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Student: Luis Gil

Teacher: David Carranza

First Draft:
Second Draft:
Writing 1: Procrastination

To procrastinate made me loss a lot of time. I’m someone

who have been procrastinating for a long time, playing
videogames, watching anime, series, movies; To do
anything except what I should been doing. Procrastination
used to be my day to day, after all, the homework or classes
weren’t very difficult to do at the last minute or to make a
review 5 minutes before any exam, used to be enough to
me. Maybe looks like if be you are able to procrastinate
make the thing more easy, to not study, do anything you
want, and it’s true. To procrastinate of certainly way make
the things easier for who is able to do that, but have a bad
effect on all, and it’s that it makes you lazy and when you
really need to do something, you won’t be able to do that.
The bad habit of let the things until the end, won’t allow
you to prepare yourself for something, distract you easily
when you want to study, as in my case .Nowadays,
procrastination it’s something that I have to forget, I want to
postulate to San Marcos university and for that I have to
study every day and learn as much as I can, so I had to
avoid my desire to procrastinate and to get it, receiving help
from my family and friends was so useful, to organize my
life, to avoid distractions, etc. In general, to procrastinate
was a big problem for me, but no more.

Writing 2: Study Habits

About study habits, for how I grew up, I’m not someone
who can give a lot of recommendations about that, I didn’t
need to do that for a long time, but that same reason, I can
give one recommendation that it’s very important for a
young people, practice study habits from a young age, it
will help you a great deal of times. Nowadays, some months
ago, I began my preparation for postulated to San Marcos
university, and for do that I had to start with a number of
study habits, one schedule it’s something amazing for that,
it keeps me in order, I have classes now, after a little break,
eat now, advance at least few homework, and all in order.
Another, good study habit that it’s working with me is left
videogames uninstalling all my videogames and disconnect
me of all social networks, I can use them yes, but only a
few, those are my main trouble, I can open one app and ruin
my day, I can be many hours playing or watching social
networks, so I decided to configurated my devices for only
can use those apps a fewer minutes at day, some 10 minutes
and others a few more like 15 minutes.

-Target Grammar-


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