History of The Computers

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History of the Computers



The computer is an essential tool for the human being, which is being used in all labor
fields, as well as in the fields of leisure, at different levels that they would never have
imagined that they would reach, with the emergence of computers have been created new
ways of approaching tasks that used to take a long time to be carried out, budgets and
labor have been shortened in the development of routine work in companies, new methods
of communication have been created among many things.

Being something so important for the development of anyone’s life, it is important to know
how they were created, their evolution, their history…In this paper, various topics will be
discussed, such as:

History of the first computers worldwide,First computer in Venezuela and Capacity and
Properties of the First Computer
First Computers Worldwide
The first generation of computers covers from the year 1946 to the year 1952, although these
dates are really from the commercial machines that could be called the first generation of
The first generation of computers and their predecessors are described in the following list of
the main models that it consisted of:

1938 the Z1 first totally electro-mechanical machine, the mechanical components gave enough
problems. The Z’s were made by the German Konrad Zuse, whose work was disparaged for
having been produced in Germany during World War II.[2]
1939 the Z2, to improve it used relays for the first time, was an intermediate machine between
the Z1 and the Z3.
1941 the Z3, the first fully operational machine using relays.
1944 ENIAC. Considered until a few years ago as the first electronic digital computer in
history.[3] It was not a production model, but an experimental machine. Nor was it
programmable in the current sense. It was a huge device that took up an entire basement at the
university. Built with 18,000 vacuum tubes, it consumed several kW of electrical power and
weighed 30 tons. It was capable of performing five thousand additions per second. It was made
by a team of engineers and scientists headed by doctors John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
at the University of Pennsylvania, in the United States.
1945 the Z4 was completed, completely redesigned after the plans and parts of the previous Z
were lost during the Allied bombing of Berlin. It was the first machine to be sold commercially
in 1950.
1949 EDVAC. Second programmable computer. It was also a laboratory prototype, but it
already included in its design the central ideas that make up today’s computers.
1951 UNIVAC I. Considered the first commercial computer to be sold, although the British
Feranti Mark I was ahead of it by a few months, and the Z4 was never taken into account, which
was almost a year ahead. Doctors Mauchly and Eckert founded the Universal Computer
(Univac) company, and their first product was this machine. The first client was the United
States Census Bureau.
1953 IBM 701. To enter the data, these computers used punched cards, which had been
invented in the years of the industrial revolution (end of the 18th century) by the Frenchman
Joseph Marie Jacquard and perfected by the American Herman Hollerith in 1890. The IBM 701
was the first of a long series of computers from this company, which would later become
number one in terms of sales volume.
1954 – IBM continued with other models, incorporating a mass storage mechanism called a
magnetic drum, which over the years would evolve into the magnetic disk.
1955 – Zuse Z22. Konrad Zuse’s first computer taking advantage of vacuum tubes

First computer in Venezuelan territory

Computing and informatics have had a definitive role in the advancement of Venezuelan
society, delimiting marked events that have structured its history. Computer history involves
many pioneers, events and pivotal moments in which there has been special need for processing
information. In order to start the computer history in Venezuela is convenient mention one of
the world pioneers, Herman Hollerith, who in 1890 designed the punch card to improve the
processing of data from the US Census Bureau.

This invention became the starting point so that six years later he founded in the United States,
united his own company Tabulating Marchine Co.
This company became in 1911 Computing Tabulating Recording and in 1924 it passed into the
hands of Thomas Watson under the name of International Business Machines (IBM). The
origin of this business was in machines that used cards perforated to enter and store data.
IBM had at that time a great expansion in Europe, Asia, Australia and Latin America. If
Particular Venezuelan, it was in the year 1938 when establishes the Watson Limited Company
in Caracas of commercial machines. A company that was commissioned

To start business with IBM. Back then Venezuela was ruled by General Eleazar López
Contreras (1935-1941), elected in 1936, and was therefore in a democracy recently established.
From the election of him López Contreras opened up the import of technology.

Capacity and Properties of the first computer:

They were built with vacuum tube electronics.
They were programmed in machine language.
A program is a set of instructions for the machine to perform some task, and the simplest
language in which it can be specified, the program is called a machine language because the
program must be written using some set of binary codes.

In 1.5 seconds it was possible to calculate the 5000th power of a five-digit number. This
machine was capable of performing 5,000 additions and 300 multiplications per second. It was
divided by 30 aut units

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