For examples, elves might be immortal, ancestry is a small teen, or a group of kids in a
and machina don’t need to eat or sleep. Those trench coat (Swarm trait). A human with the
are flavorful abilities that impact narrative play, avian ancestry could have a magic item that
but don’t affect combat play unless you pick an allows them to fly, or built a jetpack.
ability that says otherwise.
Overall, an ancestry is a set of mechanical
Half Ancestry bonuses for combat play, and it’s an important
Some characters might have more than one part of the game. Just because there isn’t a
ancestry, representing two different ancestries in species in the setting that matches the ancestry,
their history. doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be used. Beacon is a
game about choices, and severely restricting the
Such a character still picks an ancestry and an
ancestry choices for combat play takes away
ancestry ability as normal, but they might have
that part of the system.
narrative abilities from the other ancestry.
In summary:
Additionally, if a GM is willing, they can allow a
character to take the size of one ancestry, and  Ancestry does not have to equal
create a list of four ancestry abilities (two taken species.
from each ancestry) as their pool of potential  Ancestry and Ancestry Traits only have
ancestry abilities. mechanical impact on combat play.
 Don’t overly limit the ancestries players
Even if a GM doesn’t allow mixing ancestry can choose for combat play.
abilities, a character is still allowed to have traits  Your setting can have as many or as
or features from multiple ancestries for narrative few ancestries as you want.
Custom Ancestry
You can easily create your own ancestry by
choosing a size between ½ and 3, and creating
a pool of any 4 existing ancestry traits.

Avian but no wings. These celestos find life among the
mountaintops hard, as their homes weren’t designed
for the flightless. These wingless celestos usually
leave their homes to find a more suitable life among
the other flightless civilizations, or take up defensive
or supportive roles.

Flightless Celestos
If you want to play a flightless celestos,
you can either use the Orc ancestry, or
switch out the avian FLIGHT trait with a
trait from the Orc ancestry.

When you choose the Avian ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.
Avians are a bird-like people, with physical FLIGHT
characteristics that can look like any type of flying
creature. Not every avian can fly, and some are You can fly, but you take 1 stress at the end of a
completely wingless. turn in which you do so.

 What sort of bird or flying creature do your

people look similar to?
 Where do your people live and what kind of
environment does it have? 1/round you gain +1 ACC on a melee attack roll if
 What type of food do your people eat, and the target has one of your allies adjacent to them.
what is a delicacy to your people?
 Are avians without wings or flying capability
treated differently than those that do?
Example Shard: Garuda
[Reaction, 1/scene] Trigger: You take damage or
Name: Celestos stress from an attack action. Effect: You slide up to
The celestos of Shard: Garuda live atop the highest your speed.
mountains, where they are bathed in radiant energy
from the sky. Because of this, they are able to better
control these energies, and grow resistant to them. GUST
Celestos culture places great emphasis on wings, [SKIRMISH] Characters in a Line 5 area must pass
and those that are born with additional sets of wings a BLK save or take [1d6 force]. This is a spell
are seen as people with great potential. Two wings attack.
are the most common, with four wings being rare,
and six or more wings being almost unheard of.
Alternatively, some celestos are born with a mutation
that causes them to grow an additional pair of arms,

Dragonborn are people with draconic traits like SKIRMISH [Cone 3] [1d6 Astral or Lunar]
scales, tails, or wings. The physical characteristics of
dragonborn depend greatly on the setting and how You breath dragonfire in a cone as a Weapon
dragons are represented. Attack. This attack cannot be DISARMED or
DISABLED. Choose whether it deals Astral or Lunar
 What is a threat that humans face that is damage when you select this trait.
only an inconvenience to your people?
 What do your people think of dragons, or
what is their relationship to dragons?
 Are dragonborn associated with one
element or many, and what element are You gain either astral or lunar resistance.
your people associated with?
 What monument or building of your people
has endured through multiple disasters?
Example Shard: Io
Name: Drakhal When you take the RECOVER action, you regain
1d6 HP before choosing any other effects.
The drakhal of Shard: Io primarily dwell in volcanic
regions, which run the gambit from barren
wastelands to tropical islands teeming with life.
The most powerful groups of drakhal are those in
possession of an ancient dragon egg. Each egg is You can fly, but you take 1 stress at the end of a
massive, and must be incubated inside the turn in which you do so.
temperatures of an active volcano. Each group of
drakhal believe they are the inheritors of that specific
dragon’s legacy, which explains the physical
differences between each group of drakhal. Some
have tails, some have wings, some have few scales,
Each of the growing dragons is already named, like
Bahamut, Phoenix, and Nidhogg. The drakhal
believe that when their dragon hatches, it will
change the world in their favor. One dragon might
destroy all enemies of their drakhal, while another
might bring prosperity and bountiful harvests across
the world. Once the dragon has changed the world,
it returns to its lair, where a new shell forms around
it, and it waits until its next hatching.
These ancient dragons rarely awaken, and each at
their own pace. It is likely, due to the cyclical nature
of these dragons, that one (or more) of them is the
Scourge of Shard: Io.
When you choose the dragonborn ancestry, you
gain the following statistics:
 Size: 2
Choose one of the following traits.

Dwarf exploring and meeting each other through
discovered tunnels both natural and made by
unknown forces. However, danger lurks in the
depths, beyond old tunnels long abandoned.
Monsters, creatures of chaos lurk in the depths, and
surge their way upward. Every civilization moves
ever upward, trying to stay ahead of the Scourge
Beneath. The dwarves have excelled at this, moving
upward while maintaining strongholds to hold back
the Scourge, but no matter what they do, the
darkness always advances…
When you choose the dwarf ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.


Your Speed isn’t reduced by support items with the

[armor] tag.


You have resistance to lunar damage and +1 ACC

on BLK saves.

Dwarves are commonly depicted as shorter-than-

human, stocky people. They are known for their UNYIELDING
mental and physical fortitude.
1/encounter you can RECOVER as a free action.
 What great work of art or construction did
your people make?
 What do your people value, that others
envy? STURDY
 What type of actions do your people
respect? When you would be forcibly moved, such as from
 What is something your people lost, and can push, pull, or slide, you can move one space less
it be reclaimed? than normal. If this reduces the forced movement to
0, the movement doesn’t happen.
Example Shard: Umbra
The dwarves of Shard: Umbra are in a constant race
upward, fleeing the ever-encroaching darkness from
There is no surface in this shard, or at least none
discovered. The sky is stone, and it never runs out.
The dwarves and other people of this shard live
comfortably on whatever levels they carve out,
Elemental In this shard, two important individuals are always
born or created within a few years of each other:
The Weaver and the Cultivator.
The Weaver can manipulate multiple elements, and
seeks to unify the elemental nations under one
banner, and one element.
The Cultivator seeks to keep each of the nations and
elements separate, and to grow them individually.
The Weaver and Cultivator are always in conflict
with each other, as their purpose and philosophies
are opposed. Each approach has pros and cons,
and each individual firmly believes in their role.
To complicate matters, each cycle either the Weaver
or Cultivator is the Scourge, and there appears to
be no pattern as to which one it is.
When you choose the Elemental ancestry, you gain
the following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.

You gain either astral or lunar resistance.


As a Reaction when you are hit by an attack roll by

an adjacent enemy, you can spend 1 mana to deal
1d3 Astral or Lunar damage to them (chosen when
this trait is selected).

Elementals are people with a strong connection to a ELEMENTAL NOVA

specific element, like fire or water. They can either
[BRAWL] Make a burst 1 spell attack centered on
have bodies fully made of the element, or just yourself, dealing 1d6 astral or lunar damage
features like burning hair. (chosen when this trait is selected) on a hit.
 What element are you associated with?
 Where do elementals of your elemental
association come from?
 What are the offspring of elementals from
When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you
different elementals like? gain Hard Cover until the start of your next turn.
 What emotion do your people value?

Example Shard: Convergence

The elementals of Shard: Convergence live in
separate nations, each with their own unique culture.

Elf painful lessons when adapting to life on this new
planet, but things have started to become more
The elves of this shard absorb magical energy into
their bodies throughout their life, gaining physical
characteristics based on the type of magic they
experience. Elves with an abundance of primal
magic might grow leafy tattoos, and those with an
abundance of arcane magic might gain glowing
eyes. Divine magic, however, did not exist on the
planet Fey. The youngest generations of elves are
starting to exhibit new traits from this alien type of
When you choose the elf ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.


1/encounter you can roll an extra d20 when making

an attack roll, using either result. Any rerolls allow
you to reroll both dice.

Elves are traditionally depicted as long-lived or
immortal people with pointy ears. You ignore the movement penalties of difficult
 How long can your people live for?
 What type of magic or creations are your
people known for?
 What kind of skill or art do you wish you
were better at? +1 speed
 What tradition do your people follow that you
feel is outdated?

Shard: Moontouched
The elves of Shard: Moontouched hail from a distant
planet called Fey. The planet was destroyed and 1/encounter, you can teleport 5 spaces as a free
shattered by a cataclysm. The inhabitants fled action.
through teleportation magics and flying cities, hurling
themselves through space in the hope of finding
Many elves came to a planet filled with powerful
civilizations, an abundance of magical energy, and a
moon with an uneven orbit. There have been many

Gigan people of this shard have gathered their power and
resources to create weapon platforms called Anti-
Titan Suits, or ATS. The ATS are strong enough to
fend off the titans, but are too large to be used by
anyone but the gigan.
Whenever a titan appears, a gigan pilot with a
dedicated support team must don their ATS and do
battle. Their support team either keeps the ATS
functional, or directly fights in the field.
The Scourge of this shard is a unique titan that
threatens the stability of society and pushes the
gigan and their ATS to the limit.
When you choose the Gigan ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 2
Choose one of the following traits.

One support slot increases by one size (LIGHT to



1/encounter as a free action, gain resistance to all

damage until the end of your next turn.


1/encounter you can ignore the SLOW tag on a

The gigan are usually the tallest people in any
setting, and are commonly called half-giants. The
features of gigans depend on the role of true giants
in the same setting.
 What are giants like? What type of giants You gain either astral or lunar resistance.
are your people most similar to?
 What creatures do your people fear or
 What do your people think of the smaller
 What food is a staple or delicacy for your
people, that others find off-putting?
Example Shard: Titan
Giant monsters roam this shard, the titans,
destroying cities and empires in their rampage. The

Gnome The maji of Shard: Conduit led the most powerful
civilization on the shard for centuries, propelling the
world with their technological innovations. Then they
messed it all up with one cataclysmic mistake.
Either through hubris, oversight, or ignorance, the
maji unleashed what was to be their greatest
achievement, only to have it backfire. They were the
But the shard and the maji survived. Now they want
to either fix their mistake, or fix the world they ruined.
Can they make amends, or will others even let
them? And can they do so before the next Scourge
When you choose the Gnome ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1/2
Choose one of the following traits.

You can start each combat scene HIDDEN.


[REACTION, 1/scene] Trigger: You are targeted by

an attack. Effect: You become INVISIBLE after the
action until the end of your next turn.


You can move through the space of hostile

characters that are larger than you.
Gnomes are a short people often depicted with an
appreciation for technology or nature.
 What have you made or done that you are
most proud of?
Quick: 1/scene, you create a summoned toy within
 What types of skills or professions do your Scope. Allies making an attack roll against a
people value? character adjacent to your summon gain +1 ACC on
 How do your people defend themselves the attack. (Size ½, 5 HP, evasion/a-def of 10).
against larger threats?
 What is the most dangerous thing your
people have done?
Example Shard: Conduit
Name: Maji

Goblin The 3rd form is the bugbear, which is even stronger
and begins to develop wildly varied appearances like
fur, extra arms, or a thick hide.
The exact reasoning for why only some goblins go
through metamorphosis, and only some of the
stages, is unknown. The leading theory is that it’s a
genetic mutation.
There is rumored to be a stage of metamorphosis
above bugbear, called an urgoblin. There have been
no recorded cases of an urgoblin, but if it is stronger
than the bugbear stage, it must be incredibly
When you choose the Goblin ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1/2
Choose one of the following traits.

When a melee attack misses you, you can slide 1

space if you aren’t IMMOBILIZED.


Your Size becomes 2, but you can still benefit from

Size 1 or larger cover. You have resistance to
physical damage, but are always VULNERABLE to
force damage. Each recovery can represent a
goblin in your swarm.
Goblins are a short people, often depicted with
shorter-than-human lifespans. In many settings they
are viewed as ‘monsters’, although that’s usually NIMBLE ESCAPE
because those settings want cannon-fodder for
heroes to murder. Hopefully you’ll do better than that 1/scene you can RUSH as a free action.
in your setting.
 How do your people approach or view their
short lifespans? BITE
 What do your people have a deep-seated
fear of? You deal [1 physical] AP at the start of your turn to
 What do your people use for transportation? any character grappling or grappled by you unless
 How many siblings do you have? you are STUNNED.
Example Shard: Moontouched
Goblins on Shard: Moontouched can undergo
sudden metamorphosis, rapidly changing their size
and abilities. The most common and starting form is
goblin, which is also the smallest. Hobgoblins are
the 2nd stage, where they grow in size and strength.
Halfling hospitality chains, branding their establishments like
“Rin’s Roadstop.”
When you choose the Halfling ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1/2
Choose one of the following traits.

[REACTION, 1/scene] Trigger: You are hit by an

attack roll. Effect: You force the attacker to reroll
the attack roll, using the 2nd result.


Reaction attack rolls against you have +1 DIF.


When you SURGE, you gain +1 ACC on an attack

roll, check, or save caused by the SURGE action.

Halflings are a short people, typically depicted with a TUMBLE

strong will and friendly demeanor.
You can move through the space of hostile
 What did your people do that other people characters that are larger than you.
 How comfortable is the world to someone of
your size?
 What is something your people refuse to let
go of?
 What do your people think of the taller
Example Shard: Rhombus
Name: Ruppit
On Shard: Rhombus, the ruppit set up small
hospitality stations alongside long, dangerous roads.
These ruppits value service to others, and happily
create establishments in dangerous areas. Many a
traveler has been saved by an unlikely but much
needed Ruppit inn.
No matter where in the world, whether in the desert
or tundra, you’ll find a ruppit hospitality
establishment. Some ruppits have even set up

Human Mechanics
When you choose the Human ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.

You gain +1 ACC on all saves.


Whenever you make a WOUND or OVERSTRESS

check, you can reroll the dice 1/encounter, taking
either result.


You gain +3 HP


1/scene you can SURGE without increasing the

SURGE cost.

You are, presumably, a human.

 What type of clothing or fashion do your
people wear?
 How widespread are human cultures?
 What type of weapon is associated with your
 What spell did your people invent?
Example Shard: Nimbus
Name: Hyul
The Scourge poisoned the land, so the hyul and
other survivors of Shard: Nimbus created flying
airships, capable of supporting hundreds of people.
Everyone now lives in the skies, only venturing to
the surface to scavenge tech and supplies, wearing
special suits to avoid breathing the poisonous
While society tries to survive, the Scourge plans its
next move below…

gain +1 ACC on checks to disable them.
Kobolds are a short people, typically depicted with
lizard-like or dragon-like features.
 What sort of craftsmanship are your people EVASIVE
highly regarded in?
 What type of environment did you grow up Cone, line, blast, and burst attack rolls against you
gain +1 DIF.
 What is or was the family business?
 What is your favorite thing you’ve ever
Example Shard: Keystone
Name: Drik
When Shard: Keystone was fractured, the drik held it
together. Piece by piece, they were able to pull
fragments of the shard together with chains, bolts,
and glue. Now the drik maintain their world, keeping
everything running as best as they can for the
survivors of their shard.
When you choose the Kobold ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1/2
Choose one of the following traits.

You gain an array of traps as a support item, with

the [Consumable 2] tag, that doesn’t take up a
support slot. As a Quick Action, you can use one
of the following traps.
 Snare Trap. Triggering character must
succeed on an AGI save or be
IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next
 Explosive Trap. [Burst 1] Characters take
[1d6+3 force]
 Paint Marker. [Burst 1] Characters in the
area are MARKED.


1/scene as a Quick Action, you can MARK all

adjacent enemies.


You don’t set off traps unless you want to, and you

Lycanthrope Tiger, Clan Crab, The Antler Kingdom, etc. Each
group of lycanthropes are guarded by a powerful
primal spirit, but it can only physically exist for short
periods of time.
The lycanthropes collect crystals, which can be
consumed as energy for summoning their primal
spirit. The lycanthropes seek to gather as many
crystals as possible, mining or stealing them as
needed. Some groups use their primal spirit for
defensive purposes, while others use it to
aggressively expand.
When you choose the Lycanthrope ancestry, you
gain the following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.

1/scene as a Quick Action, you manifest your

lycanthropic heritage. You gain 1d3 PARRY.


1/round you gain +1 ACC on a melee attack roll if

the target has one of your allies adjacent to them.


As a Quick Action, you assume a small sneaky

Lycanthropes are people who have the ability to form. Your size becomes ½ if it was larger and you
can HIDE as a free action 1/round. You can’t cast
assume an animal form and their normal form, and
spells or make attacks in this form. You can revert
sometimes a hybrid form. Some lycanthropes have to your normal form as a Quick Action. You can
the ability to do this naturally, and sometimes only benefit from one form at a time.
lycanthropy is a disease or curse.
 What other ancestry are your people
descended from, or is it a mix?
 What parts of your personality does your 1/round as a Quick Action, you assume a travel
animal form enhance? form. Your speed increases by +2, but you can’t
 Do your people primarily have the same cast spells or make attacks. You can revert to your
strain of lycanthropy, or can you each normal form as a Quick Action. You can only
assume different animal forms? benefit from one form at a time.
 Which form feels most comfortable to you,
and which one do your people primarily

Example Shard: Enkidu

The lycanthropes of Shard: Enkidu are ordered by
the type of animal they can transform into. Tribe
Machina The procedure was a success and their people
survived, but their old ways of life were destroyed or
made irrelevant. Now calling themselves the beyo,
they have to decide what the next chapter of their
history looks like with their new bodies.
When you choose the Machina ancestry, you gain
the following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.

You have +1 ACC on saves against DOT.


You have +1 armor.


Pick astral or lunar damage. When you take that

damage, you gain +1 ACC on all attack rolls, saves,
and checks until the end of your next turn.


Pick one of your equipped weapons. This weapon

becomes integrated, and can be used even while
Machina are an artificial, robotic people. Whether
made from technology or magic, machina are now a
free-thinking people.
 Who or what made you?
 Were you made to fulfill a specific purpose?
 Do you have anyone you consider family?
 How long can you live for, and how long do
your memories last?
Example Shard: Luna
Name: Beyo
The machina of Shard: Luna were once living,
breathing creatures. When the Scourge threatened
to destroy their civilization, they leveraged their
scientific and magical skills to ensure they would
survive. They constructed artificial bodies and
transferred their consciousness into it.

Orc as individual bands of pirates, eventually brought
together by the charismatic pirate Captain
Broadsides in order to defeat one of the incarnations
of the Scourge.
After their victory, Captain Broadsides was able to
maintain control of the pirate fleets and earn
recognition as a sovereign nation.
When you choose the Orc ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 2
Choose one of the following traits.

1/scene when you become BLOODIED, gain 4 +

your GRIT temp HP.


When you RUSH to move gain, you can move +2



1/turn you can take 1d3 Stress to reroll all the dice
from one of your damage rolls.


You gain +1 ACC on BLK checks and saves.

Orcs are a tall people, typically portrayed as taller
and bulkier than humans. They sometimes have
tusks or horns, and have skin tones outside of the
human range, like green or grey.
 What was the greatest achievement by your
people that everyone knows about?
 What is a tradition your family or people
follow, and how do you feel about it?
 What emotion do you sometimes have
problems controlling?
 What is your favorite type of contest or
game to either watch or participate in?

Example Shard: Leviathan

Name: Mar’orc
The mar’orc of Shard: Leviathan control the largest
and most powerful naval fleet. Their origins began

Tiefling Example Shard: Diablos
Name: Azin
The azin of Shard: Diablos are one of the many
people that live on the Umbral Plane, but one of the
few that can easily cross into the Astral Plane.
Most azin will only make the journey with a strong
contract in place, a practice from a hard lesson
learned long ago.
Azin mercenaries, guards, and scouts are highly
sought after for their unfamiliar umbral powers,
which seem strange and frightening to those native
to the Astral Plane.
When you choose the Tiefling ancestry, you gain the
following statistics:
 Size: 1
Choose one of the following traits.

Gain +1 ACC on attacks against BLOODIED



You gain either astral or lunar resistance.

Tieflings are a people with infernal traits like horns,
tails, or cloven hooves. The amount and type of
infernal influence depends on the setting, but they
are often distant descendants with their own unique WRATH
Gain +1 ACC on attacks against a character if they
 What part of your people’s history do others hit you since the end of your last turn.
still hold against you, and are their feelings
 What good thing did you do that others FIENDISH WINGS
disbelieved or doubted your intentions for?
 What was a hard bargain your people had to You can fly, but you take 1 stress at the end of a
make? turn in which you do so.
 What place did your people use to live in but
now don’t, and why don’t they live there?

o Striker: Close to medium range
Class damage dealer.
Class provides the skills, items, and abilities that a o Support: A supportive role for their
allies, either healing, mitigating
beacon uses in combat.
damage, or enhancing their allies.
Each class has three levels, starting at level 1 and  Size: Provided by Ancestry
ending at level 3. Whenever a beacon gains a level,  Scope: Scope is the distance that certain
including at first level, they can pick a class level to abilities can be used, like CAST.
learn. Beacons learn classes in order, starting at  Armor: Provided by support items
level 1, then level 2, and finally mastering the class  Save: The target number a character has to
at level 3. meet or exceed when making a saving throw
this character forced.
A beacon can pick any class when they gain a level,
 Abilities: The starting values provided by
but start at level 1. this class. They are modified by your ability
A beacon can only play as one of their known scores.
classes at a time, but they have access to any of the  Traits: Abilities that are unique to that class
abilities and equipment they unlocked from their and are granted when you play as that
other classes and can equip them. class. If you change your class, you lose
access to the traits from your current class,
Class Breakdown and gain the traits of the new one.
Classes are broken down into the following:  Weapon Slots: The number and size of the
weapons you can equip when using this
 Role: Each class has a role that class.
summarizes how they act in combat.  Support Slots: The number and size of the
o Artillery: Long range damage support items you can equip when using this
dealer. class.
o Controller: Manipulate their foes or  Ultimate: The ultimate ability you have
the battlefield to gain an advantage. when using this class. An ultimate is a
o Defender: Protects their allies or powerful ability that can be used once per
draws attention to themselves. quest.


Defense oriented spellcaster focusing on shields. Puts up barriers and
shields to protect others or wall out foes.

An aegis is a defensive spellcaster, focusing on creating barriers and mitigating damage. Aegises rely on their
mana-efficiency to keep their barriers up for prolonged periods of time, and groups of them can maintain a
citywide barrier for the duration of a siege.
While the primary purpose of an aegis’ barriers is protection, they can also be used offensively. A well-placed
barrier can split a group of enemies, or cut off an avenue of attack. Aegises find themselves in high demand,
especially in militaristic organizations and cities. An aegis’ value is increased when there are people to protect, so
they are seldom alone.
Aegises use many methods to extend their mana capacity or lessen the cost of spells. Magical tattoos that act as
miniature leylines, mana batteries and potions, and arcane familiars are all used by different schools of aegises.
 What are your barriers made of, and how do they look?
 When did you fail to protect someone or something?
 What does it feel like when one of your barriers breaks?
 What is the longest one of your barriers has lasted for?

Abilities [SPELL] Reaction
Size: __ Armor: __ Trigger: You or character within Scope takes
Scope: 10 Save: 10 damage.
Effect: You move your Abjurer’s Ward onto the
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 7
character, which takes the damage instead. The
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 7
ward remains with them until you move it or the
AGILITY MAGIC end of the scene. A character can only have one
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 10 ward on them at a time.
Speed: 5 Mana: 5
The Aegis can spend Mana as if it were PARRY.
ABJURER’S WARD Perfect Shield
Ultimate, Free Action
The Aegis has a magical ward with 3+GRIT HP
which can be placed on other characters. When a You place an Abjurer’s Ward on every character of
warded character takes damage (after your choice within scope until the end of the scene.
armor/resistances), the ward takes the damage first, Spending mana to restore HP to a ward applies to
and the character takes any remaining damage. At one ward at a time. A character can only have one
the end of any character’s turn, the Aegis can spend ward on them at a time.
1 mana to restore the ward to its HP max if it is on a
character within Scope.
Whenever the Aegis RESTS, the ward is restored to
its HP max. Gain the Ward reaction.


Ablative Armor Aetheric Cube

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Defend, Parry X [SPELL] 1 MEM, Skirmish or Channel, Mana
One character within Scope gains armor equal to 1
the PARRY you spend using this ability. A Gain the following abilities:
character’s armor cannot exceed 4. Whenever the
character takes damage, their armor is reduced by Skirmish: Create 1 piece of Size 1 soft cover in an
1, to a minimum of its normal value. empty space within Scope.
Layers of magical armor provide temporary
protection, before being torn asunder. Release: Create up to 3 pieces of Size 1 hard
cover in empty spaces within Scope.

Coalesce raw aether into a physical form,

hard enough to provide cover and


Proximity Shield Offensive Shielding

1/turn as a Quick Action, you can spend 1 Parry Gain the following spell attacks:
or Mana to place a proximity shield in a space
within Scope. Any character standing on this space Shield Crush: [Aetheric] [2 Stress] On Hit: The
gains resistance to damage. You can only have 1 target is SUNDERED until the end of their next
proximity shield at a time. Any new proximity turn.
shields end the old one.
Quickly deploy a magictech disk, pre- Stasis Field: [Aetheric] [1 Stress] On Hit: The
infused with mana, which materializes a target must make a MGK save. On a failure, they
forcefield for anyone standing on it. are IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn,
or SLOWED on a success.

An Aegis’ shielding can be used

offensively, just as any shield can.
Being surrounded by shields is basically
being trapped in a room.


Dome Barrier
[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 3
Release: Create a Size 4 dome barrier within Force Shield
Scope. Characters fully inside gain soft cover from [SUPPORT] [Light]
attacks that originate outside it. The barrier has 20
HP. Whenever an attack misses a character When you DEFEND, your armor is increased by 1
inside, it deals damage to the barrier instead. until the start of your next turn, to a maximum of 4.

Alchemis t

A master of potions and consumables. Alchemists bring a wide array of
support items into combat, and can use their support items on allies.
Bubbling cauldrons, explosive concoctions, and brightly colored liquids are the telltale signs of an alchemist.
Alchemists mix together ingredients and magic to create powerful potions that can be used by anyone.
Merchant alchemist have a few recipes they can produce reliably, but Beacons are a step above. They have the
skill and knowledge to produce rarer and more varied effects that can’t be found in a potion shop.
Techniques from other classes can be flavored as alchemy. A fireball could be an explosive vial, and a healing
spell could be a healing potion. The unlocks from this class don’t have to be the only alchemy your beacon uses.
 What was your first concoction supposed to do, and what did it actually do?
 What is a signature element of your concoctions, like an ingredient, flavor, or effect?
 What type of ingredients do you prefer to use? Plants, monster parts, etc.
 What is the ultimate creation you want to perfect, but haven’t yet?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 5 Save: 11
HP: 7 Stress Cap: 7
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 5 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 10
Speed: 5 Mana: 3 LIGHT MAIN MAIN

As a Quick Action, the Alchemist can spend 1 of ULTIMATE
their recoveries to regain all uses of a
Philosopher Stone
CONSUMABLE technique or equipment.
Ultimate, Free Action
During your turn as a free action, you create a
philosopher’s stone and give it to yourself or an ally
The Alchemist’s CONSUMABLE techniques and within Scope. A creature that holds the stone gains
support items can be used up to [Range 10], even if +1 ACC on all attack rolls, saves, and checks. They
their effects would normally only benefit the user can use the stone as a free action to restore all of
(like Healing Potions). Willing targets are their HP or clear all stress, as a reaction to negate
automatically affected. one wound, or as a quick action to transfer it to
another ally within Scope. When the philosopher’s
stone is used in one of these ways, the stone
SANITIZING VAPORS transfers to another ally within [range 10]. Each
At the end of the Alchemist’s turn, an adjacent ally character can only receive the stone once. If it can’t
can clear 1 Stress. be transferred to anyone, it transfers back to you if
you haven’t received it. Otherwise, this effect ends.


Infusions Smoking Cauldron

[SUPPORT] [Light] Consumable 3, Quick [SKILL] 2 MEM [Channel, Mana 2, Summon]
You gain the following options: (Size ½, 5 HP, Dodge/A-Def 10).
 Panacea. You or an adjacent ally clears Release: You summon a smoking cauldron within
all DOT and a condition. Scope. It creates a [Blast 2] zone of fog centered
 Vigor. Your or an adjacent ally gains on itself. Characters fully inside the smoke have
1d6+1 temp HP and gains +1 ACC on soft cover, but can’t target characters outside of it.
their next ability check or save. The smoke disappears when the cauldron is


Scorpion Gauntlet Volatile Mixtures

[WEAPON] Main Magitech [SUPPORT] [Light] [Consumable 3, Quick]
[Reach 1] [2 DOT Lunar (BLK)]
Volatile Mixtures. You gain the following options:
On Crit: You regain 1 use of a CONSUMABLE  Explosive Concoction. [Thrown 5] When
technique or equipment. thrown, creates [Blast 1]. All targets in
area must pass an AGI save or take [1d6
 Sticky Bomb. [Thrown 5] Throw at a
target. On a hit, character is


accumulate. If, at the end of their next turn

Grand Infusions they are still at 0 HP or less or over their
[SUPPORT] [Main] Consumable 1, Quick stress cap, they then take the
You gain the following options usable on yourself
 Restore. The target clears one WOUND
or an adjacent ally:
 Cleanse. Clear all conditions from the
 Expertise. Roll 2d6. The target’s next
attack roll, check, or saving throw can’t be
below this number. You can spend 1 Mutagen
mana to reroll one of the dice. You can [SUPPORT] [Main] [Reaction, Consumable 3]
reroll multiple times. Trigger: You or a character within Scope fails an
 False Life. Until the end of the target’s attack roll, saving throw, or check.
next turn, if they are reduced to 0 HP or
Effect: Roll 1d6 and add the result to their total,
below, or are over their stress cap, they
potentially turning a failure into a success.
don’t take the WOUND/OVERSTRESS.
Damage and stress still continue to


A walking arsenal of weapons. Arsenals can summon new weapons at a
moment’s notice, surrounding themselves in a nimbus of steel.
An arsenal is a walking armory. They can infuse weapons with mana, creating a bond between themselves and
the weapon. The weapon can then be manipulated with mana, flying around at the arsenal’s command, or
diffusing into raw mana to be summoned at a later time.
Arsenals are dangerous opponents and hard to fight against. Fighting a single one can feel like fighting an entire
squad, their weapons changing as soon as you think you’re getting used to it.
 What is your favored weapon or weapon type, and why?
 How are you weapons summoned? Directly into your hand, floating around you, enlarged or shrunk, etc.?
 How would you describe your fighting style?
 What mythical weapon do you wish you could add to your arsenal?

Size: __ Armor: __ WEAPON SLOTS
Scope: 5 Save: 10
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 5 MAIN MAIN HEAVY
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 5
Dodge: 8
A-Def: 6
Speed: 6 Mana: 3
When you RECOVER, you can spend a recovery to Cycle Weapons
repair one of your or an adjacent ally’s destroyed Ultimate, Free Action
equipment. During a SHORT REST, you can use
your recoveries to repair the destroyed equipment of Repair all of your destroyed weapons. Make an
allies. attack with every weapon you have, including
SLOW weapons.


You gain the Break Away Weapon reaction.

Break Away Weapon

[SKILL] Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: You would take damage.
Effect: Spend 1-3 mana to roll a die and reduce
the damage taken by the rolled amount. 1 mana
rolls a d3, 2 mana rolls a d6, and 3 mana rolls 2d6.


Weapon for the Job [WEAPON] Light Blade
[SKILL] 1 MEM Melee Profile: [Reach 1] [1d3+1 Physical]
When you make an attack with a weapon, you can Gun Profile: [Range 5] [1d3 Lunar]
change the damage type to another damage type You can VOLLEY with the gun profile, or FIGHT
of your choice (Physical, Astral, Lunar, or Force). with the melee profile. 1/turn when you attack with
This new damage type remains until you use this one of the profiles, you can spend 2 mana to also
ability again. attack with the other profile.


Mana Siphon Dancing Blade

[SUPPORT] [Light] [Enchantment] [WEAPON] Main Blade, Summon
[Reach 1] [1d6 Physical]
Any Weapon: Crits with this weapon drain 1
mana from the target, and you regain 1 mana. Quick: You can to deploy this weapon as a
SUMMON. You can make attacks with this
weapon from its space. During your turn, you can
move it up to your speed. If the dancing blade is
reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed and returns to
your character. You can recall the weapon as a
free action. The blade is size ½, 10 HP, and
DODGE/A-DEF of 10.


Masamune Disarming Strike

[WEAPON] Heavy Blade, Reliable 5, Slow [SKILL] 2 MEM, BRAWL, Stress 1 (Self)
[Reach 2] [3d6+2 Physical] Make an attack roll with a melee weapon. On Hit:
Whenever you roll a 1 on any damage dice with The target takes half the normal damage and must
this weapon, you take 1 stress and roll that die pass a BLK save or be DISARMED until the end of
again. This effect can trigger on the same die their next turn.
multiple times. It’s not optional.


Assassins are stealthy attackers that are adept at taking out isolated
or vulnerable targets.
Assassins deal in death. Their skills are used for taking lives through stealth, subterfuge, or force.
Any person can commit murder. An assassin’s strength comes from being undetected and getting away with it.
They rely on their skills and training to stay hidden for as long as possible, choosing the right time to strike. Magic
isn’t needed for an assassin, but many find spells helpful. These assassins branch out into other classes, picking
and choosing items and techniques that enhance their unique approach.
 Who was the first person you killed, and how did you do it?
 What is your signature style or approach for dispatching targets?
 Do you operate secretly, publicly, or under an alias?
 How did you become an assassin, or why do you have their skills?

Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 5 Save: 10 WEAPON SLOTS
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6 MAIN MAIN ∞ LIGHT
Dodge: 11
Speed: 6
A-Def: 7
Mana: 3
1/round deal 1d6 bonus damage on a melee attack Exterminate
if the target has no adjacent characters, or if the Ultimate, Free Action
Assassin is the only adjacent character.
Pick one character you can see. Until the end of the
scene, you ignore the HIDDEN and INVISIBLE
NIMBLE status on them. You gain +2 ACC on attacks vs
them, and your crits vs them deal the maximum
The Assassin has +1 ACC on AGI checks and
damage. If the character is within your Scope and
moves, as a reaction after their movement ends you
can move up to your speed.


[WEAPON] Light Blade, Thrown 5 Master of Stealth
[Reach 1] [1d3+1 Physical] [SKILL] 2 MEM
You can attack with this weapon as a VOLLEY or During your turn, you don’t lose HIDDEN while
FIGHT. moving if you end your movement in cover.


Death Mark Sap

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Channel [SPELL] 2 MEM, Mana 2
Release: One character in Scope takes [2 Stress] When you hit with a weapon attack roll, 1/turn you
and is SUNDERED until they are hit by an attack. can force the hit character to pass a BLK save or
This ability doesn’t break HIDDEN or INVISIBLE. be STUNNED until the end of their next turn. Each
character can only be stunned by this ability


Untraceable Armor Death Strike

[SUPPORT] [Light] Armor, Quick [SKILL] 4 MEM
+1 Armor. 1/round, when you crit against a BLOODIED
Quick: Can spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE character, they must succeed on a BLK save or
until the start of your next turn or until you target immediately take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS,
something with a hostile effect. depending on whether the attack deals damage or
stress. If the attack does both damage and stress,
choose either a WOUND or OVERSTRESS.

Bers erker

Berserkers are reckless fighters, able to unleash devastating attacks
with little regard to their own safety.
Berserkers are most often associated with rage, but any emotion can be fuel for a berserker. Most have one
specific emotion they use as fuel, but others can use multiple emotions.
Berserkers tend toward fast movement and heavy weapons in order to defeat targets quickly. Maintaining
extreme emotions can be draining for a berserker, and the longer a fight lingers, the harder it is to maintain the
necessary levels of emotion.
 What causes you to lose your composure and act recklessly?
 What change happens when you give into your emotions? Eyes turn red, vision turns black-and-white
except for your target, etc.
 When was a time you acted without thinking, and regretted the outcome?
 What sign of a past battle do you carry with you?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 5 Save: 10
HP: 16 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 4 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 6
Speed: 6 Mana: 1 LIGHT LIGHT

Ultimate, Free Action
Removing a WOUND or OVERSTRESS during a
SHORT REST only costs the Berserker 1 Recovery. Activate this ultimate as a free action when you hit
with a melee attack, causing all dice to be treated as
if they rolled the maximum number once. Until the
RECKLESS end of the scene, deal bonus damage equal to your
GRIT+2 on melee attacks.
1/round, the Berserker can deal +1d6 bonus
damage with a melee attack. If the Berserker uses
this ability, attack rolls against the Berserker gain +1
ACC until the end of its next turn.

1/round when the Berserker scores a critical hit,
they can make an attack as a free action.


[SKILL] 2 MEM, RUSH, Unique Victory Rush
You take the RUSH action. If all movement from [SKILL] 1 MEM, Unique
this action is in a straight line, you can make a When you defeat an enemy or give them a
single melee attack when you end the movement. WOUND, gain temp HP equal to your GRIT + 2.


Bloodrage Armor Cut Through

[SUPPORT] [Light] Armor [SKILL] 3 MEM
While BLOODIED, you gain +2 armor. 1/round, when you make a character BLOODIED,
you can immediately slide up to half your speed if
you aren’t IMMOBILIZED. All adjacent characters
of your choice when you end this movement are


Berserker Axe
[WEAPON] Heavy Blade, Inaccurate, Slow Brutal Critical
[Reach 2] [4d6+3 Physical] [SKILL] 2 MEM, Unique
If you use the REROLL TABLE with this weapon, You deal +1d6 bonus damage on critical hits.
all attacks against you can’t miss until the end of
your next turn.


Chronomancers manipulate time to avoid or mitigate damage. They can
alter the flow of time for individual characters.
Chronomancy is the most powerful form of magic. With the ability to alter time to your will, there’s nothing you
can’t do. Right?
Shard: Midnight is controlled by an entity known as The Inevitable. They have complete mastery and control
over time, and have transcended into a four-dimensional being. They have infinity at their disposal, and their
shard is merely a toy to them.
When The Inevitable discovered the existence of other shards, they were surprised to find that they could not
reach them. For some reason, they were bound to their shard. Trying countless times with an infinite number of
variations, they just CAN’T leave their shard. They realized that some…thing had changed a rule of the universe.
The Inevitable cannot leave their shard, no matter what point in time they travel to.
The Inevitable has complete control over time, but has no power to alter the fundamental rules of the universe. So
now they find themselves trapped in a prison, a living god discovering that there is more beyond their walls,
forever out of their reach.
If The Inevitable were ever able to leave their Shard, they win. Whatever that means.
 What does time look like to you? Individual threads, a spinning wheel, interlocking gears, etc.
 What is something you have or know of from a different timeline?
 How do you think the timeline should be handled? Protected, changed, cultivated, etc.?
 What is something you wish you could change in the timeline, and what prevents you from being able to
do it?

Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 10 Save: 12
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 9
Speed: 6 Mana: 5 LIGHT LIGHT

Before you have taken an action in a round, you can
declare that you want to take an action from any
Time Stop
previously passed phase, and take it immediately
Ultimate, Free Action
instead of during the last phase. You take 1 Stress
for every phase that has passed since the action’s You can take two actions per round for the rest of
normal phase. the scene. Each action must be on a different
phase. Your turn happens on the first phase you
act. Your 2nd action is resolved as if it was another
PC turn, but doesn’t count as a turn for any effects
You gain the following reaction. that care.

Pluck The Threads of Time

[SPELL] Reaction, 1/round
Trigger: A character within Scope makes an
attack roll, saving throw, or check.
Effect: Spend 1 mana to force them to reroll the
die, taking the 2nd result.


Unwinding Beam Slow

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast [SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 1
[Aetheric] [1d3+3 force] Release: A character in Scope and Line of Sight is
On Hit: You can teleport the target up to 2 spaces. auto-hit, taking 2 Stress and is SLOWED until the
end of their next turn.


[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 2 Front of the Timeline
Release: 1 ally within Scope has their speed [SKILL] 1 MEM
doubled and gains resistance to any Stress taken You can always go first in any phase you act in if
from using SURGE. They can take their turns you want to. This does not count as a PC slot.
before PHASE 1, using any action. This effect lasts
until the target takes damage.


Rewind Borrowed Time

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 2 [SKILL] 3 MEM, Unique
Release: Place a marker in the spot where one You can take an extra action during a scene. At
character you can see within Scope is. Each the start of each round after doing so, roll a MGK
character can only have 1 marker. Gain the save against your save target. On a failure, you
following Reaction. are removed from play for that round, appearing in
Trigger: The character takes damage or starts the same location or nearest unoccupied location
their turn. at the start of the next round. While removed from
Effect: Negate any damage taken and teleport play, you can’t take any damage, or be affected by
them back to the marker. Remove the marker. If anything. You take no turn.
they are unwilling, they can make a MGK save to You can’t use this ability again until you fail the
resist the effects. If they resist, the marker is saving throw.

Demon Hunter

A demon hunter walks a dark path, willingly accepting corrupting
influences in exchange for greater power. To hunt demons, they need the
power of demons.
Demon hunters are outcasts of society. They are shunned by the world that they have decided to protect. Many
demon hunters fall to temptation, giving into the corruption that slowly eats away at their soul. There is no happy
ending for you. You will either lose to corruption, or die fighting.
Demon hunters play a dangerous game. They want to gain stress to increase their corruption, but they risk
overexerting themselves and becoming OVERSTRESSED. Increase your stress cap, or find ways to lessen your
stress levels.
 What changes does your body go through as it acquires corruption?
 What do you fear happening if your corruption overwhelms you?
 What weapon, spell, or feature of a demon do you feel a connection to?
 What demon continues to elude you?

When you activate this form, you transform into a
Size: __ Armor: __ demon until the start of your next turn. Your size
Scope: 10 Save: 10 increases by 1 (max of 3), and any adjacent
BULK MIND characters are pushed to the nearest empty space
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 8 to accommodate your new size. Your reach with
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 5 melee attacks increases by 1, and you deal 1d3
AGILITY MAGIC bonus damage on all attacks or abilities that deal
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 9 damage. You gain resistance all damage, and you
Speed: 6 Mana: 2 can fly.


You have a corruption die, a d6, that starts at 1.
1/turn when you take STRESS, increase the MAIN ∞ LIGHT LIGHT
corruption value by 1, to a maximum of 6. During
your turn as a free action, you can consume
corruption to gain one of the following benefits that
your level of corruption meets or exceeds. After
consuming corruption or after a LONG REST, the LIGHT LIGHT
die resets to 1.
 4 Corruption: Your reach with melee
attacks increases by 1 until the start of your ULTIMATE
next turn.
 5 Corruption: You deal 1d3 bonus damage Become the Monster
on an attack or ability that deals damage. Ultimate, Free Action
 6 Corruption: You can activate your
Demon Form until the start of your next You consume your corruption to immediately
turn. assume your Demon Form. Until the end of the
scene, your corruption die resets to 3 instead of 1.


Moon Blade Immolation

[WEAPON] Light Blade [SPELL] 1 MEM, Mana 1, Unique
[Reach 1] [1d3 Physical] During your turn as a free action, you can activate
You can attack two targets at the same time. a burning aura. Any character that ends their turn
adjacent to you takes [2 Astral]. The aura lasts
until the start of your next turn


Demon Leap
[SKILL] 2 MEM, REPOSITION, 1 Stress Aether Sight
(Self) [SKILL] 1 MEM
Pick an empty space on the ground within a range You can see invisible characters, ignoring the
of twice your speed. Fly to that point and land, INVISIBLE status. You gain +2 ACC to SEARCH
ignoring opportunity attacks. All adjacent checks.
characters when you land must pass an AGI save
or take [1d6 Physical].


[WEAPON] Main Bow, AP, Reloading, Stress Let Loose
1 (Self) [SKILL] 3 MEM
[Range 10] [1d6 Physical] While you are BREAKING, you have resistance to
Deals bonus damage equal to the stress the Stress.
target has.


Demonologists call forth fiends and spirits from outside the world and
manifest them in their reality. Masters of summoning magic, demons are
merely pawns for a Demonologist to use.


Abilities Voidheart. (Size 2, 10 HP, 0 Armor, Dodge/A-
Size: __ Armor: __ Def=yours, Speed 4) This summon provides hard
Scope: 10 Save: 11 cover for its allies. Allied characters that start their
BULK MIND turn adjacent to it gain 1 PARRY.
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 7
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 12
Speed: 5 Mana: 4 As a Quick Action, the Demonologist can destroy
one of their summons within Scope. When they do
so, they can choose one of the following:
TRAITS  Boost. The Demonologist gains +1 ACC on
attacks, checks, and saves until the end of
DEMON LEXICON their next turn.
The Demonologist has the following SUMMONS  Essence Explosion. All characters within
they can create as a CAST action, costing 2 mana. Burst 1 of the summon must make an AGI
These summons have the Demonologist’s Dodge save, taking [2d6 Force] on a failed save, or
and A-Def, can move up to their speed during the half damage on a success.
Demonologist’s turn, and add the Demonologist’s  Life Link. The Demonologist gains 4
GRIT to their HP. The Demonologist can only temporary HP and regains 1 Mana.
summon one of these demons at a time. The
Demonologist can dismiss these summons as a free WEAPON SLOTS |
 Flameskipper. (Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor,
Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 3) At the end
of the Demonologist’s turn, the
Flameskipper chooses one target within MAIN
Range 5, who must pass a MGK save or | MAIN LIGHT

take [3 Astral].
 Painlash. (Size 1, 8 HP, 0 Armor,
Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 4) At the end
of the Demonologist’s turn, enemies
adjacent to the Painlash must pass a BLK Legion
save or be DAZED and SLOWED until the Ultimate, Free Action
end of their next turn.
When the Demonologist uses Demon Lexicon, they
 Soultracker. (Size 1, 5 HP, 0 Armor, can summon 2 demons at once, and can have 2
Dodge/A-Def=yours, Speed 5) Enemies demons from this ability active at the same time for
that start their turn adjacent to this summon the rest of the scene.
must pass a MGK save or be MARKED.


Agony Corruption Fiend

[Aetheric] [1 Stress DOT (MND)] (Size ½, 5 HP, 0 Armor, Dodge/A-Def 10, Speed
The target has +1 DIF on concentration checks 2)
triggered from this damage. Release: Summon a corruption fiend in an empty
space within Scope. Enemies that start their turn
adjacent to it must pass a MND save or take [1
DOT Lunar (MND)].


Gert’s Backbone
[WEAPON] Main Longarm, Summon Skull of Kroldar
[Reach 2] [1d6 Lunar] [SUPPORT] [Main]
As a quick action you can deploy this weapon as When a character or summon within Scope is
a SUMMON at an empty space within Scope. defeated, gain 1 soul essence, to a max of 6.
(Size 1, 10 HP, 0 armor, Dodge/A-def 10). You Unused soul essence is lost during a LONG
can make attacks with this weapon, but from the REST. Soul essence can be spent for the
summon’s current space and using its line of sight. following effects:
The summon can also use Opportunity Attacks  Summoning Essence. Soul Essence can
from its space, which use its reaction instead of be spent in place of mana for abilities with
yours. If the summon is destroyed, so is the the SUMMON tag.
weapon. You can return the summon to a weapon  Summoned Infusion. As a quick action,
as a quick action if it is within Scope, but any spend 1 soul essence. One allied
damage it has taken remains until you REST. summon within Scope regains 1d6 HP.


Book of True Names Ravager

When you create a SUMMON, you can spend 1-3 (Size 2, 8 HP, 1 Armor, Dodge/A-Def 10, Speed 2)
mana. The summon gains armor equal to this Release: Summon a ravager in empty spaces
mana you spent. The summon can’t have more within Scope. Enemies that start their turn adjacent
than 3 armor. to it must pass an AGI save or take [3 Physical] and
be Pushed 1 space.

Dragon Rider

This aerial fighter dashes around the sky, impaling foes with their
Dragon riders are trained to fight against aerial creatures, using spears to increase their reach and equipment or
techniques to stay mobile. The best dragon riders are allowed to magically bond with a companion creature
(typically a dragon), to ride into battle.
A dragon rider’s bond with their companion isn’t just emotional, but magical. When a dragon rider calls for their
companion, it can answer the call across any distance, and adapt to any environment. Their aether fields become
entwined, and they are of one mind. This special calling can only be maintained for a short period of time, before
their aether fields begin separating again.
 What is your companion’s name, and what are they like?
 What type of aerial threat were you trained to fight against?
 Where is your companion’s natural habitat?
 What do you or your companion fear fighting?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 5 Save: 11
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 5 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 6
Speed: 6 Mana: 3 MAIN MAIN

Ultimate, Summon, Quick
When the Dragon Rider hits with a melee longarm
attack, the target is pushed until they are a number Dragon: Size 3, 15 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def,
of spaces away the Dragon Rider equal to the speed 6.
weapon’s reach. Quick: The Dragon Rider summons their dragon
companion in empty spaces within Scope. The
dragon is a summon that can fly, and can move up
IMPALE to its speed during the Dragon Rider’s turn. The
[SKILL] Reaction Dragon Rider or an ally can share a space with the
Trigger: The Dragon Rider falls 3 or more spaces. dragon, and when doing so, they move when it
does. The Dragon lasts until the end of the scene or
Effect: The Dragon Rider can make a melee until destroyed.
weapon attack before hitting the ground. The The Dragon gains the following SKIRMISH action
attack deals bonus damage equal to the current weapon attack, and adds the Dragon Rider’s GRIT
amount of falling damage the Dragon Rider would to the attack rolls.
take at that moment, before resistances or Dragon’s Breath Weapon. [SKIRMISH] The
immunities. Dragon makes a Cone 5 attack that deals [1d6+2
Astral] on a hit.


Jump Pads
Create 2 jump pads in empty spaces within Scope. Winged Boots
When you or an ally enter a jump pad’s space, [SUPPORT] [MAIN]
they can immediately fly up to 5 spaces. Enemies
must pass an AGI save or you can fly them up to 5 You are immune to falling damage. You can fly
spaces in any direction. If they can’t remain flying when you RUSH, but you begin falling at the end
at the end of their turn, they fall. Each pad is of the turn.
destroyed after being used, and using this ability
again destroys the old pads. Jump pads last until
the end of the scene.


Extending Enchantment Transfuse

[SUPPORT] [MAIN, Enchantment] [SPELL] 2 MEM, CAST
[2 Stress]
One weapon that has reach gains +1 reach.
On Hit: If target is BLOODIED, gain 4 temp HP. If
target is BREAKING, gain 2 mana.


Channel: Fly 10 spaces straight up and hover. If Longinus
you can’t fly 10 spaces (for example, because you [WEAPON] Heavy Longarm
are in a small corridor), this ability fails. [Reach 3] [1d6+4 Physical]
Release: You fly up to 10 spaces and must end
this movement on the ground, ignoring reactions This weapon gains AP if attacking a target at the
and ENGAGEMENT. All characters within a Burst weapon’s maximum reach.
1 area of where you land must make an AGI save,
taking [2d6 Physical] on a failure, or half damage
on a success.


Druids control the forces of nature, moving foes around with storms or
A whispering wind that grows into a howling hurricane. A morning dewdrop falling into a rushing river. The seed
whose leaves reach the heavens. These are the primal forces of nature, the power that a druid uses.
Druids use their mana to manipulate or control nature, which includes the weather and flora. Fauna are outside
the domain of a druid, since their powers don’t control living creatures.
Druids are flexible spellcasters, able to mix between CAST and CHANNEL abilities. Druids that seek to command
the fauna of their shard pick up the companion support item and summoning classes, while those that seek to
transform their bodies pick up the Shapeshifter class.
 How have the primal forces of nature marked you?
 What type of terrain do you feel most connected to? Forest, desert, artic, etc.
 What type of weather makes you feel calm, and what type of weather makes you feel alive?
 What is considered taboo by other druids?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 10 Save: 11
HP: 9 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 9
Speed: 5 Mana: 3 LIGHT LIGHT

ROOT Tempest Storm
Ultimate, Channel
You gain the Root reaction.
Channel a furious storm.
Root Channel: All adjacent characters of your choice are
[SPELL] Reaction, 1/round pushed 1 space away from you. If you stop
Trigger: A character would trigger an Opportunity channeling this ability before releasing for any
Attack from you. reason, the ultimate is not expended.
Release: Create a Size 4 zone within Scope, that
Effect: You IMMOBILIZE the target until the start
reaches to the scene ceiling. Characters inside the
of their next turn.
zone take [1d6 Force] when it is created and when
they enter the zone. A character can’t take this
BRIAR PATCH damage more than 1/turn. If a character ends their
When you subject a character to forced movement, turn partly within the zone, you can slide them up to
you leave a briar patch in the spaces they occupied 3 spaces. The area inside the storm is difficult
and through (excluding their ending positions). The terrain. As a Quick Action, you can spend 1 mana
patch is difficult terrain, and 1/turn deals [1d6 to move the zone up to 3 spaces in a straight line.
physical] to any character that enters the space. The zone lasts until the end of the scene.
The patch lasts until the start of your next turn.


Vine Whip Gust of Wind

[WEAPON] Light Longarm [SPELL] 1 MEM, Cast or Channel
[Reach 4] [1d3 Physical] Gain the following options:
On Crit: You can slide the target 3 spaces.
Cast: [Push 1] [1d6 force]

Release: One target in Scope is auto-hit, taking

[2d6 force] and is slid 2 spaces.


Wall of Thorns Entangle

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana X [SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast or Channel
Release: Summon a wall of thorns. You can Gain the following options:
summon X pieces of Size 1 soft cover, where X is
the amount of mana you spend, up to a maximum Cast: [Mana 1] [1d6 physical] On Hit: The target
of 4 mana. You can place the cover in any empty must pass an AGI save or be IMMOBILIZED until
spaces within Scope. This cover can be moved the end of their next turn.
through. A character that moves through one of
these spaces takes [4 physical], 1/turn. Release: [Mana 2] Create a Blast 1 area within
Scope. This area is difficult terrain until the end of
the scene or until you dismiss it as a free action.
All characters in the area when released are


Create Elemental reverts to a piece of cover at the end of your turn.

[SPELL] 3 MEM, Channel, Mana X
Release: Target a piece of cover within Scope.
You can temporarily animate it, causing it to move
and/or attack a character adjacent to it. The mana
cost of this ability is equal to the size of the cover
(up to Size 3), plus an additional mana if you
attack with it. The cover can move up to 5 spaces.
If it attacks, it is considered a melee weapon attack Skybeam
against the target’s dodge. Add your GRIT to the [SPELL] 2 MEM, Skirmish, Arcing, Mana 1
attack roll. It deals [3 physical] per size (so 3 Call down a beam of energy from the sun or moon.
damage for Size 1, 6 damage for Size 2, etc.). The Make a [line 10] spell attack within your Scope,
animate cover retains any other properties it had, dealing [2d6 force] on a hit. This attack ignores
like a Wall of Thorn’s damage. The elemental cover.


A manifestation of the slow, lumbering specter of death that follows all
living things. The Gravewalker uses the power of necromancy to stave off
Gravewalkers stride the line between life and death. They have a close relationship with death, and use their
necromantic magic to protect their allies. When you are friends with a Gravewalker, you die when they allow it.
Gravewalkers are slow, and armor can slow them down further. To counteract this, they can provide protection
from range. Gravewalkers can either seek out ranged options to get around their slow speed, or get heavy
weapons to make devastating attacks when within range.
 How did you die the first time, and how did you come back to life?
 What does the personification of death look like to you, and what are they like?
 How can you tell when someone has been touched by death?
 How do you travel between the world of the living and the world of the dead?

Written Name
Abilities [SKILL] Reaction
Size: __ Armor: __ Trigger: A character within range 5 of a tombstone
Scope: 10 Save: 10 takes damage.
Effect: Spend 1 PARRY to grant them
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 5
RESISTANCE to that source of damage. If the
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 5
triggering damage was from an AOE, you can
AGILITY MAGIC continue to use this reaction on targets in the AOE.
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 8
Speed: 4 Mana: 2


1/round when a hostile character within Scope is
defeated, the Gravewalker gains 2 PARRY.
As a Quick Action, the Gravewalker can spend 1 HEAVY MAIN
mana to summon a tombstone in a free space within
Scope. The tombstone is a summon (Size ½, 5 HP,
Dodge/A-Def 10). You gain the Written Name
reaction. That Which is Already Dead
Ultimate, Free Action
Until the end of the scene, the Gravewalker can’t
take a 4th WOUND. When they would take their 4th
wound, they roll a wound check as if they were
taking their 3rd WOUND. Then they return to their
HP maximum, and carry over any excess damage.


Gravedigger’s Shovel
[WEAPON] Heavy Club
[Reach 1] [2d6+1 Physical] Touch of the Grave
Deals double damage to objects, terrain, and [SKILL] 1 MEM
summons. You gain resistance to Lunar damage.

Dig a grave in any terrain, and bury

anything that stands in your way.


Entomb STRESS each time they fail the BLK check.

[SPELL] 3 MEM, Channel, Mana 2
Release: A character within Scope must make a
BLK save. Success: They take 1 Stress and are
SLOWED until the end of their next turn. Failure:
They are pulled underground. The entombed
character has no line of sight to other characters,
and other characters have no line of sight to them.
[SPELL] 1 MEM, Reaction, 1/round
Entombed characters can’t move, can’t attack, and
can’t be attacked or take damage except for DOT Trigger: A character within range 20 is defeated.
they already had. They can make a BLK check at Effect: You teleport to the closest unoccupied
the end of each of their turns to reappear above space adjacent to them.
ground in the nearest free space. They take 1


Specter of Sins Unliving Armor

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Summon, Mana 2 [SUPPORT] [Heavy] Armor, Unbreakable
(Size= your size, HP= your HP when you +3 armor, -1 Speed and Dodge. When you take a
RECOVER, 0 armor, Dodge/A-Def=0) WOUND, you become immune to all damage and
When you RECOVER, you can Summon a ghostly when you OVERSTRESS you become immune to
manifestation of your sins in a free space within all stress. Both effects last until the start of your
Range 5. As long as you are within Range 2 of the next turn. When you are defeated, you gain 1d6
specter, it takes any damage that you would take charges at the start of each round. When your
before resistances and armor, and you take none charges equal or exceed your hit point maximum,
of the damage. The damage the specter takes you return to action with full HP and 0 Stress and
can’t be reduced in any way. The specter’s HP is clear either 1 WOUND or OVERSTRESS to
equal to your current HP when you RECOVER. become undefeated. You are permanently DAZED
You can only have one specter at a time. until you take a LONG REST.


The Gunslinger is a master of firearms. Their quick hands can draw,
fire, and reload in the blink of an eye.
You are the bullet. The trigger is your breath. Breathe in. Squeeze. Breathe out.
Gunslingers are firearm specialists. Their insight into their weapons lets them reload faster than normal,
recharging or replacing ammo with their aether. Gunslingers often modify their weapons and ammunition to suit
their style and environment.
Gunslingers lean towards weapons with the RELOADING tag, as their traits helps them mitigate that penalty.
Increasing their mana pool can also allow them to reload more often.
 How were you taught to aim without sight?
 What unique modification have you made to your weapons?
 What place have you sworn to never return to, and why?
 What is your motto or code?

Abilities [SKILL] Reaction
Size: __ Armor: __ Trigger: Another character makes an attack roll.
Scope: 15 Save: 11
Effect: The Gunslinger can attack them with a
weapon before their attack.
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 5
Dodge: 10 A-Def: 6
Speed: 5 Mana: 3 WEAPON SLOTS

1/round when the Gunslinger attacks with a
RELOADING weapon, roll a d6. On a 6+, it reloads.
The Gunslinger can spend mana to increase the SUPPORT SLOTS
result of this roll, at +1 per 1 mana spent.
When a weapon is reloaded, the Gunslinger gains
access to the Quick Draw reaction until they use it,
or until start of their next turn.

Customized Ammo
Ultimate, Free Action
Until the end of the scene, you gain access to the
following special ammunition types. Each piece of
ammunition can be used once. You can choose to
us a piece of ammunition when making an attack
with a ranged weapon.
 Hotshot. Create a [Cone 5] area at any
point of the attack’s range, pointed in the
direction of attack. Characters in the area
must make an AGI save, taking [2d6 Astral]
on a failure, or half damage on a success.
The area becomes dangerous terrain (AGI
Save, 5 Astral damage) until the end of the
 Mindjack Round. On Hit: Until the end of
the target’s next turn or until they are dealt
damage by you or your allies, they consider
you and your allies as its allies, and its
former allies as enemies. On Miss: The
target is DISABLED and unable to target
you with hostile effects until the end of its
next turn.
 Piercer. The attack gains AP and becomes
a Line attack with a distance up to attack’s
range. The attack gains Reliable 10 against
objects and terrain.
 Shock Round. On Hit: The target is
STUNNED until the end of their next turn.
On Miss: The target is SLOWED and can’t
take reactions until the end of their next


Curve Ammo Slugthrower

[SUPPORT] [LIGHT] [Enchantment] [WEAPON] Main Magitech, Reloading,
Reliable 2
Enchantment: Any weapon with range.
[Range 8] [2d6 Physical]
Effect: Ranged attacks with this weapon ignore
DIF from cover. This weapon can use the This weapon fires solid pieces of metal.
HOMING tag, but gains +2 DIF when doing so.


Aim with Heart Splinter

[SKILL] 3 MEM, Unique [WEAPON] Light Magitech, Reloading
You can make ranged attacks when others could [Range 5, Reach 3] [1 Physical]
not. When making a ranged attack roll against a On Hit: Roll 1d3+4. Deal this weapon’s damage
target within your Scope, you ignore up to 1 DIF. that many times to the target.
When you are BLINDED, you can draw line of
sight up to your Scope. Instead of one shot, Splinter fires many


Gun Kata
[SKILL] 2 MEM, Unique Widowmaker
You have a gun kata die, a d6 that starts at 0. [WEAPON] Heavy Magitech, Accurate,
Whenever you make a ranged weapon attack, you Reloading
increase the value of the die by 1, to a maximum of [Range 15] [3d6 Physical]
6. Ranged attacks against you gain +1 DIF for
On Crit: The damage from this weapon is Armor
every point on the die. Whenever you are attacked
or take damage, reduce the value of the die by 1.
The die resets to 0 when you take a BOLSTER One shot, one kill.
action or at the end of a scene.


The hexblade sows curses and discord among its foes, weakening them
while growing stronger from their misery.
You know pain and misery better than most. A hexblade can take the suffering in their soul and use it to power
curses and hexes. To a hexblade, their soul is just another power source.
Hexblades mix weapon and spell attacks together. They can focus on taking one target down at a time, or
spreading conditions to multiple targets.
 What’s the worst luck you had?
 How does the shape and appearance of your soul alter your weapons and techniques?
 What’s your favorite curse to put on people?
 How do you get under people’s skin?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 15 Save: 11
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 8
Speed: 5 Mana: 3 LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT

Oscillating Hex
TRAITS Ultimate, Free Action
Your hex is upgraded for the rest of the scene.
HEX While a character is hexed by you, they suffer from
the below effects, starting at rank 1. At the start of
1/turn the hexblade can place a hex on a character each round after activation, the effect moves one
within Scope as a Quick Action. The hex lasts until rank higher until after rank 6, at which point it then
the end of the scene or until the hexed character is repeats at rank 1. This effect continues to progress
defeated, and you can’t hex another character while every round after activation, even if no character is
your hex is still active. 1/round you deal 1d6 bonus currently hexed. You can spend 1 mana to move
damage on a successful weapon attack roll against your hex to another character during your turn as a
a hexed character. If you defeat the hexed character Quick Action.
or give them a WOUND/OVERSTRESS, you gain 4 1. They are MARKED, and the Mark isn’t
temp HP. removed when consumed while this effect is
MISERY 2. They are DAZED.
3. They are SLOWED.
The Hexblade gains +1 ACC on attack rolls against 4. They are SUNDERED.
characters that have a condition. 5. They are WEAKENED.
6. They are STUNNED.


Curse Bolt Edge of Darkness

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast [WEAPON] Main Blade
Gain the following spell attacks: [Reach 1] [1d6 Lunar]
When a character within Range 5 is defeated or
[Cast, Aetheric] On Hit: The target takes [3 force] takes a WOUND/OVERSTRESS, increase this
and is DAZED until the end of their next turn. weapon’s damage by +1, to a maximum of +6.
This extra damage lasts until you REST.
[Cast, Aetheric] [2d6 force].
This weapon feeds on souls


Curse of Weakness Bound Weapon

[SKILL] 2 MEM [SUPPORT] [Light, Enchantment]
When you MARK a character, they are The enchanted weapon can’t be destroyed, and
WEAKENED until the end of their next turn. returns to you if thrown after the attack resolves.
This weapon can be used even if you are


Shard of Doubt
1/turn when you MARK or hit a character with a
spell attack or AETHERIC effect, you can implant a Soul Strike
shard of doubt in them. As a [Channel] action, [SPELL] 3 MEM, Mana 1
when you RELEASE, all characters with a shard of
When you make a weapon attack, you can turn it
doubt must make a MGK save, taking [1d6 force] into a soul strike for 1 mana. The attack gains the
AP on a failure, or half damage on a success. A Aetheric tag. On a hit, the damage is halved, but
character can only have 1 shard at a time, and
deals Stress instead of its normal damage type.
shards are consumed when you use this channel-
release ability.


Paladins draw upon their resolve to protect their allies and smite their
foes. Paladins can manifest beneficial auras that enhance nearby allies.
Paladins are motivated individuals, driven by their beliefs. What makes someone a paladin is the ability to turn
their resolve into power, gaining strength through their convictions.
As Defenders, Paladins should look for high armor and other damage mitigation effects. With their Auras and
Retribution, they work best when close to their allies.
 Who or what would you give your life to protect?
 What is a belief you hold onto strongly?
 What sensation or emotion do people have when they’re near you?
 When did you stand up for something, and what did it cost you?

Size: __ Armor: __ When the Paladin uses DEFEND, they can choose
Scope: 5 Save: 10 an ally within Scope. Until the start of the Paladin’s
BULK MIND next turn, if the ally is targeted by an attack, the
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 7 Paladin can spend 1 PARRY to immediately attack
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 5 the attacker with a weapon if they are within the
AGILITY MAGIC weapon’s reach as a free action.
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 7
Speed: 5 Mana: 2
Paladins have an aura that inspires their allies. The
Paladin and all their allies within [Range 5] gain the
benefit of this aura. The Paladin can only have one
aura active at a time, and they gain the below aura. MAIN HEAVY
The Paladin can change an aura as free action once
during their turn.
Aura of Inspiration. Characters gain +1 ACC on
saves. Manifest Resolve, Be Unbroken
Ultimate, Free Action
OATH OF PROTECTION The Paladin’s vessel is temporarily shattered,
leaving only their power and drive. Until the end of
When the Paladin uses INTERPOSE, if they end their next turn, the Paladin has RESISTANCE to all
their movement next to the attacker, they can push damage, their reach with all weapons that have
them 1 space after the attack. reach increases by +2, and they can INTERPOSE
allies up to range 5 an unlimited number of times
each turn without needing to spend PARRY.


Smite Auras of Resistance

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Mana 1, Unique [SPELL] 2 MEM
When you hit with a weapon attack, deal 1d6 You gain the following auras, which affect you and
bonus Astral damage. all allies within [Range 5]. You can only have one
aura active at a time. You can change an aura as
free action once during your turn.
Aura of Energy Resistance: Gain resistance to
Astral or Lunar damage (chosen when activated).

Aura of Freedom: Immunity to the SLOWED

condition and GRAPPLED status.


Holy Avenger
[WEAPON] Heavy Blade Lay on Hands
[Reach 1] [2d6+1 Astral] [SKILL] 2 MEM, QUICK, Mana 1
On Crit: One character of your choice within Quick: You or an adjacent ally can spend a
[Range 5] can end a condition or DoT on recovery to regain HP equal to half their HP
themselves. maximum (rounded up).


Auras of Protection
[SPELL] 2 MEM Stalwart Shield
You gain the following auras, which affect you and [SUPPORT] [Main, Unbreakable]
all allies within [Range 5]. You can only have one
aura active at a time. You can change an aura as
free action once during your turn. +1 Armor. You provide hard cover to allied
Aura of Protection: Gain +1 armor (up to a max characters. If you are within an enemy’s AOE, the
armor of 4). AOE’s size is reduced to extend no further than
your spaces. For example, if you are adjacent to
Aura of Retribution: When a character under the an enemy and are size 1, a Burst 2 effect
effects of this aura is hit by an attack, they deal becomes Burst 1.
1+GRIT Astral damage to the attacker.


Phoenixes conjure fiery destruction from afar, spreading lingering
burning damage among their enemies.
A phoenix is an elite spellcaster specializing in elemental fire. Their training uses the mythical phoenix as their
inspiration, focusing on the different facets of fire like destruction and rebirth. To become a phoenix, you must
give over your aetheric field to the raw forces of fire. If you prepared correctly, it will be returned to you infused
with fire. If not, your aether is consumed.
Phoenixes synergize with damage over time effects, regardless of the damage type. Their large mana pool and
long scope means they are well suited to channel effects and spells which allow them to attack safely from afar.
 What color and shape do your flames have?
 What aspect of fire do you respect the most? Destruction, warmth, rebirth, etc.
 How has fire affected or shaped your life?
 What makes your connection to fire stronger, and what makes it weaker?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 15 Save: 11
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 7
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 6 A-Def: 10
Speed: 5 Mana: 5 LIGHT LIGHT

Ultimate, Free Action
Abilities that deal DOT deal +1 DOT
You gain the meteor spell for the rest of the scene.

You have resistance Astral damage. Meteor
Channel, Mana 3, Arcing
BURN PROOF Release: Create a [blast 2] area within Scope and
Line of Sight. Characters and objects in the area
You have resistance to DOT. are auto-hit, taking [3d6 Astral]. Objects take the
damage as AP damage.


Immolate Solar Flare

[SPELL] 1 MEM, Cast [WEAPON] Main Artifact
[Aetheric] [1 Astral DOT (BLK)] [Range 10] [1d3 Astral]+[1 stress]
If the target already has a DoT, the damage +1 ACC on the attack if the target has a DoT.
increases to 1d3 instead.


Fireball Vent Heat

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 2 [SKILL] 2 MEM. Unique
Release: All characters in a [Blast 2] area within When a character successfully saves against a
Scope must make an AGI save, taking [2d6 Astral] DoT you inflicted or clear it, they and all characters
on a failure, or half damage on a success. within burst 1 of them take 2 AP Astral damage.


Phoenix Armor
[SUPPORT] [LIGHT] [Armor, Limited 1,
+1 Armor. When you would take your last Wildfire
WOUND, you are not defeated and do not take [SKILL] 3 MEM
the WOUND. Instead, you return to your full HP, A character that ends their turn next to a character
but are permanently DAZED until you take a taking DoT from you must pass an AGI save or
LONG REST. All characters adjacent to you when gain the same DoT.
this happens must pass an AGI save or take [2d6
Astral], or half on a success. All of your support
items are destroyed.


Artillery / Controller
Trackers and hunters that always find their prey. Seekers call out
priority targets for their allies.
Seekers are warriors that form a bond with a primal spirit, which imparts upon them a fraction of its power. In
return, they act as an extension of that spirit, operating beyond its normal boundaries.
Seekers are highly accurate, and can imbue their ranged attacks with magic. They are extremely effective when
marking targets for their allies, as anyone near them feels their senses heightened.
 How do you see and know the exact spots to shoot?
 What primal spirit do you have a connection with?
 What aspects of your primal spirit do you have?
 What is the most dangerous expedition you’ve been on?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 15 Save: 12
HP: 6 Stress Cap: 4
Recoveries: 3 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 9 A-Def: 9
Speed: 5 Mana: 3 LIGHT MAIN

MARKSMAN’S EYE An arrow shot into the sky disappears into a rapidly
spreading dark cloud. Lightning cracks, and rain
The Seeker and their allies gain +2 ACC instead of begins to fall. Each blue raindrop, an arrow that seeks
+1 ACC when consuming a MARK on an attack roll
a home. There is no escape until the storm passes.
against a target within the Seeker’s Scope.

Heavenly Starfall

The Seeker can spend 1 mana to MARK as a Create 4 [Blast 2] zones within range 40 that can’t
Quick Action. overlap, and don’t require Line of Sight. All
characters of your choice in those areas must make
an AGI save, taking [1d6+2 Force] on a failure, or
GUIDED SHOT half damage on a success. As a quick action on
You gain the Guided Shot reaction. subsequent turns, you can force all characters of
your choice in those zones to repeat the save. At
the end of each of your turns, one of the zones
Guided Shot disappears.
[SKILL] Reaction
Trigger: You or an ally miss with a ranged or
thrown attack roll against a target within Scope.
Effect: Repeat the attack roll against a different
character within range 5 of the original target.


Heartseeker Chain Shot

[WEAPON] Main Bow, Homing [SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast
[Range 15] [1d3 Force + 1 DOT Force [Aetheric] [1d3 Lunar]
(MGK)] On Hit: The target must pass a MGK save or be
If you consume a mark, this weapon gains AP for IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. You
the attack. can spend 1 mana to force all characters adjacent
to the target to make the save as well.


Spectral Shot
[SKILL] 2 MEM, Mana 1 Swarming Shot
Your single target ranged attacks can phase [SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast
through objects. If you have Line of Sight on a [Aetheric, Blast 1] [1 Stress]
target, you can ignore cover when attacking. If you On Hit: Target is DAZED until the end of their next
don’t have Line of Sight, you can still attack, but turn. The blast area becomes a zone until the start
the target benefits from Hard Cover. of your next turn. Any character that enters the
zone is DAZED until the end of their next turn.


Astral Barrage Coiling Shot

[WEAPON] Heavy Bow, Reload, Unique [SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast
[Range 20] [2d6 Force] [Aetheric] [2d6 Force]
When you attack with this weapon, you can attack On Hit: A spectral serpent coils around the target.
every MARKED character within the weapon’s Until the end of their next turn, if the target ends
range before needing to reload. You take 1 Stress their turn next to an allied character, the ally takes
for every additional target attacked beyond the 1st. [1d6 force] and is DAZED until the end of their next

Shadow Dancer

Shadow dancers cloak themselves with darkness, moving unseen across the
battlefield. Their special connection with shadows allows them to
teleport between areas of darkness.
Shadow dancers train in the dark, increasing their attunement to the power of darkness. When they finish their
training, their shadow is different. It moves different, feels looser, and seems darker. All shadows look different to
the shadow dancer, as they realize that they’re all connected.
Shadow dancers are high mobility attackers, moving across the battlefield to attack precisely when they need to,
before disappearing into a pool of darkness.
 How are shadows linked, and how do you exploit that?
 What is your favorite type of dance?
 Why do you feel more comfortable in the dark?
 What makes your shadow stronger, and what happens if it gets too strong?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 10 Save: 10
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 4
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 12 A-Def: 7
Speed: 7 Mana: 3 LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT

SNEAK ATTACK Ultimate, Free Action

1/round, the Shadow Dancer can deal +1d6 bonus The light in the scene dims, and shadows grow
damage with an attack roll if the Shadow Dancer is longer. For the rest of the scene, you can teleport
HIDDEN, or if an active ally of the Shadow Dancer when you use your standard movement or RUSH.
is adjacent to the target.

Reaction attacks against the Shadow Dancer gain
+1 DIF.

+1 ACC on AGI checks and saves.


Shadow Step Strangle

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Mana 1 [SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast, Mana 1
When you RUSH, you can teleport the distance [Aetheric] [2 Stress]
instead, and if you end your movement in hard On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or be
cover, you can HIDE as a free action. SILENCED and unable to CHANNEL during their
next turn. If they are currently channeling, they have
+1 DIF on the save to maintain when hit by this


Cloak of Darkness Flash Step Dagger

[SKILL] 2 MEM [WEAPON] Light Blade, Accurate, Thrown 3
You automatically become HIDDEN when not in [Reach 1] [1d3+1 physical]
Line of Sight and behind hard cover. On Hit: You can teleport to an unoccupied space
adjacent to the target. This weapon returns to your
hand when thrown.


Shadow Meld with your standard move. As a free action once on

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Quick, Mana 2 your turn, you can teleport to one of your clones’
Quick: You become INVISIBLE until you make an spaces, destroying the clone.
attack or force a save. If you RUSH, you can also move all of your
shadow clones.
You can destroy any shadow clones during your
Shadow Clones turn as a free action.
[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Summon, Mana 3 You can’t have more than 3 shadow clones at
(size=your size, 5 HP, 10 dodge/a-def) once. If you use this ability again, you only
Release: You create 3 shadow clones of yourself summon new clones until you have 3 (you can
within Scope. They have your speed and size, and always destroy existing ones).
you can choose to move them instead of yourself

Shapes hifter

Shapeshifters are able to assume various forms to overcome any obstacle.
They can transform their entire body or individual parts as needed.
Shapeshifters can change their body, taking on features from other creatures or turning into a different one
altogether. The earliest shapeshifters were lycanthropes studying the way their transformations worked. Over
time, they discovered how to transform only parts of their body, and eventually how to change what they
transformed into.
A shapeshifter’s different forms make them very versatile in combat play, and with FORM FOR THE OCCASION
they don’t need to worry about changing their loadout based on the environment.
 What does it look like when you transform?
 What physical trait carries over to each form you assume?
 When was the first time you changed your shape, and what was it?
 What form or changes feel most natural to you?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 10 Save: 10
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 5 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 7
Speed: 6 Mana: 4 LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT

Ultimate, Free Action
You have the following integrated weapon, and it
cannot be destroyed, DISARMED/DISABLED, or You assume a perfect form. You gain the following
enchanted. effects. This lasts until the end of the scene or until
Light Club. [Reach 1] [1d3 Physical] At the end of you end it as a free action. This form works with any
your turn, if you didn’t make an attack that turn, you other forms.
can attack with this weapon as a free action.  You gain +1 ACC on all attack rolls, checks,
and saves.
 You can take 1 stress to remove any
FORM FOR THE OCCASION condition on yourself as a free action.
You ignore difficult terrain. You can climb, swim, or  When you MARK a creature, they take 1
fly equal to your speed, but you take 1 stress at the stress.
end of a turn in which you did so.  Eye of the Beast. You gain the Eye of the
Beast reaction.

Eye of the Beast
When a character within Scope consumes a MARK, [SKILL] Reaction
the Shapeshifter can clear 1 stress from them. Trigger: A MARK is consumed against a character
within Scope.
Effect: The target takes 1 stress.


Scout Form
[SKILL] 2 MEM, Quick, Mana 2
Quick: You assume a scouting form. Your size
becomes ½. Your speed increases by 2, and
attacks against you have +1 DIF, but you can’t
make attacks or cast spells. As a Quick Action Keen Senses
while in this form, you can MARK a character in
Scope. This form lasts until the end of the scene or
until you end it as a free action. You can only You gain +2 ACC to SEARCH rolls and attack rolls
benefit from one form at a time. against HIDDEN or INVISIBLE targets.


Defender Form
[SKILL] 2 MEM, Quick, Mana 3 Apex Weapon
Quick: You assume the form of a defender [WEAPON] Heavy Club
creature, like a bear. Your size and armor increase [Reach 1] [2d6+2 Physical]
by 1 (to a max of 3 each), and you gain 4 temp HP.
On Hit: You can GRAPPLE the target as a free
As a Quick Action while in this form, you can
action. They take [1 AP physical] at the start of
spend 1 mana to gain 2 temp HP. The form lasts
each of their turns while remaining grappled by
until the end of the scene or until you end it as a
you. This weapon can’t be DISARMED.
free action. You can only benefit from one form at
a time.


A Face You Know

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 1 Snarl and Bite
Release: You assume a form that is friendly or [SKILL] 2 MEM, Reaction, 2 Stress (Self)
important to your foes until the start of your next Trigger: A melee attack hits or misses you.
turn. Any character that attacks you in this form Effect: You can make a melee attack against the
takes 1 Stress. You can extend this effect for attacker.
another turn by spending 1 mana. Any attacks you
make in this form gain +1 DIF. You can only
benefit from one form at a time.


Skalds are warrior poets, weaving magic into songs. A skald’s songs can
enhance their allies, providing powerful benefits.
There is magic in a song. There is magic in a dance. Any performance where you put some of yourself into it is
magical. Skalds know this, and push can push it to its extremes. Stories come to life and move people, or draw
out a specific emotion. Performance is the weapon of a skald.
Skalds use their performances to improve their allies, moving them around the battlefield or strengthening them.
 What type of performance is your specialty?
 What weapon and instrument have you combined? Songbow, Hammerhorn, etc.?
 What does your entrance music sound like, or what is the key instrument in it?
 Who was moved by your performance that you didn’t expect to be?

Abilities [SKILL] Reaction
Size: __ Armor: __ Trigger: An ally within Scope is missed by an
Scope: 10 Save: 11 attack.
BULK MIND Effect: You can slide the ally 1 space.
HP: 7 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6
Dodge: 8 A-Def: 9
Speed: 5 Mana: 4 WEAPON SLOTS

As a Quick Action, the Skald can spend 1 mana to
grant a character within Scope +1 ACC on their next
attack roll. A character can only benefit from one
Inspire at a time. LIGHT MAIN

Gain the Tempo reaction.

Ultimate, Free Action
The Skald begins weaving a legendary
performance. When this ultimate is activated and at
the start of each of the Skald’s turns, pick a verse.
The effects of chosen verses are applied to the
Skald and all allies within their Scope. Each verse
can only be chosen once. Instead of picking a
verse, or when there are no more verses to select,
the Skald selects a Finale. The finale affects the
Skald and all allies within Scope. After the finale, the
ultimate ends. If the Skald is SILENCED, the effects
of all verses are suppressed, and the Skald doesn’t
choose any new verses or finales until the
SILENCED condition is removed.
 Verse of Heroes. +1 ACC on attack rolls.
 Verse of Journey. +2 Speed.
 Verse of Relaxation. Gain resistance to
 Verse of Teamwork. +1 ACC on all checks
and saves.
 The Last Stand. Gain 1d6+4 PARRY.
 The Storm Fades. Regain all mana.
 Legends Never Die. Regain all HP.
 A New Beginning. Clear all stress and
remove all conditions.
 The New World. Each character slides
themselves up to their speed.


Mock Wit
[SPELL] 2 MEM, SKIRMISH [WEAPON] Main Bow, Aetheric
An enemy within Scope must make a MND save. [Range 15] [1d3+1 Force]
Success: They take 1 Stress. Failure: They must On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their
move their speed straight toward you, or take [2 next turn and MARKED.
stress] and be MARKED.


Parrying Dagger
[SUPPORT] [Main, Parry 1] [Reaction, Song of Defense
1/round] [SPELL] 2 MEM, CHANNEL
Trigger: You are targeted by an attack that Release: You and all allies within range 5 gain 1
targets your DODGE. Effect: Make an opposed PARRY. During subsequent turns, you can spend 1
attack roll with a weapon against the attacker. If mana to continue using this ability as a quick
you tie or win the contest, the attack misses you. action. If you don’t maintain this ability as a quick
action, it reverts to a CHANNEL action as normal.


Song of Rest Soundwave

Release: Allies within Burst 3 can spend a recovery Release: Create a Blast 1 zone within Scope, and
to regain all their HP. During subsequent turns, you choose one of the following effects:
can spend 1 mana to use the following Quick  Characters are SILENCED while partly
Action until you take a turn and don’t use this quick within the area.
action. Quick: All allies within a Burst 3 area gain 3  Characters fully within the area are immune
temp HP. to all spells and spell effects. Existing spell
effects are not affected.
Zones last until the end of the scene or until you are
have up to 3 zones in play at once. You can dismiss
a zone as a free action during your turn.


Stitches are battlefield medics that weave flesh together. They can keep
people active and fighting even through deadly injuries.
Stitches have a unique insight into aetheric fields, and can use magic to heal wounds instantly. This knowledge
also makes stitches dangerous fighters, as they know exactly how to hurt or incapacitate threats and turn their
own aetheric field against them.
Stitches have many ways of keeping their allies healthy during a fight, from temporary hit points to pure healing.
Stitches can combine with any other classes for a truly unique and customized playstyle.
 What mark is left behind on those you’ve healed?
 What type of effects or injuries do you find difficult to fix?
 What do aetheric fields look like to you, and how is yours different?
 What is the worst injury you’ve saved someone from?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 10 Save: 12
HP: 7 Stress Cap: 7
Recoveries: 10 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 10
Speed: 5 Mana: 4 LIGHT LIGHT

Second Life
During a SHORT REST or when a character within Ultimate, Channel
[range 5] spends/loses a recovery, you can choose
to spend your recoveries for them instead. Release: Choose one active or defeated allied
character within Scope. The character is restored to
their HP maximum, regains all of their recoveries,
HEALING BEACON clears all their stress, and removes 1 WOUND or
When you or an ally within Scope consumes a
mark, they regain 1d6 HP.


Soul Shield
A character within Scope gains 1d3 temporary HP. [SPELL] 2 MEM, Cast
A character that has temporary HP from this ability [Aetheric] [2 Stress]
doesn’t need to make Concentration Checks to On Hit: You or a character within range 5 of you
maintain a CHANNEL ability as long as they had regains 1d3 HP. You can spend 1 mana to
the temp HP when the check was triggered. You increase the healing to 1d6 instead.
can spend 1 mana to increase the temporary HP
gained to 1d6.


Restore Sewing Needle

[SPELL] 1 MEM, Channel [WEAPON] Light Blade, AP
Release: Choose one of the following: [Range 5, Reach 3] [1d3 Force]
 Remove all conditions and DoT from a On Hit: If the target is BLOODIED, they are
character within Scope. IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn. Any
 One character within Scope takes 2 Stress BLOODIED characters of your choice adjacent to
and cannot benefit from ACC or DIF and the target are SLOWED until the end of their next
can’t use a MARK until the end of their turn.
next turn.
The needle itself is rarely seen. The
shining thread, made of magical force,
is usually seen instead.


Heal Healing Well

[SPELL] 3 MEM, Skirmish, Mana 1 [SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 3
One character within Scope can spend a recovery Release: Create a [blast 1] zone of healing energy
to heal all their HP. within Scope. Any character that starts their turn in
the area regains 1d6 HP. The zone lasts until the
end of the scene or until you use this ability again.


Thunderclaws have mastered electricity, and can use it to enhance their
physical abilities, resulting in explosive speed and power.
Thunderclaws are named after the elite lycan warriors that created the fighting style. Training atop a mountain in
the Thunderfields, they gained a unique insight into the properties of lightning. They learned how to either
generate and channel it through their bodies, or to hold it within to enhance their physical abilities.
Thunderclaws are highly mobile, with abilities that allow them to quickly move around a battlefield, and others that
require specific positioning to maximize their effects.
 What is unique about your fighting style?
 Where did you train, and why can’t anyone else train there now?
 What is the most dangerous technique you know, and why is it dangerous?
 What does it feel like to hold lightning within yourself?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 5 Save: 10
HP: 8 Stress Cap: 5
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 10 A-Def: 7
Speed: 6 Mana: 3 MAIN LIGHT

Living Lightning
Once during their turn, the Thunderclaw can convert Ultimate, Free Action
any amount of Flurry to an equal amount of PARRY,
or vice versa. The Thunderclaw channels lightning directly into
their body, pushing them past their physical limits.
The Thunderclaw immediately gains 6 Flurry. Until
DASH the end of the scene, their Dash trait doesn’t cost
mana. When they spend 6 Flurry to stun a
As a Quick Action, the Thunderclaw can spend 1
character, the character is automatically STUNNED
Mana to RUSH.
(no save). Each character can be affected by the no
save STUNNED condition 1/scene.
The Thunderclaw has a Flurry Score, which starts at
0 and has a maximum of 6. Whenever the
Thunderclaw hits with a melee attack, they gain +1
Flurry. 1/round when they hit with a melee attack
roll, they can expend 1 Flurry to deal 1d6 bonus
damage, or expend 6 Flurry to force one of the
targets to make a BULK save. On a failure, they are
STUNNED until the end of their next turn.


Bottled Lightning Chakram

[SUPPORT] [LIGHT] [Consumable 2] [WEAPON] Main Blade, Thrown 5
[Reach 1] [2 Physical]
Quick: Create a zone that includes your spaces
and a Burst 2 area. The zone lasts until the end of When thrown, this weapon gains ARCING and
your next turn. Characters are BLINDED while deals +1 damage for every space traveled beyond
partly within the zone. range 1.

This thin disc of metal is made of a

rare alloy that allows it to bounce off
of surfaces and around corners.


Lightning Bolt Wolf Claws

[SPELL] 2 MEM, Skirmish, Mana 1 [WEAPON] Light Club
Create a Line 10 area. All targets in the area must [Reach 1] [1d3 Physical]
make an AGI save. Fail: [1d6 Astral] and they are You can Slide yourself a number of spaces equal
unable to take Reactions until the end of their next to the damage rolled. If you end this movement
turn. Success: Half damage. next to a different hostile character, you can deal
Your body is the generator. You direct [1 Physical] to them.
the flow.
Wolf claws are tipped with an
indestructible material, allowing them
to tear through anything.


Chain Lightning Strikes

[SKILL] 3 MEM, FULL ATTACK Kinetic Redistributor
Make a melee attack against an adjacent target. [SUPPORT] [Main] [Reaction, 1/round]
On a hit, you can slide yourself 3 spaces and
Trigger: You are targeted by a ranged attack.
repeat the attack against a different target. Each
Effect: Choose to either impose +1 DIF on the
hit deals [3 Astral], and a target can only be
attack, or gain 2 PARRY.
attacked by this ability 1/turn.


Tidecallers command the oceans and water. They can manipulate currents
to reposition allies and hinder enemies.
Common knowledge states that only a fool braves the seas without a tidecaller. Their command over water and
insight into weather patterns makes them an invaluable addition to any seafaring vessel.
Tidecallers use spells to move their allies and enemies around the battlefield. They have a powerful group healing
spell, but aren’t the most mana-efficient healers.
 What secret about the ocean do you know?
 How do you accurately predict the weather?
 What underwater-dwelling person do you owe a favor to?
 How do people commonly travel across open water?


Size: __ Armor: __
Scope: 5 Save: 12
HP: 7 Stress Cap: 6
Recoveries: 4 Memory: 6 SUPPORT SLOTS
Dodge: 7 A-Def: 10
Speed: 5 Mana: 4 LIGHT LIGHT LIGHT

Tidal Wave
The Tidecaller can swim and breathe underwater. Ultimate, Skirmish
A wave of water washes from one side of the map
to the other. Choose one edge of the map (generally
DOWNRIVER either north, south, east, or west). All enemies in the
scene must make a BLK save, being pushed 1d6+2
As a Quick Action, the Tidecaller can create a
spaces in a straight line toward the chosen side of
[Line 8] zone. This is a river current, and the
the map on a failed save, or half as many spaces on
Tidecaller decides which end of the line it flows
a successful one. Characters that fail the save are
toward. 1/turn whenever an ally enters the zone,
DISABLED until the end of their next turn. A
they can choose to teleport to an empty space in the
character that hits an obstacle takes [1d6 physical].
zone in the direction of the flow. This zone lasts until
the Tidecaller creates a new one, is defeated, or
starts a round STUNNED.


Rainfall Storm Surge

[Spell] 1 MEM, Channel [Spell] 2 MEM, Skirmish, Arcing,
Gain the following CHANNEL options: Aetheric, Mana 1
Make a Line 4 Aetheric spell attack within Scope,
Soothing Rain: Release: Create a [Blast 1] zone facing any direction. On a hit, targets take [2
within Scope. When a character starts their turn in stress] and are pushed to the end of the line. You
the zone, they remove all DOT and clear 1 Stress. can spend 1 mana to force all hit targets to make a
This zone lasts until you use this ability again. BLK save, falling PRONE on a failure.

Downpour: Release: Create a [Blast 1] zone

within Scope. Characters are BLINDED while fully
within the zone. This zone lasts until the end of
your next turn, but can be extended by another
round by spending 1 mana during your turn.


Abyssal Scepter Tidal Healing

[Weapon] Main Artifact, Aetheric [Spell] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 2
[Range 8 or Reach 1] [1d3+2 Lunar] Release: One ally within Scope heals 2d6 HP.
On Hit: You can spend 1 mana to cause all Another ally within Range 5 of them heals half of
characters within a Burst 2 centered on the target that amount. Roll 1d6. On a 5+, you can continue
to be pulled to an empty space adjacent to the healing new allies within Range 5 of the last target
target. for half of the previous amount. You can keep
repeating this until you roll a 1-4, there are no
other allies within range 5 of the last target, or the
healing reaches 1. A character can only benefit
from this healing 1/turn.


Drown Whirlpool
[Spell] 1 MEM, Cast [Spell] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 3
[Aetheric] [1 DOT Stress (MGK)] Release: Create a blast 2 zone within Scope. You
The target is SILENCED while taking this DOT. can move any character within the area to any
empty space within the area. All characters within
the area are DAZED and IMMOBILIZED, and any
character that enters the area gains these
conditions. A character in the area can make a
BLK save at the end of each of their turns to end
these conditions on themselves. The zone lasts
until you dismiss it as a free action or use this
ability again.


The earth heeds the call of the wardens, rising to restrict their foes
while the wardens endure with the planet’s lifeforce.
Wardens are connected to the lifeforce of the planet, controlling the elements of earth and rock. They feel what
the planet feels, and when it cries out in pain, they rise to defend it. In return, they can draw upon the strength of
the planet itself to protect themselves.
Wardens can connect and attune to any planet or plane they travel to, although their powers may look or work
differently. Traveling to a dimension of fire, for example, a warden might find their hair turning to flame, and their
powers becoming fire themed.
 What earthlike features do you have? Rocky skin, stone hair, etc.
 What creature or spirit did you learn from?
 How does the planet communicate with you?
 What are the unique properties of the tree one of your pieces of equipment is made from?
 What types of plants spring to life under your feet?

Abilities The Warden can choose to make a character that
Size: __ Armor: __ starts their turn adjacent to the Warden SLOWED
Scope: 5 Save: 11 until the end of the character’s next turn. The
BULK MIND Warden can’t use this ability if they are STUNNED,
HP: 12 Stress Cap: 5 DISABLED, or SILENCED.
Recoveries: 6 Memory: 5
Dodge: 6
Speed: 5 Mana: 2
When the Warden uses INTERPOSE, if they end
their movement adjacent to the attacker, the LIGHT LIGHT MAIN
Warden can choose to make them SLOWED until
the end of their next turn.
Gain the earthen slide reaction.

Earthen Slide
[SKILL] Reaction
Trigger: A character within your Scope starts their
Effect: You can spend 1 PARRY to slide them 2

Gaia’s Wrath
Ultimate, Free Action
You become an avatar of nature. You gain the
following benefits, which lasts until the end of the
scene or until you end it as a free action.
 Your size increases by 1 (max of 3) and
any adjacent characters are pushed to the
nearest empty space to accommodate your
new size.
 You gain 1d3 PARRY at the start of each of
your turns.
 When you hit a creature with any attack,
they are SLOWED until the end of their
next turn. A character that is already
SLOWED is also IMMOBILIZED until the
end of their next turn.


Lifeblood Inner Reserves

When you would take DOT, you can immediately When you RECOVER, you gain 2 parry and until
make the DOT’s save. On a success, you don’t the start of your next turn can INTERPOSE /
take the DOT. COUNTERATTACK an unlimited number of times
each turn.


Nature Vortex
[SPELL] 2 MEM, Channel, Mana 1
Release: All characters of your choice within Earthwarden’s Shield
[Burst 3] are auto-hit and PULLED to the closest [SUPPORT] [Main]
empty adjacent space to you and IMMOBILIZED
them until the end of their next turn. If there are no +1 Armor. When you INTERPOSE, you can spend
available adjacent spaces, pull them to the closest an additional PARRY to gain resistance to any
empty space to you. damage from the attack.


Greatoak Mauler
[WEAPON] Heavy club, Slow Weight of Earth
[Reach 1] [4d6 physical] [SKILL] 2 MEM
On Hit: All enemies adjacent to you take physical When you hit a creature with a reaction attack roll,
damage equal to the lowest d6 roll for this they are IMMOBILIZED until the start of their next
weapon’s damage. turn.


Warlords are commanders of the battlefield. They lead their allies to
victory, making them better fighters.
Tacticians and leaders, warlords are the glue that holds a group together. They feel the rhythm of battle, and can
adjust their plans, tactics, and people accordingly.
Warlords can either be a backline strategist, supporting their allies with intelligence and positioning, or lead by
example and get into the thick of battle.
 Why are people willing to follow your command?
 When did one of your decisions save the day?
 What tactical mistake have you promised to never let happen again?
 What tactical secrets do you wish you knew?

Size: __ Armor: __ WEAPON SLOTS
Scope: 10 Save: 10
HP: 10 Stress Cap: 5 MAIN HEAVY
Recoveries: 5 Memory: 7
Dodge: 8
A-Def: 6
Speed: 5 Mana: 2
When you MARK a character, an ally of your choice Follow My Lead
can VOLLEY, CAST, or BRAWL against the marked Ultimate, Free Action
character as a reaction.
Until the end of the scene, 1/round when you take
an action, another character of your choice can take
TAKE A BREATHER another valid action from that phase as a reaction.
When you or an ally within Scope RECOVERS,
another character of your choice within Range 10 of
them gains 1d6+1 temp HP.


Command Standard of Courage

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Skirmish [SUPPORT] [Main] Summon, Limited 1, Quick
Choose an ally within Scope. They can (Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 Dodge/A-Def)
immediately Volley/Cast/Brawl with +2 DIF. If you Quick: You plant this summon in an empty
take 1 Stress, they do not gain the DIF from this adjacent space, which emits a Burst 2 zone. You
skill. and all allied characters in the zone gain +1 ACC
on attack rolls, checks, and saves while within the
zone. You and allied characters that start their
turn in the zone gain 1d3 temp HP. During your
turn, you can pick up and move the flag when you
move, placing it in another empty adjacent space.


[WEAPON] Main Longarm Lead from the Front
[Reach 2] [1d6+2 Physical] [SKILL] 1 MEM, Unique
On Crit: You can teleport one willing creature When you FIGHT, one ally of your choice within
within your Scope up to 5 spaces. Scope gains 1d3 temp HP.


Focus Target Rally

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Unique [SKILL] 2 MEM, Reaction
When an ally within Scope consumes a MARK, Trigger: An ally within Scope takes a WOUND or
another ally of your choice within Scope can OVERSTRESS.
VOLLEY/CAST/BRAWL the target as a reaction. Effect: They gain 4 temp HP and clear any DOT
and conditions.

Talents You have been building your own magitech
Talents are bundles of abilities that beacons can weapon, and while it’s not what most would
learn, that aren’t specific to a class. When a consider ‘stable’, it’s good enough for field
beacon learns a talent, they always have access testing.
to that talent.
1. Experimental Weapon. When you gain
Talents come in three ranks: rank 1, rank 2, and this talent and during a Long Rest, you
rank 3. Talents must be taken in order; you must create an experimental weapon. You
have rank 1 of a talent in order to take rank 2. can equip this weapon for FREE. You
can only have one experimental weapon
at a time.
Experimental Weapon
Archmages stand at the pinnacle of aetheric [WEAPON] Main Magitech, Unique
research. They can manipulate magic in ways [Custom Range] [1d6+1 Damage]
that others can only dream of.
When this weapon is created and during a Long
1. Spell Sculptor. When you cast a spell Rest, you can choose to change the following:
with an area of effect (Blast, Burst,  Range: Reach 1 (Counts as melee
Cone, Line), you can spend 1 mana to weapon) or Range 10 (counts as ranged
exclude 1 target from the area. weapon)
2. Arcane Turret. When you are  Damage Type: Physical, Astral, Lunar, or
CHANNELING, your armor increases by Force
After you use this weapon roll a d6. On a 4-6 the
+2, to a maximum of 4.
weapon malfunctions and must be RELOADED
3. Focused Caster. The following option is
before being used again.
added to the REROLL TABLE:
a. Spend 1 mana to reroll.

2. Improvements. Your experimental

Armored Defender weapon malfunctions on a 5-6. When
you create your experimental weapon or
Armor keeps you alive. The stronger and more during a Long Rest, choose two of the
reliable your armor is, the longer you stay alive. following improvements to your weapon.
1. Reinforced Plating. When you  Tags (Can be Chosen Twice).
DEFEND, until the start of your next turn Your Experimental weapon
you gain +1 armor from all support items gains one of the following tags:
that provide armor (to a maximum of 4 Accurate, Aetheric, Arcing, Push
armor). 1, Reliable 2, Thrown 5.
2. Adamantine Armor. If one of your  Area Pattern. When you attack
support items with the [armor] tag would with your experimental weapon,
be destroyed, such as from a WOUND, you can choose to make it one
ignore that result and you are instead of the following AOEs instead of
DAZED until the end of your next turn. a normal attack. If you do so,
3. Fitted Armor. Your DODGE and you roll twice to determine
SPEED isn’t reduced by support items malfunction and keep the
with the [armor] tag. highest result.

i. Ranged Weapon: Cone 2. Fisticuffs. Your IMPROVISED ATTACK
3, Line 8, or Blast 1 with deals 1d6 physical. On a crit, choose
weapon’s range. one:
ii. Melee Weapon: Burst 1 o The target is DAZED until the
3. Perfection. Your experimental weapon end of their next turn.
only malfunctions on a d6. When you o You can automatically succeed
create your experimental weapon or on a PUSH against the target.
during a Long Rest, choose one of the 3. Submission. You gain the following
following improvements to your weapon. CHANNEL ability, usable on a grappled
 Increased Range. If your character. Channel: A character
weapon is melee, it gains +1 grappled by you becomes
reach. If it is ranged, it gains +5 IMMOBILIZED as long as this ability is
range. channeled, regardless of size. Release:
 Increased Damage. Your The grappled character must make a
weapon’s damage becomes BLK save. On a failure, they take [2d6
1d6+3 Physical] and are DISABLED until the
 Punch Through. Your weapon end of their next turn, or half damage on
gains AP. a success. If the target is no longer
grappled, this effect fails.
Shooting your enemy before they can shoot you
is a critical advantage. Artillerists can squeeze Clubs are highly effective weapons against
out every inch of range from their weapons. armor. Worse case scenario, their powerful
blows can dent and deform armor, restricting
1. Rangefinder. Your weapons with range their opponents’ movements. Best case
have their range increased by 3.
scenario, they crush them inside their armor.
2. Bombard. You gain the following
CHANNEL ability. Channel: Create a 1. Sunder Armor. When you crit with a
Blast 1 Zone centered within the range club, the target is SUNDERED until the
of one of your weapons. Release: You end of their next turn and their armor is
make an attack with one of your decreased by 1 (to a minimum of 0) until
weapons into the zone, including SLOW the end of the scene.
weapons. The attack cannot miss. 2. Dazing Blows. 1/round when you hit a
3. Rain Fire. When you use your character with a club, the target must
BOMBARD ability from this talent, you pass a BLK save or be DAZED until the
can create up to 2 blast 1 zones within end of their next turn.
range instead of one. The zones cannot 3. Ring the Bell. You gain the following
be adjacent to each other. When you CHANNEL ability. Release: Make a
release, you can attack into either zone. melee attack with a club, including
SLOW ones. On Hit: The weapon deals
Brawler its normal damage and effects, and the
The unarmed gladiator leagues of Bastion are target must succeed on a BLK save or
among its most popular. The league draws in be STUNNED until the end of their next
competitors from dozens of different fighting turn.
styles, which makes the bouts dynamic and fun. Called Shots
Gladiators in the league assume over the top
personas, and quickly amass dedicated fans. Everyone knows that hitting a specific body part
is better than attacking whatever you can get,
1. Quick Hands. When you hit with an but putting that into practice during a real fight is
IMPROVISED ATTACK, you can take 1 incredibly difficult. Those with the speed, skill,
stress to automatically GRAPPLE the
and accuracy to reliably do so can end a fight 2. Planning. When an ally takes stress to
quickly. reroll an attack against your
COMMANDER’S MARK target, the
1. Body Parts. On a crit with a weapon
stress cost is reduced by 1. The
attack, you can choose one of the COMMANDER’S MARK remains on a
following additional effects: 4+ instead of a 5+.
a. Arm. Target is DISARMED until 3. Order. When you MARK a target, you
the end of their next turn. can announce an action that you want
b. Throat. Target is SILENCED any ally to take against that target. The
until the end of their next turn. first ally that takes that action against
c. Head. Target is DAZED until the
the target while it is MARKED gains 2+
end of their next turn. your GRIT temp HP.
2. Precision. 1/round you can take +1 DIF
on an attack roll. If the attack hits, you Dervish
ignore their armor for that attack. In
The history of the dervishes can be traced to a
addition, the head body part now grants
group of humanoids that lived near air
DAZED until they use an action during
elementals. The two cultures grew together, and
any phase to remove it.
3. Pinpoint Lethality. The following the dervish dance was of their creations, where
options are added to the body parts list: a humanoid and an air elemental would dance
a. Heart. Target must pass a BLK together in a beautiful whirlwind.
save or be STUNNED until the When a Herald of the Scourge threatened their
end of their next turn. A target home, the humanoids and elementals fought
can only be subject to this effect
together, using their dance as way for two
creatures to fight as one. The style has been
b. Leg. Target is IMMOBILIZED
until the end of their next turn. adapted over time to be used without the help of
c. Body. Target is knocked air elementals, although to a lesser effect.
PRONE. 1. Tempo. Every weapon attack after your
d. Eye. Target is BLINDED until first attack in a turn gains +1 ACC,
the end of their next turn. cumulative to a max of +6 ACC. Attacks
with an AOE count as one attack.
2. Dual Wielder. A [MAIN] or
Commander [LIGHT∞LIGHT] weapon slot becomes a
[MAIN∞LIGHT] slot, or a [LIGHT] slot
The difference between a good commander and
becomes a [LIGHT∞LIGHT] slot. Every
a bad one is trust. A bad commander issues
weapon attack after your first attack in a
orders and expects them to be followed because
turn deals +1 damage, cumulative.
of their rank. A good commander knows their Attacks with an AOE count as one
team and trusts them to follow orders, and the attack.
team trusts the commander to keep them alive. 3. Twin Strike. If you hit with both attacks
1. Commander’s Mark. When you MARK from a linked weapon, the 2nd attack
a character, you can make it a special deals +1d3 bonus damage.
COMMANDER’S MARK. It functions as
a normal mark, but when a character
consumes it, they roll 1d6. On a 5+, the Duelist
COMMANDER’S MARK remains. You Professional duelists see a duel as a dance,
can only have 1 COMMANDER’S carefully attacking or defending in response to
MARK at a time, and placing a new one
their opponent’s own moves. Duelists can take
turns the old one into a normal mark.
their time to figure out their opponent’s style and
steps, capitalizing on the perfect opening.
1. Seize Initiative. You gain +1 ACC on enchantments are added to your list of
the first melee attack roll you make on available enchantments from rank 1 of
your turn. this talent.
2. Riposte. You can spend parry to  Vorpal [any melee weapon].
COUNTERATTACK when you are When you roll the maximum
missed by an attack. damage on a die with this
3. Flourish. You gain the following weapon, roll the die again and
additional options for add that result to the total
COUNTERATTACK, instead of making damage. This effect can trigger
an attack: multiple times. Only the damage
 Disarm: The target must from the weapon triggers this
succeed on an AGI save or be effect, not any bonus damage.
DISARMED until the end of their  Speed [any weapon without
next turn. SLOW]. You can use this
 Deflect: You gain resistance to weapon during PHASE 1:
all damage and stress from the BOLSTER.
attack.  Adamant [any armor]. As a
 Trip: The target must succeed Quick Action, gain 1 PARRY.
on an AGI save or fall PRONE 3. Master Enchanter. One item of your
 Disengage: You ignore choice can hold two enchantments at a
opportunity attacks from the time, instead of just one. You can equip
target until the end of your next a single support item with the
turn. ENCHANTMENT tag for free, including
an additional one from this talent.
Infusing an item with aether allows it gain unique
traits. Enchanted weapons are always better Great Weapon Master
than their unenchanted counterparts. Heavy weapons use their great size to their
1. Enchantments. Each quest, you can advantage, allowing powerful swings to create
equip one of the following space.
ENCHANTMENT Support Items for free.
1. Momentum. You can use the stress
 Keen [any weapon]. On Crit,
option from the REROLL TABLE an
deal +1d3 bonus damage.
unlimited number of times per turn when
 Variable [any weapon]. Before
attacking with a heavy melee weapon.
each quest and when you 2. Carry Through. Your attacks with a
RECOVER or REST, you can heavy melee weapon gain RELIABLE
change the damage type of the equal to the number of times you use
weapon between [physical, the REROLL TABLE for that attack.
force, Astral, Lunar]. Only these 3. Cleave. 1/round when you defeat a
damage types can be changed, character with an attack from a heavy
and only between each other. melee weapon, you can immediately
 Aspected [armor]. This armor make another attack with that same
grants +1 ACC to checks and weapon as a free action against a
saves with BULK, AGILITY, different target.
MIND, or MAGIC, chosen when
you equip this enchantment. Hospitaler
2. Portfolio of Formulas. The support slot
The battlefield is no place for proper medicine
cost of enchantments is reduced by one
and care, but in a pinch, a hospitaller can be the
size (Heavy -> Main -> Light), to a
difference between life and death.
minimum of LIGHT. The following

1. Reserves. When you RECOVER, you 3. Impale. 1/turn when you attack with a
can pick 2 options from the 2nd set of longarm, you can turn the attack into a
choices. line attack with a length equal to the
2. Help. When you RECOVER, you or an weapon’s reach.
adjacent ally gain 3 + your GRIT temp
HP. Leyline Walker
3. Medic. When you RECOVER, you can Leylines are seams of aetheric density that that
spend 1 recovery to allow an adjacent crisscross the world. Leyline walkers can sense
ally to also gain the benefits of whatever these areas, and tap into their power.
options you selected.
1. Leyline Sensor. At the start of a
Juggernaut combat, create 3 [Blast 1] zones
Never stop moving. If something stands in your centered on empty spaces on the map.
These are leylines. A character that
way, run them over. You are unstoppable.
starts their turn partly within one of
1. Leverage. You are considered one size these zones rolls a d6. On a 5+, they
larger for PUSH, and you don’t suffer gain 1 mana.
DIF from being smaller. If you succeed 2. Leyline Drain. 1/round as a reaction
on a PUSH, you can decide to push the when a character enters a leyline zone,
target up to 3 spaces instead of 1. you can force them to make a MGK
2. Locomotion. If you PUSH a character save. On a failure, they lose 1d3 mana,
into another character or object, they and you regain mana equal to the
take [1d6 physical]. If they are pushed amount they lost. A character regains
into another character, both must mana in these zones on a 4+ of the d6.
succeed on an AGI save against your 3. Leyline Transportation. Create 4
save target or fall PRONE. leylines at the start of combat instead of
3. Runaway Train. You gain the following 3. While you are standing in a leyline,
RUSH action: you can use a PHASE 4: REPOSITION
RUSH: You move up to your speed in a action to teleport to another leyline. The
straight line, and can move through the leyline you left is destroyed.
space of other characters. Deal [10 AP
Physical] per your size (minimum 10) to
any objects in your path. If an object is
destroyed, you continue moving. You
ignore engagement and difficult terrain.
1/turn If you move through a character,
they must succeed on an AGI or be
automatically affected by a PUSH from
The lancets are an elite group of dragon riders.
As the final stage of membership, the inductee
must procure a piece of astral ore, which is used
to forge their Lancet Spear.
1. Quick Step. When you attack with a
longarm, you can SLIDE yourself 1
space after the attack.
2. Poke and Prod. When you crit with a
longarm, the target is WEAKENED until
the end of their next turn.

Lichdom 1. Limber. You have +1 ACC on AGI
checks and saves, and you ignore
Liches are arcanists that have discovered a path
difficult terrain.
to immortality. By creating a device called a
2. Tumble. You can move through the
phylactery, they can make a copy of their soul
spaces of hostile characters, but can’t
and store it inside. Upon death, a new body is end your movement in them. At the start
formed around the phylactery, and the process of your turn, you can slide yourself 1
can begin anew. space if you aren’t IMMOBILIZED.
1. Phylactery. You gain a Phylactery, 3. Free Movement. You can climb vertical
which is a free Support Item with the surfaces when you move and can jump
Consumable 1 tag. As a Quick Action, horizontally up to your speed, and
you can expend a charge to create a vertically either up to half your speed or
phylactery in an empty space adjacent your size (whichever is higher). You can
to you. The phylactery is a size ½ object run across non-solid surfaces like water
with 10 HP. While your phylactery is on as long as you end your movement on
the scene, you gain the following solid ground.
reaction: Shadow
 Reformed. [Reaction] Trigger:
You would take damage or “Shadows cloak and conceal. Keep us safe.
stress. Effect: Negate the Keep us hidden. Stay in the shadows. The light
damage / stress and any other reveals to us our deaths.”
effects. Immediately teleport to
-Shadowdancer mantra
your phylactery, destroying it.
2. Demilich. Whenever you defeat a  Blend. You have +1 ACC on your first
character, you regain 1 charge of your attack roll while hidden. You can HIDE
Phylactery support item. During a in soft cover.
SHORT REST, you can remove  Hunt. You don’t lose HIDDEN while
WOUNDS or OVERSTRESS with 1 moving, and you can HIDE even when
RECOVERY. in Line of Sight of an enemy. You still
3. Living Phylactery. When you would be lose HIDDEN if you end your turn within
defeated, your body disappears and you Line of Sight or out of cover
become a size ½ object that occupies  Infiltration. You can deploy in any
one of your spaces. This is your living empty space within range 5 of an edge
phylactery, and it has 10 HP. A of the map. If you defeat a foe while
phylactery can take no actions and can’t HIDDEN, roll a d6. On a 5+, you remain
move. At the start of each round, roll a HIDDEN.
d6 and gain that many charges. Once
you have 6 charges, the phylactery is Slasher
replaced by you, and you return with full Swords are the standard upon which all other
HP, mana, and 0 Stress. If you would weapons are weighed against. Axes are slower
have 4 or more WOUNDS / but hit harder. Spears have more reach, but are
OVERSTRESS, you go to 3 instead. worse at close range. Most cultures have their
Parkour own unique versions of the sword.

Parkour is a movement style focused on 1. Bleeding Cut. 1/round when you hit
travelling between two points in the fastest, most with a blade attack, you can take 1
efficient way. Runners can jump, roll, and climb stress to MARK the target.
over any obstacle. 2. Hamstring. 1/round when you crit with a
blade weapon, the target must pass a
BLK save or be SLOWED until the end
of their next turn.

3. Slash Stance. As a quick action, you Spellbreaker
assume one of the following stances or
Spellbreakers are anti-mages. Their job is to
deactivate one. You can only benefit
shut down enemy spellcasters, which they do
from one stance at a time.
with surprising efficiency.
o Aggressive. You gain +1 ACC
on attack rolls with blade 1. Broken Focus. When you force a
weapons, but whenever you character to make a concentration save,
take physical, force, astral, or they have +1 DIF on it.
lunar damage, roll 1d6 and take 2. Spell Evasion. If you succeed on a
extra damage equal to the save against a spell that has a reduced
number rolled. effect on a save, you don’t suffer those
o Defensive. You gain 1 PARRY effects.
whenever you attack with a 3. Break. 1/round as a reaction when a
blade weapon. character begins channeling within one
o Lunging. Your reach with of your weapon’s reach, you can make
blades is increased by +1, but an attack against them with that
you are permanently SLOWED weapon.
while in this stance.
Spotters are paired with snipers. The sniper is
Snipers are deadly marksmen. One shot, one kill the gun, and the spotter is the eye. Together,
is their motto, regardless of how long it takes. you are dead.
1. Steady Shot. At the start of your turn, 1. Shotcaller. When you MARK a target,
you can choose to IMMOBILIZE yourself they must succeed on a MND save or
until the start of your next turn. If you do be SUNDERED until the end of their
so, you gain +1 ACC on all ranged next turn.
attack rolls until the start of your next 2. Radar. You gain the following FULL
turn. ATTACK action. [FULL ATTACK] You
2. Zero In. If you miss with a ranged attack can MARK twice.
roll, you gain +1 ACC on ranged attack 3. Quick Call. At the start of your turn, you
rolls until you hit with one. This effect can take 1 stress to MARK as a free
stacks. action.
3. Pinpoint Shot. On a crit with a ranged
attack, you ignore armor and resistance. Summoner

Speedster Pull creatures from other shards and

dimensions, or coalesce aether into solid forms.
Go fast. Embrace speed. Put your problems You have a close connection to your summons,
behind you, and never stop running, or they’ll which allows them to perform beyond
catch you. expectation.
1. Zig Zag. You gain soft cover when you 1. Strong Summons. Your summons gain
RUSH until the start of your next turn. +5 HP. As a Quick Action, you can
2. Sprint. When you move or move one of your summons up to 4
REPOSITION, you can move 1d6 spaces as long as they are within your
spaces further, but you take stress Scope.
equal to half of the extra movement. 2. Defender Summons. Your summons
3. Tactical Reposition. When you RUSH, may spend your PARRY, and they have
you get both options instead of access to the INTERPOSE reaction.
choosing. 3. Tend to the Swarm. As a Quick
Action, you can spend 1 mana to

restore 1d6 HP to one of your summons 2. Mana Ammo. When you hit with a
within your Scope. magitech weapon, you can spend up to
6 mana to deal +1 damage per mana
Sun Blotter spent.
“It rained for 3 days, an endless barrage of 3. Unstable Power Core. 1/round when
death. Our soldiers drowned in the deluge, and you crit with a magitech weapon, you
we were broken.” can apply one of the following effects:
o Magnetic. The target is
-Ardentine soldier recounting the battle of Idol. DISARMED until the end of their
1. Overdraw. As a Quick Action, you next turn.
increase the range of your next bow o Shielded. You gain 1d3
attack by +5. You are IMMOBILIZED PARRY.
until you fire a bow or dismiss this effect o Shock. The target is DAZED
as a free action. and SLOWED until the end of
2. Rain of Arrows. Whenever you attack their next turn.
with a bow, you can take 1 stress to turn o Soul Gem. The target is
an empty space adjacent to the target WEAKENED until the end of
(or space within the attack’s area of their next turn and MARKED.
effect) into dangerous terrain (AGI), o Volatile. The target is
dealing physical damage. The SUNDERED until the end of
dangerous terrain is triggered when a their next turn and knocked
character enters any vertical spaces PRONE.
above it as well. The terrain lasts until a Thaumaturge
character moves into or above the
space. Artifacts are the weapons of spellcasters. Tomes
3. High Shot. Whenever you fire a bow, filled with arcane rituals, dueling wands, and
you fire another shot into the air. powerful staves can amplify their wielders mana.
Whenever you make an attack with a
1. Magical Charges. On a crit with an
bow, gain 1 ARROW. Anytime you
artifact, regain 1 mana.
attack with a bow, you can consume all
2. Overcharge. You gain the following
of your ARROWS, rolling an extra d20
CHANNEL / RELEASE action. Release:
for each shot and using the highest
Make an attack with an artifact weapon,
result for the attack roll. All ARROWS
including SLOW ones. The attack can’t
expire at the end of the scene.
Technician 3. Empowerment. 1/round when you hit a
target with an artifact, you can spend 1
Magitech weapons utilize technology to achieve mana for one of the following effects:
magical results. Different civilizations have o Cold: Target is SLOWED until
created their own power sources for magitech, the end of their next turn.
from electrical currents to soul gems. o Dark: Target is must pass a
1. Growing Power. Whenever you crit MGK save or be BLINDED until
with a magitech weapon, you get a the end of their next turn.
Power Die, which is a d6. You can have o Fire: Target takes 1 AP Astral
up to 6 Power Die, and they last until the damage for every space they
end of a quest or until spent. Whenever move until the start of their next
you make an attack or damage roll, after turn.
the dice are rolled, you can expend any o Force: Attack gains PUSH 1
number of Power Die and roll them. The and the target is DAZED until
highest number rolled is added to the the end of their next turn.
attack or damage roll. o Light: Target is MARKED.

o Lightning: Target is unable to
take any reactions until the end
of their next turn.
o Toxic: Target is DAZED until
the end of their next turn. Any of
their allies that become adjacent
to them while they have this
condition become MARKED.
Using magic on the battlefield is nothing like
learning it academically. Battlemages sacrifice
spell flexibility power in order to cast spells
quickly. A warcaster has to learn how to keep
focus regardless of what is happening around
them or to them. Pain is a distraction that leads
to death.
1. Maintain. You gain +1 ACC on BLK
saves to maintain a Channel ability. You
don’t suffer +1 DIF for ranged spell
attacks while engaged.
2. Spellfighter. You can make opportunity
attacks with spells if they have a
3. Focus. You gain resistance to physical,
astral, lunar, and force damage while

equipment, even if they are not technically
items, like a companion or living weapon.

Equipment Weapons

Equipment are things that Beacons equip for a Every beacon has access to an array of starting
quest, specifically weapons and support items. weapons. These are common weapons that can
All weapons and support items are considered be easily found, crafted, or bought for no cost.
Name Size Type Tags Range/Reach Damage Dmg type
Coil Whip Light Longarm - Reach 3 1d3+1 Lunar
Halberd Heavy Longarm - Reach 3 2d6+1 Lunar
Hand Crossbow Light Bow AP Range 5, Reach 3 1d3 Physical
Longbow Heavy Bow Arcing Range 15 2d6 Physical
Maul Heavy Club inaccurate, Push 1 Reach 1 3d6 Physical
Moonbolt Heavy Bow AP, Reloading Range 10 2d6+3 Physical
Morningstar Main Club Inaccurate Reach 1 2d6+1 Astral
Photon Axe Heavy Blade Reliable 4 Reach 2 2d6+2 Force
Rapier Light Blade AP Reach 1 1d3+1 Physical
Shardgun Cannon Heavy Magitech Reloading, Slow, Reliable 4 Range 15 3d6+1 Force
Shardgun Pistol Light Magitech Reliable 1 Range 5, Reach 3 1d3 Lunar
Shardgun Rifle Main Magitech Reliable 2 Range 10 1d6+1 Lunar
Shortbow Main Bow Arcing Range 10 1d6 Physical
Spark Dagger Light Blade Accurate, thrown 3 Reach 1 1d3+1 Astral
Spear Main Longarm Thrown 3 Reach 2 1d6+2 Physical
Staff Heavy Artifact Blast 1, Reloading Range 10, Blast 1 2d6 Astral
Sword Main Blade - Reach 1 1d6+2 Physical
Tome Main Artifact Arcing, Aetheric Range 15 1d3+2 Force
Wand Light Artifact Homing, Aetheric Range 5 1d3 Astral

Support Items Support Items come in three sizes; light, main,
Every beacon has access to an array of starting and heavy. Each class has a certain number of
support items. These are common items that support item slots, each with their own size. You
can be easily found, crafted, or bought for no can equip a support item in a support slot if it is
cost. of the same size or smaller.

Name Size Tags Effect

Arcana Crystal Light Consumable 2 Gain +1 ACC on all attack rolls from a spell.
Armor, Heavy Heavy armor +3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge
Armor, Light Light armor +1 Armor (to a max of +4).
Armor, Medium Main armor +2 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 Dodge
Caltrops Light Consumable 1, Creates a [blast 1] zone. Whenever a character walks into the
Thrown 5, Quick zone, they must pass an AGI save or take 1d6 AP physical. The
first time a character takes damage from this effect, the zone
Companion Main [Limited 1, Companion: Size ½, 5 HP, 0 armor, 10 dodge/a-def, speed 5.
Summon], Quick Your companion can be a beast, friend, or anything else that is
willing to aid you in combat. Your companion is deployed to a
free space within Scope.
During your turn, you can move your companion up to their
1/turn when you attack a character adjacent to your
companion, the companion deals [3 physical] to them.
Healing Potion Light Consumable 1, Spend a recovery and regain half of your HP maximum
Quick (rounded down).
Lore Book Main Mana 1, Quick Quick: You can identify an enemy unit in the scene. You learn
all of their statistics and abilities.
Mana Potion Light Consumable 1, Regain 1d6 mana
Poison Light Consumable 1 Expend a charge when you hit a weapon attack. The target
must pass a BLK save or take [2 Stress], get MARKED, and be
DAZED until the end of their next turn.
Resistance Potion Light Consumable 1, Resist astral or lunar damage until the end of your next turn.
Shield Main You provide soft cover to allied characters.

Shield, Tower Heavy You provide hard cover to allied characters.

Smoke Bomb Light Consumable 3, Create a [blast 2] zone of smoke that provides soft cover to
Thrown 5, Quick anything fully inside the zone until the end of your next turn.
Stoneskin Potion Main Consumable 3, Quick: You gain 1d6 PARRY.
Sunrod Light You ignore all darkness penalties.
Thieves Tools Light You can automatically open locked doors as a free action and
don’t set off traps.

Trap Main Consumable 3, Triggering character must succeed on an AGI save or take 2d6
Trap, Quick damage of a type you choose when equipping this item, or half
damage on a success.
Water Light You can swim, and don’t suffer the +1 DIF for being
Maneuverability submerged. You can breathe underwater.
Whetstone Light Consumable 2 Expend a charge when you hit with a weapon attack. You deal
the maximum damage.

levels, they may learn additional techniques that
Techniques are added to their list. Whenever a Beacon
Techniques are skills or spells that Beacons prepares for a quest, they can equip some of
equip for missions. Spells are magical in nature their known techniques.
and skills are not, although you can describe
your techniques however you want.
Each Beacon has access to the following list of
basic techniques. As a beacon gains class
Arcane Bolt Glancing Blow
[SPELL] 1 MEM, Cast [SKILL] 2 MEM, Reaction
[Aetheric, accurate] [1d3 force] Trigger: You would take damage.
- Effect: You can reduce the damage by 1 for every
point of PARRY you spend.

Arcane Explosion
[SPELL]2 MEM, CHANNEL Hinder Spell
Release: All characters within a Blast 1 area within
[Aetheric] [2 Stress]
Scope are auto-hit, taking [1d6 force]. You can
spend 1 mana to increase the damage to [2d6 On Hit: Target is DAZED until the end of their next
force]. turn.

Armor Training
[SKILL] 2 MEM, Unique
Magic Missile
Reduce the support slot size need to equip a piece of [SPELL] 2 MEM, VOLLEY, Mana X
armor by 1 step (heavy to main, main to light, light to
free). For every mana spent, a different character you
can see within Scope takes [1d6 Force].

[SKILL] 2 MEM, Reaction, 1/round Mana Reserves
Trigger: You are hit by an attack roll.
You gain +1 mana.
Effect: Increase your DODGE by 1. You can
increase your DODGE by +1 for every additional
PARRY you spend. If this brings your DODGE
above the attack roll, the attack misses. Two Weapon Fighting
[SKILL] 2 MEM, Unique

1/round when you make an attack with a LIGHT

Endurance weapon, you can make a 2nd attack with another
[SKILL] 1 MEM LIGHT weapon.

+2 HP.

Weapon Training, Basic Weapon Training, Heavy

You can equip a single MAIN weapon in a LIGHT You can equip a single HEAVY weapon in a MAIN
slot. slot.

Signature Equipment
At levels 3, 6, and 9, you can make a piece of
equipment or technique signature, which
means it is a core part of your character’s
Signature equipment and techniques are easier
to equip than their non-signature versions.
 Signature weapons can be equipped in
a weapon slot one size smaller than
normal, to a minimum of FREE. This
doesn’t change the size of the weapon.
 Signature support items can be
equipped in a support slot one size
smaller than normal, to a minimum of
FREE. This doesn’t change the size of
the support item.
 Signature techniques have their MEM
cost reduced to 0.

Signature equipables are indicated with a star *,

like *Masamune.

them. On a failure, they take the DOT
Tags damage, which is always armor
Equipment and abilities might have tags piercing.
associated with them. Below is a list of tags and  Enchantment. An enchantment
modifies a weapon or support item.
their effects.
Each weapon or item can only have one
 Accurate. Attacks with this tag gain +1 enchantment at a time. Enchantments
ACC. can be applied to a new weapon / item
 Aetheric. Attacks with this tag target A- during quest preparation.
Def instead of Dodge, and ignore cover.  Homing. Attacks and effects with this
 Arcing. Attacks and effects with this tag tag ignore cover and line of sight. The
Ignore Line of Sight and can be fired attack can hit targets as long as there is
over obstacles, but cover still applies. a path to them.
 Armor Piercing (AP). Damage ignores  Inaccurate. Attacks with this tag gain +1
armor. DIF.
 Armor. The item is considered armor. A  Integrated. Integrated items can’t be
character can only have one piece of destroyed or modified.
equipment with this tag equipped.  Limited X. Items or abilities with this tag
 Blast X. Attacks and effects with this tag can only be used X times per quest.
affect characters within a radius of X  Line X. Attacks and effects with this tag
spaces, drawn from a point within the affect characters in a straight-line X
indicated range and Line of Sight. Cover spaces long and 1 space wide.
and line of sight are calculated based on  Parry X. This weapon or ability costs x
the center of the blast, rather than the parry to use.
attacker’s position.  Pull X. Attacks or abilities with this tag
 Burst X. Attacks and effects with this move the target X spaces straight
tag affect characters within a radius of X toward the point of origin (generally the
spaces, centered on and including the attacker or center of a Blast).
space occupied by the user (or target).  Push X. Attacks or abilities with this tag
The user or target is not affected unless move the target X spaces directly away
otherwise indicated. Cover and Line of from the point of origin (generally the
Sight are calculated from the character. attacker or center of a Blast).
If a Burst effect is ongoing, it moves with  Quick. This item or ability requires a
the character at its center. quick action to activate.
 Cone X. Attacks and effects with this  Range x. The range at which a ranged
tag affect characters within a cone, X attack or ability can be used.
spaces long and X spaces wide at its  Reach X. The range at which a melee
furthest point. The cone begins 1 space attack or ability can be used. Weapons
wide. with reach can be used to make
 Consumable X. Items or abilities with Opportunity Attacks.
this tag can only be used X times per  Mana X. This weapon or ability costs X
quest. mana to use.
 Damage over Time (DoT) X. Damage  Reliable X. Attacks with this tag always
over time is ongoing damage. A deal X damage, even on a miss or if the
character that takes DOT takes the damage roll would be less. Reliable
indicated damage or stress immediately, damage inherits other tags, like AP.
and it is considered armor piercing  Reloading. A weapon or ability with this
(AP). At the end of each turn while they tag must be reloaded after each use.
have a DOT, the character makes a The RECOVER action and other
save indicated by the DOT. On a abilities allow reloading.
successful save, all DOT is cleared from

 Slide X. Attacks or abilities with this tag of that ability at a time, unless otherwise
move the target X spaces in any indicated. If a summon is defeated, new
direction. Sliding doesn’t provoke ones can be made from the same ability
reactions. unless it is LIMITED / CONSUMABLE
 Slow. Items with this tag can ONLY be and all charges have been expended.
used during Phase 7: FULL ATTACK,  Thrown X. A weapon with this tag can
and can be the only attack used that be thrown, making a melee attack
action (unless otherwise indicated). against a character within X spaces and
 Summon. Summons are temporary landing in a space adjacent to the target
characters under the control of another (thrower’s choice). Thrown attacks can
character. Summons have the follow be affected by cover. Before being used
statistics unless otherwise indicated: again, the weapon must be picked up as
Size 1, 5 HP, 10 Dodge/A-DEF, 0 a free action while adjacent to it.
armor. When summoned, they are  Trap. Items or abilities with this tag can
brought into play in an unoccupied be placed in an empty adjacent space.
space within Scope and line of sight. When a character moves adjacent to a
They can be dismissed as a free action trap, it activates. Characters leaving an
during your turn. Summons can’t move adjacent space don’t trigger the trap.
unless they have a SPEED or ability that Traps are HIDDEN, but can be detected
allows them to move. If they do have with the SEARCH action. A detected
actions or speed, they occur during their trap can be disarmed as a Quick
summoner’s turn. As characters, they Action when moving adjacent to one by
can benefit from cover and other passing an AGI check. On a failure, the
defenses, and make all checks and trap activates as normal.
saves at +0. A summon reduced to 0 HP  Unbreakable. This item cannot be
is destroyed. All non-destroyed destroyed. Ignore any results that would
summons are restored to full HP during destroy it.
a rest. Summons persist until the end of  Unique. Each character can only have
the scene, until destroyed, or until one copy of an item or ability with this
otherwise indicated. tag.
An ability that creates summons can  Zone. A zone is a lingering area of
only have 1 summon from that instance effect.

09 GM Guide
This section is for people that are interested in  Horror
running a game of Beacon. Congratulations!  Quick battles
These sections will be written more casually, as
they focus on how to make a game of Beacon
enjoyable for players AND yourself, which isn’t
Creating the Setting &
as precise of a situation as game rules are. Session 0
Once you know the type of game you want to
Setting up the Game play, you can present this information to your
Before you play a game of Beacon, you’ll want players and begin working on your setting. This
to figure out what type of game you want to play. information is usually presented during the first
This is a higher-level decision than determining player meeting, before you actually begin
the type of game your players want to play. This playing the game. This is commonly referred to
isn’t about the setting or characters, but about as a Session 0.
the type of gameplay that you are going to During a Session 0, you will go over the type of
present to your players. game you are running, establish safety tools,
Beacon is good at and design your setting.

Beacon is a high-fantasy game, where magic is Safety Tools

commonplace and all players have access to it. Safety tools are tools and resources you can
Combat is an important part of Beacon, and use in your game to ensure all of the people
most of the rules in the book are devoted to playing are having fun and feel safe.
There are a number of things that can make a
If you are running a game of Beacon, combat is person feel unsafe, but in TTRPGs unsafe
an important tool for resolving conflict. It’s not situations often come from the content of a
meant to solve every problem, but it is used as a game.
tool to further the story.
Utilize some form of safety tool to find out which
 High Fantasy themes, topics, and scenes you players don’t
 Action feel comfortable playing, and then RESPECT
 Interesting, tactical battles THOSE DECISIONS.
Beacon is NOT good at For example, maybe a player has a phobia of
spiders, which is quite common. They may
Beacon isn’t meant for games focusing on
request that your game doesn’t feature spiders.
subterfuge, intrigue, or horror. These are
situations often about avoiding fights, and
THE GAME, regardless of whether you are a
Beacon very much about fights.
player or GM. Had an idea for a giant spider
That doesn’t mean that Beacon can’t have archvillain? Change them.
moments of subterfuge or intrigue. It very much
You should use safety tools even with people
can, and often does. But if the game is going to
you already know.
have that as a focus, there are honestly other
games that would do a better job of capturing Below are summaries of common safety tools.
the feeling of those stories. X Card
 Subterfuge and heists (Created by John Stavropoulos)
 Intrigue and social manipulating

The X card is a card or object that people can more invested in it. Additionally, it’s a signal to
touch or raise. Whenever there is a scene that the GM about what things the players are
makes them uncomfortable, they can raise/touch interested in.
the X card, and you STOP THAT SCENE. You
Below I’ll include some basic prompts to use
can then discuss next steps, but you don’t
when creating a setting together with players.
require the person who used the X card to
Additionally, in Chapter XXX we have some pre-
explain their reasoning unless they want to.
established, interesting settings. Like mentioned
There are other variations of the X card, here, they provide some guidelines, but still ask
including fast forward, pause, and rewind players to contribute aspects of the setting.
You can find more about the X card here:
 How do people live? Cities, towns,
nomadic, etc.?
 How do people commonly travel long
Lines and Veils
 What is the fastest mode of travel?
(Created by Ron Edwards)  How does magic work?
o This can spin off into a whole
Before the game, you establish lines and veils
separate discussion about
with all the players. magic systems.
A line is something that should not be crossed.  What species exist or are commonly
This is something you don’t want in the game at encountered? Humans, elves, machina,
all. For example, if someone places ‘torture’ as a etc.
line, torture does not happen in the game in any  What supernatural creatures exist?
way, shape, or form. Vampires, werewolves, fiends, etc.
 What is the currency used?
A veil is hinted at, but not shown. It gets put o Beacon doesn’t care about
behind a veil or curtain. Things established as a currency. Nothing in the game
veil can happen, but we won’t show it. For rules use currency, and
example, if someone places ‘love scenes’ as a narrative play only talks about
veil, love scenes can happen in the story, but currency in broad strokes.
we’re not going to show it or dwell on it. Basically, do you have enough
at this moment for what you
Designing a Setting want?
Some GMs have prepared settings that they  Do deities exist, or do people believe
use, while others design one around the they exist?
characters their players make.  What great disaster is still in everyone’s
For Beacon we suggest including your players in  What is a secret about the world that
any discussion around the setting. Providing people don’t know?
some structure or outline can help focus player
ideas, but in general players can get more GM Tips
invested in a setting if they have some say in it.
Part of the problem with a setting that the GM Running a game can be hard, so here are some
created in isolation is that the GM is the only general tips that might help.
person familiar with the setting. Players have to
ask questions about things their characters  Ask the players questions
might know. On the flip side, if the players  Allow the players to decide or answer
created some locations or organizations, they’re

 When a player is struggling to explain rewards can be narrative, like gaining the trust
their action, or you are having problems or backing of a powerful organization, and
understanding or deciding how to rule a others are mechanical, like loot.
decision, ask the player for their intent.
Assigning Loot
What do they hope to accomplish, or
what do they hope happens out of this? Players receive loot after each quest. Each
 When a player has a cool idea, try to not player receives their own set of options.
say no to it. Try to say “yes”, “yes AND”,
or “no, BUT”. If you have to shut Players receive either a loot cache if the quest
something down, try to offer an was overall a success, or a single piece of
alternative. random loot per player if it wasn’t.
 Root for the players, and try to help their A loot cache is a set of 3 randomized pieces of
plans work. loot, from which they can select 1 piece to add
 If the PCs want to fight each other, first to their list of available equipment and
evaluate WHY. If it’s an out-of-character techniques.
conflict, see if you can find a
compromise or change a story element Narrative Loot
to appease everyone. After all, the most
Whenever you feel appropriate, you can give
important thing is that everyone is
players a specific item to add to their loot, or
having fun. It is ok to change things. If
it’s an in-character conflict, the best way give them a free loot cache.
to handle that is through narrative play. For unique, one-of-a-kind pieces of loot, you can
BEACON combat isn’t set up for or give one copy to the group, and have the
balanced around player-versus-player players decide who gets that one item.
 You should want your players to win and For loot that is less unique, you can
be awesome. Your job isn’t to try and automatically give each player that specific
have them fail, but put challenges in piece of loot.
front of them to either overcome or
Building a Loot Cache
adapt to.
 Never put your players in a combat Loot caches are a set of randomized choices for
scene that you want them to lose. If you a player. Each cache has 3 different options,
want them to lose a fight, evaluate why. with different chances for rarer items.
If you think it’s the best thing for the
Roll a percentile die to determine the types and
story, then handle it in narrative play.
rarities and each slot, and then use a random
Combat is too involved to waste with a
hopeless situation. You can still have number generator to pick the actual loot options.
PCs “win” a combat scene and have Loot can be found in chapter XX.
negative story outcomes. Holdout
scenes are great for that, where you are
trying to outlast an overwhelming
number of foes. Success could be trying
to avoid the worst-case scenario,
instead of a straight up good one.

Loot Cache
Loot and Rewards
Characters can receive additional rewards
outside of their class-based rewards. Some SLOT 1 SLOT 2 SLOT 3

34% Technique 34% Technique 34% Technique
33% Weapon 33% Weapon 33% Weapon
33% Support 33% Support 33% Support Narrative Rewards
RARITY CHANCE Players can obtain non-mechanical rewards
0% legendary 20% legendary 35% legendary through narrative play. The backing of a
powerful organization, an airship, or a base of
25% Rare 50% Rare 65% Rare operations can all be rewards that shape the
75% Uncommon 30% Uncommon 0% Uncommon story, but don’t provide a direct impact on

10 Building a Quest
Beacon revolves around quests. Beacons will  Recon. You need information that
prepare for quests and use narrative and someone has. You either need to get
combat play to either succeed or fail at a quest. away with the information, or someone
that knows the information. This type of
Quests are staged like beats in a story, with
quest usually involves some level of
combats as the highlight or leading toward the
stealth or subterfuge.
highlight. Each quest should reveal something
 Liberate. An area or group of people
about the story.
are under the oppressive rule of
Quests usually have between 2 and 4 combat another. Free them by destroying the
scenes, with narrative scenes between them. occupying force. This quest differs from
The final combat scene should be the dramatic rescue in that the point of the quest isn’t
high point of the quest. to get people away from a dangerous
The completion of a quest should also further situation, but to remove the dangerous
the main story, even if not directly. Perhaps the situation.
players learn an important fact about the  Obtain. You need to get something that
Scourge when they complete this quest, or someone has, and they won’t willingly
maybe they take out an important agent of the part with it. This might be an artifact,
Scourge. weapon, or family heirloom.
 Relocate. An object or person needs to
Here are some ideas for quests.
be safely transported from one location
 Rescue. Someone needs to be to another. There will be hostile forces
rescued. Locate them, work your way that wish to destroy or steal whatever is
through the kidnappers, and bring them being located.
back safely.
 Eradicate. A dangerous threat has
arisen, and needs to be destroyed or

11 Combat Scenes
Combat scenes are where beacons engage in Beware STUNNED
combat against hostile forces. As a tactical
The STUNNED condition is rare, but powerful.
game, combat is the focus of Beacon.
Abilities that impose STUNNED on PCs are
Combat in Beacon uses information limited, because it’s not fun to lose a turn. Don’t
transparency. The goal isn’t to hide information go too heavy on NPCs with stun abilities, and try
from your players or trick them, but rather to not to keep one player stunned too often. This is
allow them to make informed decisions. one of the cases where you DON’T want to play
too optimally.
During a combat scene, you share the following
information with players. Size and Terrain
 The unit class and templates of all On average, maps should be at around 25x25
enemies. spaces on each side. This gives enough room
 The location of HIDDEN and INVISIBLE for a tight, efficient scene.
Avoid combats in plain, open fields. Place terrain
 Where enemies are on the map at all
and objects around the combat to give people
times, regardless of line of sight
 Whether enemies are BLOODIED or at opportunity to find cover and avoid line of sight.
the BREAKING POINT. Play Smart
 The combat type and all relevant goals.
Beacon isn’t a game that asks GMs to alter their
 The location of traps.
 The mechanics of any abilities or items tactics based on the intelligence of the enemies.
that an NPC uses. GMs are encouraged to act intelligently,
attacking vulnerable characters or avoiding
Other information is restricted unless specifically dangerous situations.
accessed like an NPCs stats and equipped
PCs in Beacon have the ability to actively
features. Certain items or abilities, like the Lore
Book support item, can access restricted defend, so they don’t need the GM to focus
attacks on them because they’re the “tank”. If
they want to protect their allies, they can use the
Make Them Interesting DEFEND action or other abilities to keep them
Beacon combats should be more than just a safe.
battle against faceless minions. These should be That being said, you don’t HAVE to do this. You
stakes, a reason for the fight, and features that can play a berserker as someone that only
make it interesting. attacks the closest PC. I just want GMs to know
Is the fight on rocks floating in lava? that the game is designed around the idea that
you can attack intelligently as a GM.
Keep Players Active
But remember. Be rooting for your players to
Depending on the actions a player takes each win.
round, there might be a decent amount of time
between their turns. Try to minimize effects or
situations that would take a player out of a fight.
Instead of falling into a pit and having to waste
multiple turns climbing out, remove a recovery,
take away HP, or impose a condition on them to
reflect the time and energy spent returning to the

PHASE 8: DELAY while inside the extraction
Combat Types zone. Once the target is defeated, the quest
Each combat scene uses a combat type. These ends only when either a) all enemies are
defeated, b) all undefeated PCs extract, or c) the
are designed to make combat more engaging
PCs are defeated.
that just “destroy all enemies”. Many feature
solutions that allow a combat scene to be ended GM Prep: The GM prepares twice the normal
quickly. number of enemies. Half are deployed at the
start of combat, and the other half are
The default combat type is elimination.
Get to the control zone and hold it for 8 rounds. Deployment: Enemies deploy first.

Goal: At the end of the 8th round, if there are Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
more PCs than enemies in the control zone, the GM can deploy 1 NPC (or up to 4 minions) in
PCs win. any reinforcement zone.

Setup: PCs have a deployment zone. Create a Control

Hold control points
control zone, which is also the enemy
deployment zone. The control zone should be Goal: Have more points than the enemy teams
fortified with cover. Place reinforcement zones. at the end of the 6th round.
Rules: At the end of the 8th round, determine if Setup: Create a PC deployment zone and
there are more enemies in the control zone than enemy deployment zone at opposite ends of the
PCs. Solos count as 4 characters, Elites count map. Create 4 control zones, evenly spaced
as 2, Minions count as 1/4, and summons count between the PC and enemy deployment zones.
as 0.
Rules: At the end of each round, determine if a
GM Prep: The GM prepares the normal number control zone is controlled by a team. A zone is
of enemies, but holds half as reinforcements. controlled if only characters of that team are
present in the zone. A team gets 1 point for
Deployment: NPCs deploy first.
every zone controlled. If a team controls all 4
Reinforcements: At the end of the first round, zones, they gain +1 point. At the end of the 6th
the GM deploys all reinforcements in any round, the team with the most points win.
reinforcement zones.
GM Prep: The GM prepares the normal number
Assassinate of enemies. If any are used as reinforcements,
Must destroy a specific character before round they are deployed in the enemy deployment
6. zone.
Goal: Destroy the target by the end of round 6. Deployment: 50% chance PCs deploy first;
50% enemies deploy first.
Secondary Goal: Destroy all enemies or
escape. Defend
An objective must be protected for 6 rounds, and
Setup: Enemies are deployed anywhere on the will be attacked.
map. PCs have a deployment zone. An
extraction zone is created on the map, generally Goal: The objective must be undefeated at the
somewhere between the PC deployment zone end of the 6th round. If the objective is defeated,
and the assassination target. Reinforcement the quest immediately fails.
zones are created.
Setup: Create a PC deployment zone near the
Rules: The assassination target will either try to center of the map, which is fortified with cover,
flee or fight. Only the PCs and target can and an enemy deployment zone near an edge of
extract. They can do so as an action during the map. Create the objective, which is a

character with the following stats: (Size=1/2 to 2, Rules: Enemies will not willingly attack or
HP=15 per size (minimum 10), armor=0, damage the objective. When a character begins
Dodge/A-Def=10) their standard movement adjacent to the
objective, it moves along with them. If objective
Rules: Enemies will focus on attacking the is adjacent to two characters from different
objective. When a character begins their sides, it stops moving and won’t move further.
standard movement adjacent to the objective, it This is considered contested. The objective
moves along with them. If objective is adjacent doesn’t move on its own.
to two characters from different sides, it stops PCs can extract at the extraction zone as a free
moving and won’t move further. This is action at the end of their turn. The VIP extracts
considered contested. The objective doesn’t if it is adjacent to a PC that extracts and it isn’t
move on its own. contested.
GM Prep: The GM prepares the normal number GM Prep: The GM prepares twice the normal
of enemies. If any are used as reinforcements, number of enemies. Half are deployed at the
they are deployed anywhere near the edge of start of combat, and the other half are
the map at the start of a round. reinforcements.
Deployment: PCs deploy first, and they also Deployment: PCs deploy first, and they also
deploy the objective in their deployment zone. deploy the objective in their deployment zone.
Elimination Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
The most basic type of combat, two or more
GM can deploy 1 NPC (or up to 4 minions) in
teams fight until all enemies are defeated or
any reinforcement zone.
Goal: Defeat all enemies. Survive 6 rounds, keeping enemies out of the
Setup: Create a PC deployment zone and control zone.
reinforcement zones if there are reinforcements. Goal: Have a score of 1 or higher at the end of
Rules: No special rules. round 6.

GM Prep: The GM prepares the normal number Setup: The PCs have a control zone, which is
of enemies. If any are used as reinforcements, also their deployment zone. The control zone
they are deployed in reinforcement zones at the should be fortified with cover.
start of a round. Rules: The PCs start with a number of points
Deployment: 50% chance PCs deploy first; equal to the number of PCs. At the end of the 6th
50% enemies deploy first. round, the PCs lose 1 point for every enemy in
the control zone. The PCs win if their score is 1
Escort or higher. Summons don’t count.
Safely escort the objective to the extraction
zone. GM Prep: The GM prepares twice the normal
number of enemies. Half are deployed at the
Goal: PCs win if the objective has been start of combat, and the other half are
extracted by the end of the 8th round. reinforcements.
Setup: Create a PC deployment zone, enemy Deployment: PCs deploy first.
deployment zone, extraction zone, and
reinforcement zones. Create the objective, Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
which is a character with the following stats: GM can deploy up to 2 NPCs (or up to 4
(Size=1/2 to 2, HP=10 per size (minimum 10), minions) anywhere near the edge of the map.
armor=0, Dodge/A-Def=10)

Raid action at the end of their turn. The VIP extracts
Open a certain number of caches before the end if it is adjacent to a PC that extracts and it isn’t
of round 8. contested.
Goal: PCs win if they can open X caches before GM Prep: The GM prepares twice the normal
the end of round 8, where X = the number of number of enemies, but all of them are
PCs. reinforcements.
Setup: Create a PC deployment zone, NPC Deployment: PCs deploy first.
deployment zone, and reinforcement zones. The
GM prepares caches equal to the number of Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
PCs + 2 and places them around the map. GM can deploy up to 2 NPC (or up to 4 minions)
in different reinforcement zones. They can’t
Rules: To open a cache, a PC must be adjacent same use the same reinforcement zone twice in
to it and use a Quick Action. Caches can be a row.
Locked, which means they need a successful
AGI check as a Quick Action to successfully Seek
access the cache. An objective is hidden in one of four control
zones and must be found. The PCs must control
GM Prep: The GM prepares twice the normal the true objective at the end of the 6th round.
number of enemies. Half are deployed at the
start of combat, and the other half are Goal: If the PCs control the true objective at the
reinforcements. end of the 6th round, they win.

Deployment: PCs deploy first. Setup: The enemy deployment zone is in the
middle of the map. The PCs have a deployment
Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the zone on one end of the map, and the
GM can deploy 1 NPC (or up to 4 minions) in reinforcement zone is on the opposite end.
any reinforcement zone. There are four control zones on the map, one of
which is secretly the true objective.
Rescue the objective and successfully extract it Rules: To determine if a control zone holds the
before the end of the 8th round. true objective or not, while within one a PC can
take an action during any phase to learn
Goal: PCs win if the objective has been
whether it is the true objective or not.
extracted by the end of the 8th round
To control the true objective, only PCs can be in
Setup: PCs have a deployment zone, which is that control zone. Otherwise, it is contested.
also their extraction zone. Create reinforcement
GM Prep: The GM prepares the normal number
zones around the map. Place the objective
of enemies. If any are used as reinforcements,
deployment zone far away from the PC
they are deployed in the reinforcement zone.
deployment zone.
Deployment: PCs deploy first.
Rules: The objective is a character with the
following stats: (Size=1/2 to 2, HP=10 per size Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
(minimum 10), armor=0, Dodge/A-Def=10) GM can deploy up to 1 NPC (or up to 4 minions)
Enemies will not willingly attack or damage the in the reinforcement zone.
objective. When a character begins their
standard movement adjacent to the objective, it
moves along with them. If the objective is Survive
adjacent to two characters from different sides, it Survive 8 rounds.
stops moving and won’t move further. This is
considered contested. The objective doesn’t Goal: Have at least 1 PC undefeated by the end
move on its own. of the 8th round.
PCs can extract at the extraction zone as a free
Setup: The PCs have a deployment zone.
Rules: At least 1 PC has to be undefeated at the Deployment: PCs deploy first.
end of the 8th round.
Reinforcements: At the start of any round, the
GM Prep: The GM prepares twice the normal GM can deploy up to 2 NPCs (or up to 4
number of enemies. Half are deployed at the minions) anywhere near the edge of the map.
start of combat, and the other half are

12 Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
Characters not controlled by a player are called templates, change how many units can be
non-player characters, or NPCs. An NPC can deployed in a combat scene.
be a friend, foe, beast, or anything else that the
GM presents.
Unit Tiers
In narrative play, NPCs don’t roll dice or have
statistics. Instead, they react to actions taken by There are three tiers of unit. Tier 1, tier 2, and
the players. tier 3.

In combat play, NPCs are characters with their Each unit has a tier. Higher tiered units are
own set of rules that are slightly different from stronger and tougher than lower tiered
the players. characters. Each of the three unit tiers are
meant to provide a challenge to characters of
certain levels.
Combat Play NPCs  T1: Level 1-4
Beacon doesn’t use unique statistics for every  T2: Level 5-8
single character and monster the players might  T3: Level 9-10
face. Instead, we use a number of general
Units of a higher tier than the PC’s current level
frameworks to place each NPC into, called a
can be encountered, but they represent a harder
Unit Type.
Within a unit, their tier will change certain
Unit Type values. Three values separated by a slash, like
Units are a collection of abilities and statistics +1/+2/+3, indicate what value is used by which
that represent a general theme. For example, tier. T1 uses the first value, T2 the middle value,
the firebug class could be used for a fire and T3 the last value.
breathing dragon or a magitech pyromancer.
Units fall into a few basic roles: Unit Initiative
 Striker: damage dealer Units take their turns in a different way than PCs
 Artillery: long range attacks or support. do. Instead of taking a turn during a phase that
Accurate but fragile. contains the action they wish to take, each unit
 Controller: Effects that control the specifies which phase they take their turn
battlefield and the positions/status of during. The unit can take ANY action during that
enemies. Limited direct damage. phase, regardless of what actions are normally
 Defender: Defends allies, tough and available during that phase.
hard to take down.
 Support: Effects and abilities that For example, a firebug unit’s initiative is PHASE
supports allies. Limited direct damage. 5: BRAWL. They take their turn during this
phase, and can take any action during it.

Unit Templates Some unit templates, like solo units, might have
traits that let them use the normal action-phase
Templates are additional features that can be rules of PCs.
added to a unit. Units have the ability to equip
templates, which can drastically alter how they
play. Some templates, like the Elite or Solo

 Units have an overstress cap of 1, and
Unit Actions are VULNERABLE while they exceed
Units have access to the same actions as PCs, their stress cap instead of making an
but with some changes. Unit actions are listed overstress check. If a unit has an
overstress cap of 2 or higher, they follow
below. Units can’t use the REROLL TABLE or
the normal overstress rules of PCs.
SURGE unless otherwise specified.
 If a unit doesn’t have a stress cap, they
1. BOLSTER take stress damage as force damage, or
 Defend: Attacks against this unit lunar damage if immune to force.
have +1 DIF until the start of  Units can’t use the REROLL TABLE.
their next turn.  Units can’t SURGE.
 Recover: Clear all stress and
either a) Regain all mana, b)
reload all RELOAD weapons Encounter Building
and abilities, or c) Clear a  One or two units per PC
 4 minions per PC
2. CHANNEL: As normal
 1 elite per 1 or 2 PC
 1 ultra per 4 PC
 Volley: As normal
 Cast: As normal
 Mark: As normal Designing an NPC
 Search: As normal
4. REPOSITION When designing an NPC, do the following:
 Rush: As normal  Pick a unit type
 Hide: As normal  Choose 0-2 extra features
5. BRAWL o Extra features are provided by
 Fight: As normal. the universal unit features, the
 Push: As normal, but with a class, and some templates.
[+1/+2/+3] attack bonus.  Choose a tier
 Grapple: As normal, but with a  Decide whether to add templates
[+1/+2/+3] attack bonus.
6. RELEASE: As normal An NPC can look or act like anything. The
7. FULL ATTACK: As normal GIANT unit type can be a literal frost giant, or a
8. DELAY: As normal giant spider.

Special Actions Tinkering with NPCs

 Ready: As normal In general, you can change the source of an

NPCs features between weapon, skill, and spell
Reactions without altering gameplay too much. For
 Opportunity Attack: As normal. example, changing the GUNNER’s repeater
from a weapon to a spell isn’t a big change.

Unit Special Rules

Units have some additional differences between
them and PCs.
 Units are defeated at 1 wound, unless
they have certain templates.

Unit Types
Aerial support that marks targets with ranged magic.
Aviators hover high above the battlefield, marking enemies for destruction. With their magical prowess
and speed, they remain not only in the air, but as far away as possible to keep themselves safe while
channeling their powerful abilities. Aviators are well defended against magical attacks, but if they can be
attacked with weapons, they’ll quickly fall.
 Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 15  Scope: 15  Scope: 20
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 14  Save DC: 18
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -1 Mind 1 Bulk -1 Mind 2 Bulk -1 Mind 3

Agility 0 Magic 2 Agility 1 Magic 3 Agility 1 Magic 5


Hp 10 Stress 8 Hp 10 Stress 9 Hp 10 Stress 10

cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 12 Dodge 10 A-def 15 Dodge 11 A-def 18

Speed 6 Mana 4 Speed 7 Mana 5 Speed 8 Mana 6


Eye in the Sky Manawell

[Skill] [Channel, Recharge 5+] [Spell] [Cast, Aetheric, Blast 1]
Release: Mark all characters of choice within [+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] [1/2/3 Stress]
Scope. On Hit: Target is MARKED.

Stressful Gaze
[Spell] [Channel, Mana 1]
Release: All Marked enemies in Scope take [3/4/5

Base Features

The Aviator can fly and hover.

Extra Features

Counterspell Momentum
[Spell] [Reaction, Mana 1] [Trait]
Trigger: An enemy within Scope makes a spell When an ally within Scope of the Aviator consumes
attack or channels a spell effect. a mark, they can slide up to their speed.
Effect: They must pass a MGK save or the effect
is cancelled.
[Spell] [Skirmish, Mana 1]
Mana Ward
The Aviator targets one character within Scope it
[Spell] [Reaction, 1/round, Mana 1]
can see. If the character is an ally, they can fly up
Trigger: The Aviator would take damage. to 6 spaces in a straight line. If the character is an
Effect: The Aviator spends 1 mana to reduce the enemy, they must pass a MGK save or be slid 6
damage taken to 1. spaces in a straight line.

Meteor Crash Thunderbolt

[Spell] [Channel] [Weapon] [Main Artifact]
Channel: Pick a point within Scope and create a [+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
Blast 1 zone that lasts while Channeling. The zone [Range 15] [3/5/7 Astral]
is difficult terrain. Release: All characters within
the zone must make an AGI save, taking [8/9/10 This weapon does double damaging when
Astral] on a failure, or half on a success. The zone consuming a MARK.
then disappears.

The charger is a fast-moving, close-range attacker. They can quickly close the gap between them and
their target, and are protected while doing so.
Chargers are fast moving strikers that utilize hit and run tactics. Chargers should always be moving, and
gains benefits when using RUSH. Their main weapon has reach, which lets them avoid engagement and
pivot on later turns to a new target. Preventing a Charger from moving shuts down many of their abilities
and leaves them vulnerable.
 Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)
 Armor: 1  Armor: 1  Armor: 1
 Scope: 5  Scope: 5  Scope: 5
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 4  Initiative: PHASE 4  Initiative: PHASE 4


Bulk 1 Mind 0 Bulk 2 Mind 1 Bulk 4 Mind 1

Agility 1 Magic 0 Agility 2 Magic 0 Agility 1 Magic 0


Hp 15 Stress 6 Hp 18 Stress 6 Hp 21 Stress 6
cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 7 Dodge 12 A-def 7 Dodge 14 A-def 7
Speed 7 Mana 2 Speed 8 Mana 2 Speed 9 Mana 2


Axe Lance
[Weapon] [Heavy Longarm, Reliable 2/3/4] Run Through
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] [Skill] [FIGHT, Recharge 5+]
[Reach 2] [6/8/10 physical] Make a line 5 attack with [+1/+2/+3]. On hit,
characters take [4/6/8 physical] and are
WEAKENED until the end of their next turn.

Base Features
Charge Attack against them as a free action.
When the Charger uses RUSH, all movement that
turn can be in a straight line. If they end this Speed Shield
movement adjacent to an enemy and move at least [Support] [Main]
3 spaces, they can make a single weapon attack

When the Charger uses RUSH, they gain turn.
resistance to damage until the start of their next

Extra Features
Dangerous Path Trample
[Spell] [RUSH, Mana 1] [Trait]
The Charger moves up to their speed in a straight The Charger can move through the spaces of
line, creating a zone in the spaces they moved. hostile characters. It deals [2/3/4 Physical] to
This area becomes dangerous terrain. The zone enemies it moves through, 1/turn.
disappears when the Charger is defeated.

Tipped Explosive
[Support] [Main]
[Weapon] [Main Longarm]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] The Charger’s lance gains Push 3. If a pushed
[Range 5 or Reach 3] [5/7/9 physical] character colliders with another character or
object, they stop moving and take an additional
[3/4/5 Physical].

Wild Charge
When the Charger uses RUSH, if it ends its turn
Characters that make an Opportunity Attack
next to a hostile character, it can force them to
against the Charger become MARKED.
make a BLK save or fall PRONE on a failure.

Close range brawler with hard hitting, wide swinging attacks.
Cleavers are physical brutes with dangerous attacks. Cleavers want to position themselves near as many
foes as possible and attack as often as they can, to maximize their WIDE ARC trait. Defending against
Cleavers is difficult, as they increase the cost of PARRY abilities, or even outright destroy them. Cleavers
are dependent on melee attacks, and have no abilities that work at range. Engage cleavers at range, or
target their weak A-Defense and Stress Cap scores.
 Size: 2+  Size: 2+  Size: 2+
 Armor: 2  Armor: 2  Armor: 2
 Scope: 5  Scope: 5  Scope: 5
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:


Bulk 2 Mind 0 Bulk 3 Mind 0 Bulk 5 Mind 1

Agility 0 Magic 0 Agility 1 Magic 1 Agility 1 Magic 1


Hp 16 Stress 5 Hp 20 Stress 5 Hp 25 Stress 5
cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 6 Dodge 9 A-def 6 Dodge 10 A-def 6
Speed 5 Mana 1 Speed 5 Mana 1 Speed 5 Mana 1


Cleaver Whirlwind
[Weapon] [Heavy Blade] [Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 6+]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] All characters within a Burst 2 area centered on
[Reach 1] [5/7/9 Physical] the Cleaver must make an AGI save, taking [5/6/7
physical] on a failure, or half on a success. Any
On Crit: The Cleaver make another Cleaver attacks against the Cleaver until the start of its next
attack, and can use their WIDE ARC trait again. turn while adjacent to it trigger its Wide Arc trait as
if it had attacked, 1/turn.

Base Features

Break Guard Wide Arc

[Skill] [Trait]
The Cleaver increases the PARRY cost by 1 of 1/turn, When the cleaver makes a melee attack, all
any effects triggered by or targeting the Cleaver. adjacent enemies take [2/3/4 physical].

Extra Features

Energy Cleaver
[Weapon] [Heavy Magitech, AP]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] Shatter Weapon
[Reach 1] [4/6/8 Astral] [Skill] [Recharge 5+]
When the Cleaver hits with a weapon attack, the
target must pass a BLK save or be DISARMED
until the end of their next turn.

Giant Cleave
[Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 5+]
The Cleaver creates a Cone 3 zone that lasts until When the Cleaver crits with a melee weapon, the
the end of the scene. The zone is Difficult Terrain. target is SUNDERED until the end of their next turn.
Any characters in the zone when it is created must
make an AGI save. Fail: [4/6/8 Force] Success:
Half damage.
Wind Up
[Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 6+]
An adjacent character must make a BLK save.
Success: They take [5/6/7 Physical] and lose 1
[Support] [Heavy] PARRY. Fail: They take [10/12/14 physical], lose
As a Quick Action, make a ranged attack against all their PARRY and are SUNDERED until the end
a character within range 5 with a [+1/+2/+3] of their next turn.
bonus. On a hit, they are pulled to the closest
space adjacent to the Cleaver.

Commands allies and looks for advantageous positions.
Commanders are traditionally back-line support units. Their strength is their ability to command their allies
to take actions, or call out Advantageous Positions. The presence of a Commander can allow a unit to
attack more often than they would normally be able to. Which can lead to dangerous combos. On their
own, however, Commanders have no special defenses and rely on positioning and defensive units to
keep them safe.
 Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)
 Armor: 2  Armor: 2  Armor: 2
 Scope: 10  Scope: 12  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 13  Save DC: 15
 Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:


Bulk 1 Mind 1 Bulk 1 Mind 2 Bulk 1 Mind 3

Agility 0 Magic 0 Agility 1 Magic 1 Agility 2 Magic 2


Hp 14 Stress 8 Hp 16 Stress 8 Hp 18 Stress 8
cap cap cap
Dodge 7 A-def 7 Dodge 8 A-def 8 Dodge 9 A-def 9
Speed 5 Mana 3 Speed 5 Mana 4 Speed 5 Mana 5

Offense [Range 5, Reach 3] [5 Physical]

Advantageous Position
[Skill] [SKIRMISH] At T2, you can attack twice with this weapon. At
The Commander creates a [blast 1] zone within t3, you can attack three times.
Scope. Any allies fully inside the zone gain +1
ACC on attacks, checks, and saves. This zone
lasts until the Commander uses this ability again or Focused Attack
is defeated. [Skill] [CHANNEL, Recharge 5+]
Channel: Pick an enemy within Scope and Line of
Sight. Release: All allies of the Commander
Crossbow adjacent to the target can make an Opportunity
[Weapon] [Main Bow] Attack against the target with +1 DIF.
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]

Base Features

Advanced Targeting
When an ally within Scope consumes a mark, roll a
d6. On a 5-6, the mark remains.

Extra Features

Hit Them Move!

[Skill] [SKIRMISH] [Skill] [SKIRMISH, Mana X]
One ally in Scope can make an attack with +1 DIF. Each mana the Commander spends allows one
ally within Scope to move up to their speed.

Inspiring Presence
[Trait] Priority
[Skill] [MARK, Mana 1]
Adjacent allies gain +1 ACC on attacks, saves, and
checks. Roll 1d3. MARK up to that many characters within

Hit Them Spear

[Skill] [SKIRMISH] [Weapon] [Main Longarm]
One ally in Scope can make an attack with +1 DIF. [+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Reach 3] [5/7/9 Physical]

Miasma Field
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
Release: All characters in a blast 1 area within
Scope take [2/3/4 stress] and are DAZED until the
end of their next turn.
Weak Point
[Skill] [MARK, Mana 1]
The Commander MARKS a character in Scope.
The target must make a MND save. Success: [1
Stress] Fail: [1 Stress] and they are VULNERABLE
to the first attack that consumes that mark.

The elements themselves rise up to defend the Elementalist's allies.
Elementalists protect their allies with magic, supporting them with summoned defenders and area denial
effects. Elementalists work from the backlines, as they have no direct defenses themselves, and are
easily overwhelmed. The Elementalist is also heavily dependent on mana, and negating their ability to
regain it, or causing them to burn through it too quickly can cause them to waste actions.
 Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 1:  Initiative: PHASE 1:  Initiative: PHASE 1:


Bulk 0 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 2 Bulk 0 Mind 3

Agility 0 Magic 1 Agility 1 Magic 2 Agility 1 Magic 4


Hp 14 Stress 8 Hp 14 Stress 9 Hp 16 Stress 10
cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 8 Dodge 8 A-def 9 Dodge 8 A-def 10

Speed 5 Mana 6 Speed 5 Mana 7 Speed 5 Mana 9


Woodland Staff
[Weapon] [Main Artifact]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Range 10] [1/2/3 DOT Astral or Lunar]

Base Features

Conjure Elemental move it up to speed 2. The elementalist can only

[Spell] [DEFEND, Summon, Mana 3] have 1 elemental at a time.
(Size 2, 20 HP, 10 Dodge/A-DEF).
The Elementalist summons a size 2 elemental in
empty spaces within Scope. Allies adjacent to it Elemental Shield
have all damage reduced by half (after armor and [Spell] [DEFEND, Mana 1]
resistances), and the elemental takes the other The Elementalist or an ally within Scope gains
half, which can’t be reduced. If an adjacent ally is
4/6/8 temp HP. While they have this temp HP, they
attacked, the elemental can use a reaction 1/round
gain resist energy. A character that hits them with
to make a melee attack against them with reach 2
an attack while they have temp HP from this ability
and a [+2/+3/+4] bonus, dealing [4/5/6 Astral or
takes [3/4/5 Astral or Lunar].
Lunar]. During the Elementalist’s turn they can

Extra Features

Dual Shields Unstable Elemental

[Skill] [Trait]
The Elementalist’s Elemental Shield can target two The Elementalist’s summons create a Burst 1 area
allies at a time. upon defeat, dealing [2/3/4 Astral or Lunar] to
enemies in the area.

[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
Channel: The Elementalist creates a Blast 2 zone [Spell] [DEFEND, Mana 1]
within Scope, which lasts while channeling. The
zone is difficult terrain. Release: All enemies in the The Elementalist creates a blast 1 zone within
zone are DAZED until the end of their next turn Scope. Enemy attacks that pass through this zone
and must make an AGI save. Fail: They are have +2 DIF. The zone lasts until the Elementalist
knocked PRONE and SLOWED until the end of is SILENCED, DISABLED, STUNNED, or
their next turn. Success: They are SLOWED until defeated.
the end of their next turn.

Resistance [Spell] [DEFEND, Mana 1]
[Trait] Create a line 3, size 3 high wall within Scope.
Choose one: 1) The wall provides soft cover.
The Elementalist and its summons have resistance Characters can walk through the wall, but they
to Astral or Lunar. take [3/4/5 Astral or Lunar] 1/turn if they move
through it or start their turn in it. 2) The wall
provides hard cover and is an obstacle. The
Elementalist can only have one wall active at a

Expendable units who overwhelm their foes with numbers.
Expendable units are cannon fodder, a step above minions. Because they are deployed in pairs, they try
to use their superior numbers to defeat their foes. Expendables aren’t expected to survive an encounter,
and try to either deal as much damage as they can, or hinder their foes so their allies can take them out.
 Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)  Size: any (1)
 Armor: 1  Armor: 1  Armor: 1
 Scope: 5  Scope: 5  Scope: 5
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:


Bulk 2 Mind -2 Bulk 3 Mind -2 Bulk 4 Mind -2

Agility -1 Magic 0 Agility 0 Magic 0 Agility 1 Magic 1


Hp 6 Stress 5 Hp 8 Stress 5 Hp 10 Stress 5

cap cap cap
Dodge 7 A-def 7 Dodge 9 A-def 9 Dodge 11 A-def 11

Speed 5 Mana 1 Speed 5 Mana 1 Speed 6 Mana 1


[Weapon] [Main Club]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] Gnaw
[Reach 1] [3/4/5 Physical] [Skill] [BRAWL]
The Expendable deals [5/7/9 physical] to a
On Hit: Target is grappled. This weapon can be grappled character.
used while DISARMED.

Base Features

The Pack Descends
The Expendable is two separate, identical units
instead of one unit. Whenever you deploy an [Trait]
Expendable, you deploy two instead. Expendables While two or more Expendables are adjacent to an
always count as BLOODIED. enemy, the enemy is SUNDERED.

Extra Features

Basic Bow
[Weapon] [Main Bow, Arcing]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] Hunt by Scent
[Range 8] [4/5/6 Physical] [Trait]
The Expendable automatically detects any HIDDEN
or INVISIBLE creatures in Scope when it uses

Clutch Lash
[Skill] [Support] [Heavy]
While the Expendable is grappling a target, they The Mindless can GRAPPLE with a reach of 3. On
are unable to attack any characters except for the a successful grapple, the target is pulled adjacent
Expendable. Characters that end their turn
to the Mindless if they are the same size or
grappled by an Expendable take [2/3/4 Physical].
smaller than the Mindless, otherwise the Mindless
is pulled adjacent to the target.

When the Expendable is defeated, they unleash a [Trait]
burst of energy. All characters in a Burst 1 area
take [3/4/5 Force]. The Expendable can willingly When the Mindless uses RUSH, they can climb at
defeat themselves as a Quick Action. If they do their normal speed and ignore difficult terrain.
so, the damage becomes [6/8/10 Force].

A frightening striker that overwhelms foes with damage over time.
While commonly associated with fire, the Firebug class can be reskinned into utilizing any energy type.
They use devastating damage over time effects, which can quickly grow out of control. Firebugs are
focused on close range, area of effect attacks. Spread out and take them down from range, but watch out
for their high armor.
 Size: 2+  Size: 2+  Size: 2+
 Armor: 2  Armor: 2  Armor: 2
 Scope: 5  Scope: 5  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 15
 Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:


Bulk 1 Mind 1 Bulk 2 Mind 2 Bulk 4 Mind 2

Agility -1 Magic 1 Agility -1 Magic 2 Agility -1 Magic 3


Hp 12 Stress 8 Hp 14 Stress 8 Hp 16 Stress 8
cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 8 Dodge 10 A-def 10 Dodge 12 A-def 12

Speed 5 Mana 4 Speed 5 Mana 5 Speed 5 Mana 6


Destructive Breath
[Weapon] [Heavy Artifact, Mana 1]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Cone 5] [3 DOT Astral or Lunar (AGI)]

On Hit: Target is SUNDERED. Clearing all DOT

also clears SUNDERED.

Base Features

Burnproof Firebug chooses Astral or Lunar damage. They are

[Trait] immune to this damage and all DOT. All of their
effects that deal astral or lunar damage deal this

support item is destroyed, either through direct
Fuel Tank damage or WOUND damage, the Firebug is
[Support] [Heavy] considered BLOODIED until defeated.

The Firebug regains 1 mana at the start of each of

their turns. This item can be attacked, using the
Firebug’s DODGE/A-DEF, but at +3 DIF. It has 1 Uptick
HP, armor equal to the Firebug’s current armor, [Skill]
and is immune to stress and damage from AOEs. As a Quick Action, the Firebug can spend 1 Mana
If reduced to 0 HP, it is destroyed. When this and target a character within Scope that has DOT.
Increase the amount of DOT by +1.

Extra Features

Contagious Siegebreaker
[Trait] [Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 5+]
When a character takes ongoing DOT damage from The Firebug creates a Blast 2 area within Scope.
the Firebug (not the upfront damage), enemies All characters in the area must pass an AGI save
adjacent to them take damage equal to the amount or take [4/6/8 Astral or Lunar] + [2/3/4 DOT Astral
of DOT and of the same damage type (this damage or Lunar (AGI)].
isn’t a DOT, and isn’t AP).

Ring of Fire
Distracting Burns
[Trait] The Firebug is surrounded by a Burst 2 aura.
Characters that start their turn within the aura, or
Whenever a character takes the ongoing DOT enter it for the first time during a turn take [2/3/4
damage from the Firebug (not the upfront damage), Stress] Characters within burst 1 of the Firebug are
they become MARKED. immune to this effect (Basically, there is a Burst 1
safe zone).

Growing Flames
[Trait] Terrify
[Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 5+]
When a character fails the save to clear a DOT
Characters within burst 1 must make MND save.
inflicted by the Firebug, one of their DOTs
Fail: [4/5/6 stress], MARKED, and DAZED.
increases by +1.
Characters can attempt to remove the DAZED
condition with a MND save as a Quick Action,
removing the condition on a success, or taking an
additional [1 Stress] on another failure. Success:
[1 stress].

This towering defender can tear up the terrain for cover.
Giants are slow, aggressive defenders that use their size and impressive strength to protect their allies.
Giants can manipulate the terrain, creating pieces of cover when they attack. Giants want to attack as
often as possible, either with their Tree Club or Skyfall, since each one lets them create beneficial cover.
Between their created cover and their size, a Giant’s allies can position themselves strategically. Keeping
them separated from their allies can lessen the effectiveness of their traits, and destroying their cover
negates most of their defensive benefits.
 Size: 3  Size: 3  Size: 3
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 14  Save DC: 16
 Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:  Initiative: PHASE 5:


Bulk 3 Mind 0 Bulk 4 Mind 1 Bulk 6 Mind 1

Agility -1 Magic 0 Agility -1 Magic 1 Agility -1 Magic 2


Hp 25 Stress 8 Hp 30 Stress 10 Hp 35 Stress 12

cap cap cap
Dodge 6 A-def 6 Dodge 6 A-def 6 Dodge 6 A-def 6
Speed 4 Mana 2 Speed 4 Mana 2 Speed 4 Mana 3


Skyfall Tree Club

[Skill] [VOLLEY, Arcing, Mana 1] [Weapon] [Heavy Club, Push 2]
Create a size 2 piece of hard cover (with 5 HP) in [+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
empty spaces within Scope. Allies adjacent to this [Reach 2] [6/7/8 Physical]
cover gain resistance to all damage. Enemies
adjacent to it when created must make an AGI On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or be
save, falling PRONE on a failure. knocked PRONE.

Base Features

Bulky Allies adjacent to one of these pieces of cover gain

[Trait] resistance to damage.
The Giant counts as hard cover for its allies.


Create Cover The Giant is immune to forced movement from

[Skill] smaller characters.
When the Giant attacks, they can create a size 1
piece of hard cover (with 5 HP) adjacent to them.

Extra Features

[Skill] [GRAPPLE]
The Giant makes a GRAPPLE attack against a Rumbling
character within reach 2, with +1 ACC per size the [Spell]
Giant is larger than the target (in addition to the flat Cover created by the Giant creates a Burst 1 Zone.
+1/+2/+3 bonus). On a hit, the character is Enemies that start their turn in the zone, or enter it
PULLED adjacent to the Giant and becomes for the first time in a turn must pass a MGK save or
DAZED, IMMOBILIZED, and PRONE. These be SILIENCED until the end of their next turn. The
conditions last until the grapple ends, the Giant zone lasts until the cover is destroyed, and the
grapples another character, or the Giant becomes zone is suppressed while the Giant is SILENCED.

Hurl Stone [Skill]
[Weapon] [Heavy Club, Arcing]
When the Giant makes a melee attack, all adjacent
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
enemies must pass an AGI save or fall PRONE.
[Range 15, Blast 1] [5/6/7 Physical]

On Hit: The target is DAZED until they hit the Throw

Giant with an attack, deal damage to it, or it is [Skill] [Recharge 5+]
When the Giant hits a character with a melee
attack, the target must pass a BLK save or be
pushed 5 spaces away in a straight line. If they are
Infused Terrain pushed into an object or character, they fall
[Trait] PRONE. If they are pushed into a character, the
other character must pass a BLK save or fall
When a piece of cover the Giant created is prone.
destroyed, it creates a Burst 1 area, dealing [2/3/4
Lunar] to enemies in the area.

With a wide array of special bullets, the Gunner can inflict status effects from a distance.
Gunners are long distance fighters whose damage is dependent on their mana. As artillery, they want to
position themselves far away from any danger, leveraging their long range to keep them safe and
stationary. Gunners can regain mana while stationary, which allows them to attack for longer before
needing to regain mana. Gunners can be heavily customized based on their special bullets, which have
a variety of effects. Effects that DISARM the gunner reduce their maximum mana, which can weaken
them during a long fight. Hit them hard, use cover to your advantage, and deplete their mana if possible.
Artwork is a gunslinger with a hat with an eye on it. Beholder Gijinka
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 15  Scope: 15  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 13  Save DC: 16
 Initiative: PHASE 7:  Initiative: PHASE 7:  Initiative: PHASE 7:


Bulk -1 Mind 1 Bulk -1 Mind 2 Bulk -1 Mind 2

Agility 1 Magic 1 Agility 2 Magic 2 Agility 4 Magic 3


Hp 12 Stress 6 Hp 14 Stress 7 Hp 16 Stress 8

cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 10 Dodge 12 A-def 10 Dodge 14 A-def 10
Speed 5 Mana 6 Speed 5 Mana 8 Speed 5 Mana 10


Barrage Repeater
[Skill] [FULL ATTACK, Recharge 6+] [Weapon] [Light Magitech, Mana 1]
The Gunner can attack with their Repeater twice. [+2/+3/+4 vs Dodge]
[Range 15] [X Force]

This weapon’s damage is equal to the Gunner’s

current mana. This weapon can attack 2 different
targets at once (1 mana per action, not attack for
this weapon).

Base Features

Backup Weapons
Steady Reloading
The Gunner has a number of weapons (“eyes”)
equal to their maximum mana. If the Gunner would [Skill]
be DISARMED or have their weapon destroyed or a At the start of the Gunner’s turn, if they haven’t
skill unfocused, they instead lose 1 mana and their moved since the start of their last turn, they regain
maximum mana is reduced by 1. 1 mana.

Extra Features

Antimagic Field
Death Bullets
At start of each of their turns, The Gunner can aim [Support] [Light, Recharge 6+]
a CONE 5 zone from themself. Spells can’t be cast
in the area. If Gunner is BLINDED or STUNNED, On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or take 1
the zone disappears until reactivated at the start of WOUND instead of the normal damage.
a turn when not under these conditions.

Dissolving Bullets
Hover [Support] [Light]
[Trait] On Hit: Target is SUNDERED until cleared.
The Gunner can Fly and Hover.

Fear Bullets
Special Bullets [Support] [Light]
[Support] [Light] On Hit: Target must pass a MND save or be
The Gunner can spend +1 mana when making a unable to move closer to the GUNNER, and are
repeater attack for one of the following effects. DAZED while they have Line of Sight to the
Each attack can only benefit from one special Gunner. The target can repeat the save at end of
bullet at a time, and the effects apply to all attacks each of their turns to end this effect.
made by the repeater that turn. Each special bullet
counts as a separate feature.
Freezing Bullets
[Support] [Light]
Charm Bullets On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or be
[Support] [Light] IMMOBILIZED and DAZED. The target can repeat
On Hit: Target must pass a MND save or the the save at end of each of their turns to end this
Gunner picks one of the following: a) Moves the effect.
target up to their speed, which doesn’t count as
forced movement, or b) target makes an attack
with a weapon of the Gunner’s choice against a
target of the Gunner’s choice.

Punch Through Bullets
[Support] [Light]
On Hit: Deals double damage to summons,
objects, and terrain. Stun Bullets
[Support] [Light, Recharge 6+]
On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or be
Slow Bullets STUNNED until the end of their next turn.
[Support] [Light]
On Hit: Target is SLOWED. The target can make
a MGK save at end of each of their turns to end
this effect.
Weakening Bullets
[Support] [Light]
On Hit: Target is WEAKENED. The target can
make a BLK save at end of each of their turns to
end this effect.

Healers keep their allies healthy with healing and support magic.
Healers are vulnerable support units that can keep their allies alive longer. The longer a Healer remains
on a field, the more they can restore HP to their allies. They have little physical defense, although as a
spellcaster their aetheric defense is higher than average. Healers need to be properly defended to gain
the most use out of them. Take them down quickly to make the rest of the fight easier, or inflict enough
damage on their allies to destroy them outright. Watch out for Healers with the Resurrect ability,
especially when an Elite or Solo enemy might be brought back to the fight.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 13  Save DC: 15
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk 0 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 2 Bulk 0 Mind 3

Agility 0 Magic 1 Agility 0 Magic 3 Agility 0 Magic 5


Hp 12 Stress 10 Hp 14 Stress 11 Hp 16 Stress 12

cap cap cap
Dodge 6 A-def 10 Dodge 8 A-def 12 Dodge 10 A-def 14
Speed 6 Mana 4 Speed 6 Mana 5 Speed 6 Mana 6


Healing Beacon Rebuking Word

[Spell] [MARK] [Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
Mark a target in Scope. The first character to [+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] [1 Stress]
consume that mark regains 4/5/6 HP. On Hit: Until the end of their next turn, If the target
ends their turn closer to the Healer, they take [2
Stress]. If they end their turn adjacent to the
Healer, they take an additional [2 Stress].

Base Features

[Skill] [SKIRMISH]
One ally within Scope becomes blessed. They gain Heal
+1 ACC on attacks, checks, and saves, and deal [Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
+1d6 bonus damage on a critical hit. This effect Release: One character within Scope regains
lasts until the Healer is STUNNED, defeated, or 10/12/14 HP.
uses this ability again.

Extra Features

Drain Strength Relief

[Trait] [Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
When the Healer MARKS a character, they must Release: Remove all conditions and negative
pass a MGK save or be WEAKENED until the end effects from one character within Scope. They can
of their next turn. immediately SLIDE up to their speed.

Dual Cast
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 2, Recharge 6+]
Channel: The Healer selects a defeated ally within
The Healer can use Heal on two characters at once, Scope. Release: The character returns to play as
but the healing amount is halved for each character. if new, but their HP cannot exceed their
BLOODIED value, and their stress cannot be
below their BREAKING value.
Healing Zone
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
Release: Create a Blast 1 zone within Scope.
[Spell] [CHANNEL]
Allies that start their turn within the zone regain
4/5/6 HP. The zone lasts until the Healer is Release: One ally within Scope gains 4/6/8 temp
defeated or uses this ability again. HP. While they have this temp HP, they have
resistance to damage and stress.

Psionic controllers that can destroy or manipulate minds.
Mindreavers infiltrate the minds of their foes, altering what they perceive and placing stress on their
psyche. Fighting against a mindreaver means having to make tough choices, choosing the least harmful
option at the moment. Mindreavers inflict high amounts of stress and can receive a lot of stress in return,
but are fragile in close range.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 15  Scope: 15  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 12  Save DC: 15  Save DC: 18
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -1 Mind 3 Bulk -1 Mind 4 Bulk -1 Mind 6

Agility -1 Magic 1 Agility 0 Magic 2 Agility 0 Magic 3


Hp 12 Stress 10 Hp 14 Stress 12 Hp 16 Stress 13
cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 10 Dodge 8 A-def 12 Dodge 10 A-def 14

Speed 5 Mana 4 Speed 5 Mana 5 Speed 5 Mana 6


Enthrall Mind Worms

[Skill] [CHANNEL, Mana 1, Recharge 6+] [Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
Release: The Mindreaver can move one target [+2/+3/+4 vs A-Def] [1 DOT Stress (MND)]
within Scope and line of sight up to their speed and Targets are DAZED while taking DOT from this
indicate an action to take, including picking any ability.
targets. The affected target can choose to take this
indicated action as a reaction. If they refuse, they
take [4/5/6 Stress]. If they are unable to take the
Read Mind
indicated action, nothing happens. Any movement
[Skill] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
caused by this ability doesn’t count as involuntary
movement. Release: One character within Scope and line of
sight takes [2/3/4 stress] and the Mindreaver picks
a phase except for PHASE 8: DELAY. The target
either takes their next turn during that phase or

Spread Nightmare
[Skill] [SKIRMISH, Mana 1]
All characters in Scope currently taking DOT
Stress create a burst 1 area. Enemies in this area
must pass a MND save or be automatically hit by
Mind Worms.

Base Features

Extra Features

Balance Hamper
[Skill] [CHANNEL] [Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
Release: The Mindreaver selects two characters [+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] [2/3/4 Stress]
within Scope and line of sight. They can move all On Hit: Target must make a MND save. Fail:
stress from one of the characters to the other. Target is DISARMED or SILENCED until the end
of their next turn, Mindreaver’s choice.

Brain Drill
[Weapon] [Heavy Magitech] Mind Spike
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] [Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
[Reach 1] [4/6/8 Physical] [+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] [2/3/4 Stress]
On Hit: Target is MARKED, and takes 2 stress
On Hit: Target loses 1 mana. On Crit: Target every time they make an attack or cast a spell until
loses all of their mana. the end of their next turn.

Focused [Skill] [CHANNEL, Mana 1, Recharge 5+]
Release: One target within Scope and line of sight
1/turn the Mindreaver can take 1 stress to reroll an must make a MND save. Fail: Target is STUNNED
attack, check, or save. until the end of their next turn. Success: Target is
DISABLED until the end of their next turn.

Illusionists that create false images around the battlefield.
Mirages are battlefield illusionists, altering perception. Invisibility and misdirection are their defensive
tools, and they can befuddle foes by manipulating positioning. Mirages are hard to hit, and can Redirect
the rare successful hit against them. Abilities that deal automatic damage and DOTs are effective against
these low HP enemies.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 14  Save DC: 17
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -1 Mind 0 Bulk -1 Mind 1 Bulk -1 Mind 1

Agility 1 Magic 2 Agility 2 Magic 3 Agility 4 Magic 4


Hp 10 Stress 6 Hp 10 Stress 6 Hp 10 Stress 6
cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 10 Dodge 14 A-def 14 Dodge 18 A-def 18

Speed 6 Mana 3 Speed 6 Mana 4 Speed 7 Mana 5


Flicker Blade Phantasm

[Weapon] [Light Blade] [Skill] [CHANNEL]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] Channel: The Mirage creates an illusion in an
[Reach 2] [3/5/7 Physical] empty space within Scope that lasts until released.
Release: Any enemies adjacent to the illusion take
The Mirage can switch places with the target, [3/4/5 Stress] and become DAZED until the end of
teleporting both of them. their next turn.

Base Features

Displacement Redirect
[Trait] [Skill] [Reaction, 1/round]
Attacks against the Mirage gain +2 DIF. This effect Trigger: The Mirage is hit by an attack.
is suppressed until the start of the Mirage’s next Effect: An adjacent character is hit by the attack
turn when it takes damage, or while STUNNED. instead of the Mirage.

Extra Features

After Image
[Skill] [RUSH]
The Mirage can RUSH. Until the end of the turn, Masque
whenever the Mirage starts any movement [Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
(standard movement, RUSH movement, etc.), they Release: 1 ally within Scope appears like one of
leave behind an illusion in the space they were in. the PCs. Until the end of the next round, any
Illusions explode if they are touched, attacked, or character that attacks or targets this ally with a
take any damage (attacks against illusions hostile effect takes [2/3/4 Stress].
automatically hit). Illusions explode in a [Blast 1]
area, and all characters in the area must make an
AGI save, taking [6/7/8 Force] on a failed save, or
half damage on a success. Replace
[Skill] [CHANNEL, Summon, Mana 1]
Release: 1 ally within Scope can move up to their
Endless Maze speed. A decoy illusion is created in their starting
space. As long as this decoy remains, the ally is
[Spell] [CHANNEL]
INVISIBLE. (1 HP, Dodge/A-Def 10, Size =
Release: One enemy within Scope is MARKED target’s size).
and BLINDED until cleared. A character BLINDED
by this ability can clear it by allowing the Mirage to
control their next standard movement.
Reveal Position
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
Release: The Mirage targets up to two allies within
Scope, or 1 enemy. The Mirage can teleport them
[Skill] [QUICK, Mana 1]
up to 4 spaces. The Mirage can target itself with
Quick: The Mirage becomes INVISIBLE until the this ability in place of an ally.
start of their next turn.

Armored defender that positions themselves in front of attacks meant for their allies.
Protectors are defensive units focused on taking damage on behalf of their allies. They are best
positioned near vulnerable units, like Support classes or units that CHANNEL. Protectors need to be as
close as possible to their allies, so altering their positioning bypasses many of their abilities.
 Size: 2+  Size: 2+  Size: 2+
 Armor: 3  Armor: 3  Armor: 4
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 1:  Initiative: PHASE 1:  Initiative: PHASE 1:


Bulk 2 Mind 0 Bulk 3 Mind 1 Bulk 5 Mind 2

Agility -1 Magic 1 Agility -1 Magic 2 Agility -1 Magic 2


Hp 20 Stress 5 Hp 25 Stress 6 Hp 30 Stress 8

cap cap cap
Dodge 6 A-def 7 Dodge 6 A-def 7 Dodge 6 A-def 7

Speed 4 Mana 1 Speed 4 Mana 1 Speed 4 Mana 2


Sword and Shield

[Weapon] [Main Blade, Push 1]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Reach 2] [2/3/4 Physical]

This weapon’s damage is increased by the phase

number it is used in (+1 for PHASE 1, etc.).

Base Features

Vigilant Gaze
The Protector grants soft cover to adjacent allies. [Skill] [DEFEND]
Attacks against the Protector gain +1 DIF. Until the
start of the Protector’s next turn, as a reaction
when an ally within range 3 is targeted by an
Threatening Attacks attack, the Protector can move up to 2 spaces and
[Trait] choose one: 1) the attack targets the Protector if
they are adjacent to the targeted ally, or 2) the
When the Protector hits with a reaction attack, the protector can make a weapon attack against the
target is MARKED. attacker before the triggering attack happens.

Extra Features

Armored Zone
[Skill] [QUICK, Mana 1]
Retaliatory Stance
Quick: The Protector creates a [Burst 2] zone [Skill]
centered on itself. All allies in the zone gain +1
armor, to a max of 4. The zone lasts until the The Protector deals [3/4/5 physical] to any
Protector is SUNDERED or defeated. character that hits the Protector with a melee
weapon. This ability is suppressed while the
Energy Aura
Enemies that start their turn adjacent to the Sidearm
Protector take [3/4/5 Lunar]. [Weapon] [Light Magitech, Reliable 1]
[+0/+1/+2 vs Dodge]
[Range 8] [2/3/4 Lunar]
Pinning Attack
This weapon gains +1 ACC and deals +3 damage
If the Protector hits with a reaction attack, the when not used during PHASE 1: BOLSTER.
target’s movement stops and unused movement is

Waste Energy
[Skill] [Recharge 4+]
A character that hits the Protector with a melee
attack becomes WEAKENED until the end of their
next turn.

Highly mobile ranged striker that can easily move through terrain.
Rangers are highly mobile ranged damage dealers. With their speed and ranged weaponry, they utilize
hit-and-run tactics to harass their foes. They can easily move around the battlefield, flanking enemies and
maneuvering around cover. Only the fastest of characters will be able to catch and pin down a Ranger,
but once engaged, a Ranger is vulnerable.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 1  Armor: 1  Armor: 1
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:


Bulk 0 Mind 0 Bulk 0 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 1

Agility 2 Magic 0 Agility 3 Magic 1 Agility 5 Magic 2


Hp 12 Stress 7 Hp 14 Stress 7 Hp 16 Stress 7
cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 8 Dodge 10 A-def 10 Dodge 12 A-def 12

Speed 6 Mana 3 Speed 6 Mana 3 Speed 6 Mana 3


Flush Them Out Marksman Bow

[Spell] [CAST, Aetheric, Arcing] [Weapon] [Main Bow, Arcing]
[+2/+3/+4 vs A-Def] [2 Stress] [+1/+2/+3 + 1 ACC vs Dodge]
If the target ends their next turn in cover, they take [Range 10] [6/8/10 Physical]
[4/6/8 energy].
On Miss: Target is MARKED.

Base Features

Snap Shot Sure Foot

[Skill] [Trait]
When the ranger REPOSITIONS, they can deal The Ranger ignores difficult terrain and can climb
[2/3/4 Physical] to a character within Scope. and swim at their normal speed.

Extra Features

Bear Trap Grapple

[Support] [Main, Quick, Trap] [Support] [REPOSITION]
Quick: The Ranger deploys a bear trap in an The Ranger can fly up to twice their speed in a
adjacent space. When activated, the character straight line. They fall at the end of this movement
must pass an AGI save or be IMMOBILIZED until if not on solid ground.
they remove the condition or succeed on a BLK
save as an action during any phase. The Ranger
can only have 3 Bear Traps deployed at a time.
Homing Shot
The Ranger’s ranged attacks against MARKED
Explosive Shot characters gain the HOMING and RELIABLE 2/3/4
[Skill] [Mana 1] tags.
The Ranger can spend 1 mana to give their
Marksman Bow Blast 1 for one attack.
Twin Blades
[Weapon] [Light Blade]
Fall Back [+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Skill] [Reaction, 1/round] [Reach 1] [4/5/6 Physical]
Trigger: An enemy moves adjacent to the Ranger.
Effect: The Ranger can SLIDE up to 3 spaces and The ranger can attack twice with this weapon.
trigger their Snap Shot skill. They can SLIDE themselves 1 space before,
between, or after the attacks.

A sneaky striker that stays hidden before attacking vulnerable targets.
Rogues are opportunists, taking advantage of any vulnerabilities in their enemies. They use their speed
and cover to remain hidden until the right time to strike. Rogues have a versatile toolkit of conditions they
can inflict on their foes, and deal increased damage when attacking enemies with conditions. They are
primarily close-range attackers, so attacking them while they are moving between cover or pinning them
down can leave them vulnerable.
 Size: Any (1/2)  Size: Any (1/2)  Size: Any (1/2)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -1 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 2

Agility 2 Magic 0 Agility 4 Magic 0 Agility 6 Magic 0


Hp 12 Stress 6 Hp 14 Stress 6 Hp 16 Stress 6

cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 8 Dodge 13 A-def 8 Dodge 16 A-def 10
Speed 6 Mana 1 Speed 6 Mana 1 Speed 6 Mana 1


[Weapon] [Light Blade]
[+1/+2/+3 & +1 ACC vs Dodge]
[Reach 1 or Range 5] [5/7/8 Physical]

If the target has a condition, this weapon deals +3

damage and gains AP.

Base Features

Flanking Effect: The Rogue can SLIDE up to 2 spaces and

[Trait] HIDE as a free action they end this movement next
to cover.
+1 ACC on attacks when an ally is adjacent to the

[Skill] [Reaction, 1/round] Rogues are HIDDEN when deployed. When the
Rogue uses RUSH, they can HIDE as a free action
Trigger: The Rogue is hit or missed by an attack. if they end their movement next to cover. They gain
+1 ACC on attacks while HIDDEN.

Extra Features

Blinding Strike Sticky Trap

[Skill] [Recharge 5+] [Support] [QUICK, Trap, Recharge 4+]
When the Rogue hits with a weapon attack, the Quick: The Rogue sets a trap in an empty
target must pass an AGI or be BLINDED. The adjacent space. When triggered, the trap creates
target can repeat the save as a Quick Action to a Burst 1 zone. All enemies in the area must make
end this condition. The Rogue can then SLIDE 2 an AGI save. Failure: They are IMMOBILIZED
spaces. until cleared. Success: They are SLOWED until
the end of their next turn.

Deadly Crit
Stink Sling
When the Rogue crits, they can inflict any condition [Weapon] [Light Club, Reliable 2/3/4]
or on the target except for DISABLED or [+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
STUNNED. Conditions from this trait last until the [Range 10] [6/8/10 Physical]
end of the target’s next turn.
On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their
next turn and MARKED. While DAZED by this
Kidney Shot attack, any allies they become adjacent to also
[Skill] [FIGHT, Recharge 6+] become MARKED.
One adjacent character the Rogue can see must
pass a BLK save or be STUNNED until end of their
next turn. Trap Master

Smoke Bomb The Rogue does not trigger traps, and can
automatically disarm them as a Quick Action.
[Support] [QUICK, Recharge 6+]
Quick: The Rogue creates a Blast 1 zone
centered on itself. Characters fully inside the zone
are considered INVISIBLE to characters fully
outside it. The zone lasts until end of the Rogue’s
next turn.

An anti-magic defender that drains mana directly from their foes.
Siphons are specialized anti-spellcaster defenders. All creatures have some amount of mana, but those
with more mana are vulnerable to the Siphon’s Mana Drain ability. Siphons are excellent at enduring
magical attacks, and can even turn themselves into the focal point of nearby spells. They can keep their
allies safe from magical attacks, or pose a serious threat to any enemy spellcasters. Take them down with
nonmagical attacks.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 1  Armor: 1  Armor: 2
 Scope: 10  Scope: 12  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 13  Save DC: 16
 Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:


Bulk 0 Mind 0 Bulk 1 Mind 0 Bulk 2 Mind 1

Agility 0 Magic 2 Agility 0 Magic 4 Agility 0 Magic 5


Hp 18 Stress 10 Hp 21 Stress 12 Hp 24 Stress 14

cap cap cap
Dodge 6 A-def 12 Dodge 6 A-def 15 Dodge 6 A-def 18

Speed 5 Mana 5 Speed 5 Mana 6 Speed 5 Mana 7


Mana Drain
[Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
[+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] Pain Club
On Hit: Target must make a MGK save. Failure: [Weapon] [Main Club]
They lose all of their remaining mana and are [+2/+4/+6 vs Dodge]
SILENCED until the end of their next turn. They [Reach 1] [5/6/7 Physical]
take AP Force damage equal to the mana lost.
Success: They lose mana equal to half of their
On Hit: Target has +2 DIF on concentration
mana maximum. They take AP Force damage
checks triggered by this attack.
equal to the mana lost.

Base Features

Magic Resistance Spellshield

[Trait] [Support] [QUICK]
The Siphon has resistance to all damage and Quick: The Siphon emits a Burst 3 zone. Spells
stress from spells. and spell attacks cast at targets within the zone
instead target the Siphon or use it as the
centermost target. Allies within the zone gain
resistance to all damage and stress from spells
during this time. The zone lasts until the start of
the Siphon’s next turn, and they are SLOWED
while this zone is active. The zone ends if the
Spellshield is SILENCED, DISABLED, or

Extra Features

[Weapon] [Heavy Bow, Homing]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] Recycle Mana
[Range 15] [4/5/6 Force] [Trait]
When the Siphon causes a character to lose mana,
This weapon deals bonus damage equal to the it gains temp HP equal to the mana lost.
mana the target currently has.

Break Spell [Skill] [Reaction]
[Skill] [Reaction] Trigger: The Siphon is missed by a spell attack.
Trigger: An enemy takes a CHANNEL action. Effect: The Siphon reflects the spell back at the
Effect: The Siphon can BRAWL against them. caster, using the same attack bonus or save DC.

Mana Void Voiceless

[Skill] [CHANNEL, Mana 2] [Skill] [CHANNEL]
Release: The Siphon creates a Blast 2 zone within Release: One character the Siphon can see in
Scope. Spells can’t be cast in the area, and any Scope takes [2 Stress] and is SILENCED until
spells that attempt to be cast in the area fail. The cleared.
zone lasts until the Siphon is defeated, or it uses
this ability again.

A deadly foe that can kill from a great distance with pinpoint shots that pierce defenses.
Snipers are dangerous sharpshooters, able to eliminate enemies with great precision from extreme
distances. Snipers can take their time to line up a shot, delivering massive damage if not contested.
Using cover might cause some of the Sniper’s worst effects to miss you, but unless you can out-range the
Sniper, you’ll need to carefully move forward while dodging their attacks.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 20  Scope: 20  Scope: 25
 Save DC: 10  Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -1 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 1 Bulk 0 Mind 2

Agility 2 Magic 0 Agility 3 Magic 1 Agility 5 Magic 1


Hp 10 Stress 5 Hp 12 Stress 5 Hp 14 Stress 6
cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 8 Dodge 12 A-def 8 Dodge 14 A-def 8

Speed 5 Mana 3 Speed 5 Mana 3 Speed 5 Mana 3


Fusion Rifle Sniper Shot

[Weapon] [Heavy Magitech, Reliable 3/4/5] [Skill] [CHANNEL]
[+2/+4/+6 vs Dodge] Channel: Pick a target in Scope. Release: Make a
[Range 20] [3/5/7 Force] Fusion Rifle attack with +1 ACC. On a hit, if the
target is not in cover, they gain 1 wound instead of
Instead of firing this weapon, the Sniper can begin the normal damage.
Channeling, and can Release during any phase.
This weapon’s damage increases by +1 for every
phase it was channeled, to a maximum of +5
damage during PHASE 7.

Base Features

Fade Cloak
[Support] [QUICK, Mana 1]
Steady Shot
Quick: The Sniper becomes INVISIBLE until the [Trait]
start of its next turn.
If the sniper hasn’t moved since the start of their last
turn, they gain +1 ACC on their next ranged attack.

Extra Features

Absolute Precision Faerie Fire

[Skill] [Spell] [VOLLEY, Mana 1]
When the Sniper scores a critical hit with the Create a Blast 1 area within Scope. All enemies in
Fusion Rifle, the damage can’t be reduced in any the area are MARKED and cannot benefit from
way except for immunity. INVISIBLE or HIDDEN while they have this mark.
They must also pass a MGK save or take [2
Arrow Relays
[Skill] [VOLLEY, Summon, Mana 1]
(Arrow Relay: Size ½, HP 5, Evasion/A-Def 10) Poke Shot
The Sniper conjures up to two arrow relays in [Skill] [Reaction, 1/round]
empty spaces within Scope. When created and at Trigger: A character within Scope moves and isn’t
the start of each of the Sniper’s turns, they fire in cover.
spectral arrows between each other in a line. Make Effect: The Sniper can attack them with the Fusion
an attack against enemies in the line with a Rifle or begin channeling it.
[+1/+2/+3] bonus, dealing [4/5/6 force]. They
Sniper can only have two relays at a time, and
when they use this ability again, they can destroy
any existing ones. The Sniper can move their Seeker Shot
relays up to 4 spaces as a free action during their [Skill] [FREE ACTION, Mana 1]
turn by spending 1 mana. The Sniper’s Fusion Rifle gains HOMING until they
hit with it.

[Weapon] [Light Bow]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Range 5, Threat 3] [4/6/8 Physical]

Incorporeal beings that can phase through solid objects and drain energy from other creatures.
Specters are ghostly controllers that can move through terrain. Cover and terrain are an advantage for
Specters instead of a defense against them. Basic Specters have a simple attack pattern, either attacking
through cover or preventing movement. Their extra features give them a lot more customization, including
the fearsome Possess ability. Find out what kind of Specter you are fighting against if you can, and
whatever you do, don’t deal physical damage to them.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 12  Save DC: 15  Save DC: 18
 Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:


Bulk -2 Mind 2 Bulk -2 Mind 3 Bulk -2 Mind 4

Agility 1 Magic 1 Agility 2 Magic 2 Agility 3 Magic 3


Hp 10 Stress 8 Hp 10 Stress 9 Hp 12 Stress 10
cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 10 Dodge 10 A-def 11 Dodge 12 A-def 12
Speed 5 Mana 4 Speed 5 Mana 4 Speed 6 Mana 4


Frightful Appearance Withering Touch

[Skill] [VOLLEY] [Weapon] [Main Artifact]
One character in Scope must pass a MND save or [+2/+4/+6 vs Dodge]
take [2/3/4 Stress] and be unable to move closer to [Range 5 or Reach 1] [3/4/5 Stress]
the Specter on their next turn.
This weapon ignores cover and can attack without
line of sight, as long as the target is within range
or reach. On Hit: Target is WEAKENED until the
end of their next turn.

Base Features

Ectoplasm Incorporeal
[Trait] [Trait]
The Specter has resistance to physical damage. The Specter can move through characters,
obstacles, and terrain, but can’t ends its turn in
these spaces. The Specter ignores difficult and
dangerous terrain.

Extra Features

Drain Life Force Possess

[Trait] [Skill] [CHANNEL, Mana 2, Recharge 6+]
Characters that end their turn adjacent to the Release: A character within range 5 of the Specter
Specter take [3/5/7 AP Force], and the Specter is possessed. While possessed, the target’s turns
regains that much HP. happen during PHASE 8: DELAY and the Specter
controls their movement and picks the action they
want the character to take on their turn, including
aiming and picking any targets. If the possessed
Moved Object character doesn’t take the indicated action, they
[Skill] [VOLLEY] take [4/5/6 stress]. They can’t refuse the
The Specter makes a ranged weapon attack with movement. They can make a MND save as a
[range 10] and a [+1/+2/+3] bonus to hit. If the Quick Action to end this effect. The Specter
Specter is next to an object or piece of terrain, they counts as having Hard Cover while possessing a
gain +1 ACC. The attack deals [4/6/8 physical] with character, and shares their space and moves with
Push 1 and SUNDERS a hit target until the end of them. The Specter can end this effect during their
their next turn. turn, but can take no actions or reactions while
possessing a character. If the Specter is defeated,
this effect ends.

Painful Phase
When the Specter moves through a character, they [Skill] [REPOSITION, Mana 1]
can deal [2/3/4 Force] to that character 1/turn.
The Specter is removed from play. At the start of
the next round, they return to play in any empty
spaces within range 20 of their former position.

[Skill] [VOLLEY, Mana 1]
All enemies in Burst 2 must make a MND save.
Fail: They must immediately move their speed
away from the Specter and take [4 stress].
Success: They take 2 stress.

Summoners conjure allies to assist them in battle, overwhelming their foes with numbers if allowed to
spiral out of control.
Summoners are expert conjurers, able to summon a variety of creatures under their command.
Demonologists, necromancers, and beastmasters are all summoners that specialize in one type of
summon, called conscripts.
Summoners stay in the back and place their conscripts in front of them, whittling down enemies.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 8  Scope: 10  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 13  Save DC: 15
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -2 Mind 2 Bulk -2 Mind 3 Bulk -2 Mind 4

Agility 0 Magic 2 Agility 0 Magic 4 Agility 0 Magic 6


Hp 8 Stress 8 Hp 10 Stress 8 Hp 12 Stress 8

cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 12 Dodge 10 A-def 15 Dodge 6 A-def 18
Speed 5 Mana 3 Speed 5 Mana 5 Speed 5 Mana 7

Offense As a Quick Action, the Summoner spends 1

mana and can summon a conscript in an empty
Skydrop space within Scope. The Summoner can have up
[SPELL] [CHANNEL, Arcing] to 6 Conscripts at a time. During the Summoner’s
Release: The Summoner creates a Blast 1 area turn, conscripts make a ranged weapon attack
within Scope. Characters within the area can against the closest enemy within [Range 10],
choose to either A) Take 2/3/4 Stress and allow attacking with a +1/+2/+3 bonus and dealing [3/4/5
the Summoner to move them up to 3 spaces Physical] on a hit. All conscripts are defeated when
(which doesn’t count as forced movement), or B) their Summoner is defeated.
take [6/8/10 Force].

Focus Fire
Base Features [Trait]
Conjure Conscript When the Summoner MARKS an enemy, their
[SPELL] [Quick, Mana 1, Summon] conscripts will attack that target instead of the
nearest one, if possible.
(Conscript: Size ½, HP 5/8/10, Evasion/A-Def

Extra Features

Bodyguard Improved Summons

[Trait] [Trait]
Conscripts can INTERPOSE 1/round without When the Summoner creates a conscript, they can
spending PARRY. choose one of the following improvements for it:
 Reliable. Conscript gains RELAIBLE 1 on
its attacks.
Dual Summon  Explosive. When defeated, conscript
[Trait] explodes in a Burst 1 area, dealing [2/3/4
Force] to characters in the area.
The Summoner can summon two Conscripts with  Melee. Conscript auto-hits adjacent
Conjure Conscript, spending 1 mana for each, but enemies.
they only have 1 HP.
 Armored. Conscript has 3/4/5 armor.

Mana Tap
[SPELL] [CAST, Aetheric]
The Summoner can spend 1 mana during their [+2/+3/+4 vs A-Def] [2 Stress]
turn to apply or change an IMPROVED
On Hit: The Summoner regains 2 Mana.
SUMMONS improvement on a conscript within

[SPELL] [Quick]
As a Quick Action, the Summoner can spend 1
mana and teleport all conscripts of their choice
within Scope up to 4 spaces.

This controller is many of countless smaller parts, forming a deadly nimbus.
Swarms are controllers that force enemies to reposition away from their dangerous forms. Each Swarm is
surrounded by their Swarm Body, which can cause negative effects for enemies caught inside. They can
also summon drone units at a long distance, which force enemies to reposition or take damage. Either
through their body or drones, Swarms force enemies to choose between moving or suffering
consequences. Swarms are highly resistant to physical attacks, and their high armor can eat up even
more damage. However, they are vulnerable to force damage, and their low Stress cap means they can
easily become OVERSTRESSED.
 Size: Any (2)  Size: Any (2)  Size: Any (2)
 Armor: 2  Armor: 2  Armor: 2
 Scope: 15  Scope: 15  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 14  Save DC: 17
 Initiative: PHASE 4:  Initiative: PHASE 4:  Initiative: PHASE 4:


Bulk 2 Mind -2 Bulk 3 Mind -2 Bulk 4 Mind -2

Agility 2 Magic 0 Agility 3 Magic 1 Agility 4 Magic 2


Hp 14 Stress 5 Hp 16 Stress 6 Hp 18 Stress 7

cap cap cap
Dodge 10 A-def 6 Dodge 12 A-def 6 Dodge 12 A-def 8

Speed 6 Mana 3 Speed 6 Mana 3 Speed 6 Mana 4

[Support] [QUICK, Summon, Mana 1]
[Weapon] [Main Magitech, Homing]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] (Size ½, HP = 1, Speed = 2, DODGE/A-DEF =
[Range 10] [3 Stress] 10).
Quick: The Swarm summons two drones in empty
spaces within Scope. The Drones deal [2/3/4
On Hit: Target is DISABLED until the end of their Physical] to adjacent enemies that make an attack
next turn. or cast a spell. The Swarm can have an unlimited
number of drones summoned at a time. Drones
can move up to their speed during the Swarm’s
Base Features turn, and are defeated when the Swarm is.

Swarm Body Swarm Form
[Trait] [Trait]
The Swarm is surrounded by a Burst 2 zone. The Swarm is resistant to Physical damage and
Enemies are DAZED while partly within the zone, immune to the GRAPPLED condition, but is
and take [2/3/4 Stress] if they start their turn within VULNERABLE to Force damage.
the zone. While the Swarm is BLOODIED, the zone
is reduced to a Burst 1, and it shuts off while the
Swarm is STUNNED.

Extra Features

Blinding Swarm Latch Drones

[Trait] [Trait]
Enemies are BLINDED while fully within the When a character takes damage from a done, the
Swarm’s Swarm body area. Swarm can choose to attach that drone to the
character. The drone shares their space, and moves
when they do. A drone can be detached with a BLK
check as a Quick Action.
Buzzing Body
Allies fully within the Swarm’s Swarm Body area Shredding Swarm
gain Soft Cover. As a Quick Action, the Swarm can [Trait]
choose to IMMOBILIZE itself until the end of its next
turn. When it does so, its Swarm Body size Enemies are SUNDERED while partly within the
increases by one (Burst 2 to Burst 3, Burst 1 to Swarm’s Swarm Body area.
Burst 2).

Disperse [Weapon] [Main Club]
[Skill] [RUSH] [+2/+3/+4 vs Dodge]
The Swarm turns into a line area, whose length [Reach 3] [2 DOT Lunar (BLK)]
equals their current Swarm Body size x 5 (so Burst
1 equals Line 5, Burst 2 equals Line 10, etc.). If the target is within the Swarm’s Swarm Body
Enemies in the area must pass an AGI save or area, the attack gains +1 ACC and on a hit leaves
take [2 Stress] and be MARKED. The Swarm can the target VULNERABLE until the start of their
then reform in any space in the line’s area, which next turn.
counts as teleporting.

A flying menace that nimbly avoids attacks while dragging victims around.
Vultures are aerial harassment units. They can move fast and easily avoid attacks with their Barrel Roll
reaction. They specialize in moving their foes out of position, putting them into dangerous situations.
Attacking a Vulture multiple times can wear it down, and its A-Def is much lower than its DODGE.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 10  Scope: 10  Scope: 10
 Save DC: 11  Save DC: 14  Save DC: 17
 Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:  Initiative: PHASE 3:


Bulk -2 Mind 0 Bulk -2 Mind 1 Bulk -2 Mind 2

Agility 4 Magic 0 Agility 5 Magic 1 Agility 6 Magic 2


Hp 8 Stress 6 Hp 8 Stress 6 Hp 10 Stress 6

cap cap cap
Dodge 12 A-def 8 Dodge 15 A-def 10 Dodge 18 A-def 8

Speed 7 Mana 2 Speed 7 Mana 2 Speed 8 Mana 3


[Weapon] [Main Longarm]
[+1/+3/+5 vs Dodge]
[Range 5, Reach 3] [5/7/9 Physical]

On Hit: The Vulture can pull the target 2 spaces.

Base Features

Barrel Roll
[Skill] [Reaction, 1/round, Recharge 5+]
Trigger: The Vulture is hit with an attack.
Effect: The attack misses and the Vulture can fly
up to 3 spaces.

Flier Flyby
[Trait] [Trait]
The Vulture can fly. Opportunity attacks against the Vulture gain +1 DIF.

Extra Features

Bio Mine Heavenly Chains

[Support] [QUICK, Trap, Mana 1] [Spell] [VOLLEY, Summon, Mana 1]
Quick: The Vulture deploys a trap on solid ground The Vulture summons a pillar of chains in an
below it. The Vulture can have up to 3 of these empty space within scope. Any character that
traps deployed at a time. When triggered, it starts their turn adjacent to the pillar must pass a
creates a Blast 1 area centered on itself. All BLK save or be IMMOBILIZED and WEAKENED.
characters in the area must make an AGI save. These conditions last as long as a character is
Failure: [6/8/10 Lunar] and MARKED. Success: adjacent to the pillar.
Half damage. (Size ½, HP=5, DODGE/A-DEF=10).

Hover Mode
Dive Bomb
The Vulture can fly up to twice its speed in a The Vulture can hover. They are immune to the
straight line. It can make 1 attack during this PRONE status and can’t take falling damage.
movement as a reaction.

Drag and Drop [Skill] [CHANNEL]
[Skill] [SKIRMISH] Release: One character in Scope takes [2 Stress],
The Vulture makes a melee weapon attack against is SILENCED until the end of their next turn,
an adjacent character with a [+1/+2/+3] bonus, and immediately moves their speed straight toward the
can then SLIDE up to 4 spaces. On a hit, the target Vulture, and must make a MND save. Failure: The
is drug along, counting as a slide and remaining target is also DAZED until cleared. While DAZED,
adjacent to the Vulture. all of the target’s movement during their turn must
be directly toward the Vulture, and they must move
at least 1 space during their turn. This ability can’t
be used while the Vulture is STUNNED,
SILENCED, or DISABLED and all existing effects
end if it is.

A spellcaster designed for explosive combat. Their powerful channeled abilities can destroy groups.
Warmages are AOE spellcasters, raining fire and destruction from afar. Their channel abilities can quickly
destroy groups of enemies, and their Battlemage trait allows them to spend mana and retain focus. They
have little defense against physical attacks, so try to close the distance quickly and spread out.
 Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)  Size: Any (1)
 Armor: 0  Armor: 0  Armor: 0
 Scope: 15  Scope: 15  Scope: 15
 Save DC: 12  Save DC: 14  Save DC: 16
 Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:  Initiative: PHASE 2:


Bulk -1 Mind 1 Bulk -1 Mind 2 Bulk -1 Mind 3

Agility 0 Magic 2 Agility 0 Magic 4 Agility 1 Magic 5


Hp 12 Stress 10 Hp 12 Stress 11 Hp 14 Stress 12

cap cap cap
Dodge 8 A-def 12 Dodge 8 A-def 14 Dodge 10 A-def 17

Speed 5 Mana 6 Speed 5 Mana 7 Speed 5 Mana 8


Explosion Flamestrike
[Spell] [CAST, Aetheric, Blast 1] [Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
[+2/+4/+6 vs A-Def] [6/8/10 Force] Release: Create a Blast 1 area within Scope.
Characters in the area are automatically hit by a
spell attack, taking [8/10/12 Astral]. Any targets
above this area are also hit.

Power Word KILL

[Spell] [CHANNEL, Recharge 6+]
Release: One character in Scope makes a BLK
save. Fail: They gain 1 wound. Success: They
take [4/5/6 stress].

Base Features

If the Warmage would lose focus on a channel, they
can spend 1 mana to reroll their save 1/turn.

Extra Features

Chain Death Mind Fog

[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1] [Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
Release: Choose up to 3 different characters [+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] [2 Stress]
within Scope, and designate them as target 1, On Hit: The target is DAZED and treats the
target 2, and target 3. Draw a straight line from Warmage as INVISIBLE until the DAZED condition
target 1 to target 2, and from target 2 to target 3. is cleared.
These characters, and any targets within one of
these lines, must make a MGK save. Failure:
[6/7/8 Lunar] and targets are WEAKENED until Mirror Self
they regain any HP. Success: Half damage and
[Spell] [VOLLEY, Summon, Mana 1]
WEAKENED until the end of their next turn.
Create a mirror image of self within Scope.
Whenever the Warmage uses a spell or ability,
they can use the mirror image’s position instead of
Cone of Cold theirs for determining range and scope.
[Spell] [CHANNEL] (HP=5, Dodge/A-Def=10, Size= Warmarge’s
Release: [8/10/12 Lunar] to characters in a [CONE size).
5] and targets must succeed on a BLK save or be
IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn.
Wave of Death
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1]
Escape Release: All enemies within a burst 2 area must
[Spell] [REPOSITION, Mana 1] make a MGK save. Failure: [10/15/20 Lunar] and
The Warmage teleports up to twice their speed. target is unable to regain HP until the end of their
next turn. Success: Half damage.

Universal NPC [Trait]
Features The unit provides hard cover for allies.

Universal features can be applied to any NPC


Amorphous Heavy Blast

[Trait] [Weapon] [Heavy Any, Arcing, Reloading]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
Ignore difficult terrain. Can move through spaces [Range 8, Blast 2] [5 Damage]
smaller than it without squeezing, and can move
through the spaces of other characters.

Backup Melee
[Weapon] [Light Any]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] Hover
[Reach 1] [4/5/6 Damage] [Trait]
The unit can hover.

Deadly Attacks [Trait]
[Trait] The unit gains immunity to a damage type, stress,
Gain Reliable 3/4/5 on weapon attacks. or DOT.

Double Crossbow [Trait]
[Weapon] [Main Bow] The unit ignores difficult and dangerous terrain.
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] They can move through characters and objects, but
[Range 8, Reach 3] [4 Physical] can’t end their turn within.

Can make two attacks at a time, or 3 attacks at

T3. Juggernaut
The unit is immune to the DAZED and SLOWED
Enhanced conditions.
Gain +1 ACC on all checks and saves with a
specific stat (BLK, AGI, etc.). Long Weapon
[Weapon] [Main any, Reliable 2/3/4]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
Flight [Range 10] [6/7/8 Damage]
The unit can fly. Can attack two different targets attacking with this

Opportune Weapon
[Weapon] [Main any]
[+1/+2/+3 & +2 ACC vs Dodge]
[Reach 2] [4 Damage]

This weapon deals double damage to PRONE,


+1 ACC on all attacks, checks, and saves when
adjacent to an ally.

The unit regains 1/2/3 HP at the start of each of
their turns, as long as they have at least 1 HP.

Gain resistance to a damage type, stress, or DOT.

Seeker Blast
[Spell] [CAST, Aetheric, Blast 1,
[+1/+2/+3 vs A-Def] [4/5/6 Damage]

The unit gains +5 HP.

When the unit moves, they can move through the
space of characters their size or smaller.
Characters they move through this the way take
[3/4/5 damage] 1/turn.

Templates [Trait]
Templates are thematic features that can be The Celestial can fly.
applied to an NPC. An NPC can have multiple
templates, although some templates specify that
they can’t be combined with others.
Templates might provide base features and Healing Aura
extra features. An NPC with a template gets the [Skill]
listed base features, and adds the extra Allies that start their turn within range 5 of the
features to the pool of features they can choose Celestial regain 2 HP.
Celestial Unblemished
Celestials are angelic or divine creatures. They [Trait]
are associated with the element of light and The Celestial is immune to DOT.
healing effects.
Base Features

Celestial Nature
The unit gains resistance to Astral damage.

Extra Features

[Spell] [CHANNEL, Mana 1, Recharge 5+]
Release: One character within Scope and line of
sight is banished until the end of their next turn.
While banished, they don’t count as an obstruction
and can’t affect anyone or be affected by anything.
Any existing effects on them are suppressed until
they are no longer banished. Banished characters
can still move.

Divine Light
[Spell] [CAST, Arcing, Blast 1]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge][4/6/8 Astral]

Divine Shield
[Spell] [SKIRMISH]
One character within Scope and line of sight gains
5 temp HP.

Characters that start their turn adjacent to the
Draconic creatures are either types of dragons Dragon take [2/3/4 Astral or Lunar]. This effect is
or creatures with draconic features, like scales, suppressed while the Dragon is DISABLED or
claws, wings, or breath attacks. STUNNED.

Base Features

Chromatic Scales Flight

[Trait] [Trait]
Gain Astral or Lunar resistance. The Dragon can fly.

Natural Weapons Swallow

[Weapon] [Heavy Club] [Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 5+]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge] The Dragon makes a melee attack against an
[Reach 2] [5/7/9 Physical] adjacent character smaller than it with a [+2/+3/+4]
bonus. On a success, the target is swallowed and
moved into the Dragon’s space. They are DAZED
This weapon can’t be DISARMED.
and IMMOBILIZED, and unable to draw Line of
Sight outside of the dragon’s space. They move
when the Dragon moves. A swallowed creature
can make a BLK save as an action to break free of
Extra Features the dragon, or are freed when it takes a WOUND /
Breath Weapon
[Skill] [BRAWL, Recharge 5+]
The Dragon breathes energy in either a [Line 10]
or [Cone 5] area, chosen when this skill is
selected. All characters in the area must make an
AGI save, taking [8/10/12 Astral or Lunar] on a
failure, or half damage on a success.

Change Size
[Spell] [QUICK]
As a Quick Action, the dragon can change its size
to any size between ½ and 3, or back to its normal

Draconic Bloodline
When the Dragon rolls a recharge die, they can
spend mana to increase the result by 1 for every
mana spent.

Energy Aura

Elemental Elite
Elementals are creatures tied to an energy type, Elites are units meant to take on small groups at
like fire or ice. Their forms are often made of this once. They are able to act multiple times in a
element. combat.
Base Features Base Features

Death Burst Elite Actions

[Trait] [Trait]
When the Elemental is defeated, they unleash a The Elite takes 2 turns each round.
burst of energy in a Burst 2 area. All characters in
the area must make an AGI save, taking [4/5/6
Astral or Lunar] on a failure, or half as much on a

Elemental Nature The Elite gains +1 ACC on all checks and saves for
[Trait] an ability (BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC).

The Elemental gains immunity to Astral or Lunar

damage, but is vulnerable to the other one.

Extra Features The Elite can’t take the Veteran, Minion, or Solo
Elemental Nimbus
The Elemental emits a Burst 2 zone. Hostile Sturdy
characters treat the area as difficult terrain. [Trait]
The Elite gains +1 WOUND and OVERSTRESS
Energy Absorption cap.
When the Elemental takes Astral or Lunar damage
that it is immune to, it regains that much damage as Unpredictable
HP. [Trait]
The Elite doesn’t use Initiative, and instead uses the
PC combat rules for turn order.
Energy Form
The Elemental can move through the spaces of
other characters, dealing [2/3/4 Astral or Lunar] Extra Features
1/turn to a creature it does so to.
The Elite can use the REROLL TABLE.

Surge Minion
[Trait] Minions are cannon fodder, meant to be weak
The Elite can SURGE. Their cost is always 1d6 individually, but threatening in a group.
Base Features

The Minion can’t take the Veteran, Elite, or Solo

One Hit
The Minion has 1 HP and 1 Stress Cap. When they
take any damage or stress, they are defeated. A
Minion that succeeds on a save takes no damage
from the effect.

Minion Traits
Minions can’t have more than 1 WOUND or

Extra Features

When a character adjacent to the minion would take
damage or stress, the minion can take the damage
for them as a reaction. The minion can’t use this
ability if they are STUNNED or IMMOBILIZED.

Mounted Mounted Weapon
Mounted creatures are riding something, like a [Weapon] [Light Club]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
horse or motorcycle. They are fast, but lost most
[Reach 1] [3/4/5 Physical]
of their features when injured, which represents
the thing they are riding being destroyed.
The Mounted can attack with this weapon as a
Base Features Quick Action. They lose this feature when they

Hard Fall
[Trait] Run Over
When the Mounted is PRONE, they are [Skill]
VULNERABLE. When the Mounted uses Gallop, they can move
through the spaces of any hostile characters. Any
enemies they move through must pass an AGI
save or take [3/4/5 Physical].
The Mounted can RUSH once during their turn as a
free action, but all movement that turn after doing so
must be in a straight line. This trait doesn’t function
while PRONE.

Mounted Speed
The Mounted gains +2 Speed.

Two in One
The Mounted gains +1 WOUND and
OVERSTRESS cap. When they take a WOUND or
OVERSTRESS, they lose Mounted Speed and

Extra Features
Impact Lance
[Weapon] [Main Longarm, Push 2]
[+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Reach 2] [5/6/7 Force]

Ooze Split
Oozes are creatures with an amorphous body. [Trait]
Often composed of acid, gel, or water, they can The ooze’s WOUND and OVERSTRESS cap are
move through small opening or around other increased by +1. When the ooze takes a WOUND, it
creatures and objects. splits into two copies of itself and clears all
conditions, statuses, and effects. The copies have
Base Features their current and maximum HP equal to the ooze’s
original BLOODIED value, and their size is 1 smaller
Amorphous than the original ooze (to a minimum of ½). This trait
[Trait] only triggers once per ooze, and doesn’t trigger for
The ooze can move through and end its turn in the any copies. This template can’t be combined with
spaces of other creatures. the Solo template.

Ooze Body Split, Solo

[Trait] [Trait]

The ooze has resistance to PHYSICAL damage, This feature can only be taken in conjunction with
but is vulnerable to Astral damage. the Solo template. The ooze’s WOUND and
OVERSTRESS cap are 1. The ooze’s size
increases by +1. When it would take a WOUND, it
instead splits into two copies of itself and clears all
Extra Features conditions, statuses, and effects. The copies have
their current and maximum HP equal to the ooze’s
Acid Body original BLOODIED value, and their size is 1 smaller
[Trait] than the original ooze (to a minimum of ½). When
Characters that attack the ooze with a melee attack these oozes are reduced to 0 HP, they split again
while adjacent to it take [2 Lunar] AP damage. into 4 copies of itself with the Minion template. New
oozes from a split have their size reduced by 1 each
time, to a minimum of ½, and can only take 1 action
per round.
Corrosive Lob
[Skill] [SKIRMISH, Arcing]
The ooze makes a ranged weapon attack against Sticky Climbing
a target within Scope with a +1/+2/+3 bonus. On a [Trait]
hit, the target has +1 DIF on attacks with one of
their weapons (target’s choice). This effect stacks The ooze can climb at its normal speed, and can
until a weapon gains 3 DIF, at which point the stand on walls or ceilings.
weapon is destroyed. This effect can be removed
by spending recoveries as an action or during a
short rest. Each recovery spent removes one
stack of this effect. Otherwise, the effects last until Transparent
the target takes a long rest. [Trait]
The ooze is INVISIBLE. It loses this invisibility until
the start of its next turn whenever it moves or is
Engulf moved.
When a character starts their turn partly within the
ooze’s space, they take [2 Lunar] AP damage.

Solo Unpredictable
Solos are fearsome opponents, meant to take [Trait]
on large groups of enemies at once. They have The Solo doesn’t use Initiative, and instead uses the
unique and dangerous features that can PC combat rules for turn order.
drastically alter their playstyle.
Base Features
Optional Features
Elite Actions
[Trait] Armory
The Solo takes 2 turns each round.
The solo can use an unlockable piece of PC
equipment or technique.

[Trait] Dangerous
The solo clears one condition and repairs one
item/forgotten technique at the start of each of their The Solo can use the REROLL TABLE.

Enhanced Deadly
[Trait] [Trait]

The Solo gains +1 ACC on all checks and saves for The Solo deals +1d6 damage on critical hits.
an ability (BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC).

Hardened Expert Caster

[Trait] [Trait]

The Solo gains +3 WOUND and OVERSTRESS The Solo is immune to the SILENCED condition,
cap. and deals +2 stress with spells.

Reflexes Expert Fighter

[Trait] [Trait]

The solo can Opportunity Attack an unlimited The Solo is immune to the DISARMED condition,
number of times each round. and deals +2 damage on weapons and skills that
deal damage.

[Trait] Fanatical Allies
The solo has +5 HP.
When the solo would take damage, an adjacent ally
that isn’t STUNNED or IMMOBILIZED can take the
damage instead.

Masterwork Ranged Weapon
The Solo can’t lose concentration on CHANNEL [Weapon] [Main any, Accurate, Reliable
effects. They take 1 Stress whenever they would 4/6/8]
lose concentration. [+1/+2/+3 vs Dodge]
[Range 20] [4/6/8 Force]

Invulnerability This weapon deals bonus damage equal to the

[Spell] [DEFEND, Recharge 6+] highest die roll of any accuracy die.
The Solo gains immunity to all damage (not
stress). Whenever it would take damage, it loses 1
mana. This effect ends when the solo has 0 mana. Meteor Swarm
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Arcing, Recharge 5+]
Channel: The Solo creates 4 Blast 2 zones within
Keen Eye Scope, which can’t overlap. Release: All
[Trait] characters within the zones must make an AGI
The Solo can SEARCH as a Quick Action. save, taking [14/17/20 Astral] on a failure, half on a
success. The zones disappear.

Second Wind
Last Stand
[Skill] [RECOVER, Limited 1]
As a free action, the Solo regains all HP, clears all
When the Solo takes their last WOUND or stress and conditions, and regains all mana.
OVERSTRESS, they are not defeated. Instead,
they will become defeated at the end of their next
turn. Nothing can prevent them from being
Seize Initiative
defeated at that time.
The Solo can take any actions during PHASE 1:
Masterwork Armor
[Support] [Main Support, Armor]
The Solo has +4 armor and can exceed the
normal armor cap. Whenever they are hit by an
attack or effect that would deal damage, they [Trait]
reduce their armor by -1, to a minimum of 0 (after The Solo can SURGE. Their cost is always 1d6
reducing damage by armor). At the start of each Stress.
round, they regain all lost armor.

Masterwork Melee Weapon [Trait]
[Weapon] [Main any, Accurate, Reliable
6/8/10] The Solo is immune to the STUNNED,
[+2/+3/+4 vs Dodge] VULNERABLE, and WEAKENED conditions.
[Reach 2] [6/8/10 Force]

This weapon deals bonus damage equal to the

highest die roll of any accuracy die.

DAZED if the target is still DAZED, and they
Undead are reanimated or ghostly creatures. continue to spread the condition further. Characters
There are many varieties of undead, but in most can make a BLK save at the end of each of their
cases they are able to endure greater injuries turns, ending this condition on a success.
than living creatures.
Base Features
Undead Fortitude [Support] [Main Support]
[Trait] At the start of a combat scene, place up to 4
When the Undead would take a WOUND, roll 1d6. phylacteries in empty spaces on the map, but no
On a 6, they don’t take the WOUND and go to 1 closer than range 10 of each other. These are
HP. Asstral damage and damage from critical hits objects with 6 DODGE/ A-DEF, 5 HP, and a Size
ignore this trait. equal to the Undead’s size. Whenever the Undead
is defeated, they aren’t removed from the scene.
Instead, at the start of each round, roll 1d6. On a
5+, the Undead reforms in the space of one of the
Undead Nature phylacteries, destroying it. The Undead returns to
[Trait] 1 WOUND / OVERSTRESS, with full HP and no
Stress. If there are no phylacteries for the Undead
The Undead gains Lunar resistance. to return to, it remains defeated.

Extra Features

Curse of Death
[Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
[+2/+4/+6 vs A-Def] [4/6/8 Lunar]
On Hit: The target can’t regain HP until the end of
their next turn.

The Undead is immune to Physical damage.

The Undead gains +1 ACC on attacks if an ally is
adjacent to the target.

[Trait] [Recharge 3+]
When the Undead hits with a melee weapon attack,
the target becomes DAZED. Any of the target’s
allies that become adjacent to them also become

Vampiric every space they move until the end of their next
Vampiric creatures drain blood or energy from turn.
their enemies. They are a type of undead, but
unique enough to count as their own template.
Base Features [Skill] [CHANNEL]
Bleed Release: Slide a character in Scope up to their
speed. If they end their turn next to one of your
allies, the ally can use a reaction to VOLLEY or
When the Vampire deals damage with a weapon, FIGHT against the target.
the target takes [1 Physical DOT (BLK)].

Misty Escape
Undead Nature [Skill] [Reaction, 1/round]
[Trait] Trigger: This creature is hit by a crit or take a
Gain resistance to Lunar damage.
Effect: This creature can teleport up to 10 spaces.

Optional Features
Agents of the Night This character regains HP equal to their weapon
[Spell] [CHANNEL, Summon, Mana 2] damage dealt.
Release: Summon one of the following options in
empty spaces within Scope.
 Carrion. Create a 3 swarm, which can
share spaces with other characters. Siphon
Enemies that start their turn inside the [Spell] [CAST, Aetheric]
summon’s space take [2/3/4 physical]. The [+2/+4/+6 vs A-Def] [4/6/8 Force]
summon has resistance to damage that On Hit: This character regains HP equal to the
isn’t from an AOE. (Size 3, 5 HP, 10 damage dealt.
 Wolf. Create a size 1 summon. When an
adjacent enemy makes an attack, the wolf
can make an opportunity attack with
[+2/+4/+6] that deals [4/6/8 physical]. (Size
1, 5 HP, 10 DODGE/A-DEF, 5 SPEED).

[Skill] [SKIRMISH, Recharge 6+]
All enemies within Scope must immediately make
a save vs their DOT, or take the damage again.
This character regains HP equal to all of the DOT

[Skill] [FIGHT]
An adjacent character must make a BLK save. On
a failure, they take [1 DOT Physical (BLK)] for
Veteran Fighter
Veterans are experienced units. They are harder [Trait]
to defeat, and have a wide array of unique The Veteran deals +2 damage on weapons and
features. skills that deal damage.
Base Features

Enhanced Fortified Armor

[Trait] [Support] [Heavy Support, Armor]
The Veteran gains +1 ACC on all checks and saves The Veteran’s armor increases by +2. They take
for an ability (BULK, AGILITY, MIND, or MAGIC). -1 damage from DOTs.

Incompatible Keen Eye

[Trait] [Trait]
The Veteran can’t take the Minion, Elite, or Solo The Veteran can SEARCH as a Quick Action.

Sturdy Last Stand

[Trait] [Trait]
The Veteran gains +1 WOUND and OVERSTRESS When the Veteran takes their last WOUND or
cap. OVERSTRESS, they are not defeated. Instead, they
will become defeated at the end of their next turn.
Nothing can prevent them from being defeated at
Extra Features that time.

Second Wind
The Veteran deals +2 Stress with spells. [Skill] [RECOVER, Limited 1]
As a free action, the Veteran regains all HP, clears
all stress and conditions, and regains all mana.

[Trait] Seize Initiative
The Veteran can use the REROLL TABLE.
The Veteran’s initiative becomes 1.

[Trait] Surge
The Veteran deals +1d6 damage on critical hits.
The Veteran can SURGE. Their cost is always 1d6

13 Setting
It is important to understand that the Scourge is
The Source and its a recurring threat, not an evil. Every shard is
unique, and sometimes a scourge is a force of
Shards evil, and sometimes it’s not. Either way, the
The game of Beacon takes place within The Scourge represents a threat that has to be dealt
Source, a wellspring of endless potential. The with.
Source is represented as a giant crystal, with an Most stories revolve around that shard’s
infinite number of facets. Each one of these Scourge, but sometimes the Scourge isn’t the
facets, and the pieces of crystal orbiting The real threat of that story.
Source, are called shards.
Shards are unique worlds and realities, each a
Crystals are items of significance. Within each
different reflection of The Source. There is an
shard, crystals hold a unique role. In some
infinite number of shards, and each game of
shards, they contain raw magical energy. In
Beacon takes place within a shard. Each shard
others, they are used as a form of currency.
can have their own history, size, and physics.
Essentially, each shard counts as its own The fact that The Source is seen as a crystal,
separate universe. and that crystals have a significant role on each
shard, can’t be a coincidence.
While there is an infinite number of stories that
can be told, there are common themes that exist
within The Source, and therefore each of its
Heroes. Paragons. Chosen. The common name
for these legendary figures across all shards is
beacon. Anyone can be a beacon, but each
shard has a common category that beacons fall
within, unique to that shard.
Beacons exist on each shard, and are called
beacons because they provide the glowing light
to that shard. Within a shard, beacons are
inspiring or guiding figures. Beacons can be
heroes, villains, or anybody. What makes them
truly special is that, one way or another, people
look to them in times of trouble.
The Scourge
The Scourge is a recurring threat, a guaranteed
event in every shard. Their form and nature can
be different, but it always exists (or existed) in
every shard. They may not always be the
biggest threat, but they are constant.

or a humanoid form. You can use the below
table to generate the unique elements of the
new Scourge:
1. Undeath
In this section, we will provide a number of pre- 2. Time
designed shards that you can use, as well as 3. Corruption
suggestions for creating your own shard. 4. Poison
Crystal Warriors 5. Fire
6. Cold
Summary 7. Storm
A crystal warrior is someone that can attune to 8. Earth
job crystals, quickly gaining access to a wealth 9. Divine
10. Water
of knowledge and power. They are the destined
11. Space
heroes that must fight against the Scourge when
12. Technology
it arises, defeating it and bringing a period of
peace. Unknown to them, however, they are Role of Crystals
perpetuating a cycle of death.
Job crystals are magical artifacts that contain
Beacons knowledge of how to perform specific tasks.
Attuning to a crystal grants access to that
In this shard, beacons are known as crystal
knowledge, and the continued use of a job
warriors. They have access to job crystals,
crystal allows a person to access the full depths
which allow them to use special abilities tied to
of knowledge stored inside.
that crystal. Although anyone can use a job
crystal, crystal warriors are able to do with great Anyone can attune to a job crystal. A blacksmith
ease, and can access and use multiple job might use one to gain access to recipes from an
crystals. age long past, or a former tax collector could
start a new life as a doctor, completely
In peaceful times, crystal warriors are free to do
dependent on the job crystal to do anything.
as they please. However, when a new Scourge
arises, they are the only ones that can do battle Unknown to most of the world, job crystals are
with it and its heralds. It can be a shock to some formed from Crystal Warriors that are defeated
crystal warriors to find out that the fate of the by the Scourge. That is why most job crystals
world rests on their shoulders. feature offensive skills.
Scourge Themes
The Scourge lies dormant once defeated, This shard features widely available magic and
reforming and building strength over magitech. Airships, trains, and other fantastical
generations. Once the Scourge is close to elements exist around the world, and amazing
reawakening, it sends out heralds to gather structures have been built in ages both past and
information on start setting plans into motion. present.
The appearance of heralds also signals to the
Because of the widespread availability of magic,
world that a new Scourge is at hand, and the
technology, and job crystals, communities can
Crystal Warriors must be brought together.
grow large and take care of the people living
The Scourge is different every time it appears, within.
but it does have common themes. Work with
This shard is designed for the “rule of cool”.
your players to come up with what the common
Don’t worry about realism and physics, and just
themes of the Scourge is. Examples can include
focus telling engaging stories with cool things.
a cold aura, multiple eyes, aquatic adaptations,

Description Scourge
This shard is based on the inevitable cycle of the The moon is a prison for a great elder evil, The
Scourge. It arises, causes destruction and Scourge. In order to prevent its cycle of
chaos, is defeated by crystal warriors, recedes destruction, it was sealed inside a massive tomb
into the background for just long enough to in ancient history, which became the moon.
surprise people, and then arises again.
The Scourge is stirring, and forces aim to
Crystal warriors have a duty to stand against the release it from its prison. They almost
Scourge, as only a crystal warrior can defeat it. succeeded when the moon fell from the sky. Will
However, unbeknownst to most, crystal warriors their next attempt succeed?
defeated by the scourge or its heralds eventually
Role of Crystals
become a job crystal. In addition, whichever
crystal warrior dealt the blow that defeats the Crystals contain raw magical energy, sometimes
Scourge is automatically sacrificed, their life with an elemental aspect (fire, cold, lightning,
essence drawn from their body and used to etc.). Crystals are used to power many magical
“destroy” the Scourge. Essentially, their body devices, and are a prominent feature of
becomes a large job crystal, which serves as the magitech devices.
new host for the next Scourge. Soul gems are a special type of crystal designed
Many stories about the crystal warriors revolves to capture a unique form of energy; souls.
around them discovering and coping with the Themes
fact that at least one of them WILL die defeating
the Scourge. Those that look for an alternative The moontouched are similar to superheroes or
might discover the dark truth about the cycle, mutants from comics. There are also numerous
and instead focus on how to break the cycle. factions that exert influence in the world, and
Either way, the Scourge has to be dealt with, every beacon has to content with these forces in
and time is ticking. some way.

Moontouched There are 13 individuals who represent powerful

factions or organizations. Their influence
spreads far, and beacons are guaranteed to
Long ago the moon fell from the sky, but brave interact with their allies and enemies.
heroes stopped it from crashing into their planet.
The Alchemist. The most powerful and
The moon remains unstable, and its influence
knowledgeable spellcaster. Replaced the
causes abnormalities of the inhabitants of the
previous royal archmage when they saved the
planet. These individuals are known as the
Child Emperor from a deadly illness. They now
moontouched, and exhibit supernatural powers.
lead the Academy, the Empire’s legendary
Beacons magical university.
Beacons are known as the moontouched. The Baroness of Blood. The self-proclaimed
Through birth or accidents with magical energy, leader of all elves and refugees from the
they have gained supernatural powers, such as destroyed planet of Fey. As a Ta’ir, she has
enhanced strength, flight, or telekinesis. been on the world since before the destruction
of fey, and was possibly one of the first
It is believed the moon’s influence has created
explorers from that planet. She manages
the moontouched. Generally, people are fearful
relations between the different groups of fey and
and distrustful of the moontouched, because of
the rest of the Empire from her flying castle.
their unpredictable and potentially dangerous

The Beastmaster. The Beastmaster is the threat to eliminate. Very few like the Inquisitor
champion of nature and the master of primal and their forces, but they are seen as a
magic. They push against anyone that seeks to necessary evil.
expand into pristine nature. However, their
The Justicar. The Justicar is the leader of a
attention is divided as their forces are the only
group of elite, questing warriors. They seek to
ones fighting against the Blight.
eradicate evil from the world, and to make it a
The Child Emperor. The Child Emperor took safer place. Justiciars tend to work alone,
the throne after their mother, the Warrior wandering the Empire searching for people in
Empress, unexpectedly died. Young and need of help.
idealistic, the Child Emperor grew up with tales
The Machinist. The Machinist is the face of
of heroes and is a frequent patron of
innovation and technology in the empire. By
adventurers. They want to grow up to be just like
reverse-engineering old magitech, she has
their mother, which can be good or bad
created numerous technological advances for
depending on how you view the Warrior
the Empire in a short period of time. Which are
then sold to the highest bidder, of course.
The Conduit. Without the Conduit, there is no
The Masked Cult. The Masked Cult is a
divine magic. The Conduit acts as a connection
mysterious organization whose claimed goal is
between the world and a source of energy that
to bring harmony to the world. Their current
can be used by divine spellcasters. There is only
method of doing so is to release the evil bound
ever one Conduit at a time, and they always
within the moon, so that the world has to band
hold an incredible amount of influence. The
together to fight it. They believe that the
current Conduit is very outspoken, and focuses
moontouched are important assets that should
on self-empowerment. They have been very
be protected.
critical of the Empire.
The Spy. The Spy is the eyes and ears of the
The Dragon Queen. The Dragon Queen is the
Empire. Their job is to protect the Empire from
enemy of the Empire, and ruler of all dragons.
threats before they happen. No one knows the
Long ago the Dragon Queen ruled over the area
true identity of the Spy.
the Empire currently resides in, but a
combination of a catastrophic volcanic eruption The Undead Pharaoh. The Undead Pharaoh
and rebellion sent their dynasty into decline. She rules one of the oldest remaining civilizations.
has recently united all the draken clans under Long ago they were killed by the Empire, but
her command, and has declared war on the returned in undeath. They made an arrangement
Empire. to join the Empire, in return for the removal on
the ban of necromancy. Since then, the Undead
The Goblin King. The Goblin King, also known
Pharaoh’s kingdom has become a haven for
as the King of Monsters, grants protection to any
sentient undead.
‘monsters’ or creatures deemed monstrous that
swear loyalty to them. The Goblin King made Landfall
their presence known when, out of nowhere, Summary
they invaded a castle with an army of goblins.
They held the castle against attacks from the There are 3 nations in conflict over a small
Empire, and leveraged their position to gain amount of land. At unpredictable times, large
induction into the Empire. landmasses rise out of the sea, and the nations
scramble to claim and hold the land for
The Inquisitor. The Inquisitor’s job is to hunt themselves.
down and eliminate forbidden, dangerous things
that could threaten the Empire. They are a Beacons
ruthless zealot, and see the moontouched as a

Beacons are important assets to one of the that if they all worked together, they would
three nations, who assist with claiming newly compliment each other perfectly. Instead, the
formed landmasses. selfish rulers of each nation hoard their gifts and
fight against their neighbors.
The Scourge
Behind the scenes, the Scourge manipulates the
The Scourge is either one or all of the leaders of
three nations, keeping them in eternal conflict.
the 3 nations, artificially creating conflict. The
What benefit does the Scourge gain from this?
nations could live in peace, and there are
Why does the Scourge fear the nations working
enough resources for all if they worked together,
together? What does the Scourge hope to
but the Scourge ensures they act independently.
accomplish while everyone’s attention is focused
Role of Crystals on fighting?
Crystals are a power source used in ships, Soul Guard
vehicles, and large machinery. Larger crystals
provide more power, and are highly sought after.
Dangerous monsters arise from the Mistlands,
Newly formed landmasses are covered in crystal
an area saturated with the souls of the dead
deposits, which contributes to the rush to claim
from a long-forgotten cataclysm that befell the
new land.
shard. The Soul Guard trains to fight these
Themes monsters and protects the last surviving city
from them.
Exploration and competition are early themes of
this setting, with nations scrambling to claim Beacons
land in an aggressive way. As the story
Beacons are leading members of the Soul
progresses, it begins to reveal the dark and
Guard. Each Beacon leads an arm of the Soul
destructive themes fueling this shard, and how
Guard, with their own specialty such as city
the people in charge profit off of the suffering of
defense, research, or Mistland expeditions.
others and artificially imposed scarcity.
The Scourge is an intelligent Mistland creature
Landfall takes place on a water world, with few
attempting to cause another cataclysm,
landmasses compared to the endless expanse
expanding the borders of the Mistlands.
of water. Three nations control all of the
available land, and are constantly in conflict with However, their motives are deeper than what the
each other over resources. beacons are originally told…

Unpredictably, new landmasses suddenly rise Role of Crystals

from the ocean floor. When this happens, a race Crystals are able to keep back the mist from the
begins among the three nations, to see who can Mistlands. The city’s wall has the largest crystals
first discover the new landmass, and who can which keep a wide area safe. A few roads have
seize control over it. crystal posts to improve visibility, but they’re not
Wars aren’t fought on the existing, established strong enough to keep the monsters away.
landmasses. It takes fewer resources to Themes
establish a foothold on a newly appeared
landmass, than it does to break through a Stories begin focusing on the threat of the
nation’s established defenses. Mistlands, either the monsters that spawn in it or
the dangers of exploring it.
Each nation has an area of strength, and an
area of weakness. One nation’s weakness is As leaders of the Soul Guard, the Beacons have
another nation’s strength, and it is no accident to cope with politics and bureaucracy, which

increases as they discover the truth about the can also build the setting together with all the
cataclysm, the Mistlands, and the history of their players, which can be fun.
You can also refer to chapter xxx for additional
Description prompts for building out a setting.
The Soul Guard is the last bastion of civilization, Format
survivors of a calamity that nearly destroyed
 Summary. Short elevator pitch of the
their shard. Beyond the walls of the city lies the
Mistlands, and endless landscape filled with
 Beacons. What role do beacons have in
dangerous horrors. the shard?
The truth of this shard’s history lies in the  Scourge. What is the Scourge, or how
Mistlands, and troubling clues are being brought does it work?
into the light as the Scourge puts their plans into  Role of Crystals. What role do crystals
motion. hold?
 Themes. What are the major themes of
The exact history of the shard is for each group the shard?
to decide, but one truth is this: The city is not  Description. This is the longer, more
alone, and their actions during the calamity were detailed description of the shard.
not as benign as history says.
Custom Shards
When you want to create a custom shard, you
can use the following format to flesh it out. You

Scope of Stories
Most stories are contained within a shard, or
might deal with a handful of shards. Few stories If shards are reflections of The
deal with The Source as a whole, and the scope Source, does that mean The Source
of existence. If you do, here are some ideas: is just a shard of a different, larger
source? That’s probably a question for
 Unification: Bringing shards together, philosophers.
or trying to combine everything into one
truth, instead of limitless potential
 Separation: Destroy the source, and let
shards develop on their own, untethered
to the truths within the Source.
 Rogue Shard. A rogue shard threatens
the others. Perhaps the shard can
consume other shards, growing more
 Darkness: Darkness is dimming the
light of all beacons within shards.
Without beacons, the Source will grow
dark, and hope will be lost.

14 Appendix Reaction to add your armor to your DODGE or A-
DEF against the attack, potentially turning a hit
into a miss.
LOOT # 007. Animated Shield
This section contains the equipment and Light , Summon, Quick
techniques that can be obtained as loot.
You provide soft cover to allied characters. Quick:
By Number Deploy the shield to an empty adjacent space.
# 001. Absorption The shield moves when you move, staying
[Uncommon] adjacent to you. Attacks against you gain +1 DIF
Main Artifact - while you are adjacent to the shield. You can
[Reach 1] [1d6+1 Physical] return the summon to a normal shield as a quick
action while adjacent to it. (Size ½, 5 HP, 1 armor,
On Crit: Target’s current mana is reduced by 1, 10 Dodge/A-Def)
and you gain 1 mana.
# 008. Armor of Growing Endurance
# 002. Adamantine Armor [Rare]
[Rare] Light , Enchantment
Heavy , Armor
Any Armor: When you gain a wound, gain temp
+3 armor (to a max of +4). -1 Speed and Dodge. HP equal to your BLOODIED value.
Gain resistance to damage from critical hits.
# 009. Backstabber
# 003. Adamantine Construction [Uncommon]
[Legendary] Light Blade Accurate
Free , Enchantment, Unique [Reach 1] [1d3 Physical]
Any Armor: The armor gains +1 armor and is On Crit: +1d6 bonus damage.
Any Weapon: The weapon ignores armor and is
UNBREAKABLE. # 010. Bag of Holding
# 004. Aether Flask Free , Unique
Light , Consumable 1 One of your other support slots increases by one
size (light to main, main to heavy).
You become suffused with aether. Until the end of
your next turn, you cannot make attacks or cast # 011. Barbed Enchantment
spells, and are immune to physical and force [Rare]
damage. You can move through solid objects as if Light , Enchantment
they were difficult terrain, but you can’t end your Any Armor: You gain +1 ACC on GRAPPLE
turn inside one. If you end your turn inside or checks. When you end your turn grabbing or
partly inside an object, you are moved to the last grappled by a character, they take [2 Physical].
space you occupied.
# 012. Barkskin Armor
# 005. Amulet of Health [Rare]
[Uncommon] Main , Armor, Quick
Light , -
Quick: Spend X mana to increase your armor by
+1 ACC on BLK checks and saves. the mana spent, to a maximum armor of 4.
Whenever you take damage, reduce your armor
# 006. Angelsteel Armor by 1 until its normal value.
[Legendary] # 013. Beam Saber
Heavy , Armor [Rare]
+3 armor, -1 SPEED and DODGE. When you are Main Blade -
hit by an attack, you can spend 1 mana as a [Reach 1] [1d6+1 Light]

You ignore all darkness penalties the ground. You must spend 1 mana at the end of
each turn that you remain in the air using these
# 014. Belt of Giantkind
[Uncommon] # 021. Boots of Speed
Light , - [Rare]
Light , Quick, Stress 1
You count as one size larger for PUSH and
GRAPPLE. Quick: You can take 1 stress to RUSH.
# 015. Black Hole
[Rare] # 022. Broom of Flying
Light Artifact - [Rare]
[Range 5, Reach 3] [1d3 Force] Main , -
On Hit: Can spend 1 mana to make the target You can fly, but you must spend 1 mana at the
SLOWED until the end of their next turn. end of each turn during which you fly.
# 016. Blackiron Armor # 023. Caduceus Staff
[Rare] [Rare]
Heavy , Armor Main Artifact -
[Range 8] [2 Stress]
+3 Armor (to a max of +4). -1 SPEED and
DODGE. You gain resistance to [fire] and [dark] On Hit: One ally within scope gains 1d3 temporary
damage. HP.
# 017. Bloodstone Armor # 024. Class Change Crystal
[Uncommon] [Legendary]
Light , Armor, Limited 1 Main , Limited 1, Unique
+1 armor. When you become BLOODIED, you During a rest, you can expend a charge to change
can expend a charge to gain resistance to all your class. Your current stats remain the same
damage until the end of your next turn. You can unless they are higher than your new maximum.
regain 1 charge of this item during a SHORT
# 025. Cloak of Elvenkind
REST by spending 1 recovery.
# 018. Blur Main , -
[Legendary] -
SEARCH checks against you gain +1 DIF.
1 MEM, Unique
You gain +2 DODGE. # 026. Cloak of Protection
# 019. Bonecaller Armor Main , Quick
[Rare] Quick: Gain 1 PARRY.
Main , Armor, Summon, Quick
+1 Armor. Quick: Summon a shambling skeleton # 027. Conductor's Baton
in an empty adjacent space. Enemies that end [Rare]
their turn adjacent to the summon take [3 Light Artifact -
Physical]. (Size 1, 5 HP, DODGE/A-DEF 10, [Range 8] [1d3 Force]
On Hit: Spend 1 mana to force the target to make
# 020. Boots of Levitation a MGK save. On a failure, they are SILENCED
[Uncommon] until the end of their next turn.
Light , Quick
# 028. Cursesong Armor
Quick: You can fly a number of spaces directly [Rare]
upward equal to your speed and hover there. You Main , Armor, Limited 1
can use another quick action to safely return to

+1 armor. As a reaction when a character within As a reaction when you are hit by an attack, you
scope and Line of Sight that hits you with an can spend 1 mana to teleport 1d3 spaces.
attack, you can expend a charge to give them +3
# 036. Dragon Mask
DIF on all attacks, checks, and saves. This DIF is
reduced by 1 at the end of each of their turns.
Main , Mana 2
# 029. Darkleaf Armor
[Rare] Volley: Make a cone 5 attack, dealing [1d6
Light , Armor energy].
# 037. Durable Construction
+1 armor. 1/round when you are hit by a melee
attack, you can spend 1 PARRY as a reaction to
deal 1d3 dark damage to the attacker. Light , Enchantment, Unique

# 030. Darksight Armor Any Weapon or Armor: The item gains the
[Uncommon] UNBREAKABLE tag.
Light , Armor # 038. Elemental Burst Armor
+1 armor. You ignore all darkness penalties.
Main , Armor

# 031. Death's Gambit +2 armor, -1 DODGE. Gain an elemental damage

[Uncommon] resistance. You automatically succeed at all saves
Light , - against DOT that shares that damage type. When
you do, you create a Burst 1 area. All enemies in
When you make a WOUND check, you can roll the area take damage equal to the amount of DOT
twice and take either result. cleared, of the DOT’s damage type.
# 032. Defending Enchantment # 039. Elemental Enchantment
[Rare] [Legendary]
Light , Enchantment Light , Enchantment, Unique
Any Weapon: 1/turn when you hit with this Any Weapon: The weapon deals +1d3 energy
weapon, you gain 1 PARRY. damage.
# 033. Demigod # 040. Escape Enchantment
[Legendary] - [Uncommon]
1 MEM, Unique Free , Enchantment
Any Armor: As a Quick Action, you can escape
You are immune to the DAZED condition, and
from any grapple.
your stress cap increases by +2
# 041. Exploding Heart
# 034. Desync [Legendary] BRAWL
[Legendary] - 3 MEM, -
1 MEM, Unique
Make a melee attack against an adjacent
Whenever you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, character. On a hit, they must make a BLK save.
you can choose to be removed from play until the On a failure, they immediately take Stress equal to
start of your next turn. You can’t be affected by their BREAKING POINT value and are STUNNED
anything or take any damage or stress while until the end of their next turn. On a success, they
removed from play. You enter play in the space take [3 Stress] and are SLOWED until the end of
you left, or the nearest empty space. their next turn. A character can only be affected by
# 035. Displacer Cloak this ability 1/scene.
# 042. Feather Token
Main , Mana 1
Light , -

You are immune to falling damage. # 049. Hamstring
[Rare] BRAWL
2 MEM, -
# 043. Feel No Pain
[Rare] - Make a melee attack against an adjacent
1 MEM, Unique character. On a hit, they take [3 stress] and an
additional [2 stress] every time they make an
When you have 3 or more WOUNDS, you gain
attack or cast a spell until the end of their next
resistance to all damage. When you have 3 or
more OVERSTRESS, you gain resistance to
Stress. When at 4 WOUNDS / OVERSTRESS, # 050. Headband of Intellect
you aren’t defeated and can keep acting as [Rare]
normal. Roll 1d6 whenever you take damage or Light , -
Stress in this state. On a 1, you are defeated. You Gain +1 MEM and +1 ACC on MIND checks and
can’t regain HP in this state until you REST. saves.
# 044. Firebrand # 051. Heavy Draw
[Legendary] [Rare] -
Main Blade - 1 MEM, Unique
[Reach 1] [1d6 Physical + 2 DOT Fire
(BLK)] Your weapons with range gain +3 range.
# 052. Helm of Teleportation
# 045. Flamethrower Main , Limited 3, Quick
Heavy Magitech - Quick: Teleport up to 2d6 spaces.
[Cone 5] [3 DOT Fire (AGI)]
- # 053. Hydra Helmet
Main , -
# 046. Flash Step
[Legendary] - When you take a WOUND or OVERSTRESS, you
regain 4 HP at the start of your next turn, and 2
2 MEM, Unique
HP at the start of the next turn after that one.
You can teleport your standard move. You take 1 # 054. Invisibility Cloak
stress when you do this. [Legendary]
Main , Quick, Mana 1
# 047. Fleetfoot Armor
[Rare] Quick: Spend 1 mana to become INVISIBLE until
Light , Armor, Quick you make an attack, force a save, or take a hostile
+1 Armor. Quick: Spend up to 3 mana. Increase
your speed by the mana you spent until the end of # 055. Justicar Armor
your next turn. [Uncommon]
Free , Enchantment
# 048. Ghostwalker Armor
[Uncommon] Any Armor: Gain resistance to Force damage.
Light , Armor, Quick
+1 armor. Quick: Spend 2 mana to be able to # 056. Lifedrinker Armor
move through characters and objects until the end [Rare]
of your turn. Main , Armor
+1 Armor. Gain resistance to two energy types.
When you would take damage from one of those

types, you can spend 1 mana to gain 1d6+1 temp # 064. Mithral Construction
HP. You can spend an additional mana to give all [Legendary]
allies within range 5 the same amount of temp HP. Free , Enchantment, Unique

# 057. Lightning Bolt Any Weapon or Armor: The item's size is reduced
[Rare] by one stage, to a minimum of free.
Main Longarm Thrown 8 # 065. Momentum
[Reach 2] [1d6+1 Lightning] [Rare]
When thrown, the attack becomes a Line 8 area. Heavy Club Thrown 8
[Reach 1] [2d6+2 Physical]

# 058. Living Leyline When thrown, this weapon returns to you

[Legendary] - automatically after the attack.
1 MEM, Unique # 066. Monitor's Pivot
You gain +1 ACC on MGK checks and saves, and [Legendary] -
+2 A-DEF. You lose these benefits while 1 MEM, Unique
+1 on MND checks and saves. +1 reach with all
# 059. Lucky weapons that have reach.
Main Blade - # 067. Mountainous Armor
[Reach 1] [1d6+2 Physical] [Uncommon]
Heavy , Armor
On Miss: You can spend 1 mana to reroll the
attack. +3 armor, -2 speed. Reduce all forced movement
on you by 3.
# 060. Mace of Terror
[Rare] # 068. Multitasker
Main Club - [Rare] -
[Reach 1] [1d6+1 Physical] 1 MEM, Unique
On Crit: Target is DAZED until the end of their
Your SURGE cost never goes above 1d6+2
next turn and can’t willingly move closer to you or
attack you while DAZED in this way. Stress.

# 061. Mana Battery # 069. Oathbow

[Legendary] - [Legendary]
1 MEM, Unique Main Bow Arcing
[Range 10] [1d6+1 Physical]
You regain 1 mana at the start of each of your
turns while you aren't SILENCED. When you consume a MARK when attacking with
this weapon, the attack gains HOMING.
# 062. Meteor Staff
[Legendary] # 070. Orb of Power
Heavy Artifact Mana 1 [Uncommon]
[Range 10, Blast 2] [1d6+2 Fire] Light , Limited 3

- 1/turn as a free action, expend a charge to impose

+1 DIF on a save against one of your effects.

# 063. Mind Lasher # 071. Oversized Enchantment

[Uncommon] [Rare]
Light Longarm - Main , Enchantment, Unique
[Reach 2] [3 Stress] Any Weapon: This weapon deals 1 additional die
On Crit: Deal +1d3 Stress of physical, force, or energy damage. If the
weapon has multiple damage types, pick one of
them. If the weapon doesn't use damage dice, this
enchantment has no effect.

# 072. Overwhelming # 079. Potion of Size
[Legendary] - [Rare]
1 MEM, Unique Light , Consumable 1, Quick
Quick: Change your size to ½, 1, 2, or 3 until the
Your save target is increased by +2. Whenever a
end of the scene.
character fails a save against you, they take [2
Stress] # 080. Power Armor
# 073. Paragon Heavy , Armor
[Legendary] -
+3 armor, and you don’t need to breathe while this
1 MEM, Unique armor is equipped. You gain the following
You can pick two ancestry traits each quest. VOLLEY attack: [Range 10] [1d6 Force].
# 081. Razorwire Enchant
# 074. Perfect Accuracy [Rare]
Light , Enchantment
[Legendary] -
2 MEM, Unique Any Armor: As a Quick Action, you can spend 2
mana. Until the end of your next turn, when an
You can use the REROLL TABLE options an adjacent enemy hits you with a melee attack, they
unlimited number of times per turn, as long as the take [2 Physical].
conditions are met for each option. # 082. Recall Stone
# 075. Piercer [Uncommon]
[Rare] Light , Limited 1, Quick
Heavy Bow - During narrative play, you can expend a charge to
[Range 15] [2d6 Physical] abandon the mission and return this character to a
On Hit: 1/turn this weapon attacks all characters in base. During combat, as a quick action this
a line 3 area in the direction opposite from the character can expend a charge to successfully
attacker. extract.

# 076. Portable Cover # 083. Regeneration

[Uncommon] [Legendary] -
Heavy , Limited 2, Quick 1 MEM, Unique
Quick: Deploy a piece of size 1 hard cover in an Heal 1 HP at the start of each of your turns while
adjacent space. Each piece has 10 HP and 5 you are undefeated.
dodge/a-def. Each piece can be picked up as a
quick action. You can expend both charges at the # 084. Revive Kit
same time. [Uncommon]
Main , Consumable 1, Quick
# 077. Potion of Climbing
[Uncommon] Quick: One defeated ally can spend 1 recovery to
Light , Consumable 2, Quick clear 1 WOUND or OVERSTRESS and return to
play with their HP equal to their BLOODIED value.
Quick: Until the end of the scene, you can climb
any surfaces at your speed. # 085. Ring of Regeneration
# 078. Potion of Giants
Light , -
Light , Consumable 1, Quick At the start of each of your turns while
BLOODIED, you regain 1 HP.
Quick: Your size increases by +1, and you gain +2
ACC on BLK checks and saves, and your reach # 086. Rocket Sledge
with all effects with reach increases by +1. These [Rare]
effects last until the end of the scene. Heavy Club Push 1, Reloading
[Reach 1] [3d6+4 Physical]

- # 094. Shock Glove
Light Magitech Mana X
# 087. Scarab Staff [Reach 1] [1d3 Lightning]
Heavy Artifact - On Hit: The target can’t take Reactions until the
[Range 10, Blast 1] [2 Stress] end of their next turn. You can spend 1 mana to
make this attack against a target adjacent to the
On Hit: The target is DAZED until the end of their hit target. You can trigger this effect multiple
next turn. times, but each character can only be attacked
# 088. Scimitar of Speed 1/turn this
[Uncommon] # 095. Skeleton Key
Light Blade - [Uncommon]
[Reach 1] [1d3+1 Physical] Light , -
You can FIGHT with this weapon during PHASE Quick: You automatically open locks.
# 089. Scope # 096. Snare Trap
[Uncommon] [Uncommon]
Main , Quick Light , Consumable 3, Trap
Quick: Spend 1 mana to MARK a character within Quick: Place a trap in an empty adjacent space.
scope. The first character that enters the space is
# 090. Scroll of Protection IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn.
[Legendary] # 097. Spacewarp Enchant
Light , Consumable 1, Quick [Uncommon]
Light , Enchantment
Quick: One ally within scope and line of sight
becomes immune to all damage until the end of Any Armor: Increase the range of all teleports by
your next turn. your armor.
# 091. Sharkskin Armor # 098. Spider Staff
[Rare] [Legendary]
Light , Armor Heavy Artifact -
[Range 10] [2d6 Toxic]
+1 armor. You can breathe underwater, swim, and
ignore water penalties. Characters that Gain the following CHANNEL ability. [CHANNEL]
successfully grapple you take [1d3 Physical]. Release: Spend 1 mana. One character you can
# 092. Shatterstone see within scope takes [1d6 Toxic] and must make
[Uncommon] an AGI save. On a failure they are IMMOBILIZED
Light , Consumable 2, Quick until the end of their next turn. On a success, they
are SLOWED inst
Quick: Make a ranged attack against a character
# 099. Sprinter's Potion
within [Range 5]. On a hit, they are SUNDERED
until the end of their next turn.
Light , Consumable 1, Quick
# 093. Shield of the Evil Eye
[Rare] Quick: Your speed is doubled until the end of your
Main , Mana 1 next turn.
# 100. Starbow
You provide soft cover to allied characters.
1/round when you are missed by an attack, you
Main Bow -
can spend 1 mana to force the attacker to pass a
MND save or be DAZED until the end of their next [Range 20] [1d6 Light]
turn. -

# 101. Super Mode Main Club Inaccurate, Reliable 4
[Legendary] - [Reach 1] [4d6 Force]
2 MEM, Unique On Hit: Target must pass a BLK save or be
STUNNED until the end of their next turn. On
When you use your ultimate, you also regain all
Miss: Target is DAZED until the end of their next
HP, remove all stress, and roll 1d20. On a 20, turn.
your ultimate recharges.
# 109. Timber
# 102. Super Speed [Uncommon]
[Legendary] - Heavy Blade -
1 MEM, Unique [Reach 1] [2d6+1 Physical]

When you RUSH, you can move +2 spaces. Does +1d3 bonus damage against characters that
are larger than you.

# 103. Swordbreaker # 110. Titan Blooded

[Uncommon] [Rare]
Main Blade - Light , Unique
[Reach 1] [1d6+1 Physical] Your size increases by 1, to a maximum of 3. You
This weapon gains +1 ACC on attacks against a can’t be knocked PRONE or suffer forced
character with a blade equipped. movement from smaller characters.

# 104. Tentacle Rod # 111. Tomblink Armor

[Uncommon] [Legendary]
Light Club - Heavy , Armor
[Reach 2] [1d3+1 Physical] +3 armor, -1 speed and dodge. Gain the following
If you hit with an opportunity attack with this Reaction. Trigger: An ally within range takes
weapon, the target is DAZED until the end of their damage. Effect: Spend 1 Recovery. They regain
next turn. HP equal to their BLOODIED value.

# 105. Tetherknot # 112. Toughness

[Uncommon] [Legendary] -
Light , Consumable 1, Quick 1 MEM, Unique
Quick: Throw this ball of wire at a character within You gain +5 HP.
[Range 5]. They must succeed on an AGI save or
be IMMOBILIZED until the end of their next turn.
# 113. Twin Death
# 106. The Unblinking Eye [Legendary]
[Legendary] - Light , Enchantment, Unique
2 MEM, Unique Light or Main Weapon: The weapon becomes a
1/round as a reaction at the start of any allied linked weapon, and is linked with a LIGHT
character’s turn, you can MARK as a free action.
# 114. Unbreakable Skin
# 107. There is No Escape
[Legendary] -
[Rare] -
1 MEM, Unique
1 MEM, Unique
You gain +1 armor, to a max of 4 armor.
You have +1 ACC on GRAPPLE attacks and
checks. You can still take reactions while
# 115. Unyielding
[Rare] -
# 108. Thunderstruck 1 MEM, Unique

Increase all forced movement you inflict by +1, Light Artifact Accurate, Homing
[Range 8] [1d3 Force]
and you can reduce forced movement on you by 1
(to a minimum of 0). -
# 116. Venom
[Uncommon] # 124. Warstaff
Light Blade Thrown 5 [Uncommon]
[Reach 1] [1d3 Toxic] Main Artifact -
[Reach 2] [1d6+2 Physical]
On Hit: Target is DAZED until the end of their next
turn. -
# 117. Vicious Enchant
[Rare] # 125. Weapon Ring
Light , Enchantment [Rare]
Main , Limited 3
Any Weapon: The weapon deals +1d6 bonus
damage on crits. During a REST or as a quick action, you can
expend a charge to replace one of your equipped
# 118. Voidspace Pockets weapons with a different weapon you have
[Legendary] - unlocked.
1 MEM, Unique
# 126. Weave Magic
You gain an additional MAIN support slot. [Legendary] -
1 MEM, Unique
# 119. Voidspace Weapon You gain +2 Mana.
[Legendary] -
1 MEM, Unique
# 127. Wind Boomerang
You gain an additional MAIN weapon slot. [Rare]
Light Club -
# 120. Vorpal Enchant [Range 5, Reach 3] [1d3 Force]
[Legendary] On Hit: Spend 1 mana to force all characters
Light , Enchantment adjacent to the target to make a BLK save.
Blade, Magitech: When you roll the maximum Failure: Target is pushed 1 space away from the
damage on a die with this weapon, roll the die primary target.
again and add that result to the total damage. This # 128. Windsprint Armor
effect can trigger multiple times. Only the damage [Rare]
directly from this weapon can trigger this effect, Light , Armor
not any bonus damage.
+1 Armor. When you REPOSITION, you are
# 121. Wallbreaker INVISIBLE until the end of your movement.
Heavy , Quick
Quick: Deal 10 damage to a piece of cover, or By Type
automatically destroy a size ½ or 1 piece of cover.
[download LOOT spreadsheet]
# 122. Wand of Fireballs
[Legendary] By Rarity
Light Artifact Reloading
[download LOOT spreadsheet]
[Range 5, Reach 3, Blast 2] [1d6+1 Fire]

# 123. Wand of Magic Missiles


If you do, go back and forth with the opposing
COMBAT QUICK GUIDE team, each side having one character take a
Combat is broken into periods of time. Each
turn, then the other, until everyone that wants to
period is composed of smaller units of the period
take a turn has.
below it. A scene is composed of rounds, a
round is composed of phases, and a phase is Play then proceeds to the next phase. Once all
composed of turns. phases have been cycled through, begin a new
round, and start at PHASE 1: BOLSTER.
↓ 1/Round you can take a 2nd Action as a free
action at the cost of an increasing amount of
stress, resetting during a LONG REST.

PHASE A SURGE action can either a) be activated
during your turn to take a 2nd action from that

phase, or b) be activated during a following
TURN phase to take an available action during that
WHAT YOU DO phase. This is resolved as if it was another PC
You take 1 Turn each round. During your turn, turn, but doesn’t count as a turn for any effects
you can do the following in any order: that care.
A character can’t SURGE before they’ve taken
YOUR TURN their turn. If they didn’t use their standard
movement or Quick Action on their turn, they
ACTION MOVE QUICK can use it during their SURGE action turn.
Surge Cost
Your turn is taken during the phase that has an Times Used Stress Cost
action you want to take. 0 1
ORDER 1 1d3
2 1d6
Whenever a new phase begins, decide if you 3+ 1d6+4
want to take your turn during this phase. If not,
wait for another phase.


DEFEND Ranged weapon attacks and abilities/items with the
Gain PARRY equal to 1d3 + ARMOR. Until the start VOLLEY tag happen on this phase. Weapon attacks
of your next turn, attacks against you gain +1 DIF, use their listed range, while abilities use your class
and you can use the INTERPOSE and range unless otherwise noted.
COUNTERATTACK reactions multiple times in the
Ranged Attack Rolls
same turn until the start of your next turn.
When making an attack roll, roll 1d20+your GRIT. If
your attack equals or exceeds the target’s DODGE
Interpose (or A-DEF for aetheric attacks), it hits.
Reaction, Parry 1
Trigger: An ally within Range 3 is targeted by an
attack. CAST
Effect: You can move up to 2 spaces, ignoring You make a spell attack against a target within class
reactions. If you end this movement next to the range.
targeted ally, you can choose to become the target Spell Attack Rolls
Roll 1d20 + your GRIT. If your attack equals or
exceeds the target’s DODGE (or A-DEF for aetheric
Counterattack attacks), it hits.
Reaction, Parry 1
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You can make a melee weapon attack MARK
against the character that hit you. A character you can see and within your range
gains the MARKED condition.
Choose one of the following: SEARCH
 Spend a recovery to regain all your HP. Choose an enemy within Scope and pick one. (A) If
 Clear all your stress. the character is HIDDEN, make a contested MND
Then choose one of the following: check vs their AGI. On a success, they are no
 Reload all RELOADING weapons/abilities. longer HIDDEN. (B) You learn the target’s statistics,
 Remove all DoT on you. abilities, and equipment.
 Clear a condition or effect on you that
wasn’t caused by yourself.
 Clear a condition or effect on an adjacent
ally that wasn’t caused by them.
 Regain all your mana. RUSH
In addition to your free movement, you can either
PHASE 2: CHANNEL (A) not provoke reactions from movement, or (B)
CHANNEL move again.
Abilities with an action of CHANNEL begin on this
phase. The effect is released and goes into effect HIDE
during PHASE 6: RELEASE. If you take any
You gain the HIDDEN condition. To hide, you can’t
damage while channeling a spell (after armor), you
be ENGAGED and either must be outside of any
have to make a BLK save against the initiator’s save
enemy LINE OF SIGHT, within HARD COVER or
DC (a Concentration save). You can only channel
totally inside SOFT COVER, or be INVISIBLE.
one ability at a time. You can’t READY a
CHANNEL. You can take your standard move
either when you CHANNEL or RELEASE.

You make a melee or improvised weapon attack. FULL ATTACK
Attack Rolls
Roll 1d20 + your GRIT. If your attack equals or You can VOLLEY, CAST, or FIGHT with any
exceeds the target’s DODGE (or A-DEF for aetheric combination of two different equipped weapons or
attacks), it hits. Improvised attacks deal 1d3 techniques. This action can only be taken 1/round.
physical on a hit.
Make a melee attack against an adjacent target. +1 The last chance to take an action during this round.
ACC for every size larger than the target you are, or If you wanted to take an action but the phase had
+1 DIF for every size smaller. On hit, chose one of already passed, you act on this phase.
the following:
 Push them 1 space. SPECIAL ACTIONS:
 Knock them prone.

Make a melee attack against an adjacent target. On To ready an action, you specify an action that
a hit, both characters are GRAPPLED. happens as a reaction when certain criteria are met.
Determine the action you want to take, like “I want
 Count as ENGAGED
to shoot them with my bow”. Then determine the
 Can’t take reactions
trigger, like “When they become visible.”
 If you are the same size as the target, you You set the action during the normal phase when it
count as the larger one during the turn you could occur. When the trigger is met, you can
grapple them. activate the action as a reaction.
 Larger character can move normally. The readied action lasts until the start of your next
Smaller character is drug along. turn. When readying an action, you can’t take any
 Smaller character can’t move. other reactions.
 Same size or smaller can make a BLK
check during their turn to see if they can
move, dragging the other along.
GRAPPLED ends if: Opportunity Attack
o Characters are no longer adjacent to each Reaction, 1/round
other. Trigger: A hostile character begins a movement or
o The initiator ends it as a free action standard movement inside one of your weapon’s
o Smaller characters succeed on an opposed reach.
BLK check during the SKIRMISH phase. Effect: You can immediately VOLLEY or FIGHT
against them.
When this phase happens, any character using a
CHANNEL ability can RELEASE it. This is a free o Take 1d3 stress to reroll.
action and does not use a turn. A character can o Become MARKED to reroll. You can’t use
decide to CHANNEL for another turn instead of this option if you are MARKED.
releasing. Releasing effects still alternate between o If you are within a hostile character’s reach,
players and NPCs. You can take your standard
provoke an OPPORTUNITY ATTACK from
move if you didn’t take it during CHANNEL.
them and reroll.


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