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Methodology to allocate automatic reclosers in large power distribution


Article  in  CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal · October 2017

DOI: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.1242


2 196

11 authors, including:

Carlos F. M. Almeida Henrique Kagan

University of São Paulo Sinapsis


Juan Carlos Cebrian Nelson Kagan

São Paulo State University University of São Paulo


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24th International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED)
12-15 June 2017

Session 5: Planning of power distribution systems

Methodology to allocate automatic

reclosers in large power distribution
networks ISSN 2515-0855
doi: 10.1049/oap-cired.2017.1242

Carlos Frederico Meschini Almeida 1 ✉, Henrique Kagan 5,

Juan Carlos Cebrian Amasifen 2, Renato de Albuquerque Spalding 2,
Eduardo Luiz Ferrari 2, Nelson Kagan 2, Denis Mollica 3,
Alexandre Dominice 3, Lucca Zamboni 3, Marco Antonio Pavez Fredes 4,
Gabriel Henrique de Aguiar Batista 3
Department of Mining and Petroleum Engineering, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Electrical Energy and Automation, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Engineering and Technological Development, EDP, Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil
Department of Engineering and Technological Development, EDP, Vitória, Brazil
Department of Research and Development, Sinapsis Inovação em Energia, Sao Paulo, Brazil
✉ E-mail: cfmalmeida@usp.br

Abstract: This study describes the development of a methodology of optimal allocation of reclosers to improve the
quality of service indices of power distribution networks. Normally opened devices used for distress between
feeders, as well as normally closed devices, used in the sectioning of feeders and in the isolation of faults, are
treated by the proposed approach. The methodology was implemented in a software that allows one to consider
several distribution feeders simultaneously. It also allows the evaluation of the gains of load transfers and the
calculation of typical quality of service indices such as system average interruption duration index, system average
interruption frequency index and energy not supplied. The validation was successfully carried out in a real case
study of the Bandeirante – Energias de Portugal distribution network, applied to georeferenced networks, with a high
number of buses and line segments.

1 Introduction and support and research center in smart grids (NAPREI) of

University of Sao Paulo as executor.
There are several published works with the objective of allocating
recloser devices such as [1–4], among others. In these works,
normally the candidate positions for the installation of the
sectioning device are initially selected. Then, an optimisation 2 Development
process is performed that seeks to determine the best alternative,
which combines the different positions, for the installation of the 2.1 Methodology
equipment. The limitations of this approach are derived from the
number of candidate positions for the installation of devices, The methodology proposed in this project and presented in this paper
which increases significantly in real georeferenced networks. was divided into three stages. The first of these consists of
Owing to their combinatorial nature, the allocation of reclosers enumerating possible positions for the installation of normally
becomes a very complex problem, and these typical approaches opened automatic reclosers (RA-NO) between the feeders of the
are limited only to the application of search techniques in distribution network being evaluated. These positions are
networks with limited number of buses. suggested by rules based on the distribution of loads or
The present paper describes a methodology and computational determined by the user based on their experience. At first, all
application developed and applied in real distribution networks, positions where some type of installed switch already exists (such
with tens of thousands of buses, to define optimal alternatives for as regular switches, fuses etc.) are candidate positions for the
the installation of reclosers, indicating the amount of equipment installation of RAs. However, heuristics have been developed to
and the sectioning positions, to provide the improvement in terms ensure certain logic in the determination of candidate positions
of the quality of service and respect the total number of throughout the evaluation, for example, it is not possible to install
equipments available. RAs after a fuse.
An important advance to be highlighted was the consideration in The second step consists of enumerating configurations for the
the methodology not only of normally closed (NC) devices installation of RA-NC in each feeder of the distribution network
equipment, but also the allocation of NO remote-controlled under study, to promote improvement in quality service indices.
devices between circuits. Such equipment, in practise reclosers, The possible configurations are determined by the maximum
can provide relief to network segments with many consumers, number of remote reclosers to be installed in each feeder. The
contributing to the reduction of continuity indicators. maximum number of reclosers is defined initially by the
The development was carried out through a project of the reseach simulations, which identify when the cost of deploying an
and development (R&D) programme of national agency of electric additional recloser exceeds the amount of energy not supplied
energy (ANEEL), with Energias de Portugal (EDP) as proponent (ENS) avoided through its installation.

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 2419–2423
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons 2419
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
The third and final stage consists in selecting the best
configuration for the RA-NC allocation to be applied to each
feeder, considering a fixed combination of RA-NO allocation to be
applied to the entire distribution network under evaluation. At this
stage, one seeks to maximise the improvement of a merit index
(MI) that includes, in a weighted way, collective indices of quality
of service.
In the second and third stages, the optimisation technique known
as genetic algorithms (GAs) was used.

2.2 Step 1 – state enumeration – NO recloser allocation

Fig. 1 Example of string considering optimal configurations for the
The first step consists in enumerating configurations for the distribution network under evaluation
installation of RA-NO between the feeders in the distribution
network being evaluated. At first, the planner engineer indicates
the possible positions for installation of RA-NO. NO switches The coding for the proposed solution alternatives was illustrated in
already present in the network are automatically considered as Fig. 1. Two types of positions in the string can be seen. The binary
candidate positions for installing RA-NO. positions at the beginning of the string correspond to the RA-NO.
Each of these configurations corresponds to a distribution network They determine the installation (unit value) or not (null value) of
state. Each state is responsible for a distribution network response to an RA-NO.
the various contingency possibilities that may occur in it. That is, the The integer positions in the string correspond to a specific feeder
possibilities of reconfiguration of the network during contingencies present in the distribution network being evaluated. For each
will depend on the number of RA-NO, due to the different position, there is a possible set of integer values, which
feasible transfer possibilities. Therefore, the distribution network correspond to the configurations for the installation of the reclosers
response for a given contingency will depend on the number of determined through step 2, previously described. Therefore, a
RA-NO considered and their positions (i.e. the state of the string indicates which RA-NO should be installed and which
distribution network). RA-NC configurations should be applied to each feeder.

2.3 Step 2 – configuration enumeration for NC recloser 2.5 Evaluation of solution alternatives
In this section, just to elucidate the reader on how the evaluation of
The second step consists of enumerating configurations for the the listed configurations occur, a brief discussion of the relative
installation of RA-NC. In this step, the optimum position for the aspects of the evaluation of the settings was presented. The
installation of only one RA-NC or the optimum positions for the evaluation of each configuration considers the benefits of its
installation of a set of RA-NC in each feeder of the distribution application and the number of reclosers considered. Generally, the
network being evaluated, is determined. The maximum number of evaluation can be equated by the sum of benefits (benefi) provided
RA-NC to be installed simultaneously is determined a priori for by the application of the corresponding configurations in each
the execution of this step. feeder, normalised by the number of devices (num_devi). Equation
The proposition of candidate positions for the installation of (1) illustrates the evaluation process through its equation in terms
RA-NC is done automatically by the system. Determining the of linear programming
optimal position for installation of only one RA-NC or optimum
positions for the simultaneous installation of a set of RA-NC are n
num devi
different optimisation problems. Therefore, several optimisation bene f i
problems are solved in this step, one for each number of RA-NC
to be allocated (a problem for allocating only one normally-closed subject to: (1)
(NC) recloser, another problem for allocating two NC reclosers, num devi ≤ max num dev
and so on). Each optimisation problem corresponds to the
determination of an alternative for the installation of RA-NC, and bud
max num dev ≤
consequently, an alternative to the configuration of the distribution cost un
where max_num_dev is the maximum number of devices to be
2.4 Step 3 – global optimisation allocated in the concession area being analysed, bud is the value
of the budget, and cost_un is the unit value of each device.
As described, the previous steps list the optimal configurations for In a simplified way, the benefit can be obtained by calculating the
the installation of reclosers in each state of a feeder, to improve quality of service indices for the network configuration under
the performance quality of service indices. It is necessary to analysis. Through the proposal made in this paper, the impact of a
determine which of the configurations determined for each feeder recloser configuration on the collective indicators was considered
should in fact be applied to maximise the improvement in the considering the following indices:
overall indices of the distribution network and respect the amount
of equipment available. At the same time, it should be determined † Cl: Total frequency of interruption per consumer unit.
which states will be applied to each feeder in the distribution † C1H: Total duration of interruption per consumer unit.
network being evaluated, knowing that RA-NO affects two feeders † ENS: ENS due to occurrences of interruptions.
simultaneously. Therefore, the third step of the proposed
methodology describes how the choice of possible configurations
for each feeder can be made using the GA-based technique. In 2.5.1 Total frequency of interruption: If NCi is the number of
GAs, possible solution alternatives to the problem are encoded by clients that had their supply interrupted in the contingency i occurred
a string. Then, initially, several solution alternatives are encoded in during the period of observation, one may calculate the total
the corresponding strings, which initiate the iterative process of frequency of interruption as illustrated in the equation below:
GAs. In the iterative process, they undergo modifications, giving 
rise to more interesting solution alternatives to the problem, in a CI = NCi (2)
manner analogous to the process of natural evolution. i

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 2419–2423
2420 This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Through this approach, it is avoided that the weighting by the total 2.6 Definition of objective function
number of consumers of each feeder distorts the calculated values,
as it happens with the regular system average interruption The objective function proposed through the equations presented in
frequency index equation. this section focuses on improving the quality of service. An MI
allows one to quantify the improvements resulting from the
installation of reclosers. At first, the proposed MI was based on
2.5.2 Total duration of interruption: If Duri is the average
the difference between any evaluation grade for the initial state of
duration of the contingency i, usually measured in hours, and
the electrical network (without installation of the reclosers –
counted from 3 min (minimum duration for an interruption in Gradewithout) and the same grade for the state determined by an
Brazil), one may calculate the total duration of interruption as
alternative allocation (with the installation of the reclosers –
illustrated in the equation below: Gradewith). To allow comparison with impacts on different grades,
  the difference is then normalised by Gradewithout. Equation (6)
CIH = NCi ×Duri (3) illustrates the expected behaviour for the proposed MI

Through this approach, it is avoided that the weighting by the total

Gradewithout − Gradewith Gradewith
number of consumers of each feeder distorts the calculated values, MI = =1− (6)
as it happens with the regular system average interruption duration Gradewithout Gradewithout
index equation.

2.5.3 ENS index: The methodology also considers the ENS Thus, the impact assessment in each index follows the proposed
equation. The ENS can be defined as the sum of the product model for the determination of MI. In this evaluation, the
between the average demand not supplied due to interruptions in variations of the customer interrupted hours (CIH) and customers
power supply Dmed and the respective durations for each load interrupted (CI) and energy not supplied (ENS) indices are verified
block i, Duri , as illustrated by the below equation: to define a factor that can either subsidise or penalise the power
distribution companies. Then, the collective performance
  med  evaluation is synthesised through a single grade, as illustrated by (7)
ENS = Di × Duri (4)

The average demand is obtained by the relation between the monthly Gradewith/without = fCIH × GradeCIH + fCI × GradeCI
consumption of each load point and the average number of hours in a (7)
month, as seen in (5) + fENS × GradeENS

i = i
(5) where fCIH is the weight for the CIH in the evaluation of collective
performance, fCI is the weight for CI in the evaluation of collective
where 1monthly is the average energy consumed by the clients affected performance, and fENS is the weight for ENS in the collective
in interruption i in one typical month. performance evaluation.

Fig. 2 Pilot area

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 2419–2423
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons 2421
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
Fig. 3 Allocation of reclosers considering all

2.7 Technical restrictions (ii) DUTRA substation consists of 16 medium-voltage feeders, two
of which are distress feeders.
The same network can assume different performance conditions due (iii) There are 17 reclosers installed in the feeders serviced by
to the occurrence of contingencies, making it practically unfeasible BONSUCESSO substation, with four reclosers of type normally-
to verify all restrictions in the recloser allocation process. opened (NO).
In addition, considering the constraints may prevent interesting (iv) There are 28 reclosers installed in the feeders serviced by
settings for the recloser allocation from being considered due to DUTRA substation, with eight reclosers of type NO.
the breach of technical limits.
To not interfere in the determination of alternatives that would
produce the greatest reductions in continuity indicators, the Fig. 3 illustrates the results of the simulations in a compiled way.
proposed methodology for the recloser allocation does not It is possible to identify that the allocation of new reclosers
consider the verification of compliance with the technical improves the quality of service performance indexes significantly
restrictions in the definition of the quantity and locations for the (about 30% reduction). It is also notable that the improvement
installation of the devices. The compliance with technical tends to be less intense with the increase of the number of
restrictions is an aspect verified after the allocation, to guide the devices allocated, leading to a ‘saturation’ of the benefit from the
determination of the necessary reinforcement works to enable the recloser allocation (about 20% reduction for the allocation of ten
attendance in contingencies, considering the new possibilities of reclosers, 25% for the allocation of 20 reclosers and 30% for the
configuration existing through the allocation of reclosers. allocation of 30 reclosers) occurrences and minimum range of the
reclosing function. In the case of the reallocation of the 45
reclosers in the pilot area, two simulations were made. One
considering the effect of the absence of reclosers and another
with the reallocation of the 45 reclosers. It is observed that the
3 Results values for the quality of service indicators tend to be better than
the base case, which refers to the current situation of the
The simulations were performed considering occurrences of distribution network, where the effects of the 45 reclosers in the
interruptions referring to the years of 2012, 2013, 2014 and part of original positions are considered.
2015 (until 19 February 2015) together. Another relevant premise
for the studies carried out was the consideration of reclosers
already previously installed or not. That is, the studies can be
divided into: 4 Conclusions
† Brown field: When considering the effects of existing reclosers The methodology and its application in the EDP BANDEIRANTE
and intends to install new reclosers. network was successful, being quite broad, and can be used in
† Green field: When the existing reclosers are disregarded and it is distribution networks with a high number of buses. The
intended to reallocate existing reclosers and even relocate new application gives the utility a considerable gain in its continuity
reclosers. indicators making it quite practical and attractive. The time taken
to allocate many reclosers using this methodology is significantly
Fig. 2 illustrates the pilot area where the proposed methodology lower than the time spent by planners, who base their choices on
was applied. The pilot area for application of the methodology is the selected recloser allocations in their own experiments. The
composed of EDP BANDEIRANTE’s BONSUCESSO and traditional selection, made by the planners, though it represents a
DUTRA substations. For information, it should be noted that: gain in relation to the network that will incorporate these new
reclosers, does not consider all the variables involved in the
(i) BONSUCESSO substation is composed of nine medium continuity indicators, which are used with the application of the
voltage (MV) feeders, one of which is a distress feeder. methodology of the present paper.

CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 2419–2423
2422 This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
5 References 3 Falaghi, H., Haghifam, M.R., Singh, C.: ‘Ant colony optimization-based method for
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CIRED, Open Access Proc. J., 2017, Vol. 2017, Iss. 1, pp. 2419–2423
This is an open access article published by the IET under the Creative Commons 2423
Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/)
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