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mndMDN EHS Agreement (KEY STAKEHOLDERS Project)V1.0

Health Safety
Management Plan



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Health & Safety Plan

Preparation &Authorization

Prepared by:

Print name: EVANS BUAME Date: 01.02.2023

Title: EHS Manager


Authorized by:

Print name : NICK

Title: CEO


The Health and Safety Plan shall be received on a regular basis. Any changes made (excluding
appendices) shall be noted in the Amendment Records (below)


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Table of Contents
I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..6-7
II. Occupational Health Policy………………………………………………………………….8-9

1.0 Scope and Description Project…………………………………………………………………………9

2.0 Management Structure and Responsibilities………………………………………………………10-11

3.0 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation……………………………………………………………...11

3.1 Senior Management Tour………………………………………………………...……...11

3.2 Evaluation System…………………………………….………………………….…...…..12
3.3Reporting of KPI……………………………………………………………………………………12

4.0 Communication………………………………………………………………….……….…12-13
5.0 EHS Training and Competence………………………………………...……………………13-17
6.0 EHS Legislation and other Requirement…………………………….………………………17-18
7.0 Incident Reporting and Investigation…………………………………………………………...18
8.0 Emergency- First Aid Arrangement………………………………………………………...….18-19

9.0 Risk Management…………………………………..…………………………………………………19-20

9.1 Risk Assessment……………………………………………………...…………………....20

9.2 Manual Handling……………………...…………………………………………………...20

10.0 Pre- Safety Control…………………………………………..……………………..…...……20-21

11.0 Personal Protective Equipment…………………………………………………....…………….21
12.0 Driving and Vehicle Safety………………………………………………………………………21
12.1 Vehicle Safety Monitoring Programme……………….……………………………………21

13.0 Controls for High Risk Activities…………………………………………...………………..22-24

13.1 Working at Height…………………………………………………………………………..24
13.2 Working with Electricity……………………………………………..…………………….24
13. Working in confined space …………………………………………………………..……..25


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Table of Contents

Permit to Work…………………………………………………….…...25-27
14.1 Site Security…………………………...……………………………………………… …….....27
14.2 Access Control……………………………………………………………………………..27

15.0 House Keeping & Environment………………………………………..…………………….. …27

16.0 Emergency Contact Information …………………………………………………………….. ... 28


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I. Introduction

This Occupational Safety and Health Management Plan (OSHMP) documents the responsibilities of
ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD in meeting relevant statutory requirements and local and
international health and safety specifications and standards. It defines the OSH objectives for real
estate building operations, and provides a framework for the implementation of the ZONS TOP
CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Policy.

The scope includes measures to meet Client’s Health and Safety requirements for Project delivery:

- Project Health and Safety Plan

- Provision to deliver daily/weekly Plan of Site Activities
- On-site Health and Safety Documentation (On-site activities, Risk Assessment, Toolbox meeting
attendance sheet, PPE inspection checklist, Job Hazard Analysis (JHA),
- Monthly Health and Safety Report
- Vehicle and Driver Management. All drivers on the project shall produce a valid national
driver’s license.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Utilization; All operatives deployed on project site to
perform work at height and electrical activities SHALL use appropriate PPEs.
- Health and Safety Person (Spoc), ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall have Health and
Safety person to help coordinate all safety issues and performances arising from work activities.
This Safety plan has been prepared to provide a comprehensive working document that incorporates
simple instructions related to the implementation of the Construction of 36 housing project,
reflecting responsibilities, standards, and correct working practices for the management of the EHS
risks associated with engineering, procurement and all other activities undertaken by ZONS TOP
CONSTRUCTION GH LTD and sub-contractors on the project.

Management Commitment

The ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Board, Executive and senior management are committed to the
provision of a safe and healthy work environment.

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD recognises that, so far as is practicable, the provision of a safe and
healthy workplace is the responsibility of ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD management.

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD is committed to comply with all tenets under both local and
international health, safety and environmental best practices.


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While ultimate accountability for achieving these objectives lies with the Chief Executive

Officer (CEO), for practical purposes the responsibility for implementation of the ZONS TOP
CONSTRUCTION GH LTD OSH Policy is delegated to appropriate areas and levels of the business in
accordance with ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Corporate Authorisations Policy. ZONS TOP
CONSTRUCTION GH LTD is committed to allocating resources to ensure that its health and safety
obligations are met.

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD will implement its policies, procedures and Health and Safety Plan
to meet local and international requirements:
As a minimum, the following shall be implemented:
 Make proper provision for HSW for all employees, visitors and any sub- contractors working on
 Comply with Applicable Laws relating to HSE
 Comply with all additional and relevant standards and regulations relating to HSE
 A senior person shall be designated with the responsibility for the delivery of health, safety and
 Ensure that ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD personnel have access to appropriate levels of
expert HSE advice;
 Roles, responsibilities and accountabilities with respect to the delivery of health, safety and
wellbeing shall clearly be defined throughout the project team.
 Adequate resources will be provided to address the H&S risks associated with the delivery of the
 The health and safety training needs of its employees, sub-contractors and suppliers will be
assessed and the appropriate level of training delivered to ensure that all persons are trained to
deliver their assigned tasks in a safe and health manner;
 Health, safety and wellbeing performance shall be continually monitored and reviewed through
programmes of inspections, testing and audits;
 We will ensure regular submission of EHS data/report to any relevant stakeholder
 Continually monitor and review HSE performance and compliance for the entire duration of the
project through programmes of inspections, testing and audits.


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II. Occupational Health and safety Policy

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD has in place a comprehensive Health and Safety policy that emphasises on
senior management commitment to comply with EHS.
ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all employees,
customers and business partners as well as managing the impact of our business on the environment.
We are deeply dedicated to preventing the accidental loss of any of our resources, including employees
and physical assets.

We will achieve this by:

 Implementing and maintaining a robust EHS management System which conforms to industry
recognized standards including ISO45001:2018
 Providing and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with industry
standards, Clients and Customer’s Health, Safety and wellbeing requirements and in
compliance with legislative requirements in Ghana.
 Demonstrating strong, visible leadership and behaviors towards EHS where there is collective
ownership throughout the business.
 Ensuring compliance with all applicable legislation, statutory Health and Safety legislations,
codes of practice and other requirements as a minimum standard for performance.
 Incorporating EHS and risk management into our decision making including the planning,
design, construction, fit-out, operation and decommissioning of our activities, facilities plant
and equipment.
 Ensuring that staffs have the adequate and appropriate training (e.g. Work at Height, Electrical
Safety, Driving, First Aid, Health & Safety Awareness Training etc.), information, instruction,
supervision and resources to deliver EHS requirements.
 Providing and maintaining effective channels of communication with our employees, business
partners and suppliers to deliver EHS requirements.
 The Policy shall be communicated to all persons working under the control of ZONS TOP
CONSTRUCTION GH LTD with the intention of making them aware of their individual EHS
responsibilities and obligations.
 Driving continual improvement of EHS management system and Occupational Health and
Safety Management performance by setting and monitoring clear, measurable objectives and
targets that are visible and meaningful to staff, towards achieving ZON’s vision of Zero EHS
incidents and Zero fatalities.


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 The Policy shall be made available to all interested parties and reviewed periodically to ensure
it remain relevant and appropriate to the size, scale and nature of the risks associated with our
 The Policy shall be document, implemented and maintained. And it shall provide the
framework for setting and reviewing ZON’s EHS objectives.
 ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may
result in accidents, or personal injury/work -related illness and property damage, so far as is
reasonably practicable.
 We recognize that the responsibilities for Health, Safety and wellbeing are shared. The Policy
shall therefore define EHS Roles and Responsibilities for Top management to all functional
areas of the organization.

1.0 Scope and Description of Real Estate building Project:

1. Clearing of site for earthwork,

2. All Substructure civil works for 36no. shell & core,
3. Super structure works for 36no. shell & core
4. External works and Swimming pool structures.

Details of key contact persons earmarked for ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION project, as below;

Name Role Contact E-mail


Samuel Asante Project Manager 0249284988

Richard Dadzie Project Engineer 0271826408

Jonas Sabbah Project Administrator 0241463695

Richard Scorm Supervisor 0547697425

Evans Buame EHS Manager 0242239956


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2.0 Management Structure and Responsibilities

Roles and Responsibilities:

Role Responsibilities

 Ultimately responsible for the project Health & Safety and Environment
Project Engineer Management.
 Establish the project Health & Safety Management System and provide proper
resources to ensure safe project performance.
 Implement the engineering delivery Health, Safety and wellbeing Management
regulations on the project
 Ensure that Health & Safety and Environmental Management System is
effectively constructed, implemented, retained and constantly improved.
 Provide EHS support and technical advice to the project team
 Organize, coordinate, and monitor the establishment, implementation, and
Project EHS retaining of the EHS management system, ensure that the project management
Manager complies with the EHS requirements of Zons Top Construction Limited, and
ensure the occupational health and safety of employees.
 Recognize and control the environmental aspects and risk sources in the project
delivery, make emergency response plan, and popularize the EHS knowledge to
employees by training and publicity.
 Establish a comprehensive documentation system for the EHS management and
record and document the management process.
 Perform timely and effective handling on the EHS accidents to minimize the
impacts of the accidents.


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Role Responsibilities

 Follow EHS Legal regulations and be compliant with all Zons Top
Project Manager Construction Limited Health Safety and Wellbeing Requirements
 Be committed to EHS requirements, and provide logistics and support at all
 Ensure a there is EHS Site folder available on all project sites, containing
sign and approved documents; Site specific Risk Assessment, Method
Stated, Site Access, evidence of Training Certificates, Safe Work procedures
 Check if permit to work document has been completed and signed by
Project Manager.
 Ensure completed method statement and approved by Project manager or
EHS manager
 Ensure staffs work with proper PPE according to the Zons Top Construction
Limited PPE requirements.
 Follow up the corrective actions at Project sites.

 Be aware that EHS is everyone's responsibility.

 Attend Induction Training Course prior to starting their field work also
attend and any other training course identified by Zons Top Construction
Ghana Limited
 Strictly follow EHS instructions and directions given by management,
supervisors and safety staff.
 Wear and use proper personal protective equipment, safety tools and
devices, and maintain them in good condition
 Report ALL unsafe conditions or at risk behaviours

3.0 Performance Monitoring and Evaluation

3.1 Senior Management Tour

Whenever possible, representatives of management will perform “Leadership” visits of randomly chosen
sites, offices or warehouses in minimum rate of one site per week. Zons Top Construction Gh Ltd shall
invite consultant to accompany Zons Top Construction team on such visits.


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3.2 HSEvaluation System

EHS team shall tour project sites and assess EHS compliance level and audit Project team EHS work.
Records of monitoring, auditing, inspection, evaluation and reporting shall be maintained and shall be
made available to key stakeholders or any other interested parties on request to ensure that the
required standards are achieved.

3.3 Performance Reporting and KPIs

In order for ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD to monitor health and safety performance, ZONS
TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall provide KEY STAKEHOLDERS with the required report about
certain metrics on a regular basis for both their own operation and the works of their
subcontractors. Target and rates will be agreed by the Parties acting reasonably, and may include,
but will not be limited to, the following:
 Number of H&S incidents rate (No of incidents per 100,000 hours worked);
 Number of serious incidents (No of incidents per 100,000 hours worked);
 Number of lost time incidents per 100,000 hours worked;
 Number of failures and percentage of actions successfully completed;
 Number of site inspections / audits undertaken and percentage of actions successfully
 Number of breaches of on-site H&S controls detected;
 Number of statutory interventions.
The main template to investigate and report an accident/incident or near miss is the ‘EHS Accident, Near
Miss Incident Investigation Form.doc’.

 For major accidents a full investigation and root cause analysis should be made as soon as possible
after the treatment,
 Incidents will be reported to Zons Project manager, EHS manager.
 Near misses will be reported to Project manager and EHS Manager
The incident notification shall be completed and distributed to the EHS Manager within 24 hours of the
incident. All Major accidents and High Potential accidents shall be investigated as soon as possible.


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ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall ensure good co-operation with KEY STAKEHOLDERS in the
investigation of all serious incidents;

4.0 Communication

The ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS Manager has been in contact with the KEY STAKEHOLDERS.
Regular communication through meetings shall be ensured. For every meeting the document keeper
should have to keep the meeting minutes as evidence.
Safety meeting will cover as a minimum:
 Review of H&S inspection reports to help correct safety issues
 Evaluation of the accident investigations conducted since the last meeting to determine if the
cause(s) of the unsafe situation was identified and corrected
 Project requirements guidance – especially for the new requirements since the last meeting.

Schedule of Safety meetings:

SN Topic of Safety Schedule Owner Attendees
Communication Audiences
1 Meetings with customer weekly or Monthly Project Interested
Manager departments
2 H&S status report weekly Project EHS Client(Operator)
Manager Zons Company
3 EHS team meeting weekly EHS Manager EHS Team


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5.0 EHS Training and Competence

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall have and maintain a HSE training regime for all Staff to ensure
personnel are trained to deliver their assigned tasks in a safe manner including: Appropriate training
for all tasks, ensure that High Risk Activities are only completed by trained, competent and qualified
personnel and maintenance of appropriate training records.
ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD safety training shall be executed before project implementation,
ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD project EHS manager shall be facilitators. During project
implementation, Safety briefing and toolbox training shall be performed on site when more hazards
are identified and risk assessment reviewed.

As a minimum ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall ensure that the following are in place
 Training plan
 Training database
Trainees shall be assessed and issued with certificates, copies of which shall be maintained in all Site
Safety Folders.
ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall provide a detailed safety briefing to all of their employees prior
to commencing work on the project to ensure awareness of the relevant legislation, contract
requirements, risks and appropriate controls.
Mechanisms shall be placed to ensure that high risk tasks are only completed by those that are trained
and competent e.g. working at height, electrical work, driving. This must include permit to work systems
where applicable. As a minimum requirement;
 All personnel working at height shall undergo medical examination to ensure personnel are fit to
carry out working at work.
 Drivers shall be provided with driving safety training annually
 Appropriate training records shall be made available for inspection by KEY STAKEHOLDERS at any

EHS Training for Managers, Supervisors and all other employee levels consists of the following identified
by ZONS;

1. EHS Induction Training for New Entrants (ZONS LTD)

2. EHS General Training (ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS Manager&Traınıng Supervisor)

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3. EHS Induction Training for all workers

4. Specific EHS Training as specified in ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Training Matrix, (including
Communicating Effectively and Behavioural Safety Training modules).
5. EHS Training for Specific Hazardous Work
6. Refresher EHS Training Courses
7. Fire, Evacuation and First-Aid Training

EHS training is conducted by the EHS Adviser and dedicated EHS Training Staff or by other persons
assigned by ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS Manager. The language used by instructors shall be
in concernt with the main language of the audience (English and local languages) to meet the
requirements of the trainees.
Training records shall be retained at ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION LTD'S EHS Office throughout the entire
project period and will be made available for review by ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS
management as requested.

 EHS Induction Training for New Entrants

It is mandatory for all managers and employees of ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD to attend ZONS
TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Induction Training prior to starting their fieldwork. Without taking this
training course, they cannot receive Identification ID cards for entry to the Plant sites
The Induction Training includes, but is not limited to the following
(1) General Orientation
- Stresses the importance of EHS and each individual’s responsibility.
- Orientation on the plant layout and the work place, using maps/drawings.
- Outline of the Work Location and Environment
- Working rules (duty hours; overtime work; holidays; transportation; prohibition of smoking,
drugs and alcohol; possession of firearms, etc.).
- Heat Stress.
- Driving Rules and Regulations – Traffic Plan
- Participation in the Tool Box Talks and SAFE Training programs
- Equipment Inspections – Daily – Monthly – Quarterly – Periodical
- Housekeeping.


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- Care and use of Personal Protective Equipment (safety shoes, safety belts, eye-protection,
helmets, gas masks, respirators, etc.).
- Manual Handling
- Fall Protection and Working at Height
- Ladder Safety
- Power Tools
- Hand tools
- Barrication and Signage
- Fire Protection and Prevention
- Electrical Safety
- Permit to Work Procedures
- Confined Space Safety
- Lifting Operations
- Good Safety Practices
- Emergency Procedures
- Additional Training Requirements
- Security

(2) Instruction for Individual Work Categories:

Individual instruction shall be given to workers according to their work categories, as described below:
- Work at elevated locations (prevention of falls), safe working platforms, use of safety
belts/harnesses and helmets, etc.
- Hot work (prevention of fires and accidental burns), gas cutting and welding work, electric-arc
welding, handling acetylene and oxygen cylinders, use of fire extinguishers, etc.
- Operating vehicles and functıonal equipment, safe operating practice, operator’s license,
maintenance and inspection, speed limit, etc.
- Electrical work, safe working practice,and use of insulated personal protective equipment, etc.
- Work in confined spaces, Work Permit System, pre-job inspection/measurement, entry control


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 EHS Training for Managers and Supervisors

In addition to the Induction Training for new entrants, specific EHS training is given to Managers and
Supervisors of ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD and other Contractors by ZONS LTD’s EHS Supervısor
or competent approved persons assigned by the ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS Manager.
- Individual‘s roles and responsibilities for EHS management.
- Enhancement of EHS awareness (emphasize Line Responsibilities).
- Regular safety activities (daily, weekly and monthly).
- EHS Committee and other EHS meetings.
- JSA/SAFE Training/Enforcement of safety rules.
- Safety motivation.
- Safe practices for specific crafts.
- Accident reporting/investigation.
- Effects of unsafe acts, conditions and accidents on productivity.
- Welfare of workers.

 EHS Training for Specific Hazardous Work, the training shall cover when applicable but not
limited to:
- Work in confined areas or narrow spaces.
- Electrical safety (Licensed electrical workers.).
- Work in or near an existing plant (regardless of whether operating or not).

Site Manager, and Engineers, Front Line Supervisors, (General Foremen, Foremen and Gang Leaders)
shall be trained in the principles of JSA and the procedures for its implementation
Front Line Supervisors/Designees shall be trained in the principles and procedures for implementation
of JSA. The front Line Supervisors/Competent Designees responsibility/accountability for hazard
assessment and communication of applicable safety practices during task planning and assignment shall
be stressed.


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Task performers will be trained in the principles and application of JSA. Training will enforce the task
performer’s responsibility for not beginning any task without thorough communications and
understanding of potential or real hazards and safeguards required to eliminate said hazards.

 Refresher EHS Training

Any employees who seriously or repeatedly violate the EHS Requirements and Regulation, and are so
designated by the EHS Supervısor, shall receive Refresher EHS Training Course so as to maintain their
EHS awareness at the highest level possible.
Refresher EHS Training is also given, annually as a minimum for orientation and all other activities as
outlined on the project training matrix and when the results of accident / incident investigation or audit

 Fire Fighting and Prevention, Evacuation and First Aid Training

Fire Fighting and Prevention, First Aid Training, and Evacuation Training are given twice yearly to all
Competent personnel who are designated by the ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS Manager
conduct this training

6.0 Legislation and other requirement

In principle ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall establish and assess the legal and other
requirements relevant to the proposed spring project .ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD will develop
mechanisms to ensure that its suppliers and sub-contractors;
 Establish procedures to identify all the applicable H&S legislations applicable to the project
 Implement, maintain and continually improve on compliance with the law in the course of
executing the project monitor and review compliance regularly.

7.0 Reporting Accidents & incidents

When an EHS incident occurs, the on-site personnel shall report to the site supervisor and project EHS
manager as soon as possible and take the on-site emergency measures.
After receiving the incident notice, the EHS team shall notify the project manager of any
incident/accident within 24 hours.


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The managers of representative office and project team determine the severity level of the incident and
then take the corresponding processing and measures according to the incident level.
Regarding the incident, the higher-level managers should be arranged to track the incident
Processing and report the progress to top management level.
The rapid, professional, and transparent processing should be performed on any EHS incident.

8.0 Emergency- First Aid Arrangement

Requests for assistance from the Emergency Services shall be sought in event of emergency.
The national and ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD emergency numbers embedded as appendix 6
shall be
Providing and maintaining a first-aid box per site. The box must be readily accessible at all times, and
its location known by all site workers. Nothing except first aid contents are to be kept in the first-aid
box or container. It is recommended that the first aid kit contains, but is not limited to, the following
 Contents list including expiry date of each item
 Antiseptic cream or solution, alcoholic swabs, iodine solution
 Triangular, cotton crepe, roller, finger bandages
 Analgesic cream
 Adhesive plasters (various sizes), adhesive plaster tape
 Dressing scissors, tweezers, forceps
 Cotton wool, absorbent gauze, first aid dressings
 Eye wash and eye wash bottle, eye drops
 Safety pins
 Burn kit
Assigning responsibility of each first-aid box to a responsible person (usually First Aider)
Assigning first-aid responsible person and report his telephone number to all site workers.


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9.0 Risk Management

9.1 Risk assessment

Risk Assessment and JSA are mandatory on absolutely each activity.

The identification and analysis of loss potential (Risk Assessment) and the establishment of measures
to prevent accidents/incidents and/or property damage are essential for executing the work properly
and safely. Competent personnel shall systematically analyze all work activities covered by a "Method
of Statement" to identify serious loss potential anticipated during the execution of work.

The work analysis and identification of hazards will be used to support the development of effective
and safe work execution procedures, and include to:

- Examine how the work is to be performed and write down the work steps and procedures.
- Identify potential risks for each work step.
- Analyze and evaluate risks according to severity and probability, and evaluate whether risk
control or risk education measures are required.
- Examine and establish risk control or risk reduction measures (Elimination of hazards or
reduction of risk).
The risk control or reduction measures shall be practicable to execute and require reasonably minimal
cost and effort.

 Work Execution Procedures

The results of the work analysis and risk assessment will be recorded and used to establish "Rısk
Analysis" (RA) incorporating risk control or risk reduction measures.

9.2 Method Statement

Method statements specific to the scope of spring project shall be prepared, reviewed and approved
by ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTDEHS team. Care shall be taken to ensure that all high-risk
activities are addressed in the method statement and ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD site
supervisors and PMs shall communicate measures described in the method statement to all field

11.0 Personal Protective Equipment

The type and nature of PPE to be used shall conform to project PPE standards and will depend on the
outcome of risk assessment on every particular activities and control measures. These shall include but
not limited to the following:


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 Full body harness

 Fall arrest lanyard
 Work positioning lanyards
 Rescue kits
 Hard hats and safety boot
 Gloves/riggers gloves
 Goggles
For ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD staff involved on site to carry out activities the basic set of
personal protection equipment (PPE) can be arranged as follows:

SN Risk description PPE Who is exposed

1 Objects falling Helmet All team members
2 Mechanical risks: hits, cuts, Safety shoes All team members
abrasions, punctures, any gloves
kind of impact
3 Mechanical movement and High visibility All team members
lifting waistcoat
band dress)

PPE assigned to ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD staff will be considered as Company assets. PPE
distribution is regulated by means of a PPE delivery report according to the following template: (Broken
PPE will be replaced with new) For the list of PPE distributed along with the risk assessment refer to the
project PPE requirements file handled by the EHS-Q Manager.

12.0 Driving and Vehicle Safety

ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD has driving safety regulations consistent with National Road Traffic
Regulation. This will be enforced to ensure safety and accident-free operation.
Driver shall be provided with a comprehensive driver’s safety handbooks to guide them.
Drivers shall be assessed whilst doing their work by ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Staff and
feedback shall be submitted to ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD EHS team to implement corrective
and preventive actions on any unsafe behavior reported.

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ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD shall have in place appropriate measures to manage the risks
associated with driving, which would include but is not limited to:
 Selection of appropriate vehicles for the intended use;.
 Compliance with Applicable Laws and industry standards;
 Pre-use inspection of all vehicles;
 Maintenance of appropriate servicing and maintenance records;
 Maintenance of vehicles in line with manufacturer’s recommendations and the maintaining of
appropriate records;
 Implementation of a strict programme to monitor and manage the performance and behavior
of drivers (including but not limited to the use of seats belts by all persons in the vehicle);
 A standard set of driver requirements exist, communicating clear expectations and delivering
proper defensive driving techniques through training;
 Occupational driving is only done by persons with the necessary competencies to perform such
 Appropriate levels of training are delivered to all drivers determined by the risk posed by their
role, and such records are maintained for evidence purposes;
 Drivers are appropriately assessed, licensed, trained, and medically fit to operate vehicles;

12.1 Vehicle safety Monitoring programme

A strict programme to monitor and manage the performance and behaviour of drivers will be
implemented. This programme must include;
 The use of seat belts by both drivers and passengers;
 The control of use of drugs and alcohol in relation to driving;
 The carriage of only the appropriate numbers of passengers;
 The speed and behaviour of drivers;
 Prohibit the use of hand -held mobile phones whilst driving;
 Ensure that all loads and equipment are carried safely;
 Ensure that vehicles are only used for their intended purpose.


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13.0 Controls for High-risk Activities

13.1 Working at Height

Procedure for working at height has been established and shown below

Working at heights or over openings where there is a risk of falling 2 meters (6 feet) or more cannot
proceed unless:

Powered mobile platforms are designed to be failsafe in the event of an electrical or hydraulic failure
A platform is used with guard or hand rails, approved by a trained and authorized person(s) and
Approved fall-arrest equipment is used, that has a secure anchoring point, preferably overhead, and a
full body harness

Fall-arrest equipment will limit free fall to ensure the safety of persons
All equipment are subject to regular inspection and all defective or damaged equipment is
immediately taken out of service

Person(s) are trained and authorized to perform the work

The use of portable ladders is governed by site specific procedure
Identification and Control of Risks of Falling from height

Risk assessments must be conducted for work to be undertaken where there is a risk of falling from
height. Where practicable, the need to work where there is the risk of falling from height shall be


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eliminated by the provision of purpose elevating platforms, access platforms with railings, scaffolding

Fall Protection Systems

Where persons are to work in an area that has no working platform and has been deemed by a risk
assessment to require controls to prevent falls, personnel must wear fall arrest equipment secured to
an appropriate anchorage point.

Fall arrest equipment shall comprise of a full body harness, and an anchor designed to support at least
twice the weight expected to be imposed on it. All harness must be inspected before use for signs of
wear, damage or deterioration.

The harness must fit to the body as tightly but as comfortable as possible so it would not be possible to
slip past the hips or up under the arms.


It is sometimes necessary to use portable ladders when working at heights. Ladders should always be in
good condition without cracks, bends and with good working extension sections. Non conductive fibre
ladders are highly recommended as opposed to wooden ladders. Fibreglass ladders MUST BE used for
all electrical work.Ladders should always be secured at the top to prevent slipping and no more than one
person must stand on a ladder at any time.

Up to date records of all portable ladders must be maintained, logging identification

13.2 Electrical Safety

Procedure for electrical safety has been established and shown below
1.0 Purpose

This document describes the Procedure for working with electricity to ensure compliance national
standard on electrical safety and Legislation and reduce the risk of injury to workers and general public.
This procedure is to be implemented when performing electrical work.


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2.0 Responsibilities

2.1. Top Management Responsibilities

Appoint competent Managers / Supervisors and authorize them to manage the implementation of this
Safe Work Procedure and take all steps necessary to comply with Legislation (i.e. perform a risk analysis,
purchase Personal Protective Equipment, etc. to ensure the safety and health of workers). Ensure that
workers are trained in Safe Work Procedures on working with electricity.

2.2. Operational Managers / Supervisors Responsibilities

Identify risks associated with the work being done by the workers and communicate the risks to the
workers. Operational Managers are responsible to ensure that workers are trained in Safe Work
Procedures. Ensure that Personal Protective Equipment is issued, when required, to ensure the safety
of workers ad visitors. Ensure that workers have the relevant Certifications and Permits as required by
Legislation. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) to workers that use hazardous substances at

2.3. Responsibilities for all workers

Comply with instructions related to Safety, Health and Environment. Report any incidents that had or
could have resulted in injury or damage for investigation and mitigation of risks associated with their

2.4. Safety, Health and Environmental Representative Responsibilities

Inspect work areas assigned and report all hazards and non-compliance to this Safe Work Procedure.

3.0 Electrical Safety Procedure

 Only accredited, trained person to work on electrification of site. Proper PPE to be available for
use when working on electrical machinery / equipment.
 Supervision is required to ensure that all connections are done safely and as per requirements.
 A Work Permit is to be issue by a competent person for all inherently dangerous activities.
 Certificate of Compliance to be issued before the electrical installation is handed over for use,
or if alterations and modifications have been done.
 Access to live equipment is to be controlled
 Use proper insulated tools
 Use suitably qualified & trained workers
 Workers should be properly trained and follow safe work procedures

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 Follow safe work procedures

 Only trained & qualified workers to operate equipment and those they know the scope of their
 Use suitably qualified & trained workers
 All temporary electrical installations are to be inspected by competent persons before use.
 Ensure that all employees are required to report any obvious hazard to life or property in
connection with electrical equipment or lines as soon as possible.
 Ensure that employees are instructed to make preliminary inspections and/or appropriate tests
to determine conditions before starting work on electrical equipment or lines.
 Ensure that portable electrical tools and equipment grounded or of the double insulated type.
 Ensure that exposed wiring and cords with frayed or deteriorated insulation is repaired or
replaced promptly.
 Ensure that flexible cords and cables are free of splices or joints.
 In wet or damp locations, ensure that all electrical tools and equipment are appropriate for the
location or are otherwise protected.
 Ensure that the location of electrical power lines and cables (overhead, underground, under
floor, other side of walls, etc.) is determined before digging, drilling, or similar work is begun.
 Ensure that metal measuring tapes, ropes, hand-lines or similar fabric with metallic thread
woven into the fabric are prohibited where they could come in contact with energized parts of
equipment or circuit conductors.
 Ensure that the use of metal ladders is prohibited where the ladder or the person using the
ladder could come in contact with energized parts of equipment, fixtures, or circuit conductors.
 Ensure that sufficient access and working space is provided and maintained around all electrical
equipment to permit ready and safe operations and maintenance. Typically, this would mean
having one metre of clear space in front of the equipment.
 Ensure that all unused openings (including conduit knockouts) in electrical enclosures and
fittings closed with appropriate covers, plugs, or plates.
 Ensure that electrical enclosures such as switches, receptacles, junction boxes, etc., are
provided with tight-fitting covers or plates.
 Ensure that sufficient accident prevention signs or tags and safety padlocks are provided for any
reasonably foreseeable repair emergency.

5.0. Emergencies

In the event of an emergency, where possible, remove yourself from further danger.

 Contact the emergency services required and contact your Manager / Supervisor as soon as
possible to report the emergency.

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 Notify First Aid personnel to assist with any injuries. The list of Emergency numbers below
should be available for use by the workers in the event of an emergency.

13.3 Working in confined space

Confined space works will be done as per risks assessment.

 Manhole must be opened at least 45 minutes before entry.

 Be mindful of reptiles, rodents and any dangerous animal inside chamber
 Watch out for water inside chamber
 No lone working in confined space
 Report any dangerous suspected hazard to your supervisor for immediate investigation

14.0 Site Security & Access Control

Operatives working on the project will hold a valid Safety Passport which should be issued following
satisfactory completion of the site induction.


All workers who address high risk areas should get a work permit granted by team leader. The pre-task
checklist completion is a mandatory requirement prior to work permits being granted.
SN Job / Task description License needed Employee License in Training
place requirements if
(Y/N) necessary and
1 Work at Height Work at Height Partners Employee Internal
employee- authorization,
Certificate Record on
Rigger schedule bi-

 For designated sites the Permit to Work System is a designed safe system of work which
addresses high risk areas of work and introduces management controls to ensure compliance
with local site requirements/ legislation and management practices.
 A Permit to Work is a certificate which requires completion by an authorizing manager (ZONS
TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Regional Site Manager). It is a formal, administratively controlled


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safe system of work, containing the authority to work where there is potentially a high risk of

 Included within the Permit to Work is authority to undertake the work and a brief method
statement of the work to be done, the identified hazards, the precautions to be taken, the
duration of the permit, the names of the operatives authorized to carry out the work.

If it is necessary to subsequently alter in any way the work and or conditions covered by the original
permit then the approval of the authorizing manager must be obtained and the original permit to work
cancelled. A new permit to work must be completed, signed and issued by the authorizing manager
before work can recommence.

14.2 Site security

Measures for this project will consider / ensure:

 Daily control of the working site will be undertaken by the team leader/ site supervisor.
 All project sites will be classed as working areas and as such will be restricted to necessary
operatives only.
 Every effort is be made to secure each work area, taking into account the local risks and hazards
and any environmental considerations.
 Where appropriate, a specific safe area should be designated for materials and equipment
storage to prevent incidents and general access to non-project personnel.
 Recording and reporting all unsafe working practices and or accidents
 All suspected breaches, damage, loss or theft must be reported to the Project Manager/ Project
EHS Manager.
The site supervisor is responsible for preserving safe working conditions on the site including but not
limited to ensuring:
 That all plant, equipment and vehicles are secured and /or immobilized when not in use and
before leaving the site.
 Utilities & services are not used without prior permission of the landlord, tenant, Project
Manager / Project EHS Manager.


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 Provision and use of all suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the
applicable method statements and that it is used by the staff undertaking the work
 Ensure that all vehicles brought onto site are in a safe and serviceable condition and suitable for
 Ensure all drivers of vehicles or plant are trained, tested and competent on the class of vehicle /
plant being used.
 Ensure that suitable and adequate precautions are taken to prevent contact with overhead
services or obstructions.

15.0 Housekeeping & Environment

 All materials shall be stacked safely and with clear access.

 Scrap, rubbish, debris and other wastes generated in the course of project delivery shall be
frequently and regularly disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner in accordance
with the local legislation
 Access to ladders, permanent or temporary exits, fire appliances, etc. must be kept clear at all
 Equipment/material shall be properly stacked


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Site Visit Plan

SN Site Safety Audits Target to be Schedule Auditor

1 Will be done by sampling 50% of the Weekly Planned ZONS TOP
deployed LTD EHS Team
Line managers
Site supervisor
2 Will be done by sampling One visit per Monthly Planned Senior managers


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National and ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD Emergency Contact Information

Site Emergency Notice

In the event of an emergency STOP WORK, SHUT DOWN all plant and equipment.

All operatives are to proceed IMMEDIATELY using the


Site Name and Proposed Apartments Lartebiokorshie.


Location of Office-on desk, reception

Site-Mobile phone
For Emergency Use

Emergency Assembly Office-In front of ZONS TOP CONSTRUCTION GH LTD office

Point Site-Designate as appropriate

Any Emergency Bell


Systems? (Bell/ Horn



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Location of Fire Office-Walls on each floor

In front of site office

Emergency Telephone Numbers


Tel. No:193 Tel. No: 0302774011


Tel.No:191 Tel. No: 0302611611


Tel. No:192 Tel. No: 0200550192


Tel. No:192 Tel. No:

Location of First Aid Office-On wall of site office

Site-in project vehicles

Name of First Aider

Felix Kwao

Name of Nominated Solomon Ampofo - 0547206414

Responsible Person in

an Emergency

Notify Senior Manger Samuel Asante - 0249284988


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