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- Persecute

- Verb
- Definition: subject someone to ill-treatment because of their beliefs
Persecute/ ‫اظطهد‬
Synonyms: oppress, ill- treat, punish
- Antonyms: comfort, console, protect
- Negative
- The district attorney will prosecute anyone caught looting/ The old regime prosecuted the
political prisoners.
- Prosecuted, prosecution

- Province
- Noun
- Definition: A region within a country
- Province/ ‫المحافظة‬
- Synonyms: territory, area, domain
- Antonyms: whole, avocation
- Neutral
- While much of the nation was unscathed, aftershocks ravaged the province where the
earthquakes occurred.
- Provincial

- Inhabit
- Verb
- Definition: Of a person, animal, or group live in or occupy a place or environment
- Inhabit/ ‫تعيش في‬
- Synonyms: live in, occupy, take over, settle in
- Antonyms: vacate, depart, leave, move
- Neutral
- We discovered a family of raccoons had decided to inhabit our attic. / Many people inhabit the
beach houses during the summer season.
- Inhabited/ inhabitant
- Propriety
- Noun
- Definition: Following what is socially acceptable in speech and conduct; correctness of behavior
- Propriety/ ‫استقامة‬
- Synonyms: decorum, etiquette, proper, appropriate
- Antonyms: bad manners, misbehavior, inappropriate, improper
- Positive
- After Harold wore a clown suit to his cousin’s funeral, we had to question his sense of propriety.
- Proprietor, proprietary

- Abomination
- Noun
- Definition: a thing that causes disgust or loathing.
- Abomination / ‫ عمل بغيض‬،‫ مقت شديد‬- ‫رجس‬
- Synonyms: atrocity, disgrace, hatred
- Antonyms: admirable, likeable, delightful
- Negative
- Lying is an abomination in my house since my parents hate anyone who doesn’t tell the truth.
- Abominate, abominable

- Deference
- Noun
- Definition: polite submission and respect.
- Deference/ ‫احترام‬
- Synonyms: respect, consideration, polite, thoughtfulness
- Antonyms: disrespect, impolite, rude
- Positive
- Firefighters deserve to be granted with the utmost deference for their loyal service/ If you treat
others with deference, then people will respect you back.  
- Deferential, deferentially, deferent

- Providence
- Noun
- Definition: good management of resources needed for the future
- Providence/ ‫بروفيدنس‬
- Synonyms: fortune, prudence, foresight
- Antonyms: improvidence, shortsighted, careless
- Positive
- Cara’s providence in her health ensured her doctor was able to find and remove the cancer
tumor before it spread.
- Providenciales
- Intimation
- Noun
- Definition: a sign or suggestion that something is likely to happen
- Intimation/‫التنبيه‬
- Synonyms: indication, hint, cue
- Antonyms: answer, solution
- Can be both positive and negative
- Because they destroyed so many lives, the recent bombings are a brutal intimation of
- Intimate, intimately

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