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Active assisted shoulder flexion with elbows flexed

Client`s aim
To maintain or improve range of motion of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself in supine with your arms cradled in front of you. Hold
onto the elbow of your affected arm with your unaffected hand. Using
your unaffected arm lift your affected arm away from your body and
towards your head.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Active assisted shoulder flexion 90 degrees

Client`s aim
To improve range of motion of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself in supine and hold a walking stick with both of your
hands. Raise both hands over your head so that you feel a stretch in
your shoulder.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Active assisted shoulder flexion in supine

Client`s aim
To maintain or improve range of motion of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself in supine with your arms cradled in front of you. Hold
onto the hand of your affected arm with your unaffected hand. Using
your unaffected arm lift your affected arm away from your body and
towards your head.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Elbow extensor strengthening in supine using free weights

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 1/7
Client`s aim
To strengthen your triceps.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself lying on your back. Start with your shoulder held
vertically and your elbow bent. Finish with your elbow straight.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Shoulder pulleys
Client`s aim
To stretch or maintain range in your shoulder muscles.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself sitting under a pulley system. Raise your arm above
your head using the pulley system and your opposite arm for
assistance until you feel a stretch.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Active assisted shoulder ROM exercises - position 1

Client`s aim
To stretch or maintain range in your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself sitting in a chair with your hands clasped together on
your lap. Raise your hands upwards to rest behind your head. Slide
your hands behind your head as far as you can. Return your hands to
your lap.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Active assisted shoulder ROM exercises - position 2

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 2/7
Client`s aim
To stretch or maintain range in your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself sitting in a chair with your hands clasped together on
your lap. Raise your hands upwards to rest on the top of your head.
Slide your hands behind your head as far as you can. Push your
elbows back as far as you can. Return your hands to your lap.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Active assisted shoulder ROM exercises - position 3

Client`s aim
To stretch or maintain range in your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself sitting in a chair with your hands clasped together on
your lap. Raise your hands upwards to rest on the top of your head.
Slide your hands behind your head as far as you can. Reach
upwards and slightly backwards with both hands. Straighten their
elbows and hold the position for 5 seconds. Return your hands to your

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Isometric shoulder abduction

Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles on the side of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself sideways to the wall. Bend your elbow and place a
pillow between your arm and the wall. Press your arm into the wall.
Ensure that you keep your arm still.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Isometric shoulder adduction

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 3/7
Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing. Bend your elbow and place a pillow
between your arm and side. Squeeze your upper arm into the pillow.
Ensure that you keep your arm still.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Isometric shoulder extension

Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles at the back of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing with your back against a wall and elbow
bent. Place a pillow between your arm and the wall. Press the back of
your arm into the wall. Ensure that you keep your arm still.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Isometric shoulder external rotation

Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself sideways to the wall. Bend your elbow and place a
pillow between your arm and the wall. Press the back of your hand
into the wall. Ensure to keep your elbow tucked in at your side and
your arm still.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Isometric shoulder flexion

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 4/7
Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles at the front of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing facing a wall. Bend your elbow and place a
pillow between your fist and the wall. Press your fist into the pillow.
Ensure that you keep your arm still.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

Walking fingers up the wall

Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles at the front of your shoulder and stretch or
maintain length of the muscles at the back of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing facing the wall. Place the palm of your hand
against the wall and slowly `walk` your fingers up the wall.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Shoulder flexor strengthening in standing using theraband

Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles at the front of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing facing away from the theraband. Adjust the
theraband so that the direction of pull is level with your wrist. Start
with your arm down beside your body. Pull the theraband forward.
Finish with your arm in front of you. Ensure that you keep your elbow

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Shoulder flexor/abductor/rotator strengthening with elbow extended

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 5/7
Client`s aim
To strengthen the muscles of your arm.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing with one end of the theraband attached to
your opposite foot. Start with your arm in front of you across your
body. Pull upwards and finish with your arm above your shoulder.
Ensure that you keep your elbow straight.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Shoulder internal rotator strengthening in standing using theraband

Client`s aim
To strengthen your shoulder muscles.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing side-on to the theraband. Adjust the
theraband so that the direction of pull is aligned with your elbow. Start
with your elbow tucked in. Rotate your hand towards your body.
Finish with your hand across your body. Ensure that you keep your
elbow bent and tucked in beside your body.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Shoulder control with a ball

Client`s aim
To strengthen your shoulder muscles.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself standing facing a wall with your arm raised and a
ball between your hand and the wall. Practice leaning your weight into
the ball while controlling your shoulder position. Ensure to keep your
back and elbow straight.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Shoulder extension with walking stick

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 6/7
Client`s aim
To stretch or maintain the length of the muscles in front of your
shoulder and strengthen the muscles at the back of your shoulder.
Client`s instructions
Position yourself in standing holding onto a stick behind your back
with both hands. Start with the stick against your back. Finish with the
stick pushed away from your body.

Perform __ sets of __ reps.

Do__ sessions per week.

Weight-bearing forearm stretch

Client`s aim
To stretch tight tissue in the forearm and wrist.
Client`s instructions
Lean forward with your hands supported on a wall. Ensure that your
hips remain extended.

Hold for __ seconds.

Repeat __ times.

This booklet was created using software freely available at on 12- Page 7/7

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