Compound Words (LP)

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading Intended for Grade 5

May 09, 2019

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to;
1. define compound words;
2. differentiate closed, open, and hyphenated compound words;
3. cite examples of compound words;
4. identify the meaning of some compound words; and
5. write the words needed to complete compound words.

II. Subject Matter: Forming Compound Words

Reference: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 5, pp. 78-81 by Borjal, W., et al.

III.Instructional Materials
Cartolina, pictures, marker

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity

A. Warm-Up
- Good morning class. - Good morning Sir.
- How are you feeling today? - We are feeling good Sir.
- That’s good to know.
- Now, let us do a warm-up exercise.
(The teacher will give the instruction.) - (The pupils are doing the exercise.)
- Thank you. Please sit down.

B. Review
- Now let us have a recap on our
previous lesson on root words. Who
can tell me what root word is? Yes,
Haniya. - Root word is the base form of a
- Very good. Can you give me examples
of root words? - Sir, safe, time, print…
- Brilliant class.

C. Motivation
- Now, let us have quick activity. I have
here four pictures. What I want you to
do is to name these pictures by writing
your answers on the blank. After
naming the pictures, add the words
beside the pictures to your answers to
- Yes, Sir.
form a word. Did you get me?
- (The pupils are answering.)
- All right. Who would like to answer?
- Okay. Let’s see if you got them all
correct. (The teacher will check the
Words expected to be formed:
rainbow, goldfish, popcorn, sunflower
- Excellent everyone. You are all
- Now, class if you look at each word,
they are all made up of two words
combined together to form a word. For
instance, the word rainbow is made up
of the words – rain and bow, goldfish
is made up of the words – gold and
fish, and so on.
- Do you know what we call these - No, Sir.
words made up of two words
combined as one?
- Then, you have to listen very carefully
for that would be our lesson for today.

D. Lesson Proper
1. Presentation of the Lesson
- So, those words that you wrote earlier
are examples of compound words.
Everybody read the definition. - Compound words are words made
up of two or more words joined
together to form a new word with a
new meaning.
- All right. When we say compound
words, these are words formed by
putting together two or more different
words to form a new word with a new
meaning. It’s like addition. You add
two numbers to get a new number.
- Examples of these are the words –
rainbow, goldfish, popcorn, and - Yes, Teacher.
sunflower. Understand?
- Now, who can give me other examples - (The pupils answer.)
of compound words?
- Wonderful class. Those are examples
of compound words.

2. Discussion
- There are three kinds of compound
words based on how they are written.
The first one is the closed compound - Closed compounds are compound
words. Kindly read the definition. words written as one word.

- That means closed compound words

are written without a space between
the words combined. Examples are
breakfast, moonlight, cornfield,
basketball, and firefly.
- If you can observe, there is no space
between the two different words. Can - (The pupils respond.)
you give me more examples?
- Very good class. The second kind of
compound words is the open - Open compounds are compound
compound words. Please read. words written as two separate
- Okay. These are compound words
separated by a space. Examples of this
are ice cream, tape recorder, fire
truck, high school, and head teacher.
Observe that the words combined are
separated by a space but they have one
meaning. Do you know of any - (The pupils answer.)
- Outstanding class. Those are all
correct. Now, the third kind of
compound words is the hyphenated - Hyphenated are compound words
compound words. Read the definition. which uses hyphens (-) to form a

- All right. These compound words

cannot be written as one, so we use
hyphens (-) to separate them.
Examples of these are one-fourth,
twenty-six, old-fashioned, father-in-
law, and editor-in-chief. Do you know - (The pupils answer.)
of any other examples?
- Very good. Now, do you understand - Yes, Sir.
what compound words are?

E. Enrichment Activity
- Now, let us have an activity. I want
you to put together the following
words to form a compound word.
Write C if the word is a closed
compound, O if the word is an open
compound, and H if the word is
- Yes, Teacher.
hyphenated. Do you follow?
- Let’s start.
1. stair + case =
2. home + made =
3. fifty + two = - (The pupils are doing the activity.)
4. time + machine =
5. sister + in + law =
6. air + conditioner =

- Marvelous class. You got them


F. Evaluation
- Now, for me to know if all of you
really understood our lesson, we are
going to have a quiz.
- Instruction: Supply the compound
word being asked. Choose your
answer from the box.

tape recorder teammate

thunderstorm roller coaster
everything one-half
eggplant sunset

1. What ride has many up and down

2. What do you call someone who
plays in your team?
3. What device can reproduce - (The pupils are having the test.)
4. How do you write ½ in words?
5. What word mean all?
6. What time is the sun found in the
7. What vegetable is colored violet?
8. What do you hear during a storm?

G. Generalization
- What is a compound word?
- What is the compound word written as
- What do you call the compound words - (The pupils respond.)
written as two separate words?
- What do you call the compound words
separated by a hyphen?

V. Assignment
On a ½ crosswise. Give 3 examples for each kind of compound words.

Prepared by:
Amaden L. Mamandi, LPT

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